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Ya Gotta Make That Play

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:50 am
by Un-Persona†
((Rutherford "R.J" Roger Jr.: B032 -V5- Continued From Don't Know How To Have Fun))

--- Day 2 ---

R.J. wouldn't be able to explain it, but this exercise room felt safe, deciding to take a break from walking for the moment. Maybe because it seemed like the walls muffled the noise. Not like it mattered much, as the announcements that had come on earlier let fear fulfill him. He had already certified that there was nowhere to be safe since he left the house he woke up in, but now the idea of there being nobody to be safe from was creeping in, and it slowly progressed when he remembered the familiar names.


A baseball teammate committed suicide, people he had gone to church with had murdered. This was all kinds of shit. He grabbed the instruction manual of his MAT-49, which he had neglected reading until this point. Read it's history, read about it's mechanics, read it's basics. It didn't make a lot of sense, but it was a WW2 gun that shot bullets really really fast, so hey. Although he already guessed that part, having it in print made R.J. put some confidence in his weapon.

"Good for scares at least..."

He ate some food, which was effectively just half a bottle of water and another of those ration bars. He read the instruction manual a bit more, but was getting antsy staying in this exercise room. Perhaps there was something else to kill his time. With a final fold and a clack of metal. R.J. ventured off to explore this building some more. He saw some classrooms, and it was made obvious that this place was a school. The dead body also made it obvious that this was gonna be a shit evening.

Burying it would take too much time, and there wasn't much that would fix anyway. Dead was dead, 6 feet under or not. But, he didn't want to keep looking at this scene and maybe he could leave the body in a much less...distorted state. He could do that much at least. Taking a few deep breaths and debating whether this was a good thing or not, he dragged the body by the collar of the shirt and led it to the nearest classroom on the first floor. Saying some very awkward ashes-to-ashes words for Francis' corpse, he walked up the stairs and went inside the nearest classroom.

Flustered, he sat down in a chair and pulled on his hair and scalp. There was a dead classmate in the room below him. He needed to ignore that for now. It wasn't healthy to keep that on the mind. He checked the desks and drawers and everything else to find something to preoccupy him. Post-it notes and semi-dry highlighters. That was something. He took 3 post-it notes and the orange highlighter and decided to doodle.

He sneezed. He thought about the corpse. He began flipping the flip-book over and over and over, trying to force all the frustration out of his thoughts. No dice. He crumpled the flip-book away in a huff and kicked the chair next to him far, frustrated at everything. He grasped his hair again and was on the verge of making himself bald, banging his head against the table. R.J. sneezed again and looked down at the floor. He saw the gun and stared at it. He zipped the bag all the way closed.

"Not tonight."

Re: Ya Gotta Make That Play

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:50 am
by Espi
((Theodore Fletcher's story continues from Calamity))

Of all the fucking luck.

Theodore had staggered into the high school with the simple intention of finding a place to rest. He doubted people would be in the school, right? They'd probably be bunching up in town or...something. Theo wasn't sure what he was thinking, to be honest. He probably wasn't concussed, but he was struggling with the aching sensation in his body and the pain in his head.

Fucking Xavier.

Well, in all honesty, it was probably Theo's fault that he got the shit kicked out of him, but Theo was too busy being pissed off to care. Still, it was pretty much Theo's fault.

Theo shook his head, wished he hadn't, and entered the school. The first thing he found was a corpse, lying at the bottom with...obvious damage. Theo winced at the odor, and continued upstairs, edging past the body. He heard a noise, and whipped his head towards a classroom.

Wincing again from the sharp pain, Theo stepped slowly into the doorway. RJ Rogers Jr. was in the room, zipping up a bag. "Hey, uh, hi." Theo muttered. Speaking more loudly, Theo said, "Listen, just...stay calm and don't do anything stupid, and we'll both be fine."

Theo hoped he didn't regret staying. He could probably run, but if he had the chance to get some supplies from this guy, willingly or otherwise, what was the risk? At this point, Theo's gut was sore for a number of reasons, one of which being "I haven't eaten all day feed me".

Re: Ya Gotta Make That Play

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:50 am
by Un-Persona†
Another guy came in like he owned the place. As a threat. Wasn't really looking at the top of his game however, all beat up and timid. R.J. could at least remember some faces from the school if he tried, but he was completely blanking on this kid's name. Whatever, he was probably trying to put up a show. One that was not very entertaining to R.J.

R.J. didn't much care for Uh-hi's at this point either. They weren't Um-hi's, but they were damn close. He stood up with his palms on the table.

"From the looks of it, you already tried being a tough guy and got the shit you smell like kicked out of you."

R.J. stared at the scrawny kid again and his fucked up being. Weak, tired, blood on him. He rubbed his forehead and sat back down.

"Just...shut up. I don't know why you thought it would be okay to order me around like that, but it ain't happening."

That may have been a bit much, but if Gangles didn't care, why should R.J.? Besides, he wasn't the most frightening of company either.

Now he was out of words to say to this kid. So he just stared at him, the red from his face going back to pale white and his ears cooling down. He wrapped his middle and index finger around his hair and sneezed again.

Re: Ya Gotta Make That Play

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:50 am
by Espi
((GMing of RJ approved by his handler Un-Persona))

Theo stared for a second, feeling sudden fury and pain welling up from within. "Wow, man, real mature. When did anything I said become a command? I made a suggestion and..." Theo paused. A funny, crazy idea struck him. "That was pretty stupid."

Theo lunged, recklessly dashing forward to slam shoulder-first into RJ's chest. The two spilled backwards from the chair, and Theo found himself laying on top of the other boy, head swimming from the rush and pain. Theo rolled off and grabbed for RJ's bag, but suddenly he felt an upward force from below, and was sent rolling across the linoleum floor.

He regretted his decision suddenly; he needed food, sure, but couldn't he have just asked? He'd fucked up, to be sure. He'd made a stupid, crazy decision and it was about to cost him.

He sat up, and scrabbled to his knees, panting for breath.

Re: Ya Gotta Make That Play

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:50 am
by Un-Persona†
"Well fuckin shit."

Maybe R.J. could have handled that better, be a little bit less of an angry ass. Maybe, he of all people, should know it probably isn't a good idea to underestimate the skinny kid. It could have saved himself from some pain.

As he felt his chest pang with pain and a hint of regret and hit the floor, R.J.'s body made a thud. He also could hear a cracking noise and metal snapping. The fluorescent lights and a bang on the head made a combination that wouldn't let R.J. see very clearly.

Feeling Gangles' body pressure leave him, R.J. could barely make out a shape going for another one. Out of instinct, he bum rushed the moving shape and stood up to compose himself, now barely seeing the scrawny kid on his knees. No time to feel bad now.

With a lot of force and anger, R.J shot his foot into the kid's face. He clutched his chest and felt a sharp pain. He grabbed for the glasses hung around his shirt and had his fingers stuck by some broken glass. He could feel the faintest amount of shards and blood in his chest. He shot a look back to the kid again. He'd be respectful and take him seriously now. He was ready for anything.

Re: Ya Gotta Make That Play

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:50 am
by Espi

Theo felt something hard and forceful strike him in the face and he was knocked back and dazed by the blow. He lay on his back for a moment, unable to focus his eyes from the pain and dizziness.

Theo tried to breath, but at this point his vision was fading. He'd gotten the everloving shit beaten out of him, and his body was not would not and could not take any more.

Theo stopped trying to move; he simply lay still, eyes closed, resting.

Re: Ya Gotta Make That Play

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:50 am
by Un-Persona†


The kid wasn't getting up. R.J. could see Gangles' eyes closing. He did want him to hurt a little, but shit. Gangles could at least be awake for it. R.J. tilted his head from side to side, never taking his eyes off of Gangles, and made sure he wasn't gonna rise up like Jason Vorhees. He could still feel the blood dripping from the glass shards trickling down his chest.


He threw his glasses away across the room and let his watchful eye become an angry glare. Still, R.J. did feel sorry for the scrawny bastard. He grabbed his bag and opened it, then searched around for something to leave for him. He then stowed away the post it notes and the highlighters he found. Setting down the half empty water bottle and a few crackers on the table, R.J. threw his duffel bag over his shoulder and left the class with a bad thrifty feeling.

"Hope he don't eat much."

At a steady pace and a handful of his chest, R.J. hurried down the stairs and out of the building and into the night. Whether it was forwards or backwards, it didn't matter anymore. R.J. was a little assured he could handle himself, if only for a while longer. With that down, it only made sense to think about how to handle others. Whether they ended up like Gangles or not, well...

((Rutherford "R.J." Roger Jr.: B032 -V5- Continued In OX/3))

Re: Ya Gotta Make That Play

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:50 am
by Espi
Theo fell asleep there, lying flat on his back and beaten to absolute hell and back. Luckily for him, the wounds were mostly superficial; bruises and such, nothing really broken or fatal. It'd hurt like absolute hell for a while, but he'd recover given time. Time he may not have had, but time.

Theo slept for a few hours, until very early morning, at which point he slowly awoke. It was still before dawn, though there was just a touch of light peeking through the windows. Theo sat up, and rubbed his eyes. He was feeling slightly less pained, as the bruises had already begun to heal, his body stitching itself up during sleep.

Theo looked around, finding basically nothing had changed. The other boy had left, so as usual he was alone. Theo was feeling nauseated from the morning breath taste in his mouth, his body was sore, and he hadn't eaten.

Theo then saw the crackers and water on the table.

He ate them and they were fucking delicious.

Theo decided to get moving again; he needed a strategy, and staying in one place too long was going to get him found more likely than constantly moving. Not to mention Danger Zones could spell the end for him.

Theo left, leaving behind the empty food containers. Worthless junk. He needed another weapon.

((Theodore Fletcher's story continues in Memory))