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Area Description: The Shipping Yard

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:49 am
by SOTF_Help
Area: The Shipping Yard
Description: The shipping yard is a maze of colorful containers that has remained largely unchanged since the island was abandoned, aside from accumulating more rust. When the island was populated, it served as a hangout spot for groups of the local teens, especially when they didn't want to be caught partaking in less socially acceptable activities. Once more, it'll see its share of teens, though this time they'll most likely be looking for shelter from the bloodshed rather than the law.
Status: OPEN
Assigned Staff: Ruggahissy
Loading Dock and Office
Storage Yard
The Docks
If you have any questions about or concerns regarding this area or any actions taking place therein, please contact the assigned staffer by PMing them. This staffer is in charge of keeping the sub-area description sheets up to date and accurate.