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We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:37 am
by Cake
[[Pregame Start: Miles Strickland - Commence]]

Make YOUR School, MILES Better: Vote for Miles Strickland!

The aforementioned Miles Strickland, turned around after viewing his banner while grasping his hot cup of cappuccino. The comfortable grin on his face mirrored the one his image had on the banner. The banner was one specifically crafted for his goal by a political friend of his mother who created professional election banners, for real politicians.

He hadn't originally decided to campaign for anything, seeing as he wanted to go for the top dog position and be the student body president. Unfortunately, there were too many people running for the position, one of which was his extraordinarily determined cousin, Naomi Bell. Once he'd seen her name up in the running, he opted out of that race. He was competitive, but he also didn't like to lose. Running against Naomi was a risk and he wasn't about to waste his time in a losing effort like that. There would be obvious vote splitting, due to similar niches they had in the school and everyone knows that uncaring teenagers usually voted for girls over a guy in something like this.

That much was obvious by the positive reaction Summer Simms, another candidate for president, was getting. Though she was nowhere as knowledgeable or as skilled a debater as Naomi was, Summer was earning herself votes through a different method. She was acting cutesy and nice while handing out buttons to everyone. It was an effective tactic, especially in getting votes in a high school. Who wouldn't vote for a cute girl who's "being nice" to you and gives you free stuff?

As for the last candidate: It was some dork named Milo, who obviously wasn't winning.

It wasn't until recently, that Miles figured he'd run for vice president instead. Sure, being a subordinate to Naomi's possibly inevitable win (if it wasn't just some popularity contest) was a bit annoying, but at least then it looked like he might certainly win. In fact his only opponent seemed to be the formerly unopposed, Amaranta Montalvo. Mara had a reputation for her blatant attitude and lack of tact toward other students aside from her friends or the in-crowd. At least Miles made an attempt at acting like he gave a damn about any of the other students. Likability ensured followers, after all.

He could already see it: Naomi Bell and Miles Strickland - Student Council President and Vice President. A Strickland-Bell partnership, just like their fathers.

With a smug look on his face, Miles made his way to the front of the student center.

The school was a hot mess. There were absolutely no visually appealing sections of the school available for students to adequately hang around or unwind. It wasn't like the private schools he'd attended in the past, whatsoever. The only redeeming factor throughout his near four years at the school was the open campus policy. None of the private schools had anything like it, which was a welcome change and the one that made Aurora High acceptable. It made going to the fine coffee house nearby, whenever he wanted, much more convenient.

If it were up to him, he'd never be on the campus outside of school related functions like class and the extra-curricular activities. However, there was always a social life to maintain and as such sometimes being there was a necessary evil.

The closest to a commons area was the student center. There was a specific section of the area near the front, with tables, benches and chairs which a group of Aurora's most well liked and popular students usually used as a hang out spot. As he approached the hang out, Miles noticed that a trio of unfamiliar students were already there.

"Freshmen." Miles quietly said to himself with an amused sneer.

The kids obviously weren't aware that the area was already claimed and reserved. He figured he'd do them a favor and tell them to buzz off... in a nice way!

But first he needed some backup to help emphasize the point. Fortunately, only a few feet away was his friend and team-mate from the Aurora High soccer team, Francis St. Ledger. Francis was a generally cool kid whom Miles legitimately liked, but had some questionable hobbies and acquaintances he'd seen the boy associating with. One of which included some fat chick he'd seen the other boy talking to when passing by them just the other day.

The blonde preppy walked over near the locker that Francis was digging through and knocked three times on the locker next to it to get the other boy's attention.

"Hey there Francis, my man."

Miles took another sip of his hot cappuccino and then put on a smile for his soccer friend.

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:37 am
by Pippi
((Francis St. Ledger continued from I'm not falling apart; I'm just incomplete))

Francis didn't like to spend too much time in the Student Center if he could help it. It was far from the most aesthetically pleasing area in the school, and as well as that, Francis preferred to stay outside anyway. It gave him a chance to actually do something, like have a short game of soccer or practice some street dance.

Neither of those were viable options for Francis right now, however. He'd managed to leave a whole pile of schoolwork in his locker, some of it still unfinished. Getting to it and actually finishing anything left over was more important than being able to play soccer.

Finding the homework, however, was easier said than done. Francis wasn't the forgetful sort, but over time, neglected and unwanted pieces of crap had piled up inside the locker he was currently rummaging through. There were other random pieces of paper aside from the pieces he was looking for, as well as a pair of old soccer socks and two books he'd been planning to read but had never got around to. Thankfully, the school books he was looking for were much more visible and easy to find.

Well that was easier than I 'spected. Hopefully I can get this over with then go find Rene or Adam... Wait, why can I smell coffee?... Oh, for fuck's sake...

Even with his head still in the locker, Francis knew someone was approaching him, and he knew who that someone was. Miles Strickland, a guy who, in Francis' eyes, used his manipulative and charismatic way of speaking to disguise the fact he was a massive dick. He was a fellow soccer player, and he was fine whenever they were actually playing, but outside of that... The fact that the guy looked down on anyone he considered "below him" pissed Francis off especially, seeing as many of his friends fell into that category apparently.

And always with the fucking coffee. Jesus, does Miles drink anything else? Probably got that flowin' through him instead of blood.

Still, Francis had known him for a long time, and even though he currently wasn't a fan of Miles, there was still a sense of loyalty that stopped him from constantly yelling at the guy. Miles knocked on the locker next to Francis, and the noise allowed him to close his eyes and sigh without being seen or heard. He managed to put a smile on his face as he closed the locker door and turned towards Miles.

"Hey Miles. How's it going? Anythin' you need my help with?"

Francis could hazard a guess to what Miles would need him for, if anything. There was an area with several chairs and tables and other furniture near the front of the student center, which was currently occupied by a group of unknowns. Francis guessed Miles wanted to clear them away so he, Francis and the rest of the group could take their place. It was not Francis' favourite place in the school, partially due to the location but mostly due to the fact that it meant he spent more time in the company of the group. Some of the guys, like Michael, Travis and Cynthia were cool, but the rest... yeah. Some of them easily beat Miles in the "Who Can Be The Biggest Asshat Competition."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:37 am
by Delroy†
(( Travis Webster, continued from Variables... ))

Goddamn, Calculus really sucked. They had only been on the topic for a couple of weeks, but due to lack of sleep and way too much smoking and drinking (maybe the two were actually a bit correlated?), Travis was already way behind. Granted, he had escaped doing any form of Math this time around, since he'd managed to strike up a conversation with that kid... what was his name? Milo Richter. So that was kinda nice.

Still, this didn't change the fact that he'd probably fail on the next test and, yet again, receive a hail of sarcastic comments from Mr. Teitel. "Hurr di durr, Webster, maybe you should sleep less during class and actually DO what you are supposed to? Hurr di durr". Fucking hell.

After heading down the stairs from the second floor, he began heading towards the normal hangout spot. The student center really wasn't anything special, but he didn't care that much. It wasn't worse than any other place located around campus, and it was close to his locker, so he didn't have to walk a mile and a half between the two places when heading to and from class.

As he entered the student center, he made a quick scan of the area.
Huh... That was odd. Their usual spot was already taken by some kids he didn't recognize. Probably freshmen or something.
Travis sighed and mumbled.

"... God, what a drag."

He scratched his hair.
Maybe he should go shoo them off?
It wasn't their fault, of course, and he didn't mind this little mistake of theirs. Travis just really didn't want to go look for another seat. And... I mean, they were the seniors, after all. They had endured all the shit from the older kids already, and now it was their turn to pick the seats and boss people around.
He smiled to himself as he realized he sounded a LOT like some of the other guys in the gang. Whatever, it wasn't worth the hassle.

He yawned and headed for his locker.
He slowly put in the combination. "7 - 1 - 3 - 8", he mumbled to himself. He opened the locker, quickly threw his bag into it, and closed it with a loud bang. Another yawn. Damn, he was spent.
He spotted a couple of the guys over on the other side of the hall, by the other set of lockers. They were already talking about something, it would seem. Time to be social!

He began walking over to them.
As he approached them, he did what he always did. He started whistling, the same old tune as always.

"Oi, you guys!", he shouted when he was a few meters away."What's up Miles? 'sup Francis? What are you guys up to?"

He peered over at the table with the freshmen and grinned.

"It looks like someone..."

He nodded his head towards the table.

"... has jacked our seats..."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:37 am
by Cake
A short distant sound of familiar whistling alerted Miles to someone he knew, though he pretended not to notice, instead keeping eye contact with the soccer player and responding to his questions.

"Nah man. Came by to chat. You're not too busy are you?"

The annoying whistle song was closer now and Miles did all he could to resist gritting his teeth.

Travis Webster, the source of the whistle, finally called out to them a few seconds later asking what they were up to and conveniently bringing up the random students who'd taken their seats. Travis was a guy who Miles secretly didn't think too highly of. The boy's bad habits concerning his education, hobbies and even style clashed significantly with his own. He just did not carry himself in a presentable manner and it bothered Miles for innate reasons.

That being said, Travis could definitely be a fun and somewhat likable personality at times.

"Oh hey Trav! Francis and I were just saying hi is all." Miles glanced over in the direction of their usual spot, as if he hadn't already noticed. "Hm, you're right. Shame, looks like we'll have to find another spot. Or maybe one of us could just talk to them."

Miles' eyes darted back in Travis's direction. A slight smile formed on his face.

"Unless, you guys feel like sharing today."

The preppy casually leaned his back against a locker and took a sip of his pricey cup of coffee.

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:37 am
by Delroy†
Still peering at the freshmen, Travis stretched out his back and yawned in an elaborate move to seem disinterested.

"Nah, man... I don't feel like sharing with the little kids. Sorry..."

Travis didn't like making a big deal out of a few seats, because that just wasn't his style. But in the same time, those were THEIR seats. They always sat there. It was their little sanctuary, and it was motherfuckin' tradition for them to spend their lunches there, messing around and generally talking shit. He looked back at Miles and gave him a smirk.

"How about the three of us just head over there and talk to them?"

He closed his eyes and yawned again. This time, it was for real. God, he was tired.
He opened one eye and made a bored and somewhat tired expression.

"I mean... no need to be rude or anything, right? We can just... iunno, man. Politely ask them to leave?"

He shrugged and looked over at the freshmen again. Two of them were having an intense discussion about something, but one of them looked him right in the eye. The expression on the kid's face when he saw that three large (both Miles and Francis were about 6'2, and all three of them were muscular) seniors were looking their way was nothing short of priceless. Clearly, this kid had understood something was wrong.

He glanced back at Francis and Miles. These two blonde, sporty guys next to him definitely clashed with his own style. His black-dyed hair, tight jeans, and piercings was definitely not the ordinary kind of clothing within the group. He knew he wasn't the kind to usually hang out with their kind of crowd, and he wasn't exactly sure how it had happened, but somehow he'd been integrated into this gang over the last... what? Year or so. Maybe more. He couldn't really keep track.

Maybe it was the frequent partying and the drugs, or maybe his good looks (although that was more likely an incentive amongst the girls of the group), but now he spent a lot of his time hanging around with the gang, even during his free time. It did help that he was athletic, as a lot of the football and other activities they did together would have been embarrassing otherwise.

"I dunno... What do you think, Francis?"

Francis was definitely one of the nicer kids in the gang. To be fair, compared to people like Adonis, or some of the bitchier girls of the group, anyone could be considered nice. Travis couldn't help but smile. Oh, the company he kept.

"I'm sure they won't mind, right?"

He smiled a mischievous grin and looked over at the freshmen. The kid looking at him earlier had now alerted his friends to what he was seeing.

Travis sighed and thought to himself, "Maybe it's a good thing Adonis isn't here. He'd probably start the conversation by shoving one of them into a locker or some shit... Hopefully we won't have to make a huge mess over a few seats..."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:37 am
by Pippi
The sound of whistling coming from his right caught Francis' attention. Glancing in that direction, he saw one of the people he'd just been thinking about; Travis, whistling the same tune he always, well, whistled. It could get seriously grating sometimes, but really, compared to other people, Travis was a pretty cool guy. He wasn't exactly the sort of person Francis would normally hang out with, what with his more "party animal" nature, but he was easy to get along with.

Francis looked back at Miles as the boy responded to Francis. Apparently he just wanted to chat, although that still wasn't the most appealing of concepts. Francis tilted his head slightly as he responded. "Uh, not really too busy, no... although I have to finish-"

Francis was interrupted by Travis greeting him and Miles. He responded with a "Hey, Travis" as the black haired boy gestured towards the table he normally sat at. Miles' response didn't sit well with Francis. It seemed... somewhat planned. Maybe it was just because he spent too so much time around Miles. But whatever it was, Francis had guessed Miles had had other intentions, and he had probably guessed correctly.

Both Travis and Miles wanted to make the kids move, but Francis wasn't entirely in favour of that plan. He wasn't a huge fan of the place, he wasn't a huge fan of the people who normally occupied said place, and he wasn't a fan of being an ass to some people he didn't even know.

Speaking of which, one of the freshmen was looking over at the trio with a look of almost-horror on his face. Understandable really. He was staring at two 6 foot something soccer players and an almost 6 foot guy who regularly went to the gym, after all. Poor guy... if I go off somewhere, then Miles 'n Travis'll just make him leave anyway... and no matter what they say, probably not nicely...

Travis asked Francis what he thought. In response, Francis sighed, looked over at the freshmen, then back at Miles and Travis. "Yeah... okay, I guess." He said, a hint of sternness in his voice. "Just... just don't be assholes to them, okay?"

C'mon, let's get this over with...

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:37 am
by Cake
[[OOC: Remember to follow post order. The new rotation is: Francis, Miles, Travis... and so on.]]

Miles just kept nodding and nodding at what ever words were coming from the guy's mouth while constantly checking his rolex. He figured Travis to be the type to do something about it rather than stand there, talking and talking, while basically reiterating what Miles' himself had already implied. The voice in Miles' throat wanted to scream out: Well why don't you get to it then, knave!? Fortunately he kept that part to himself. He should have known that Travis's laziness would translate even into something simple like this.

Francis agreed with the idea as well as long as they weren't going to be assholes, which was all that Miles needed.

"Of course not. What reason would I have to be one? I need to win votes not lose 'em." He gave Francis a friendly pat on the back for reassurance. "Plus I think they might know my brother or sister, no worries."

Since Travis wasn't doing anything except staring over at the kids and creeping them out, Miles went ahead himself with the two others not too far behind. As soon as he approached the area, the kids immediately stood up with their things, probably guessing that they weren't supposed to be there from Travis's stares and were clearing out.

"Oh hey! Before you go, don't forget to vote Miles Strickland in the upcoming student council election."

One of them recognized his name and asked if he was the brother of Leo or Layla Strickland who were also freshmen. He confirmed with a nod and conveniently the kids walked away with their new found knowledge. Mission accomplished. He could finally unwind.

Miles waved over the other two boys and took a seat.

"Finally. Dang hall rats wasting my break time." He said with a chuckle. "By the way Francis, who's that girl you were talking with in the hallways the other day?

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:37 am
by Delroy†
[[ OOC: Yeah, sorry for breaking the order before. ]]

Francis didn't seem too pumped about the idea. Travis couldn't blame him. Picking fights with little kids wasn't really his thing either.
He just wanted to go sit down, goddamnit! Miles quickly responded, citing the election and not losing votes as assurances that they would be perfect gentlemen about it.

Travis yawned and looked over at the freshmen again. Hah. They were already starting to pack up their bags.

"Fair enough, man. After you."

Miles didn't seem to hear him. He was already waltzing up to the freshmen without a care in the world.
Travis calmly looked over at Francis, smirked and gave him a shrug.

"Well, we better follow him, eh?"

With that, he promptly put his hands into his pockets, and began following a few footsteps behind Miles. Travis couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle when he saw that the kids, already packed up and ready to go, had quickly begun leaving the area for the seniors to take over. The kid who'd first noticed him glancing over at the table looked back at Travis with a face displaying... what? Fear? Disgust? Had his simple glances really made the kid dislike him so much?

"Oh hey! Before you go, don't forget to vote Miles Strickland in the upcoming student council election."

Travis tried to (badly) conceal his laughter. Fuckin' Miles Strickland. Kicks a bunch of little kids off a table, and then tries to campaign for himself at the same time. Miles waved them over, showing that the coast was clear. Miles sat down on one of the seats available. Travis jumped up on another one of the chairs, and promptly sat down on the backrest, with his feet resting on the actual seat. He was known for sitting in rather odd positions. "Comfortable sitting beats Societal norms", he always said. He would usually lie down on a couch, or on a table, but he'd learned that taking up extra room, especially on the table, wasn't appreciated in this group. So he stuck to his backrest for the time being.

"Finally. Dang hall rats wasting my break time."

Travis chuckled and stretched out his back again, waving his arms around in a wild fashion.

"Aaaaaah.... Well... Atleast they're gone now..."

The other part of Miles sentence piqued Travis interest, though!

"Oh? A girl? What girl?"

Travis smiled and looked at Francis.

"What's her naaaaame?"

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:38 am
by Will†
[[Start: Stacy Ramsey]]

Stacy ran her fingers through her hair, tousling it, as she walked down the corridor heading towards the student centre. The student centre was where Stacy and her friends usually met up during free periods. Although this was the place Stacy spent most of her free time at school, it wasn't exactly her favourite place at Aurora High. The student centre was a busy place, continuously being visited by students dropping off their books in their lockers, as well as being a very dull place to look at. However, Stacy never brought up that she didn't like the Student centre, it was what her friends liked and she accepted that.

Stacy was never the one to stand up to people. She always just went along with what her friends did and never questioned it, preferring to stay out of the confrontation. The truth was, was that Stacy just didn't have the confidence to stand up to people. There had been plenty of times when Stacy's friends have done something that she didn't like, but she'd never been brave enough to stand up to them.

She turned the corner into the entrance of the student centre with a smile on her face ready to greet her friends. However, what was sitting in Stacy's and her friend's usual place was not her friends, but instead, three freshmen.

Stopping in her tracks, Stacy stood with a slight shocked look on her face, looking at the three freshmen. Stacy didn't mind that they were sitting in her spot; she knew that there were plenty of other places to sit and would never dream of asking the three freshmen to move, they had got there first so deserved to stay there.  Slightly leaning forward, Stacy peered around the rows of lockers, searching for her friends.

As she walked down the rows of lockers, Stacy finally spotted three of her friends, Francis, Miles and Travis.  If she was honest, they weren't exactly Stacy's favourite people in her friendship group. She got along with Travis quite well, they both frequently went to parties together, but she didn't approve of his use of drugs. With Miles, Stacy though that he was so far up his own ass that she was surprised he could see, for Stacy he was far too competitive and always tried to be the best. Francis was by far Stacy's favourite person out of the three. He was certainly one of the more kinder people out of the group, which is what Stacy liked best about him.

Walking closer to the three freshmen and her friends, she saw a look of terror come across the freshmen's faces. Stacy glanced back over to her friends and saw Miles, closely followed by Travis and Francis, walking towards the freshmen. As Miles approached the table she saw him say something to the freshmen which was followed by them quickly leaving. Her three friends sat down in their normal places and began talking as if the incident with the freshmen had never happened. Stacy heaved a sigh, then walked over to her friends.

"Aww guys why did you do that? They could have stayed here; we could have gone to a different table." Stacy sighed.

She looked back at the three freshmen as they sat down at a different table and began to glare. With sympathy in her eyes, Stacy mouthed sorry to the young boys then turned back to her friends.

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:38 am
by Pippi
Miles patted Francis on the pack, and reassured him that they would try and be ass un-assholish as possible. Rather than reassuring Francis, the whole gesture just annoyed him. The pat just felt condescending, and Miles apparently was only going to deal with the freshmen nicely because he'd lose votes if he didn't. Francis knew of one vote Miles wasn't getting, not that he really cared about student council. Fuck it, he'd probably just vote for Milo for laughs.

The kids were already starting to pack their stuff as Miles strode over to the table. Replying to Travis with a "Yeah, I guess", Francis followed the two guys, still holding onto his books and papers. Miles yelled after them to vote for him in the election. Francis rolled his eyes, making sure Miles didn't see him. Yeah, I think this crosses into asshole territory. Unintentional asshole, but asshole none the less.

Despite his true feelings, Francis managed to force out a laugh, instantly feeling slightly guilty as one of the kids glared at him. Francis tried to put it out of his mind; he'd do so in a couple of days anyway, but that was the sort of thing that stuck with him for the rest of the day.

Francis took a seat around the table, as did Miles, whilst Travis decided to be a complete moron. The guy was pretty cool most of the time, but when he did things like sitting on the backrest of a chair, it came off as trying to impress people, and generally annoyed Francis.

Then, Miles asked Francis who he had been talking to the other day. Travis suddenly seemed interesting, asking Francis what her name was. Wow, way to be completely mature guys. Nice job. Francis sat back in his chair, crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "It was Kaliska. Dunno her last name. I was feelin' pretty shit that day, and she decided to try an' cheer me up or something. Jus' the sort of person she is, I guess. That's all."

Francis heard someone behind him. Turning round, he saw that it was Stacy Ramsey, another member of the group. Stacy was... interesting, for lack of a better word. It was as if she had two different personas; the nice, intelligent Stacy, and the party-going cheerleader Stacy. She was nice most of the time, though, and miles better than the other Stacey.

Francis shrugged in response to Stacy's question. "Ask those two. They came up with the idea."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:38 am
by Cake
Was it just him, or was Francis being particularly hostile and defensive today? And was that an eye roll Francis made right before answering? If he didn't know any better, he would have assumed it had something to do with that Kaliska girl he was talking about. Hmm. Miles turned to Travis with a grin and back to Francis again.

"Sounds like a nice girl. Lucky man."

It was at this point that another of their female friends showed up at the front of the student center. Miles was sort of relieved to see one of the girls show up, as it was really starting to feel like a sausage fest. The girl also happened to be Stacy Ramsey, one of the two attractive Stacy's he knew. Stacy was also pretty nice compared to some of the bitchier girls in his social circle and Miles liked that about her.

"Hiya Stacy!" He started to say in greeting, before she interrupted by... guilt tripping them about the freshmen boys? Gosh, it seemed like his entire break period was revolving around those kids. It wasn't even that much of a big deal.

He watched her look over to the boys who were hanging around farther back in the student center, mouthing something out to them. That was interesting. Did she have the hots for those young boys or something? He knew Stacy was the flirty type, but come on... cougar much?

Miles chuckled to his own joke in only his mind, but turned his attention back to the group after hearing Francis practically throw both him and Travis under the bus. Miles gave Francis a quick look before turning back to Stacy again with his response.

"Aw, sorry Stacy. I didn't tell them to move or anything. I just told 'em to vote for me. That's all. Those kids got up and left by themselves, right Travis?"

He looked at Travis, whom for some reason felt much cooler and easier to get along with than usual today. The rest of his friends seemed to be on their periods or something. Miles stood up, pulled one of the more comfortable, padded chairs out for Stacy and put on a warm smile in an effort to show them he wasn't a jerk.

"Here have a seat, Stacy."

It was just some lucky coincidence for him that Mrs. Havok had been passing by at the same time, nodding in approval to his chivalrous manners.

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:38 am
by Delroy†
"Kaliska, huh? Wow, that's a pretty trippy name... Well, she sounds like a nice person, I guess... I don't really know who she is though.."

Travis scratched his hair again and yawned. That table sure looked like a comfortable spot to lie down on. That's when he saw Stacy walking up to the table and gave her a slight wave.

"Hey, Stacy. What's u-..."

Ooooh, she clearly didn't approve of them kicking the freshmen off the table. Couldn't be helped, he supposed. Stacy was definitely one of the nicer kids in the group, so the fact that she felt bad for the kids who'd been there before them didn't really surprise him.

Francis simply shrugged, claimed he had nothing to do with it and that it was Travis and Miles idea. Travis supposed he was kinda right in this regard, as Trav had been the one bringing the topic up in the first place, and Miles had been the one confronting them. Francis had mostly been floating around in the background during these events.

Still, way to throw us under the bus, dude...

Suddenly, he heard his name mentioned.

"Those kids got up and left by themselves, right Travis?"

Huh? Oh, shit, he should probably speak up.

"Yeah, Stace, he's right..."

Travis shrugged, and with his normal and casual vulgarity continued:

"... I mean, we didn't really do shit to those kids. We just walked up to them, Miles told 'em to vote for him, and then they just went away without us even asking. So... y'know... just... Chill oooout... We're not the bad guys here, alright?"

He gave her a mischievous grin.
He didn't really feel the need to mention that he'd probably been the one to scare them away by constantly looking at them, trying to hint to the fact that they were in a place where they weren't supposed to be.

But hey, staring them down beat a normal confrontation. And at least it had ended peacefully. He wasn't entirely sure it would've if people like Adonis or some of the others had been here.

Miles pulled out a chair for Stacy, offering her a seat. Travis wasn't sure if he'd done it to smooth things over with her, or if he'd done it to suck up to Mrs. Havok who was just walking past. Unlike Travis, Miles knew how to look good in front of teachers. Travis himself... well... his reputation among the faculty of Aurora High was a travesty, to say the least.

He stretched out his back yet again, all whilst sitting on top of his backrest in quite an impressive act of balancing. Most people would have fallen off the chair in his situation. Granted, he'd fallen off plenty of chairs before gaining enough control and experience to do these kinds of moves.
That wasn't really relevant to his painful back though. Goddamn, those chairs in Calculus had done a number on his spine.
After finally feeling a slight crack of disks slipping into place (One of his favorite feelings in the world, nothing short of euphoric relief), he turned his attention to Miles.

"So what's up, Miles? Hows the Election going so far?"

Travis hadn't run for anything this year. Or the year before that. Or the year before THAT.
Granted, with the amount of people around the school who knew him, he might actually stand a chance, but the teachers would never allow it, and he wasn't really too keen on putting a bunch of time and effort into a silly make-believe political election. Even if he won, he'd probably be too lazy to actually make any changes.

That said, he always enjoyed politics, so it would be nice to hear what his friend had to say about his progress.

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:38 am
by Will†
Stacy folded her arms and looked at her three friends for a response. Immediately Francis dropped the blame on Miles and Travis, which resulted in Stacy struggling to keep a straight face as Miles shot a look at Francis. With a disbelieving look across her face, Stacy listened to Miles as he gave his excuse for what had happened, claiming that the freshmen moved by themselves and he was just trying to gain their votes.

She then looked at Travis who told her to chill out and gave her a similar disbelieving excuse as Miles did. Stacy didn't believe a word they were saying. She saw the look that the three boys had on their faces as her friends walked towards them. Plus, it seemed even weirder that after Miles told them to "vote for him" that they would then get up and move to a different table, when the one they were sitting at was just as good as any other table.

Travis followed this up with a mischievous grin which confirmed that they weren't telling the truth. Stacy let out another sigh. She decided to drop it; there was no point in making a big deal about it. Besides, the three boys had already found another table and were perfectly... happy now anyway. Stacy gave another quick look at the three young boys who continued to glare at the group of four friends.

Raising an eyebrow, Stacy looked between her three friends as a smile crept across her face.

"Yeah, I'm sure. You know, you guys really need to get better at lying." Stacy laughed as she went to grab a seat.

It was then that Miles stood up and pulled out a seat for Stacy. She looked at him with kind eyes and a wide grin.  Stacy considered this gesture to be out of Miles's own kindness and generosity. Sure, he probably only did it to get back it Stacy's good books after what he did to those boys, but nevertheless it was still kind.

As Stacy went to sit down, she then noticed Mrs. Havok walking pass and nodding at Miles. Looking back at Miles, Stacy gave him a disgusted smirk.

"Wow Miles, you really know how to impress the ladies don't you?" She said sarcastically.

Shuffling her chair a couple of centimeters away from Miles, Stacy then shot him another look. Stacy wasn't actually angry at Miles; she just liked to tease him.

Stacy watched Travis with a confused frown as he seemed to do some weird balancing trick on top of a backrest, which then turned out to be him trying to click his back. She blinked a couple of times then shook her head. "Strange boy" Stacy thought to herself.

Following up on his creative back clicking skills, Travis then asked Miles how he was doing in the election. Without a doubt in her mind, Stacy knew that Miles would win. He was competitive, charismatic, the teachers loved him and above all, popular. In addition to this, he only had one opponent, Amaranta Montalvo. It wasn't as if Amaranta was a bad opponent or anything, it was just that against Miles, she would be dominated. If anyone could win, it would be Miles. Stacy had never ran for student body president or vice president before and she never planned to. She found debating, politics and anything of the sort extremely tedious and couldn't understand how anybody could find it interesting. She'd much rather stick to what she was good at: cheerleading, modeling and partying.

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:38 am
by Pippi
To Francis' relief, the whole thing about Kaliska didn't go any further than a couple of comments from Miles and Travis. Thank God. He didn't think Miles was the sort of person to go around spreading rumours, and Travis definitely wasn't, but he could never be too certain. Anyway, that was all in the past now. Stacy's guilt trip was the major thing right now.

As soon as Francis told Stacy it had been Miles and Travis's idea to eject the kids, Miles gave him a rather priceless look. Francis had to resist the urge to laugh. But whilst his look had been amusing, Francis realised that he might be slightly overstepping the line. Small jokes at other peoples expense was fine, but blatantly throwing them under the bus was pretty dickish, no matter what circle you were in.

Miles went on to make some sort of half-assed and completely untrue excuse about how the kids had left on their own accord, and asked Travis to back him up. This time, Francis honestly couldn't help but smile. Travis' frankly bizarre back up didn't help matters much. Stacy seemed to have seen straight through Miles' bluff as well, although she laughed as she called him out. Despite how annoyed he'd been feeling earlier, Francis' mood had drastically improved, and he felt pretty guilty for how defensive he'd been acting earlier. Although, not too guilty. It was Miles, after all.

Francis placed the pile of books and paper on the table, making sure it took up as little space as possible, and took the top book from the pile. As he did so, he noticed Miles pulling out a chair and offering it to Stacy. Francis raised his eyebrow (or at least, tried to. It was far from impressive). He couldn't fault Miles for being a gentleman, but it did seem rather too coincidental that Mrs. Havok was passing by right then.

Unfortunately for Miles, Stacy again noticed that something was up. Or not. Francis gave Miles the benefit of the doubt for now. Still, his smile broadened into a grin at Stacy's comment. And seeing as Travis had brought up the topic of the election, Francis couldn't help but throw in his comment.

"Ooh, busted, Miles" he said, still looking down at his book. "You'll haveta get better at lying if you wanna be a successful politician type guy." Francis then looked up from his book.

"Speaking of, not that I've got much of an interest in politics 'n stuff, but what exactly are, like..." Francis waved his hand in a circular motion, searching for the word he wanted. "Your, uh, plans for the school, if you win?"

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:38 am
by ViolentMedic
((Naomi Bell continued from What Is A Hero?))

Naomi walked into the student center, but stopped almost immediately to study the banners that Miles had hung up. Since she was to be president (hopefully, and probably would be if the student body had any sense) she naturally had an interest in the campaigning.

So far she only knew of two people who were campaigning for vice president. She wasn't allowed to publicly take sides on who would win the vice presidency, due to the fact that one was a good friend and the other was her cousin, but she was much more confident in Miles' chances. Largely because Mara still wasn't going for the 'reprobate vote' as she called it. Which, by her standards, seemed to be most of the school.

Furthermore, Mara's name didn't lend itself to puns quite so easily. Naomi smiled slightly at the pun on Miles' banner. Sometimes she envied him for having a name that could be worked into campaigns so easily. It was impossible to do anything with the word Naomi, and while Bell was workable it was still difficult to create taglines related to it that made sense.

Walking towards the table that her friends normally sat at, Naomi quickly scanned it to check how many of the nastier members were there. They may have been her friends, but... some of them could be harsh at times, and any students they targeted would consider Naomi guilty by association. Sometimes she could distract her friends from targeting other students, but it was harder if there were a lot of them.

Today, however, there were only four sitting down and they were all nicer members of the group. Well, Francis and Stacy were, at any rate. Travis could be a jerk at times (not to mention he was a perpetually stoned imbecile who didn't know how to sit on a chair) but generally only when other people were. And Miles... well, he couldn't afford to lose the votes.

Maybe that's why he was currently pulling out a chair so that Stacy could sit down. ...No, wait. Mrs. Havok was passing by. It all makes sense.

"So now we know. Chivalry is dead until revived by authority figures walking by," Naomi said as she sat down. "Classy."

She dropped her bag next to her chair as Travis and Francis started with their questions about Miles' campaign and what he was going to do if he won.

"Ooh, yes. Do tell, Miles." Naomi glanced at his cup of espresso and grinned. "Are you going to campaign for an espresso machine to be put in the lunch room? It would save you a lot of travel." Her cousin carried around an espresso so often that Naomi was sometimes filled with the urge to find their family photos and photoshop an espresso mug into his hands, simply because it didn't feel right without one.