Disneyland with the Death Penalty

The old wooden roller coaster stands exceptionally tall and has held up well over the years, aside from a little chipping paint and gutted controls. The track is remarkably sturdy despite its old age and appears traversable, although there are several loop-de-loops and twists in it. It could make for a decent lookout point, if nothing else.
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Disneyland with the Death Penalty


Post by randomness »

(G23 Stephanie Wright -Start)

It was ridiculously warm. Stephanie woke up, realising that once again, she had fallen asleep with her jacket on. Even so, the air felt far more humid than usual and she could only feel hard, unforgiving ground against her back.

She faintly remembered the bus trip, the one they were taking to Disneyland, but the green blur that greeted her eyes only served to confirm that wherever this was, it wasn't Anaheim.

Stephanie sat up, shrugging off her headache and sore back to look about. Her bag lay on the ground, flap wide open, leaving its contents splayed across the floor. Apart from her things though, was a second bag, unfamiliar, carefully marked with something she couldn't quite make out. A shovel stood next to that bag, blade impaled deep in the dirt.

She walked over to the mess, still somewhat groggy , examining the second bag. The marking was simple, G23, somehow familiar to her. Had she seen it somewhere before? There was something like this wasn't there? On some show a few years back.

Things began to click together for her and she realised what had happened the day before, about those men and the video and Mr. Davidge.

"Oh." She said simply, collapsing to her knees in shock.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

((Mallory McCormick continued from Far Below Par.))

She'd zig-zagged her way out of the golf course and run along the road nearby for a while, still inwardly yelling and not looking behind her. She hoped, despite dislike, that Alba hadn't been shot in the face or anything.

Still, she wasn't dead. That was awesome. She had no idea on what to do next. That was less awesome.

But she'd been completely distracted from that because holy shit, a roller coaster.

...She could totally climb onto that roller coaster. She didn't have any logical reason why to climb the rollercoaster. But how often did she get the opportunity to climb a rollercoaster?

As Mallory jogged closer, having not stopped running since she took off from the golf course, she saw someone nearby, sitting on their knees. Mallory cupped her hands around her mouth and called out.

"Hey! Don't shoot me or nothing, I'm coming over there!"
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Post by randomness »

It had taken Stephanie more than a few minutes to collect herself. Her heart was still beating at a hundred miles per hour, but she was at least capable of thought now.

Even so, she panicked when she heard a voice from behind her, spinning around to face it before the meaning of the words had sunk in.

Stephanie recognised the girl who was running up to her, having seen her on the soccer field on her way back from tennis training. She seemed the decent sort, but Stephanie had never really talked to her before. Nonetheless, Stephanie smiled a little. A familiar face was better than a complete stranger.

"Well, I don't think I could shoot you even if I wanted to. I don't even know what my weapon is yet."      
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Right, Mallory knew this girl. Vaguely. Played... something. Punched a bully in middle school. Stephanie? Stephanie. Yeah, that was right. Well, anyone who punched a bully in the face was alright with her, and she hadn't fired or anything so she seemed fine to hang out with for a bit.

She stopped next to Stephanie, looked at the shovel stuck in the dirt next to her, and said, "Your weapon is probably the shovel. Balls, isn't it? Oh, be careful, there's this cowboy guy wandering around with a big-ass gun."

Mallory dropped her bag next to Stephanie before saying, "Watch that for a minute, I need to climb the rollercoaster. I mean, not really climb it. I'm scared of heights, I just want to run along the bottom part and sit in the old rollercoaster cars and all. Be right back! Or you can follow, whichever, why not?" This was said within about two breaths before Mallory ran off towards the coaster.

Because goddammit, it was a better goal than mugging people. Fuck you, Cowboy.
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She was probably missing lots of context in the conversation, but it still seemed like a surprising thing to hear.

And of course there was her shovel. No point in them giving her too easy of a time of course. Shovel. Stephanie sighed audibly.

Mallory, in the meanwhile, had managed to drop off her bag and run off to the roller coaster in a matter of seconds. Eccentric. That was the word she would use to describe her. Nonetheless, Stephanie didn't want to be left here alone.

"Wait up!" She called out, hastily stuffing her things into her pack. She stared at the shovel for a second before picking it up, deciding that it might come in handy. With that, she grabbed the packs and ran after the quickly receding figure.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Mallory ran up to where the somewhat rusted cars for the rollercoaster were located, near the bottom of the ride. She clambered up onto the rails and looked down at them for a moment, before jumping a couple of times to check how sturdy it was.  She looked at how far up the rollercoaster went and inwardly shivered. It'd offer a good view of the island and everything, but on the other hand... being that high up... ergh, just the thought made her stomach flip-flop. She'd have to be satisfied with running along the bottom part of it.

She climbed into one of the rusty cars attached to the tracks. It was uncomfortable, but not that bad. She sat in it for a moment before sighing. When Stephanie caught up to her, she had her arms crossed and was looking down at the car with an expression of mild disappointment.

"...This is not as fun as I thought it would be," she said huffily. Looking up at Stephanie, she noticed the girl had brought Mallory's pack with her. "Oh, thanks. You didn't have to bring it all the way up here, but beats being robbed. Well, again. So... you doing alright?"
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The roller coaster looked like it would have been fun, but the rust and decay across the stucture made Stephanie think twice before following Mallory onto the car.

"Guess I'm a little too nice for my own good, huh?" she said, tossing Mallory's pack to her. "I guess I'm doing okay now. Honestly, I'd have expected to be a little more scared." She looked at the roller coaster again, "It'll probably all hit me again later."

"So what exactly are we doing here anyway.? Even if we could get this thing to work, I don't think it'd be that safe."
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Mallory nodded. "Yeah. Well, best holding off all the sad scaredy stuff, right?" She unzipped her bag and started rifling through for rations. Her stomach was growling at her, and a run like that--terrifying as it was--worked up one hell of an appetite.

"And I'm not really... doing much. Just figured, 'hey, there's a rollercoaster' and decided to climb it. I mean, when else am I going to get the chance, right?" She retrieved a ration bar, unwrapped the top of it and took a large bite. She wrinkled her nose as she chewed before looking down at it. "That is disgusting. Oh well. There'd probably be a helluva view from up top this coaster. But I'm afraid of heights, so fuck that." Mallory went to zip up her bag and saw the screwdriver lying in there. She figured that since she knew Stephanie's weapon, it was only fair to admit what hers were. "I have a screwdriver, by the way, just so we're on the same level in terms of, y'know, knowledge and shit."

After she finished talking, Mallory took another bite of the crappy nutrition bars.
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Post by randomness »

"I get what you mean about the roller coaster. What sort of screwed up terrorists take students on their way to Disneyland? That's just downright evil." Stephanie gave a mock pout. " But it's not like this roller coaster could be a replacement for Space Mountain."

Stephanie stepped back onto platform, trying to get a better view of her surroundings. It was a nice enough place, if somewhat neglected. The sound of disgust from Mallory was only about the bars they had been given. Then again, it wasn't exactly the best place to hide in.

"Heh. Screwdrivers and shovels. We could start a hardware store."  She joked.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

"I know, it's just... I mean, come on!" Mallory glanced around until she saw a camera, at which point she flipped it off. "Couldn't have picked us up on the way back, could you? Assholes."

Having demolished half the ration bar, Mallory wrapped up the other half and tossed it back into her bag before retrieving a water bottle.

"Don't think the island's a great place to set up shop," she said, not quite catching on to the fact that Stephanie was joking. "You got any ideas besides that? Though if those plans are robbing or murdering people I'm hightailing it out. Because that's stupid. Really stupid. And fuck those guys, seriously."
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Post by randomness »

"Oh, no, I wouldn't do anything like that!" Stephanie almost shouted the last bit out loud. She hated it when people thought of her as violent, but Mallory was simply stating what she woildn't do. What the hell was she getting so defensive for?

"Sorry." The word sounded hollow to her own ears. Did this even warrant an apology? "Guess this place got to me more than I thought it had. And we've been here for what two, three hours?"

"But if you want plans, let's start by getting out of here. There's enough rusty metal in here to make the Titanic look good. No point dying of tetanus before we even have a real plan, right?"
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Goddammit. Her and her big mouth. Mallory spent a large portion of each day saying things without realising she'd offend someone, why would today be any different?

"I didn't mean you. I mean, you don't even have a gun and you don't seem like an asshole or anything. I don't think most people are shooting. Not right now, anyway. I've only run into two others, the cowboy guy and Alba. ...Would have expected Alba to be the one shooting, funny how that works.

"Speaking of which..." Mallory pointed the way she'd come, gesturing in the direction of the golf course. "I'll leave the rollercoaster, but I'm not going that way. The cowboy might still be there. And he had a huge gun. Also he might be a bit angry at me. ...Okay, very angry. I threw something at him. But he totally started it.

"Point is I'd rather stay here until I know where we're going. What's the other way?" Mallory dropped the water bottle in her bag and started fishing around for the map.
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Post by randomness »

Stephanie managed to find her own map, taking a few moments to work out exactly where they were.

"Well, if we're moving away from there, there's some homestead up there on the map. But walking through three miles of woodland doesn't seem fun to me." Stephanie frowned a little. "Honestly, I'd rather walk along something resembling a road. Maybe the town would be better?"
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Mallory peered at her own copy of the map. She frowned and said, "But that leads right back in the direction of--"

Right on cue, she heard gunfire. A rat-at-at-at-at-at noise. Big gun noises. Big gun. Cowboy's big gun? It sounded like it came from nearby. Had the cowboy followed her? If Mallory had the guts to climb further up the rollercoaster she might even be able to see, but she was even more afraid of doing that than she was of the gun.

The point was she sure as hell wasn't staying here while Cowboy was getting closer.

"We gotta go!" she yelled. "We'll think about it on the way, gotta get far away from the Cowboy, let's go! Come on!"

Grabbing Stephanie's arm, she half-dragged Stephanie with her, back off the rollercoaster and in the opposite direction as the gunfire noise had come from.

((Mallory McCormick and Stephanie Wright continued in May The Odds Not Fuck You In The Butt.))
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