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Empty Promises and Broken Dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:53 am
by Megami†
((Continued from "Under the Summer Rain".))

It wasn't that far of a walk from the botanical gardens to the school, but Gregg Archer was still absolutely exhausted from the journey.  His comatose companion didn't exactly weigh very much, but coupled with sleep deprivation, malnutrition, and the general exhaustion that had taken its toll on his body for nearly a week now, it was all Gregg could do to go on as the large school building came into view.  His breathing was shakey and waivering as he forced himself up the small hill that stood between him and the football field near the school building.

"Almost... there..." he whispered to no one in particular, "Just hang on... be... alright.  Just get you... you... patched up and then... f-figure... something."

He wheezed lightly and decided that perhaps he should conserve his energy and not talk to Ali.  It wasn't like she could hear him anyway.  It really was a shame, he had a lot on his mind... mostly about her, and what she'd managed to do back in school that could've possibly persuaded another girl to fire three shots off at her like it was nothing.  Moreso, the last words she uttered before she'd lost consciousness had ran through Gregg's head over and over again, and he couldn't help but ponder them to himself.

The bloodloss must've made her delusional or something.  No other way to explain that.  She was muttering some pretty crazy stuff... me?  Perfect?  I can't imagine...

Finally, he reached the side door of the school building.  Carefully maneuvering to still be able to hold Ali up, he forced the door of the building open and stepped into the eerily silent hallway.  There wasn't a soul in sight.  In fact, there was nothing in sight sans a few blood spatters here and there from past victims.  It didn't really surprise him anymore.  That's all he'd seen for the past week.  If he'd counted correctly, something like seventy people had died.  Of course there was bound to be blood, gore, and bodies everywhere.

It still didn't take away the sheer horror of it all.

Gregg trudged down the hallway, attempting to be silent in case one of the many predators that the students here had fallen victim to happened to still be around.  He wasn't looking to add his name to the list of the dead anytime soon, that was for sure.  Still, no matter how quiet Gregg tried to be, it seemed like his footsteps sent thundering echoes down the sprawling hallways of the school building.  That fact alone bothered him.  Finally, something of interest came into view.

"Nurse's Office"

Gregg nodded to himself.  It wasn't much, but it would do.  Sarcastically, he asked himself whether or not a school nurse would have any sort of remedy for a gunshot wound.  It took another bit of skillful maneuvering to jiggle the doorhandle open and balance Ali in the process, but he finally managed to do it.  He entered the room slowly, scanning for any possible danger within.  Finding none, he lay his friend down on the cot that lay in the back portion of the room.  Immediately returning to the front area, he swore to himself.  The door didn't lock.  Fantastic.  Absolutely fantastic.  He scanned the area rapidly for something to barricade the door with.  Eventually, he settled on a steel folding chair that sat propped in the corner.  It'd do for the moment.

"Alright, Gregg... what now?"

Re: Empty Promises and Broken Dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:53 am
by baby_g†
((Continued from Little Known Facts...))

Beth hadn't stopped running from the mall, rifle in her bag slung over her shoulder. She was covered in the girls blood, the girl she had killed because she was too stupid. Her legs carried her as fast as she could go. Beth didn't want to run into anymore poeple on this island. She'd be quite content to wait and just go home. She'd never be able to get the image of that girls' last look out of her head. It was burned into her memory, and she knew it was going to haunt her till her last breath.

She made it to the building, and as she swung open the doors she was greeted by more blood splattered all over the wall. There was a body that looked somewhat like it had been hacked apart, and next to it was the body of the person who had probably done it.

Her tears during this time still hadn't stopped coming. She was to the point where it was mere weeping and she couldn't control herself as her body was shaking out of control.

"H.. Hello?! Hello is anyone there.. please... pl.. please.. I.. I dont want this.. help.. meeeee!"

Re: Empty Promises and Broken Dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:54 am
by Megami†
The yelling from the hallway woke Gregg up, and he jumped slightly.  Somehow, in the silence and darkness of the nurse's office, he'd managed to fall asleep.  He swore inwardly.  Thankfully, nobody had taken a notion to coming into the nurse's office while Gregg had been asleep.  One look over his shoulder confirmed that Ali was still on the cot he'd lain her down on, sleeping soundly.  At least, that was what he wanted to believe.

His attention went back to the yelling that was coming outside.  Was someone in the hallway?  Were they being followed... hurt... killed?  Gregg shuddered at the thought.  It wouldn't surprise him much, in all honesty.  It wasn't like hunting down and killing someone was anything new on this island.  In a way, it was just part of the game.

He reached for the electroshock baton that had fallen to the floor when he'd fallen asleep.  Better safe than sorry, after all.  Slowly, he peered out the glass window of the nurse's office and into the dark hallway.  He could barely make out the figure just down the hallway, but he could hear the weeping sound she made and her trembling was obvious even from Gregg's vantage point.

What he couldn't see was the blood that covered her.

Against his better judgment, Gregg slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.  His eyes fixated on the girl in the hallway.  She seemed to be transfixed on the gorey bodies lying in the floor.  Gregg couldn't help but feel sorry for her.  Still, he was wary of approaching her.  From his position just outside of the still open nurse's office door, he called out to her in a low tone of voice.

"Hello? ... Are you okay?"

Re: Empty Promises and Broken Dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:54 am
by baby_g†
Beth was so relieved when someone answered her plees that she began to run towards them. As she did so, she tripped over a leg of one of the bodies which was on the ground, rendering her on all fours. Slowly she curled herself into a little ball and wept into her knees. After a couple seconds, which felt like an eternity to her, Beth managed to squeak out five small words.

" I want to go home!"

Re: Empty Promises and Broken Dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:54 am
by Megami†
The girl seemed almost ecstatic to see somebody else.  Then again, running into somebody out here who wasn't either decomposing or wielding and ready to use a lethal object was a rare occassion indeed.  So rare, in fact, that Gregg was still having a somewhat difficult time trying to absorb this girl.  He wondered briefly whether or not this was just an act.  Perhaps it was just a ploy intended to pull Gregg out of the nurse's office and into his doom.

Then again, this girl didn't really seem like the evil succubus type.

In her excitement at seeing a friendly face, she took off running down the hallway toward him.  She didn't make it, though.  Instead, she tripped over one of the rotting carcasses laying on the ground and fell to her knees in tears.  For a few moments, there was a chilling silence between the two.  Finally, the girl managed to squeak out a short sentence, but it took Gregg a few moments to comprehend her words.


He tried not to think about home.  It only made him sad.  A week ago, he didn't have a care in the world.  A week ago, his biggest worry was whether or not he remembered to put a postage stamp on that college resumé he just sent off.  A week ago... it seemed like an eternity ago.  It seemed like an entirely different life.  The word "home" barely even registered to him anymore.

He could only offer her a weak smile for the moment.  He didn't have anything else to give her.  He had no promises of ever seeing home again.  He had no big escape plan that was going to get him, Ali, and this new girl out of this game.  He didn't have anything to give her.  Nothing... except hope.  Hope, and faith that somehow, by some miracle of God, they would make it out of here alive.  That was all Gregg could offer.

"Me too..." Gregg muttered in a low whisper, "But that's looking rather... unlikely, now."

He sighed audibly.

"We... my friend and I... we aren't playing.  We're just trying to stay away from the people who are... for now.  You can stay here... if you want."

Maybe it was a bad idea to be inviting this girl -- who was covered in the blood of some unknown victim, nonetheless -- to stay with them.  Still, Gregg had always considered himself a good judge of character.  Even after all the things the blonde girl had said about Ali, his views of his friend hadn't changed.  Something was telling him that maybe this girl was just like them... just scared.  Nobody deserved to be alone in a game like this.  If she couldn't be with someone she cared about in what might be her final days on the island, then maybe Gregg could help her out by at least providing her with some company.

Re: Empty Promises and Broken Dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:54 am
by baby_g†
"C..Ca..Can you hel..p me?"

Beth tried to stand up, but her legs were just not feeling it. The site of the body next to her made her inners want to become her outters so to say. In class, she had learned about mental, physical and nervous breakdowns... though she'd never come across someone who's had one, let alone go through one herself. She didn't feel scared anymore, seeing as the boy in the room was offering her safety, yet, her tears were uncontrollable causing her to sputter her words and sniffle like there was no tomorrow. In Beth's case, there might as well not be.

Re: Empty Promises and Broken Dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:54 am
by Megami†
The poor girl looked a wreck.  Gregg couldn't help but pity her.  It was apparent that she wanted to take him up on his offer of safety, but it was like her body didn't have any will to move at all.  Reluctantly, he removed himself from the nurse's office doorway and inched down the hall toward the girl.  Something didn't quite feel right about leaving the safety of the office, even though it wasn't all that safe to begin with.  Or maybe that was just paranoia starting to overtake him.

Still, helping the girl out made Gregg feel a bit better about himself.  It seemed like ever since he had first woken up on this island, he was helpless to do anything.  He finally found his friend, only long enough to see her for a few moments and watch as she got shot.  Inwardly, he was still kicking himself for that one.  He should've been there to protect her.  He should've been there for her.  He was right there, and he just let it happen.

Now, he didn't even know if she'd ever wake up.

He approached Beth and kneeled down beside her.  He'd always heard that people seem less intimidating when they're at eye-level with you.  It's supposed to put you more at ease, or something like that.  The more he looked at her, the more he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"My name's Gregg," he stated quietly, "Gregg Archer.  My friend in the office there, her name's Ali.  She's hurt really bad.  I'm trying to take care of her... you know, keep her safe.  You can stay with us."

He extended a hand out to the girl lying on the floor.  Just about that time, incessently loud music burst alive from the PA system, causing Gregg to jump visibly.  The music was followed by an even worse sound... the sound of Mr. Danya's voice.

"Ugh," Gregg uttered, "... Bastard."

It wasn't in Gregg's nature to hate people, but he was really starting to hate Danya for putting all of them through this.  It shouldn't be this way.  He shouldn't be fighting to keep Ali from dying, just last week they were swimming at her house.  This poor girl in front of him shouldn't be covered in blood -- he didn't know if it was her own or someone else's.  She shouldn't be traumatized by the corpse laying in front of her.  Nobody should have to witness anything like that.  Not ever.

"It'll be alright," he tried to reassure the girl once again.

Re: Empty Promises and Broken Dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:54 am
by baby_g†
Beth wanted to follow him to the room where it was safe, she wanted to believe it'd be okay for them, and maybe, just maybe she'd make it through this. Just as she was about to let herself calm down, and take deep breaths, a loud explosion went off somewhere down the hall. She screamed, dropping everything to the floor.

"It's not safe here!"

Turning around as fast as she could, making sure to steer clear of the body she had just tripped over, Beth dashed for the door not even looking back to take one last look at the boy who tried to help her. She was all alone again, this time with nothing to protect her.

She ran, and didn't stop.

((continued elsewhere...))

Re: Empty Promises and Broken Dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:54 am
by Megami†
It'll be alright...

No sooner than the words slipped from between Gregg's lips, everything seemed to go disastrously wrong.  The whole building began trembling to the very core, and a loud rumbling seemed to rush down the hallway from somewhere deep within the confines of the school basement.  Gregg didn't make the association that it was, in fact, the school furnace.  His eyes opened wide in terror just as the girl he was attempting to help let out a shrill scream.

No... what's going on?  This can't be happening!  Everything was supposed to be okay!

Gregg found himself panicking.  The girl he was trying to help took off in a mad sprint down the hallway, but Gregg... Gregg headed back toward the nurse's office.  He didn't know what was going on, but he couldn't just leave Ali behind.  The athlete sprinted the short distance down the hallway and all but swung around the doorframe, only to come across quite the surprise.

Time goes slowly now in my life
Fear no more of what I'm not sure
Searching for your soul
The strength to stand alone
the power of not knowing and letting go

"... Gregg?"

She was still groggy, but much to his surprise, Ali was sitting up, staring dumbfoundedly at her friend.

"What's... going on?"

"Ali..." Gregg sputtered quietly before regaining his composure, "We've got to get out of here, now."

"What's happening?" she inquired again.

"I don't know," Gregg responded, "But it isn't good.  Come on, we have to go."

Gregg grabbed ahold of his friend's wrist in an attempt to get her out of her seated position.  She stood up, only to fall to the ground in a daze.  Ali Grayston genuinely didn't know what was going on.  Her ears were ringing, her head was spinning, she felt like she'd been asleep for days but hadn't gotten any rest at all.  In the midst of it, the entire building seemed to be shaking around them.  All she could manage to do was sit in the floor in shock.

I guess I've found my way it's simple when its right
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight
And happy just be me and be alive.

"Gregg... go," she managed finally, "Just go.  Leave me here."

"No way," he shot back, "I dragged you here all the way from the gardens.  I'm not gonna leave you behind now."

"But..." she protested.

"Ali..." Gregg stated firmly, planting himself in the floor beside her, "If you can't go, I'm not going either.  This whole time on the island, my one goal has been to find you.  I know it sounds crazy... I don't know why, but I feel like... like I should protect you.  I know... I know it sounds insane, but..."

Love, in and out, of my heart,
And though life can be strange I can't be afraid
Searching for your soul, the strength to stand alone,
The power of not knowing and letting go

The whole building felt like it was about to collapse from within.  Gregg continued on in a rant about how he felt like he had to protect her, and in those moments Ali Grayston realized something.  They weren't going to make it out of this place alive.  Her eyes fixated on Gregg for a moment.  He had been her best friend for so, so long, and she'd always wanted something more.  A girl like her, you wouldn't think she'd be afraid of anything, but deep down, Ali was scared of rejection, just like any other girl.

"Shhh..." she chimed finally, stopping Gregg from his stammering rant.

Her lips pressed against her best friend's for just a moment, and it was almost like a release for Ali.  She didn't have to say or do anything else.  It was as if, with one simple action, years of pent up feelings and emotions from years ago were finally released.  Tears began to flood down the brunette's cheeks, but she wouldn't break the kiss.  Neither, however, would her counterpart, who seemed taken in by the whole ordeal as well.  As fate would have it, they wouldn't have to.  In the next instant, Ali, Gregg, and the entirety of the room they occupied would be incinerated by the explosion in the boiler room.  One final thought passed through Gregg Archer's mind as he opened his own tearfilled eyes and looked at his best friend.

I guess I've found my way it's simple when it's right
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight
And happy just to be me and be alive

I think I finally understand now...


I guess I've found my way it's simple when its right
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight and
Happy just to be me and to be alive.