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One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:22 am
by Pippi
((Chase Rodriguez: Start!))

Okay, wow. You know, I probably should have paid more attention during the rest of school than spend the whole day looking forward to drawing all of this...

Half way through art class. The lesson Chase had been waiting for all day. Sure, he enjoyed school and most other lessons normally, but he was seriously tired today. He'd been working on a clay sculpture all evening, and it was only when he'd gone to get a new bowl of water that he'd noticed the clock on his wall saying that it was half past three in the morning. Chase loved sculpting, but he had to admit, it had some severe drawbacks. There was, of course, the whole tiredness thing, but the stuff was pretty expensive too; at least, with the amount of failed sculptures Chase made, it was.

So Chase had gone through the day, trying his hardest to listen intently and not fall asleep. He wasn't entirely sure he'd managed it. But finally, art had arrived, and after that, Chase would be able to get home. He needed, and kinda wanted, to sleep, but he'd almost finished the book he'd been reading, and, of course, the sculpture he'd been working on was actually turning out... less bad than usual...

So despite his original enthusiasm, Chase spent the first half of art fighting off sleep and with his mind half in the art room, half back at home. He was now glancing at a small mound of screwed up paper, a fresh piece sitting in front of him. Some of them had just been so terrible that he'd scrunched them up without even trying to erase the drawings on them. Others he had, but after three or so drawings and subsequent erasing, they'd turned too smudged and crumpled to do anything more on.

Well, here we are again. My lifelong adversary. Mr Pen and Mr Pencil.

It shouldn't really have been difficult. Chase had just been asked to draw something to do with nature. Of course, with Miss Blanc as his teacher, the whole thing was required to have some sort of hidding meaning to go with it, but that could wait until later. Chase sighed and looked back at his paper. Maybe if I just take a little more time, rather than trying to draw everything in my head... okay, so, nature, nature... maybe a lake, a pond? Yeah, that'd look good, maybe add a weeping willow at the edge? Okay, cool, that'd work...

Chase put his pencil to the paper, and started to draw, making sure he didn't push down too hard. If it was terrible, it would be easy to rub out; if it was actually good, he could always go over it again. Chase started with the tree, sketching out the trunk first, before moving on to the branches hanging over the area that would later become the lake.

After a while, Chase stopped drawing, and put his pencil down. He looked at the paper, and after a couple of seconds, a small frown appeared on his face.

"Well, that doesn't look like anything at all."

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:22 am
by CondorTalon
((Miriam Castille continued from Skies of Gray.))

Miriam was sitting in the art room, staring intently at the piece of paper in front of her. There were multiple lines of varying length and thickness on it that, if you looked at them in the right way, sort of looked like a hill with some trees. Miriam brought her left hand to her mouth, putting her fingernails between her teeth, while her right hand idly triwled the pencil between her fingers. She brought the pencil down onto the paper and began to fill in the finer details of the drawing. Her left hand reached for the eraser on the desk, as she began to carefully rub out the rough work.

She rubbed her eyes, and yawned. She hadn't exactly gotten as much sleep as wanted to last night. It wasn't that she had been doing anything to keep her up, it's just that her brain refused to turn off, and she lay awake, thinking about too many different things.

She rested her head on her hands, blinking slowly twice, bafore looking down at her paper. Well, it was nearly complete, in her mind at least, so she brought her pencil down again and worked the shading, taking her eraser to page if something didn't look quite right.

And soon, she put the pencil down, and just stared at her work. Miriam didn't consider herself an expert at drawing, but she liked the result.

"Well, that doesn't look like anything at all."

Miriam looked over at the source of the voice. Not like she needed to. It was Chase, of course, one of her friends. She looked down at the piece of paper currently in front of Chase.

"Th-That's not true, it's uh... a very nice... um... I like the, uh.."

No, Miriam couldn't lie. Chase was right. It really didn't look like anything at all.

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:22 am
by Pippi
((Aah, sorry this took longer than necessary, I was focused on getting Roy's death on Virtua done))

Chase looked up as Miriam spoke, her quiet, hesitant voice instantly recognisable. From what she was saying, Chase guessed that she was trying to find something about his drawing to compliment, but failing rather miserably at it. Chase couldn't really blame her; if possible, it seemed to grow worse each time he looked at it.

"Yeah, exactly." Chase said, scratching the back of his head and glancing back down at the paper. "I don't actually think that there's anything worth praising here." Chase sighed, looking back towards Miriam. "It was meant to be a tree, by the way, not that you can tell..."

Chase turned the paper over, planning to start afresh on the other side. He still liked his previous idea, but maybe it would be better to do something simpler? Then again, the idea was pretty simple already...

Chase looked over at Miriam's piece of art for inspiration. "Well, that's just unfair." Chase said with a grin, still admiring Miriam's art. "How do you manage to draw so well? Because this is really good, y'know?"

Chase tried to stifle a yawn as he looked from his art to Miriam's. "I guess I probably should have gotten some more sleep, huh? I spent most of last night working on some art, which is turning out much better than thi-" As Chase was speaking he tried to gesture towards his artwork whilst looking at Miriam. Unfortunately, he managed to completely misjudge the distance, and his arm collided with the stack of paper sitting next to his artwork. The paper fell to the floor, a couple of pieces floating lazily down. Chase stared at it for a moment, before looking back at Miriam, a wry smile on his face. "Maybe I should just hand all of this in for Miss Blanc to mark; claim it's modern art" he said. "Hell, I'd probably get better marks for it than whatever I try and draw."

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:22 am
by CondorTalon
Miriam looked more closely at the lines on the paper. Apparently it was supposed to be a tree. Miriam tilted her head, but she didn't see it. Well, maybe... a little?

She smiled when Chase complimented her art. She wasn't used to hearing it, unless it was about her art, and usually it was from Yukiko, or another one of her friends. Still, it made her happy to know that someone appreciated it. It gave her more of a conviction to pursue art as a career.

Miriam's smile turned into a concerned frown at Chase's long yawn and subsequent knocking over of paper. She tried to appreciate the humor in Chase's next comment, but all she could see was the pile of paper now on the floor. She bent over to start picking up the papers that had fallen to the floor.

"Chase... You know Miss Blanc wouldn't accept that. You should... I-I think you should try again. I'm sure if you put your mind into-"

At that moment, right as Miriam picked up a sheet that had fallen under her desk, right as she was standing back up, her head hit the corner of the desk.

She clutched her head instinctively, dropping the papers she'd spent the effort of picking up.

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:22 am
by Laurels
((Sophie McDowell: Begin))

If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true and help me understand? Cause I've been in love before, and I've found that love was more than just holding hands.

Sophie McDowell sat at her desk focused intently on the paper in front of her. Her right hand continued to move as she added more strokes to the paper. She was humming one of her favorite songs as she began to draw some vines from the top of her picture.

When Ms. Blanc said that they had to draw a scene of nature, the image instantly appeared in Sophie's mind. She could see everything: the vines from the trees, the bushes on the ground, the stream in the corner, and the lizard on the rock. She knew exactly what she was drawing, and she was set on materializing the vision on the paper.

As she finished straightening the lines on one of her trees, a certain noise made her pick her head up. Looking at the table next to her, she saw that Chase Rodriguez had knocked some papers over, and Miriam Castille was picking some of the papers up. Sophie had hardly paid attention to Chase and Miriam while she was working on her sketch. She heard some snippets of their conversation (something about drowsiness and modern art), but didn't think too much.

But, right as she saw Miriam hit her head on the corner of the table, Sophie decided to go help.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked as she bent down to help Miriam up.

She began to pick up a few scattered papers and began to put them on the desk.

"Well, if that doesn't get the creative juices flowing, I don't know what will," Sophie said, lightly tapping her fist to her forehead.

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:22 am
by Pippi
Almost before all of the paper had hit the floor, Miriam was out of her seat, scurrying around to pick them up. Chase got out of his seat too, and started picking up papers himself. He'd knocked them over after all; it would be ridiculously unfair and rude to sit back as Miriam did all the work.

As the two gathered up the paper, Miriam started speaking, suggesting to Chase that he try again at his art. Chase nodded in agreement, still bent over, picking up the papers. He had an idea, he knew what to do. It was just a matter of actually putting it into practice. If he worked slightly slower, and possibly got some advice from Miriam, he was confident that he could end up with a presentable piece of art.

Chase was just about to say this, when he heard a dull thud sound behind him. Standing up straight, he swivelled round to see Miriam clutching her head, and he could work out what had happened. The papers took a back seat, as Chase quickly strode over to Miriam. "Oh, jeez, you okay Miriam?" he asked, almost at the same time as another voice saying something similar. It was Sophie, another friendly and kind girl in Chase's art class. Okay, good. Sophie'll probably be able to comfort Miriam better than I could...

Sophie also began to pick up a few stray papers, then said something about the bump on Miriam's head getting her creative juices flowing. Chase smiled at that, also picking up a few papers. "Whilst I'd love for my creative juices to flow a bit more" he said "I'm afraid I'd rather not injure myself to do so." Chase's face took on a look of concern, as he moved back towards Miriam. "You okay now?" he asked. "Anything bleeding?"

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:22 am
by CondorTalon
((Super sorry about how long this took.))

She heard another voice right then, asking if she was okay. She looked up and saw Sophie McDowell, looking over at her, and picking up some of the papers as well.

"I'm fine. I'm... I'm okay," she managed to say through clenched teeth. Geez, that had taken her by surprise, and she rubbed the top of her head, where the pain was.

"Well, if that doesn't get the creative juices flowing, I don't know what will," Sophie said. Miriam smiled slightly at that. Chase had also responded to the joke as well. He then turned to her and asked if anything was bleeding.

"No, I'm fine..." she replied. She didn't feel any blood on her head, where she had hit it. It wasn't anything serious. At least she hoped.

So stood herself up, dusting herself off, and then sat back down at her desk.

"M-Maybe there's something here you can work with... or... base off of," she said, reaching over to grab the papers. She began to look through them.

After flipping through four or five sheets of "abstract" art, she found one that looked... semi-concrete. Chase could work with this one. She could help.

She put that sheet in front of Chase.

"How about this one?"

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:22 am
by Laurels
Sophie continued to pick up the pieces from the paper on the ground.

Whilst I'd love for my creative juices to flow a bit more, I'm afraid I'd rather not injure myself to do so.

"Hehe, yeah. Not a whole lot on the mind after hitting your head except the suppression of anger and expletives."

Chase was checking to see if Miriam was okay. Looked like she was fine. That's good. Sure wouldn't like to see any blood in art class.

Looks like Miriam is still trying to help Chase with finding inspiration for his piece.

Sophie decided to see if she could help.

Miriam held a picture up to Chase.

How about this one?

Sophie merely looked at the picture. It would be up to Chase to determine if he could get anything out of it.

Best to wait and see what Chase says. Maybe there's something I can add.

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:23 am
by Pippi
((Welp, I messed up here. Sorry for the delay.))

Chase was glad to see that Miriam seemed to be okay. He still felt slightly guilty at the fact that it had been pretty much his fault Miriam had hurt herself in the first place; after all, if he hadn't been so clumsy, the whole fiasco would never have happened. But that was in the past; what had happened had happened, and Miriam didn't seem to be in any serious pain.

As Chase was thinking this, Miriam stood up and retook her seat at the desk. Almost instantly, she grabbed the pile of paper that she'd just removed from the floor, and started rifling through them, muttering something about finding a base for Chase to work with. Chase glanced over at Sophie, before looking back at Miriam, but said nothing.

After a short while, Miriam seemed to have found a suitable piece, placing it at Chase's place at the desk. Chase walked over to get a better look at it, as did Sophie. Looking over the piece, it was the same general design Chase had been trying since the start of the lesson. It was in pretty good condition: there were no smudge marks or creases where he'd tried to erase something. Everything seemed to be in proportion, and generally looked like what it was supposed to look. Mostly.

Chase smiled and looked at Miriam. "Yeah, that's a good one. I'd say it's the..." Chase looked skywards as he thought of the right way to describe his art. "Uh, least worst of that pile. Thanks a lot, Miriam. And, um, sorry about, y'know... dropping all the paper to the floor and all. Cheers for helping pick them all up, by the way."

"And thanks for helping with that too, Sophie." Chase said, as he turned to face the blonde girl. Now, hopefully I won't be able to mess this base up too badly...

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:23 am
by Laurels
((Breaking post order to leave the thread))

"Oh, it's no problem Chase. If you need me, I'll just be focusing on my work."

Sophie moved back to her desk. It looked like Chase and Miriam had this all under control now, so she could get back to her picture.

Sophie continued sketching her picture. She began to do a few new techniques with it, such as shading some rocks or adding extra lines to a tree to make it look more detailed. The entire time, she would occasionally glance back at Chase and Miriam and see what they were doing.

Wonder if they need any help? Better just wait until they ask.

Sophie continued working on her sketch until the bell rang. She turned her project in and left class.

Nice class. Nice day. Fun stuff!

((Sophie McDowell continued in Improvise!))

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:23 am
by Pippi
((Getting Chase out of here))

Chase moved the piece of paper across, so it was directly in front of him, as Sophie went back to her desk. Okay, so, what could he do with this? The basic outline was all there. He knew where he wanted to place everything. There were a couple of creases from when he'd unsuccessfully tried to erase some pencil lines though. Maybe he could fit them into the actual piece in some way?

Chase tapped his pencil against the desk, before chewing the end absentmindedly. Okay, so, there's one crease in the lower left hand corner... where I want to put the lake... Maybe I could us that as, like, ripples or something? Yeah, yeah, that'd work. But, huh... that smudge isn't going to help at all. I guess I could use paint or tippex to cover it up, but I kinda want to keep this all done in pencils... maybe if I use shading to cover it up...

Chase stared at the paper for a minute or so longer, before taking a deep breath, and starting to draw. He could do this. He knew what he was trying to achieve. It was just a matter of actually pulling it off. What could possibly go wrong?

By the time the bell rang, Chase had found out. The smudge had stubbornly refused to disappear or blend in with the background shading. It would be kinda hard to pass of as a cloud, seeing as the rest of them were white and had a defined shape, while the smudge was dark grey and, well... a smudge.

Still though, it was a hell of a lot better than what Chase had thought he'd make, or indeed, what he'd had earlier in the lesson. Carefully picking the paper up, Chase slowly carried it to Miss Blanc's desk so he didn't drop it. There. That was done. Art was finished. Now he could go home, relax, and... catch up on some art.


((Chase Rodriguez continued in All My Love to Long Ago))

Re: One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:23 am
by CondorTalon
Miriam smiled as Chase began to work on his drawing. She turned her thoughts back to her own paper. It was pretty much finished, although there were a few things she could touch things up.

She continued to put the finishing touch while occasionally looking over at Chase, until the bell rang. Miriam took her drawing, holding it up to eye-level.


She handed the paper to Miss Blanc, and headed out the door.

((Miriam Castille continued in Shake and Stutter.))