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Who can say what the day will bring?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:25 am
by Mitsuko2†
((Mariavel continued from: Why Good Girls Don't Win))

The school came into view. Jaime Dibenidetti, AKA Girl 50, was glad for that. Her feet were starting to hurt from all that walking. She really hoped that Anna was already there. They had decided to meet at the school before they were put to sleep. They had watched the first SOTF, so they assumed that there would be a school. She really needed to see her. She was scared.

"Anna... where are you?"

Sadly for Jaime, someone was there, but it sure wasn't Anna. It was in fact G25, Mariavel Varella. She'd only been there for a few minutes, but she had already set up a sort of camp. She slowly let her mind drift off to a few hours ago, when they all first woke up.

Mariavel's eyes slowly opened. Her head was pounding. She looked around and saw that her classmates were sprawled out on the floor. She shakily stood from her position on the ground and took a look around. Her teachers weren't there. Then he came in. Their new principal. He looked different than he normally did. Other students began to rise and she didn't have time to look for her friends as a video began to play. She'd... seen this somewhere before... Oh god... She began to visibly shake. She heard others quietly sobbing. They were going to die. All of them. They were all dead.

Mariavel was broken out of her thoughts by a noise in the distance. She looked around to pinpoint its direction. She began to reach for the tomahawk that was secured in the back of her pants. Her breath caught in her thought. Was it a confrontation? Was it one of her targets? She was ready to fight if it came to that. Yeah... she'd fight. She stood and backed up from the noise slightly. She gripped the shaft tighter as the sounds grew increasingly louder.

Jaime though was ecstatic. She had seen someone down there. Maybe it was Anna! She couldn't really tell from her location so she began to sprint down through the wooded area and across the football field. She wasn't prepared though, to see the familiar face.

"You... you're the one from the trial." Jaime began to visibly tense. This girl was at her father's trial. His murder trial...

"Hello again," Mariavel said nonchalantly. "Leave me alone. Okay? I'm not looking for trouble." She released her hold of the weapon and walked back to her sitting area.

Jaime was a bit taken aback. So this girl wasn't playing? Perhaps they could join up!

"Miss... do you think we could join up?" She asked politely, still not too sure about the girl.

Mariavel began to laugh. Was this girl serious? You don't just trust people in this game!

"Listen girl. Get out of here. Now. Unless of course you want to end up like your father." She smiled at the girl's reaction. "Quite the bastard that one. He wanted to save the money her owed us for your schooling. HAHA! What bullshit. He went down like a ton of bricks!"

That was all Jaime could take. She found his killer. This girl was dead. She lowered her head and charged right into Mariavel's gut. On the way down, Mariavel had drawn her tomahawk, and when they hit the ground, she slammed the blunt end into Jaime's Head.

Jaime rolled off, cradling her bleeding head. Mariavel giggled at the sight and stood.

"You just couldn't listen, could you? I gave you a chance Hun. Now you die." She spat at the poor girl.

She kicked Jaime in the stomach twice, forcing her to let go of her head. Mariavel then stomped on the girl's wrist, relishing in the sickening crack. Jaime screamed out and pulled away her broken left hand, attempting unsuccessfully to crawl away. Mariavel chuckled at the girl's futile attempt at survival and kicked her in the face, breaking a few of her teeth.

Jaime sobbed, the foreign taste of her own blood flowing into her mouth. She was going to die. No law school, no husband, no kids, nothing. She was just going to be another dead body on this godforsaken island. Sorry Anna, Looks like I'm not getting out of this one.

Mariavel swung the tomahawk in an arc, aiming for the girl's head. The blade hit its mark, splitting her eye socket and eyeball in two. The girl's last remaining thoughts before she died were, Sorry, Anna...

Mariavel smiled at her accomplishment. She noticed that her shoe was a bit bloody, but that was okay. She'd clean it later. She attempted to pull the axe from the corpse's head, but found it to be stuck in her head. She pulled with all her might, but still found it trapped. She pressed the sole of her shoe against the girl's face and pushed. The blade finally came loose and she merely pulled it the rest of the way out. She leaned over and wiped the sticky red and white goop onto the girl's sweatshirt. She smiled as she looked upon the corpse.

"If you had listened, you might still be alive, Hun." She shrugged and sighed. She found a weapon in the girl's pocket as well. It looked like some sort of knife. It looked like it was from Japan too. Cool.

Mariavel made her way over to the girl's bag and plucked it off the ground. She then sauntered over to her own bag and picked that up too. She pulled out her map and a bottle of water and took a quick sip. She mused over the map for a bit, wondering where to look for the sisterhood. She decided that the ranch was as good a place as any and began her trek over. She didn't even bother to look at the prone body that was starting to accumulate fly's.


((Continued in I Flow Wherever the Wind Takes Me))