Jerry is not a time lord, I promise.

Oneshot, morning of day 5

The most memorable features of the bar is the homemade sign hanging from it and a collage of pictures of the staff on the wall behind the bar. The rest of the bar looks like a normal working bar although the seats are much better than would be expected, there are a couple of television sets on opposite sides as well. Many of the chairs seem to have specific cushions or be identifying marks on them. Behind the bar is a door that leads to the storeroom. In it are barrels and crates full of many different drinks. The storeroom itself isn't very big but the large amount and piles of objects mean it could potentially be a good hiding spot.
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MK Kilmarnock
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Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:28 am
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Jerry is not a time lord, I promise.


Post by MK Kilmarnock »


((Jerry Fury, continued from What if I told you...)))

Trav was likely in hot pursuit. No time to turn back. Why couldn't his assigned weapon have been like, a bag of jacks or some marbles or bananas or, shit, anything that you could throw behind you to slow somebody down? Instead he got a knife and while normally that seemed like a jackpot, it seemed woefully useless when one considered that the moment he slowed to try and pull it from his pocket, Trav would be upon him.

Now, Jerry knew he wasn't the greatest thinker, but he knew Trav was gonna go for that arm. The dude knew he was armed. He had to know. Now, he wasn't positive how much force it would take for a big angry MMA bear like THAT guy to snap Jerry's arm back until his elbow developed a new joint.

But he knew how much force Trav was gonna use. Better keep running.

"Uuuuuuuaaagh! Hack... hack... SOMEBODY HELP!"

Jerry ran right by the pub. Like hell he was trapping himself in some dead-end joint with a dead girl right outside.

((Jerry Fury continued in Hemo... hemochro... just click the link.))
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