B69 - Mutaeneau, Andrew[/DECEASED]

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B69 - Mutaeneau, Andrew[/DECEASED]


Post by Kaishi* »


Name: Munteanu, Andrew

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Grade: 9th

Extra Curricular Activity: Andrew is an actor that has been in many Broadway productions, thus his time being taken up by his acting roles, so acting is the only thing that Andrew can note on this subject.

School: Barry Coelson High

Appearance:Standing at 5’0” and weighing 90lbs Andrew isn’t much to speak of physicaly. He has somewhat of a thin face and wide golden eyes. With long thin brown hair that goes past his shoulders gives him the looks homeless person most of the time. With very calm body language he is very easily perceived to be an easy target to pick off.

At the time of the crash Andrew was wearing a black ACDC shirt (just the logo on his chest, the red and yellow logo of course), a pair of blue jeans and black converse.

Biography: Andrew was born on June 1st, 1991 into the poor hands of a twenty-three year old straight out of college. He has no father has he far as he could recall and his mothers memories of when he was conceived are slim to none. Despite all this Andrew and his mother survived the tough trials of city life when on the poverty level.

Though poor he and his mother had high hopes and his mother worked hard dreaming of success and happiness for her child. When Andrew was five years old he was picked to be in a comercial at the local K-Mart and thus a whole new world of opportunities had opened up for him.

By the time he was nine years old he had been in countless commercials, three broadway plays, and had a minor role in a television movie. Needless to say he has supported himself since he was nine.

Now fourteen Andrew is thought to be popular among his classmates and his outgoing nature has made him quite a few enemies (most of them bigger and stronger than him), However he just shrugs this off claiming that “Well they wouldn’t beat me even if they wanted to… my mom would bitch and get them in prison or something.”

Number: B69


Weapon: Pot Lid
Conclusion: B69 is the scrawniest kid that I've seen in quite some time. Depending on his weapon, he could be completely undervalued in this game, but I'm betting that he's an easy out. If he runs into someone like Jacob Starr, there's no way that he's going to last very long at all. Then again, perhaps his 'movie-star charisma' can work him out of a tough spot. Not, however, someone to bet on.

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