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Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:51 am
by Slam
Gabriella Parker had lost track of how long she'd been staring out over the overlook. Since seeing that crazy bitch Naomi try to skewer one of her classmates, even if it was someone as sleazy as Travis, she'd lost track of a lot of things: how she'd wound up where she was; where she was going to go next; what was going to happen to her. There wasn't a lot she could think of anymore without the rising bile of dread building in her heart.

She had caught her breath by then, but a lingering migraine continued to threaten her from the back of her head. She held one of her bottles of water between her fingers, dangling it over the side as she kept on staring out at nothing. There was a fresh wind in her face, but that was all the place could offer.

This was it. This was how Gabriella Parker was going to die. Not after a lifetime as a superstar, or after recording a dozen platinum albums, but as a statistic in some grand terrorist plot. She probably wouldn't even get to die with dignity, just get shot in the face and then go out like that. No final goodbyes, no saving by the army in the final minutes, nothing. She doubted that she'd even get to see Cho before her one final curtain call.

She was getting really close to crying. There was no-one nearby, and she could do it all without a shred of concern over her own appearance, but she just couldn't bring herself to letting the tears go. It just felt too much like giving up. She'd never quit at anything in her life, and even at the end of it she didn't want to start. As hopeless as the situation was, as much as she knew that she was going to die, she couldn't bring herself to quit. She couldn't believe in hope, but she couldn't quit either.

So, she just kept staring in silence, waiting for her inevitable fate to come and take her whilst she kept her desperate screams for salvation locked in her trembling mind.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:51 am
by Espi
[[Theodore Fletcher's story continues from What a Rush]]

Holy shit, he'd run a long distance.

Theodore had gone through the woods for probably a 45 minutes or more, some period of time. He'd run farther, maybe more than 3 miles, but not over rough terrain like this, and definitely not carrying stuff this heavy. He was pretty tired now, but he could handle it. After a little bit, he realized that he'd come out of the woods and arrived in some kind of outlook or something.

And there was a girl nearby. Gabby, who Theo knew almost nothing about.

That would work. Theo might be able to reduce his competition a bit. He was convincing himself, of his rightness, that killing people was the only way. He needed to win, and anything he did that let him do so would help him. He had to live now, he thought; he wanted to live, he didn't want to die, the thought scared him.

Theo's heart was in his gut as the gun came up, in his hand, and he aimed it at Gabby. "Don't move."

This had to work.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:51 am
by Slam
Gabby turned around at the sound of Theodore's voice, in spite of his exact words. Without warning, or any chance to prepare herself, she suddenly found herself staring down the barrel of a gun.

She trembled. Even though just moments ago she had been envisioning this exact situation, where someone shot her and that was that, she would never in her life have anticipated it actually happening. Her bottle of water fell out of her limp hand to the ground, as she stared down at Theodore with eyes stretched wide by fear.

This was real. Before, it had only seemed real because that's what she had been telling herself, but now that she was experiencing a gun in her face, held by some pasty faced guy who looked like he was ready to snap, anything she would've told herself became irrelevant. She was being threatened with a lethal weapon, and her next move became more critical than anything.

"Drop the gun." She finally said, the only thing that came to her mind. She wasn't going to let it unfold like this: it was her life, and she'd stay in control of it. Even with a gun in her face, she'd stay in control of her own life, never give up, and get out of this alive. All she had to do was stay in control.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:51 am
by Espi
Theo clenched his teeth.

Gabby wasn't backing down. That freaked him out. He wished in a way, she'd attacked him, so he it without feeling bad. But now, he was faced with a dilemma; kill this girl now, murder her in cold blood without giving her a chance to defend herself, or walk away and pretend this never happened.

But if he'd killed a man already, there was no going back. He was on the announcements, he wouldn't get rescued, he was screwed regardless. He had no choice. This was it. He was going to shoot this girl, win this game, and when he got home he'd...he'd apologize to everyone, and become an activist and do whatever it took to redeem himself. That'd work, right?

But for now, he needed to keep alive, and he needed to win. That was the priority. And getting two kills on day one, or more? That'd mark him as a threat. People would fear him, and he'd have extra supplies, and everything would be fine. He only needed three kills; two on day one to set himself up at the top, and to...get rid of the second person left so he was the winner.

And now he needed to kill Gabby. He didn't know her, it wasn't important if she died, at least not to him. Just pull the trigger and run.

Any second now.

He didn't move from position. He felt his scarf blow against his face in the wind.


Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:51 am
by Slam
No. That was his only response. All she got. A simple declaration of the fact that, yes, he was definitely going to murder her, and unless she acted quickly, or someone came along to save her, she was going to die. Gabby didn't like putting her faith in other people, so her life was in her own hands.

She wished she knew his name, so that she could talk to him easier, but she didn't. She didn't even know anything about him. This guy was a perfect stranger: not a part of her crowd, and she wasn't a part of his. If this had never happened, they would've never even met each other, and that would be that. It was as good as getting murdered out in an alley in the middle of the night by some bastard who just wanted to make a few dollars. It wasn't her fault, she hadn't provoked it, but there was nothing she could do that would have prevented it.

If she was going to die, and she had no intention of doing so, then it wasn't happening like this. Not because of some nameless nobody who freaked out and had a gun. Not because it was just how it happened.

"Look." She said, strength returning to her voice as the will to live overcame the fear. "Don't do this. You don't need to, and it won't help you." Her eyes had narrowed again, even if she was still shaking, and she stared down at Theodore with her own authority. "I don't have a weapon," she continued, memories of Naomi's impaling of Travis for stealing her hedge trimmers flashing across her mind, "and I wouldn't hurt you anyway. Just put the gun down, and it'll be okay."

Despite the trained confidence in her voice, barely a quiver in her words, her heart kept choking in her chest. Just one wrong word, and it would be over. Just one nervous twitch of his trigger finger, and it'd be over. Just one slip up, and she would be over.

She would never go out like that.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:51 am
by Espi
Theo was scared.

That's what he was, scared.

What would Nancy think, and his parents? What about Alice, Megan, his other friends, what would they think if they saw him killing people? He was really going to shoot someone? This was absurd. There was no way he could do this! Was there? No! He couldn't kill an innocent girl. But he had to, right?

Theo's concentration slipped, just a bit, as he heard her words. She was making a lot of sense, more sense probably than Theo was. But Theo had a plan now; he'd killed Hansel, he'd kill Gabby, and he'd kill whoever made it to the end with him. Then he'd go home, do therapy, explain himself maybe, donate to the families of his...victims? Yeah, and then he'd go to college, get a job as a doctor, volunteer on the side, marry hopefully, and redeem himself.

That was, assuming he could handle the destruction of the life of an innocent girl, who as far as he knew had done nothing but been victimized by a system of horrible people. And he was playing right into their hands right? But hadn't he already done so, shooting Hansel? God, it seemed so long ago, but it was probably only an hour or so.

He gazed at Gabby. "I'm sorry. Do you have anything you need to, like, say or something? Like, last words?" That was a good start, right? Let her speak, be good about it. Fair play was the name of the game, right?

Theo wasn't sure if he felt sick or just scared.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:51 am
by Slam
It wasn't working; he was getting closer and closer to pulling that trigger, and that would be her end. As her death loomed ever closer, beads of sweat began to trickle down Gabriella's forehead.

She was running out of ideas. He wasn't going to back down just because it made sense to; he was set on killing her. The only thing that would stop him is if she came up with something that would change the situation, make it so that her death won't just be over with and be something that he would regret. Gabriella Parker was not someone you could just kill and then walk away from, and she was going to make that clear if it was the last thing she ever did.

"I have two little brothers." She said. "You kill me, and you're killing their big sister." She didn't know if it would be enough; everyone in school had to have family of some sort, so she was hardly unique. But it was still something that changed the context: she had ties on the earth, and people would be traumatised by her death. Plenty of people would be, but people always liked little kids. She didn't want her brothers to know that she died, anyway: they were pains, but they were her little brothers and there was no reason why should they have to live through her death. There was no reason her parents should have to try to explain to them what had happened, try to understand themselves what had happened.

It didn't feel like enough, but it was all she could offer. Killing her would be the worst thing that Theodore could ever hope to do, but her little brothers were the only things she could think of with a gun pointed in her face and a gunman who looked ready to open fire.

"Just put down the gun already." She repeated. It was so hot out there, the cool breeze long replaced with an unbearable inferno of panic. "Put it down, and we'll forget this ever happened."

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:51 am
by Espi
Well then.

Gabby was bringing up her family, which caused immediate pangs in his chest. He was murdering a daughter, a sister, a friend, maybe a girlfriend. Theo was taking away a loved one from many people. Didn't that make him a bad guy? The kind of guy who people rooted against, hated on, thought deserved to die himself? Did he deserve to live just because he was killing other people?

No. Too late to back out now. He needed to win this, now that he'd killed a boy already. It was too late to give up.

"I...I have a family too, and a little sister." He said, quietly. He gazed down for a moment before returning his gaze to Gabby. "Nancy doesn't deserve to watch her big brother die, and..." his voice strengthened. "and she doesn't deserve to see her big brother die, either. And at least I'm trying to live, and fighting, instead of just sitting around waiting to die."

He meant it, now.

He leveled the gun at Gabby. "I'm sorry." He said, choking up a bit. He was going to do it. He had to, no other way out. He was trapped in his choices by now, and if he didn't kill Gabby, he'd already killed Hansel. One more kill would only make him a stronger threat, someone people would fear, which would keep him safe. Yes, he was right here. "But I need to live, and you're just..." Theo sniffed, blinked. "You're in my way."

He didn't know what else to say at this point.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:52 am
by Slam
"Stop it, just put the gun down."

She was losing her cool, faster than Theo was losing his. He wasn't listening to reason, he was being a hypocrite, and his own reasoning was terrible. She couldn't get him to stop just by talking, at least not in either of their current states of mind. She was out of options; he was going to shoot her, and she'd die.

Everything that would happen afterwards, she couldn't stop. Her parents would see their daughter die, Cho would find out that she was dead, her little brothers would have to live with her death growing up, the world would be denied her musical genius, and most important, she'd die!

Her mind searched desperately for an angle she could exploit, anything that he had already said that she could take advantage of. Playing logic wasn't working, playing for sympathy wasn't working, and she couldn't sound any more forceful than she already was. There wasn't anything she could do, and she was going to die!

"Just put the gun down!"

Those screams for help that had been locked in her mind to retain control, to appear as in charge of her life as she'd always wanted to be, had finally broken through.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:52 am
by Espi
Gabby screamed words. Theo grimaced.

Could he do it? Yes.

Should he do it?

Would he do it? Yes.

Was it good to do it?

Was it right to do it?

Was it logical to do it?

Would he regret it if he did it?

If he did it, did it put him just one step closer to leaving this hellhole alive?


Theodore Fletcher leveled the gun on Gabby Parker, and he aimed as best he could with his inexperience with deadly weaponry, and he said simply, "sorry" and he squeezed the trigger as hard as he possibly could.

A shot rang out.

Theo flinched.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:52 am
by Slam
Blood. She could feel it pouring out onto her shirt, staining her once fashionable tunic top a filthy red. She reached up to press down on the wound, to stop the blood from flowing, but all she could do was palm at it feebly and stain her hand red too.

She had been shot right in the chest. Her ears were still ringing, and Theo was still standing there, holding the gun, but she couldn't see any of that anymore. All she knew was that her chest felt like it was on fire, her heart was beating a thousand miles a minute, and she couldn't catch her breath anymore even if she tried.

She had collapsed onto the railing, barely supporting herself with a single trembling arm, as her blood dripped onto the ground below her. Her body wouldn't stop shaking, and her chest felt like it was about to collapse in on itself, falling straight in on the bullet that was lodged in her ribcage. Any fear that she had felt as a victim of Survival of the Fittest couldn't even compare to the hell she felt right there and then.

"Why?" Gabby finally said, lifting her head to look straight at Theo with her rapidly dwindling strength. Her legs refused to buckle, even as her body suffocated under the pooling blood in her chest, and she kept staring straight at him. She had to focus on it, otherwise she couldn't see him anymore. "Why do this?"

Tears were running from her eyes, and her hair tangled around her face as it became harder and harder to stand up. It was only a matter of time before she fell over, never to get up again, but she couldn't even think that far ahead anymore. All she could think of was the murderer stood in front of her: the one who had killed her, her dreams, and made everyone she loved suffer for it.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:52 am
by Espi
She wasn't dead, she didn't die she was still alive.

Theo watched her, frozen in terror as this girl stood despite the wound. It wasn't fatal, she wasn't dead, she was still alive. Theo couldn't let Gabby escape now, he wouldn't be a threat then, he would be ineffective. Nobody would fear him, he'd be harmless. He'd come so far now, he couldn't let her get away.

Theo pulled the trigger again.




He shot her again and again and again, firing until she lay still until the casings were everywhere until the gun made only a clicking sound when he pulled the trigger because the magazine was empty and as Theo watched Gabby die in front of him and he screamed as she fell because he had nothing left now he'd murdered someone in cold blood it was no accident he was a killer a murderer a sick monster and nothing was left but victory or death.

Win the SOTF Act or die trying.

That was all he had now.

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:52 am
by Slam
Even with the ringing still fresh in her ears, she heard the gun shots. As blurred as her vision was getting, she saw the gun go off. As numb as her body was becoming, she felt every bullet shred into her form.

She kept screaming as the gunshots tore through her flesh in a cascade of blood and gore. The fire in her chest spread throughout her body, incinerating her with pain as skin, muscle and bone gave way under the hail of gunfire. The bullets forced her back, almost over the railing and plummeting to the ground below. That would've been too easy though; instead she found herself forced to slump down, forced to endure the process of bleeding rather than the quick death gravity could've given her.

Reduced to nothing more than a bleeding body against a wall, she went limp. She couldn't raise her head anymore, not even to look at her murderer. She couldn't move any part of her, no matter how hard she tried, and her thoughts were becoming muter by the second. The light began to fade from her vision, as her fingers twitched with futility, as if they could grip on to some last shred of hope. She couldn't even breathe.

As the weight of her own death bore down on her mind, the last part of her conscious clawed desperately at the walls, screeching madly for a plan, or something that could save her, or for someone to finally help her so she didn't have to go out like this, so pointlessly. All it wanted was just one last shred of control.

It struggled relentlessly, but it was all for naught. Try as she might to save herself from a death she did nothing to deserve, Gabriella Parker bled out, and died.

G028: Gabriella "Gabby" Parker – Deceased
150 Students Remaining

Re: Leave My Body

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:52 am
by Espi
Theo tried to breathe. He'd murdered a girl. This wasn't Hansel, who'd wanted to kill him most likely. Gabby was an innocent, she'd never wronged him, never betrayed or threatened him. She didn't deserve this. Nobody did.

Theo was wrong.

He shouldn't have killed her, should've just waited and seen what would happen to him instead of becoming a player. He was a player now; a player, that was the word. He played, he killed people, he was playing to win and survive and go home a psychotic killing machine. Theodore Fletcher fell to his knees and took a number of deep, rasping gulps of air as he tried to not cry.

But it was too late to back out now.

So after crying it out, letting go and sobbing, he stood, somberly. He walked to Gabby's bag where it lay, and knelt beside it. He went through it, pulling out the medicine kit, two nutrition bars and three bottles of water. He then zipped it shut and stood up again.

He needed to leave Gabby now.

Theo gazed out at the beautiful, gorgeous stunning view. He hoped Gabby had gotten a chance to see it before she died. He took off his hat. It was a silly hat to be sure, a little flamboyant and over-the-top, but it'd been the first one he'd grabbed when he'd left to take the trip. He didn't know why.

Theo spun it like a Frisbee off the cliff, and watched it fall. He looked down at Gabby's red-stained mess of a corpse, as blood dribbled from her wounds down the cracks of the platform.

Then he walked off.

((Theodore Fletcher's story continues in I'll Face Myself))