B68 - Suarez, Michael[/DECEASED]

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B68 - Suarez, Michael[/DECEASED]


Post by Kaishi* »


Name: Suarez, Michael
Gender: male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th
Extra Curricular Activity: Baseball team, third base
School: Barry Coleson High
Appearance: Though he's of Puerto Rican ethnicity and was born in America, his features look distincly Asian and have gotten him mistaken for Chinese. His dark hair is usually gelled back, though he rarely keeps it the same for long. His figure is muscular but slim, while he himself is of average height (5'4).
Biography: Born to a Puerto Rican family in New York, Michael never was a baseball fan. In fact, he only joined the team because his family kept pressuring him to do it. Though he did eventually become quite good at third base, his true skill was apparent when the team was on the offensive, with him seeming to have a natural ability for stealing bases (stealing home at least ten times in one season) and hitting. He alone was responsible for several runs during the tenth grade season, though he also did well on defense. He is often credited with helping the Barry Colseon team to so many victories, though he always redirects the credit to his teammates. Even though he's well liked among his classmates, popularity means nothing in survival programs such as SOTF .
Other: His skill at stealing bases has earned him the nickname "Klepto".
Number: B68
Weapon: Kukri Knife
Conclusion: He's well-liked among his classmates, and yet he's playing in a game in which the strong survive. While at first glance that may not seem to be a glaring advantage, players like B77 have used that popularity as a means to an end, teaming up to try and 'take the game down'. Maybe B68 will take the same route? If he does, I'm looking for him to last awhile, but go down in flames, just like they all do.

Founder of SOTF - 2005.
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