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Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:40 am
by Cake
[[Pregame Start: Kyran Dean - Commence]]

It was the middle of the day, middle of the school year and he was there in the middle of the small lunch-line.

Now normally Kyran Dean would be nowhere near the Aurora High School cafeteria during lunch hours. He'd typically eat out elsewhere, most often at the nearby salad shop, being the healthy eater that he was and usually he could afford it.

Not today.

Today he only had a few dollars with him and he didn't exactly want to drive all the way home and then back. Thus, the cafeteria it was then.


The food here did have a bad reputation amongst the student body, but at least cafeteria food was cheaply affordable and healthily well balanced for student needs. Besides, kids had the tendency to over-exaggerate this sort of stuff. It couldn't be that bad.

Kyran left the line staring at the scoop of meat resembling the same dog food he'd use when helping his mother at her work, before scanning the lunch room for a spot to sit.

It had been a long time since he last spent time here. He hadn't sat down and eaten in the building in a while, not since he learned how to drive. The place was pretty clear at least. It was still early during the lunch period, before that big rush of students swarmed in. If he was quick, he'd be gone before the wave of students came piling in.

Fortunately, there were still a good number of empty tables to sit at. He chose one close to an exit, so he could make a quick getaway, before any of Aurora's finest could bother him too much. Turns out, it wasn't really a bad place to eat, actually. Aside from the crappy music playing through the speakers, it was still pretty comfortable. In fact, Kyran was sort of glad that most students, especially the rowdy, loud and obnoxious ones, like some of his team-mates from the football team, usually hanged out in different parts of the school. He pulled out his biology text book and started studying for next class. Maybe he could take his time and chill for a little while.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Deamon
((Gray Emerson continued from Skies of Gray))

Gray made sure his skateboard was safely tucked into his bag before entering the Cafeteria. He didn't want to give any of the staff any excuses to take the board away from him. He had just gotten back from leaving the campus to buy himself food. He had managed to return with a fresh sausage roll, a brownie and a packet of crisps. The only reason he had bothered going to the cafeteria was because he knew the drinks machine could be scammed so that you had a free drink. If you picked a drink from the far right of the top row it would get stuck against the screen. Then all you had to do was press the change button, give the screen a quick hit and you had one free drink.

Satisfied that his board was crushing his brownie Gray entered the cafeteria. Ignoring the growing queue for the food that was being served he made his way straight to the drinks machine. On his way he spotted Kyran sitting alone on a table at the back of the room. He tried to get his attention as he put his change into the machine. Selecting the top right he sat back and waited. He heard the bottle fall against the screen.

"Hey Kyran!" He called out as he pressed the button for his change. "Alright if I sit next to you?" Gray asked before hitting the screen to make his drink fall down. "If it'll help sway you I can buy you a drink."

Gray had known Kyran since elementary school and they'd gone through the entire education system together. Along with others like Oz and Corey. They didn't exactly hang out with each other in school as much as they used to but the group still met up regularly to hang out. That was the main reason Gray liked it, it was laidback.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he busied himself with collecting and opening his drink while he waited for Kyran's response. It was less awkward then standing around.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Cake
As the lunch hour went on, the louder and more crowded the lunch room became. Students, mostly under classmen began piling in by groups. A few he recognized as from the team or the school's in-crowd. "Aurora's Finest" he'd like to call them, obviously with a certain tone in mind.

Kyran buried his face behind the biology text book he was looking at earlier, hoping that none of those students would decide to eat lunch with him today. Having popular older brothers that used to go to the school and being one of the starting athletes from the football and baseball teams usually lead to an association with those types. He was "in" technically, because of that. The problem was that aside from sports, he had nothing in common with them. Stuff like hanging out drinking, smoking, talking about the latest sex-capades and "dramas" just weren't subjects that a reserved person like Kyran Dean could relate to. The girls were no better, basically flirting on him for superficial reasons.

Sure, Kyran knew that many students would have done some voodoo magic or something to get to the sort of position he basically lucked or stumbled into, but that kind of shallow type of friendship just wasn't his thing. It just made him feel insecure, because he felt like he didn't really fit in or know any of them on a personal level like he did with his longtime friends from childhood. Speaking of which...

"Hey Kyran!"

The voice of one of those childhood friends, was heard trying to call out to him over the lunch time commotion. Being that he was pretty sure he was the only Kyran in the school, it got his attention. The voice belonged to Gray Emerson, a friend he'd known since the first or second grade. They hadn't really hung around that much these days, but were still casual friends. Gray happened to be a pretty cool fellow who he could definitely relate to.

The smaller boy liked to skateboard and body board at the beach; activities that Kyran has also tried and enjoyed before, but not as much as Gray did. Still, on the rare times when he wasn't busy with his job at the movie theater, his mother's animal clinic, doing school work, or sports, Kyran could find some time to pull out that old skateboard of his and join Gray. Heck, now that he had his own pick-up, Kyran could even set the boards in the back and drive to the beach if the other boy wanted.

Gray asked if he could sit at his table and even offered to buy him a drink. He didn't need to ask for permission considering they knew each other for so long, but still, it was a show of politeness. The same couldn't be said about some of his more recent high school acquaintances.

"Sure, whatever," Kyran said, whilst motioning at the empty chairs around his table.

He put his biology book down, gave a brief sip from his carton of milk and gave a nod in his friend's direction. With Gray around, Kyran didn't need to worry about a certain group of people deciding to eat lunch with him anymore.

"Sup," He said, extending his arm for a greeting handshake.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Deamon
Gray fed his money back into the machine to get another drink for Kyran. He picked it up and walked over to the table. "Kinda got my hands full here." He said as he saw Kyran's extended hand. He dumped both drinks onto the table and grasped Kyran's hadn before sitting down himself.

"Not much, just got back in. I went to go buy some food." Said Gray as he opend his back and removed his purchases. He carefully opend the wrapping on the sausage roll to make sure it hadn't been crushed. "I mean you know how the food from in here is."

It was a well known fact amongst students that the food served in the cafeteria wasn't very good. Unless you liked vaguley meaty tasting mush or were a dog. Gray wasn't either of those, which was why he had gone out to buy his lunch.

"So what you up to?" Gray asked as he took a  bite out of his sasuage roll. He knew that the roll was either just as bad or worse for him then the food served in the cafeteria but it did have one pro: it tasted much better. He brushed the crumbs off his hands and took a sip of his drink.

It was this that made him enjoy hanging out with Kyran and the others. No pressure to have gossip or even talk too much. Just sit around and chill. It was like an unspoken agreement between all of them. They'd know each other for so long that they were completly comfortable in each others presence just being who they were. No worrying about what people thought of you. Gray didn't know too many groups like that.

Kyran himself was someone Gray used to hang out with a lot more, but has they'd grown up they'd been drawn to different hobbies. Gray had stuck with skateboarding and surfboarding and picked up snowboarding along the way where as Kyran had moved into football and baseball. This mean't they were both in different crowds that didn't mix with each other. Although Gray could still remember a time when Kyran would join him and skate if he had spare time. Gray had to respect that Kyran still tried to keep the friendship going. Gray also thought that Kyran liked to be able to just spend some time relaxing with a friend, but that wasn't his business.

Gray took another bit out of the sausage roll and adjusted his hat, it had been sitting strangely on his head so he flattened it out in the middle more. He didn't want to walk around looking like he had a lump on top of his head. Gray tended not to care too much but he drew a line.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Cake
Gray accepted Kyran's handshake after dumping the two drinks onto the table before sitting down. He talked about how he had gone out to get food before coming to the cafeteria and implied the poor quality of food served there.

Kyran took another look at his unfinished lunch meat and nodded in agreement.

Gray asked Kyran what he was up to while taking a bite of his much more inviting lunch. The young baseball player stuck a plastic fork into his own processed meal and started mixing, absentmindedly. He wasn't going to waste any of the money he earned after spending so many of his weekend nights standing around and working concession. No sir, he was gonna funnel it down his own throat if he had to.

"Reading up for next class. Listening to crappy music. You know, all that good stuff," he answered, patting the opened biology text with a quick smirk.

Kyran noticed the other boy fixing his skater hat and unconsciously, Kyran adjusted his own Aurora High baseball cap, lifting it up slightly and setting it back down in it's backward position. He also used the time to roll up his long sleeves a little to meet up near the sleeves of the T-shirt he wore over it. The day had started on a cold note, but had began to get much warmer, making his doubled clothing choice for the day a bit bothersome.

Out of the corner of his eye, Kyran spotted his biology teacher, Ms. Liddell, or as most of the students liked to call her "Ms. Little" walking through the cafeteria with a tray of the special teacher's lunch - aka, the lunch that actually looked like regular human food. She was definitely one of the cooler teachers, but it was weird seeing her outside of the science hall or library. Then again, Kyran didn't usually hang around the cafeteria himself, either.

"Hey Gray: You ever notice how the teachers always seem to get the better school lunches?"

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Deamon
Gray turned to what Kyran was pointing at and saw Ms. Liddell walk out of the cafeteria with what was definitely a plate of food. Unlike the strange substance that was given to students.

"Yeah, I've noticed that. I'm fairly sure they get better options too." Gray took a sip of his drink. "Maybe we should get one of the people running for class president to promise better food." He said with a grin. "I mean it might even make me care about voting for class president."

Gray had never been into any of the miniature politics that were present in schools. He just didn't care and that in turn meant he didn't pay any attention to it. He knew it was going on but beyond that he knew nothing about who was running, what they were promising or what the class president even did. When he thought about it, it matched his knowledge of real politics.

Did the class president even hold any power? Or did the school just have elections every year to give the students something to do.

"Do you care about the class president thing?" Gray asked as he turned back around. "Also you're right, this music sucks."

Gray took a final bite of his sausage roll before scrunching up the paper and throwing it into an open bin. He searched his pocket with one hand while using the other to slide the brownie in front of him. Once he had managed to fish his iPod out of his pocket he placed it on the table. It was an old 8 GB iPod Nano. Gray had owned it since Christmas of 2006 and it looked worn and rough around the edges. His Skullcandy ear buds were much newer since he went through headphones at a ridiculous rate.

He left them on the table as he opened the brownie. He thought about biting into it but instead held it out to Kyran offering him a bite.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by blastinus
(Brad Poole, Start)

"Do you care about the class president thing?"

Brad didn't intend to be nosy this time around. He was close by, hanging up yet another handcrafted poster for Chess Club, when the words "Class President" wafted by his ears. Craning his neck so that he could tell who was talking, he was surprised to see that the conversation was coming from Gray Emerson, of all the unlikely sources. He'd seen the guy try a few of his stunts before, and thought that he was a pretty awesome and down-to-earth fellow. He didn't figure him for the guy to be talking about school politics, but who was he to judge by appearances?

After taping up the last corner of the poster so that the thing wouldn't fall over like the last one he tried to put up, he casually sauntered over, tape roller still in hand, and leaned against the side of the table, so that he was standing almost completely between the two chatting classmates. "Considering trying out for class president, Gray?" he asked, quickly pushing aside the hair that had fallen into his eyes. "I've been checking out the other candidates, just out of curiosity, and I think you could probably beat most of the people applying."

Had the young Bradley actually listened a little more before jumping into the conversation, perhaps he wouldn't have drawn the wrong conclusion, but as was so often the case with this lad, waiting was a waste of time.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Aura
(Adonis Alba continued from A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks)

Adonis Alba was not in a good mood.  He was pissed at Mallory for yelling at him.  He was pissed at Mark for butting into his business.  And he was pissed at Coach Lomelli most of all, for kicking him out of the gym when he was about to take care of business.  And all of that had happened the previous day.  Adonis Alba knew how to hold a grudge.

When I find those idiots again, I'm gonna...hey, lunch!

It was at this moment that the ex-jock realized that he wad wandered into the lunchroom during his wrathful plotting.  He hadn't eaten since morning, and being angry about something that happened yesterday can really work up an appetite.  He went through the lunch line and ended up with something that might have been meatballs and gravy served over mashed potatoes, but looked more like a puddle of brown on top of something gray with lots of tiny meatballs.  Adonis looked at his tray and pondered whether or not to eat the substance that had been dumped onto it.

Well, crappy school food still counts as food, right?

He ultimately decided to eat the cafeteria slop.  At least the meatballs looked edible.

Adonis took his tray and searched for a table.  As he looked around, he noticed someone from the football team.  Kyran Dean was the name that came to mind.  Adonis always thought he was kind of weird, to be honest.  Sure, the guy was a heck of a wide reciever, that he could respect, but he never seemed to hang out with the popular kids.  Why not?  Having the entire school fawning over you was one of the best things about being on the team!  A little strange, but he didn't seem like that bad of a guy.

Next to Dean was some tiny guy that Adonis knew by word of mouth, Gray Emerson.  All Adonis knew about this dude was that apparently he does ridiculous things and gets hurt a lot.  He could have sworn that he saw the guy try to jump a dumpster on a skateboard once.  The guy was definitely nuts, but he didn't seem like the type to try anything funny.

Deciding that their table was as good as any, Adonis walked over and overheard them talking about  the elections for class president.  Adonis didn't usually care much about politics, but he had seen some of the girls in the running and he was...interested, to say the least.

Simms, Bell, they're both smokin' hot.  Pretty hard to choose.

Adonis plopped his lunch tray on Kyran and Gray's table completely unannounced, stating his intentions after already seating himself.

"I'm sitting here."

These guys couldn't possibly be as bad as those dumbasses from the gym, right?

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Laurels
((Rachael Langdon continued from Life is like a broken record))

Rachael Langdon walked into the lunchroom, quickly glaring around for a place to sit.

There's one!

She rushed over to an empty table and sat down. Next to her were Gray Emerson and Kyran Dean. Rachael didn't really know either guy. She knew Gray was a skater who would occasionally hurt himself, and Kyran was a classic school athlete. They seemed to be nice guys though.

Rachael put her bag on the table opened it, removing her lunch box. Rachael always brought her own lunch to school. Frankly, the first time she tried the school's pizza in her Freshman year was enough to convince her to bring her own food. Plus, she could at least monitor how healthy it was.

Today's lunch was a real delight. A nice turkey sandwich on good sourdough bread with a bit of pesto and Parmesan cheese, some of Mom's awesome pasta salad (stored in a Tupperware container with an ice pack), and a bottle of water. Yum.

Rachael also pulled a book out of her bag as well. Ever since Daniel and Michael had assigned A Game of Thrones for Book Club, Rachael made it her goal to read the current series up to its most recent release. She spent the rest of Christmas Break reading the first book, and since then, she had finished the second book. She was now reading A Storm of Swords, and it was getting good. Catelyn and Robb were at The Twins for a wedding, something Rachael had become worried about since Robb married someone other than a Frey. Still, it looked like the Freys were a bit more forgiving about the broken arrangement, and Rachael needed to read the extent of this.

Rachael flipped the book open to the bookmark and began reading. She grabbed half of her sandwich and took a bite. As she did, she heard Brad Poole sit down and join the discussion about the student election.

Oh yeah, that's happening. Who's running? Oh right, Summer and Naomi. I'll probably vote Naomi. She's pretty nice and diligent. I bet she'd be a good President.

As Rachael took a sip of water, she heard someone else sit down at the table next to her. Adonis Alba. Rachael had heard a lot of bad things about this guy. How he argued with a ref during a football game, getting expelled from the team, how he bragged about having a threesome with two girls (Who were they again?), and other mean stuff. She had no idea why he was sitting with Kyran, Gray, and Brad, but she figured he wouldn't sit there without their consent.

Come on Rach', let's just keep reading.

Rachael took another bite of her sandwich. Delicious.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Cake
The lunchtime conversation quickly segued into one about school politics after Gray made a joke about voting for someone who'd provide the students better lunches. The joke made Kyran smile a tiny one, but the thought of discussing politics; much less high school politics could have elicited a long sigh from the boy's lungs.

"Naw, I don't care. The elections seem more like popularity contests more than anything anyway."

Gray looked to be changing the subject to the awful music at that point, pulling out a brownie and placing his IPod with brand new skull candy headphones onto the cafeteria table. The skater extended his hand, offering first bite. To be honest, Kyran wasn't much of a chocolate fan and was about to decline, when the kid putting up handmade posters for chess club behind them, suddenly interrupted and just like that the conversation was back to politics again.

Kyran sighed quietly and took the soft drink that Gray had offered him earlier. It wasn't exactly something healthy like he'd normally drink, but it was orange soda and Kyran loved orange soda. He popped the cap and took a drink, staying quiet as the two other boys started talking. The other boy was named Brad, which aside from the boy's apparent love for chess club and crafting grade school quality posters, was all Kyran knew about the guy from the few classes he's had with him in the past.

The young athlete minded his own business as he usually did when someone he didn't really know showed up. Kyran enjoyed his drink and raised his eyebrow, when the lunch room speakers started playing something listenable by Radiohead, to his surprise. Also to his surprise was the presence of another of his classmates, already settled on the far end of the table. He knew the girl as a Rachael whom he shared one of his current classes with. Her lunch looked both healthy and delicious.

That's odd. Why is the quiet girl sitting here with us?

He wondered to himself about her reasons as she usually kept to herself and didn't really know them much either. That was when Adonis Alba also decided to crash the party, dumping his lunch tray onto the table and sitting right next to Gray, without warning.

"I'm sitting here." Adonis stated matter-of-fact to everyone else already at the table.

Adonis was pretty much the living, breathing, and embodiment of everything that Kyran disliked about the whole popular scene. He was all about girls, partying, bullying and was an incredibly cocky jerk. They were both on the football team together at one point with Kyran recognizing Adonis as a cocky, but admittedly great player. However, that was all pretty much clouded, with Adonis's notoriously aggressive and bad attitude during their junior year football season. He had been unnecessarily mean to others, including his own teammates and even threatened a referee, earning himself a kick off the team. Needless to say, Kyran lost whatever respect he had for Adonis after he showed what kind of person he truly was through those stupid moves.

"Whatever," Kyran said in response, with a tone of indifference. As long as he wasn't bothering him, it'd be fine... he guessed.

He hadn't really interacted with Adonis much ever since he was removed from the team, so it confused Kyran a bit for why Adonis had chosen to eat his lunch at this particular table. Not to mention, the other students at the table with Kyran now, weren't exactly the ex-football player's scene. Kyran suspected that it was he himself, a star athlete and honorary "cool kid" as the reason Adonis was even there.

Kyran looked back, expecting to see more of that group appear and kick the other kids off the table then. To his relief it was just one guy, but still - it was Adonis Alba.

The sudden crowding of unfamiliar students (and one asshole extraordinaire) around his formerly quiet table was beginning to make Kyran feel a bit uncomfortable. He hurried to finish his lunch, just so he could get out of there. Unenthusiastically, he scooped up some of the lunch meat with the provided plastic spork.

Wait a minute, this stuff isn't half bad.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Deamon
As Gray offered the brownie to Kyran someone else had arrived and was saying how he could beat the other people who were running. The first thing Gray did was to see if the person was joking. They didn't seem to be. He turned his head to see Brad Poole leaning on the table. Gray didn't know him directly but he had seen him putting up some hand drawn posters for the Chess Club up around school. Brad seemed to think that Gray was seriously talking about going for class president. Gray couldn't help grinning. He may have misheard the conversation a little.

"Nah I'm not actually running." Gray said. He didn't feel more explanation was needed, since Brad had barged in on the conversation. Gray also didn't want the conversation to stay on something as boring as school politics so that may have had something to do with it.

Gray picked up his iPod and started to cycle through the songs when he heard someone pull up a chair next to him. He looked up from what he was doing to notice that: Brad was still at the table and Rachael Langdon had sat down next to him. Gray knew one thing about Rachael from classes with her which was that she was very quiet and shy. He didn't know much else due to that. She had sat down with a container full of pasta and a book. Gray then realised that she hadn't actually said hello. So he decided to do it.

"Hey Rachael."

Gray took a bite out of his brownie and tried to give Kyran a confused look. He still had no idea how two people could appear in such quick succession. That was when the third person showed up.

"I'm sitting here."

Gray knew straight away that it was Adonis Alba but he turned his head just to make sure. Gray had never spoken to Adonis, and with good reason. Gray was under the impression that half of the stories were spread around by Adonis himself because if they were to be believed he could get any girl he wanted in bed. There was also the small matter of him getting kicked off the football team due to his bad attitude. That wasn't a rumour it was fact. Gray wasn't exactly thrilled that Adonis had showed up, adding to a table that was already pretty crowded. He was starting to feel like he should just grab his board and leave but he didn't want to leave Kyran behind. So he ignored Adonis completely and went back to eating his brownie and cycling through his music deciding what to put on.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by blastinus
Brad nodded and shrugged when he heard that Gray wasn't actually running. He'd jumped to conclusions before, and it wasn't a biggie to be found wrong. He wasn't perfect, after all, and he didn't have a whole lot of pride to be stung about either. Besides, now that he thought about it, Gray didn't especially look like the political type, so he wasn't sure why it was that he'd come to the conclusion that Gray was running in the first place.

Shortly after Brad realized his mistake, Adonis came up and declared that he was sitting next to the two eating men. Brad didn't know much about Adonis, really, nor Kyran for that matter, but he knew their names from the times he'd been in the same class with them. Kyran had always been the quiet type, Adonis perhaps not so much, and Brad was given to understand that both of them played football. As for the girl who had arrived shortly before Adonis...not a clue. Rachel, perhaps? He recognized the face, but couldn't really say where he'd seen her, and that bothered him. Obviously, he would have to find some time with which to get to know her better.

Brad was so wrapped up in his thinking that he realized he'd forgotten something very important, namely that he was standing in front of a group of four people, just staring off into empty space for about half a minute or so. "Oh, right, sorry, it slipped my mind," he said to Kyran, who had suddenly started just digging into his food. "My name's Brad. I think you and I might have been in the same Trig class. Sorry about just jumping in like that. Must have seemed kinda weird." He realized at that point that he was still waving around the tape roller, so he quickly lowered his arm to his side before he brained someone. "So, uh..." he said, not especially feeling hungry, but still eager to somewhat save face, "s'alright if I sit here? Just gotta get my lunch really quickly, alright? Cool." Giving a quick thumbs up, he half-walked, half-ran off to stand in line, leaving the roller on an empty spot to reserve it.

"Oh Carl, brother of mine," he thought to himself in a jovial fashion, "you're gonna love hearing about this one." That was questionable, actually. What his younger brother Carl usually did when Brad told him about his antics was bury his head in his hands and emphasize, for the hundredth time, that they weren't related. Sometimes Brad wondered whether his younger brother was getting teased because of him, but even if that was the case, he didn't have much sympathy for him. In Brad's estimation, any kid who would tell his entire freshman class that he liked to cook deserved all the ridicule he got.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:41 am
by Aura

Well, nobody seemed particularly thrilled that Adonis had sat at their table.  Kyran barely noticed him, and Gray just seemed to ignore him completely.  Well, that didn't matter.  At least there were no weirdos at this able (OK, Gray might count, but he wasn't doing anything crazy at the moment), and if he didn't have any reason to leave, then Adonis wasn't going to leave.

As Adonis' attention turned back to the "food" on his tray, he dug his plastic fork into the slop and held it up to his face.  It almost looked like mashed potatoes and gravy, so he had to give them props for that.  It didn't smell too bad either.  Maybe lunch wouldn't totally suck after all.

"Oh, right, sorry, it slipped my mind."

Adonis looked up from his lunch to find the owner of the new voice.  It was some skinny guy that he didn't recognize.  Adonis didn't have a clue who this guy was, but he looked like a dork, and that was all the bully cared to know.  Apparently the guy's name was Brad, and he wanted to sit at their table.  Adonis would have said something about that, but the skinny guy took off for the lunch line before he could even open his mouth.


After the skinny kid left, Adonis looked around the table to see if any more uninvited guests had decided to come to the table.  Turns out that a girl had sat down without him noticing.  He had no clue what this girl's name was, but he had seen her in the halls before.  Pretty small, with clothes that looked too long for her.  Really long hair, tied up in a braid.  Adonis had to say, she looked pretty good.

Well, this table just got a little more interesting.

Adonis stuck his fork back into the "potatoes" and decided to make his move with the girl.  After all, who wouldn't fall for his amazing masculine charms?

"What's your name, lovely?"

He gave the girl an incredibly suave smile and winked in her direction.  There was no way that she could resist this.

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:42 am
by Laurels
Okay, Roslin's crying about her impending consummation. Huh. Sounds a lot like when Dany married Drogo. Hey, are they playing Radiohead? Awesome. I don't believe I ever heard a public place play Radiohead, especially something from In Rainbows.

Hey Rachael.

Rachael looked up from her book. Gray was looking at her.


Rachael turned back to her book, picking up her fork to eat some pasta salad.

Mmm, Mom's pasta salad is much better than what they seem to be serving at Edmure's wedding. Zesty Italian is the right dressing for this. Okay, what's happening? Dacey's trying to dance with Edwyn. No? Well that's abrupt. Catelyn's going to confront him about that? Okay, let's see what-

What's your name, lovely?

Rachael froze. She had her fork in her mouth at that moment and slowly removed it. She looked up from her book and saw that Adonis was smiling at her. He then winked at her. Rachael's eyes darted around the table.

"Um, Rachael. Rachael Langdon."


Rachael immediately put her face back in her book and took a sip from her water.

What's that all about?

Re: Whatever

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:42 am
by Cake
Kyran stared up at Brad as the boy continued to stand there, staring off into space, perhaps lost in his own thoughts. After a minute or so, it seemed like Brad noticed the awkward stares as he was quick to apologize about interrupting. Then he asked if he could sit at the table too.

"S'okay Brad... and yeah whatever."

Chess club and a trigonometry class? Yeah, maybe Brad being around would be enough for Adonis to go away, as to not get his image tainted for sitting with a nerd. Though for some reason Brad had already run off after giving the thumbs up and Kyran couldn't help, but raise his eyebrows in confusion at the awkward kid. Either way, Kyran wasn't just going to dig out on Gray, who had already started speaking with Rachael.

To Kyran's surprise, Adonis spoke up to Rachael as well, obviously trying to hit her up. Kyran pretended to ignore, but continued to listen to the two, just to see how Adonis could dig himself into a hole with a girl so out of his usual territory. Things like that were always funny, unless Adonis decided to be a jerk to somebody, knowing how the guy was to people whenever he lost his cool.

In the meanwhile, Kyran decided to turn his attention to the only person sitting there whom he was at all comfortable speaking with. That person of course, was Gray. Gray normally wasn't without his skateboard even at school. To keep his mind busy, Kyran quietly searched for and spotted a curved end poking out ever so slightly from Gray's bag on the table next to him. Also on the lunch table was an iPod that Gray had immediately turned back to.

Even though Kyran had already finished his own lunch, Brad was coming back with his tray of food too and it would have been rude for him to leave as he came back.

"What you listening to?" Question directed at Gray.

Yeah, whatever small talk to keep the time going would do, as it looked like he was going to be stuck there for a while.