B71 - Jameson, Scott[/DECEASED]

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B71 - Jameson, Scott[/DECEASED]


Post by Kaishi* »


Name: Jameson, Scott
Gender: male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th
Extra Curricular Activity: Baseball team, left field
School: Barry Coleson High
Appearance: Other than having long arms, Scott looks pretty much like the typical 16 year old boy with dark blond hair and brown eyes. The tallest person on the team at 6'0, his appearance seems suited for a left-fielder. He is the weakest person on the team physically, though he's one of the fastest due to having to catch so many near Home Runs.
Biography: The son of a professional umpire, Scott was raised early to be a baseball fan (like David and Aaron). Having been born colorblind, he never paid it any attention at first, though he was concerned it would hinder him if he played baseball, thus causing him to not try out for a team until his tenth grade year when he decided to risk it and making him the Barry Coleson team's newest member. Really the colorblindness didn't in any way effect his play, and though he was weak he soon earned respect for his skill. Of course, he was still bothered about being as weak as he was, but he ignored it. When the terrorists gassed the plane, he was one of the first to pass out.
Other: You couldn't tell by looking at him, but he's completely colourblind.
Number: 71
Weapon: Brick
Conclusion: He's weak, and he's colourblind. The weakness that he has as a general part of himself doesn't say much for his longetivity in the game. If he teams up with a stronger player, he might have a hope of lasting, but otherwise, he doesn't stand a chance, and like most of the rest of the baseball team, will likely find his grave here on the island.

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