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This place isn't all it's quacked up to be.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:15 am
by CondorTalon
((Corey Esposito continued from The Best Part Of Waking Up.))

Corey sat at the edge of the pond, looking out into the water.

His legs were tired. Maybe running away with hopeless abandon wasn't the best idea after all. Especially considering he'd left the group behind, and he was now alone.


He wanted to go back. But how? He wasn't keeping track of where he was even going. The greatest part was he probably wasn't even that far from them. But still, all that running took a lot out of him.

The fact that Alex was dead... that was another big hit. He still couldn't believe it. Part of him wanted to believe that Danya had lied. That he was playing around with it. That part of him was being drowned out by the logical and pessimistic side of him. Pessimistic? He couldn't even remember how long he felt that.

"Death is always in the future. You'll never experience death because at that moment you die. You are always alive."

He remembered saying that, day one.

It felt different when it was someone else.

Re: This place isn't all it's quacked up to be.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:15 am
by CondorTalon
He sighed, and continued to stare down into the water.

What was he doing? Running around, letting his friends die one by one? Is that how it was going to go?

Corey sighed again, before standing up. He needed to do something. Anything. He needed to take his mind off of this situation.

No, what he needed was closure. He needed to know why.

Why Alex was dead.

With that in mind, he set off again.

((Corey Esposito continued in Whereabouts Unknown.))