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Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:43 am
by CondorTalon
"Huh? what do you mean you can't come?" Yukiko asked, talking into the cell phone.

"Sorry, Yukiko. I... well, I guess I didn't see those stairs coming," Miriam said, chuckling slightly, although it sounded rather pitiful.

"Oh... aww, but we were going to have the best time ever... right?" Yukiko replied. She was rather disappointed that her best friend wasn't coming to the trip. "Well... I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, Chase will be there too right?"

"Yeah. I'll be sure to keep a close eye on him so that he doesn't have too much fun with another girl," Yukiko said, teasingly. A mischievous smile appeared on her lips.

"Y-Yukiko! Th-th-that's... Don't d-do that!" Miriam replied in a panicked tone. Yukiko laughed.

"Joking! Joking."


"Well, we'll see you when we get back. We'll tell you about it."

"Lucky..." was the last thing Miriam said before hanging up.

Yukiko wasn't feeling so lucky now.

G024 - Yukiko Sakurai: START

Yukiko was sitting on the edge of the indoor pool, legs dangling over the side, her head in her hands. She had been sobbing for the past few minutes, and the tears had finally stopped flowing. She slowly lifted her head, and looked around. She'd already found her bag and weapon, lying against the wall of the building.

Well, they were nice enough to leave me in the pool...

She laughed. It was a quiet, dry laugh, with a voice that sounded like it had not been used in a long time.

She slumped, putting her head in her hands again.

A quiet sob escaped her lips.

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:43 am
by Riki
[David Zimmer: Start]

When David woke up, the sun blended him. He was quite confused. The entire situation was confusing. Danya...Survival of the Fittest... all of this. It was surreal. He carried his duffle bag with him, but he did look into it shortly, finding a sabre. However, he closed it again. It was an ugly thought. Thinking that he is supposed to murder with that sword.

He went inside, exploring the hotel and eventually, he found a person he recognized. Yukiko Sakurai. He knew that she was a serious japanophile, but also an avid swimmer. Just like David. Probably the reason he liked her, so it make him sad to see her.


He put his reached out to put his hand on her shoulder.

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:43 am
by CondorTalon

She froze when she heard the voice, which seemed to be coming from right behind her.

She flinched and let out a small squeak when she felt the hand on her shoulder.

"No... please don't kill me, please don't kill me..." she whimpered.

If she had been in a slightly more stable state of mind, she would have recognized the voice. But she wasn't.

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:44 am
by Riki
David was taken aback at Yukiko's reaction and quickly took his hand back. Diverse scenarions were flying around in his mind, each detailing how the girl in front of him could have been traumatized already. Most prominent was the one that really happened, the brutal death of one of his teachers. David shuddered when the scene played before his inner eye again. He pushed the memory aside, and positioned himself next to Yukiko, lowered himself, and tried to look into her eyes.

"It's me, David! A friend! I won't kill you."

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:44 am
by CondorTalon
Yukiko stopped with her whimpering long enough to hear the next few words.

"D-David?" she whispered, before lifting her head up, revealing her wet, stained face.

It was David. She... she could trust him, right? David was her friend. They weren't exactly the best of friends but they were friendly enough with each other. More importantly, though, she knew David would never hurt her, or anyone for that matter.

The entirety of the last few hours came flooding back to her, and the tears started welling up again.

Before she even realized what she was doing, she had wrapped David in a tight hug, crying into his shoulder.

"Oh god, David, I'm so scared..." she managed between sobs.

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:44 am
by Riki
He tried to comfort the sobbing girl in his arms. He petted the back of her head as his t-shirt got wet. He didn't say anything.

David himself was a bit troubled now. The entire situation was confusing from the beginning on, and it just got even worse. He wondered what he was supposed to do. As brutal as it was, there were only three options he could choose from. Die, kill or escape. Yet he remembered how the terrorists said that an escape would be pointless, how they upgraded their security. Then again, they probably thought that before the heroic rescue four years ago.

He switched his focus back to the sobbing Yukiko. She was first priority, seeing in which mental state she was. If David was honest, he would say that he was scared aswell, but he could manage it. And Yukiko needed someone strong.

"Don't worry, I'm here. I'll keep you safe."

He wanted to add that things will turn out good again, but he wasn't sure if that was a lie.

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:44 am
by CondorTalon
Yukiko continued to cry into David's shoulder, losing herself in the comfort of the presence. In any other situation, this would be something that Yukiko wouldn't be caught dead doing. As it was right now, though, Yukiko needed to get all of our emotions out.

Eventually, the tears stopped, and she was able to pull away from David.

"Sorry. Sorry you had too see that, David."

She sniffled, running an arm across her eyes to wipe away the tears.

"I... I think I'm better now," she continued, pulling her legs from the edge and crawling over to her bag. She avoided looking at the weapon she'd been given, and instead rummaging through the pack, pulling out a water bottle. She uncapped it, and took a few small gulps, leaving about three-quarters left.

Capping the bottle, she put it back in her bag before looking back at David.

"What are we going to do now?"

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:44 am
by Riki
"No, it's okay."

Yukiko apologized for crying, but David didn't see anything bad about that. Really, in such a situation, tears are more than appropriate. David kept an eye on Yukiko as she drank some of her water. He was not too sure what to answer to her question. His first impulse was to propose the classical "finding friends" approach. However, he was not all to sure if Yukiko was ready to face other people yet. People that may already have changed.

In the end, he decided for the former. David just had to be careful about Yukiko's mental state.

"Maybe we could find some of our friends?"

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:44 am
by CondorTalon
David proposed the idea of finding some of their friends. Yukiko considered it. Truly, she did want to find them. And she believed that none of them could possibly take part in this game. That wasn't the problem. What was a problem was the fact that she didn't know where to find them, and aimlessly wandering around the island looking for them, wasn't the best strategy, in her eyes. However, when she considered it again she decided that it was better than staying here.

"Yeah... yeah, that sounds good."

She stood up, shouldering her bag. She looked over to the weed whacker, lying against the side of the wall. She hesitated, before picking it up by the shaft.

"I think we should get going, soon."

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:44 am
by Riki
Dom, this is for you~Recommended listening

The problem with finding friends was the orientation part. Nether David or Yukiko knew where their friends were, so they had no choice but to wander around and find them by chance and hearsay. But that was not that bad. In fact, didn't people say the journey was the goal? Something along those lines. One could say that they were like balloons that a little child let go, and now these balloons were floating around aimlessy... Expect that David and Yukiko had an aim, so this allegory did not really work.

"Right. Anyone specific you want to see?"

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:44 am
by CondorTalon
David had asked if there was anyone in particular she was looking for. It didn't take her long to come up with the answer.

"Chase. Chase Rodriguez. More than anyone else, I need to see if he's safe," she said, and then quietly added, "for Miriam..."

She looked back to David.

"Let's go," she finished, before turning to the doors and pushing them open.

She turned.

"David... thank you."

((Yukiko Sakurai continued in One Big Joke.))

Re: Sink And/Or Swim

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:44 am
by Riki
"Yeah, let's go."

Chase Rodriguez. David had a face in mind, but he didn't knew much about that person. Yet that was irrelevant. He was a close friend of Yukiko, therefore he was a friend of David. Then, when they found him, they... well, that was open.

He quickly followed her.

[David Zimmer, continued in One Big Joke]