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Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by CondorTalon
((Yukiko Sakurai continued from It's A-MAZE-ing!))

Yukiko walked into the classroom and sat down at her seat. She was ten minutes early, but it's not like she had anything else to do, anyway. There were one or two other people in the class already. She sat down at her desk and pulled out all of her books. There was a lab today, if Yukiko recalled correctly, all about titrations. They had just gotten to the section on titrations in class, so it was only natural that a lab was forthcoming.

The lab itself was simple enough. There were going to determine the concentration of an acid by titrating it with a known base. Simple enough, and there was really no way to mess up that badly, unless someone wasn't being careful, or didn't know how to titrate properly.

Actually, that might become a problem.

Well, she would just deal with that if it came down to that. Hopefully, she or someone else responsible would be in charge of handling the burette.

She pulled out the instruction sheet from her folder again and read it over one last time. It wouldn't be good to mess up the lab because she accidentally skipped over an important step or something. She read it over again, going through all the steps.

She glanced back up at the clock. Two minutes until class started, give or take. Ms. Liddell had already made her way to the front of the classroom, getting everything ready for the period. More classmates started to enter the room. Soon, the actual lab would start.

Yukiko got out of her seat and headed to the front of the room, where a big box of safety goggles lay. After taking a pair, she made her way to a lab bench. She tied her hair back. They were going to start soon, and Yukiko looked over the equipment to make sure everything was there. She mentally checked off the items as she saw them: a burette, a stand, beakers to hold the acid, and a bottle of indicator - in this case, phenolphthalein. Yukiko smiled. Everything was there.

Now all that was left to do was to wait for the class to start, get the necessary things from the teacher (namely, the solutions of acid and base), and begin with the lab.

Yukiko idly wondered who her partners were going to be.

Re: Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by Cheshire42†
(Luna Vanderhof Start )
The inbetween period had gone by faster then Luna had expected. She had lost track of time and was now was most likely going to be late for class if she didn't hurry up. She hurried down the hall, her face turning slight bit red. She wasn't jogging that fast, but she wasn't in the best shape to be jogging either. She managed to make it to the room with less then a minute to spare.

Ms.Liddell smiled at Luna as she entered the room. Being polite, Luna smiled back, her face more flushed then usual. She stopped by her desk to check her notes and see what today's activity was. The desk itself was a slight bit larger then the rest of the desks, accommodated for Luna's larger size. Even then the desk barely let her sit in it.

Today's lab was Titration. They where going to try to find the concentration of an acid by putting in a known base. Luna was in group 4. She was teamed up with a girl named Yukiko Sakurai and.....

She paused. The name of their other partner had been smudged out and had become illegible. Luna quietly cursed and tried to see if she could fix the smear, but was interrupted as the bell rang.

Luna jumped a slight bit and hurried, with her notes, to grab a pair of safety goggles. She then took a hairband and fixed her hair into a pony tail and rolled up her sleeves. She looked around the room for her partner.

Most of the students where already in their groups. However one girl seemed to be sitting alone waiting. She already had all the equipment needed for the lab.

" Excuse me. Are you Yukiko?" asked Luna somewhat shyly.

Re: Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by randomness
(Stephanie Wright start)

Stephanie never ran when she was late for class. Not that being late was a common occurrence for her. It was a thought set quite firmly in her mind that bursting into class flustered from a run and being late was much worse than simply being late.

Nevertheless, she disliked being late simply because it seemed that everyone in class would stare at her for just a moment. But that moment, if it wasn't a figment of her tired imagination, soon passed and she gave a slightly rushed greeting to Ms. Liddell.

There was a lab session today, the words titration had been printed quite clearly at the top of the sheet,  and she was in a group with two others, a Yukiko and a Luna.

Finding the two of them ended up being less of a problem than Stephanie expected, even if she didn't recognize them from seeing them around the campus, they were the only two member group around.

Stephanie grabbed a pair of safety goggles and walked over to the two girls.

"The two of you are Luna and Yukiko, right?", she asked. "I'm Stephanie."

Re: Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by CondorTalon
((There really is no excuse for this taking so long. My apologies.))

It didn't take long for her two partners to show. Yukiko turned her head when she heard a voice call out her name.

"Excuse me. Are you Yukiko?"

The owner of the voice was a big girl that Yukiko recognized. Well, she wasn't an acquaintance of hers or anything, but Yukiko had a good memory when it came to faces, and this girl was very distinct.

Yukiko smiled politely.

"Yep. And you are..."

And then another voice called out her name, as someone else walked up to their lab bench behind the other girl.

"The two of you are Luna and Yukiko, right? I'm Stephanie."

Well, it looks like the group was all assembled. Yukiko looked around to make sure, noticing that the other groups also had three people in them. Well, the lab was starting, and Ms. Liddell was calling up the groups to get the solutions. Yukiko lowered her goggles over her eyes and made her way to the front. There were several beakers of dilute sodium hydroxide, as well as several beakers of unknown acid, labeled A, B, C, D, etc. Each group would be working with a different acid. After taking a beaker of NaOH and the beaker labeled B, she headed back to her bench.

"So, did you both read over the instructions?"

She wanted to make sure there would be no screwups.

Re: Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by Cheshire42†
"My name is Lu..." began Luna.

"The two of you are Luna and Yukiko right? I'm Stephanie"

Luna turned to face a rather tall, athletic looking girl. Luna chuckled a slight bit in relief. At least she wasn't the only tall girl in their group. Nothing against Yukiko, but it seemed slightly comedic someone so small working with a girl as large as herself.

"So that's everyone then" thought Luna to herself.

"So did you both read over the instructions?" asked Yukiko

"Um... Of Course" Said Luna.

In truth she HAD read the instructions. However, she had been a slight bit rushed getting to class, and thus she hadn't read it as well as she wanted to.

Luna didn't want to seem completely lost, but at the same time, she didn't want to screw anything up. It would be for the best if she just wait for one of them to start the project and to double check the instructions again.

"Have you gotten everything Yukiko?" Asked Luna, hoping to stall a little for time.

Re: Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by randomness
Stephanie almost heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Yukiko taking charge, walking back up to the front to collect the reagents for the experiment. At least she could be sure there was at least one responsible person in the group.

Stephanie looked down at her long neglected handout for perhaps the second time. The week had already been far too busy as it was. She barely had enough time to take a quick glance at it. At least it was only a lab session. It wouldn't be that tiring.

"So did you both read over the instructions?" asked Yukiko.

Stephanie turned towards the girl who had just returned. Luna had already replied in the affirmative.

"I haven't exactly read it per se... I've looked at it a couple times..." Stephanie said, looking rather embarrassed about it. "But I'm pretty sure they covered it well enough in class. Besides, titrations aren't supposed to be difficult, right? "

"Have you gotten everything Yukiko?" asked Luna.

Stephanie looked at the two beakers that Yukiko was holding. If there was anytime to start reading the handout, it would be now. Apparently the two beakers contained sodium hydroxide and an acid labeled B. Not too difficult of a titration.

Stephanie picked up one of the burettes. "I'll just start the washing up first, okay?"

Re: Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by CondorTalon
Well, the time to start had come. Luna had asked her whether or not she had everything. Well, there were really only two things to get, so yeah. Yeah she did.

Stephanie offered to wash out the burettes, so Yukiko went ahead and began preparing the acid. The amount in the beaker labeled B was enough to try the experiment three times. After all, it wasn't good to simply do it once. You had to make sure there were no flukes.

Yukiko began pouring the acid into three beakers laid on the bench. 25 millilitres for each beaker. Then, grabbing the indicator, she put one drop... two... until she saw the liquid begin colour.

"There," she said to herself.

Then she waited for Stephanie to finish washing the burette.

Re: Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by CondorTalon
((Sorry about this but I have somewhere I need to be.))

For the rest of the lab, Yukiko was on auto-pilot mode, silently doing her parts of the procedure and taking down the results, until the bell rang.

((Yukiko Sakurai continued in A Casual Question.))

Re: Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by Cheshire42†
(I Understand I appologize for the wait... I'm at a bit of a loss of what to do.)

With the other two girls getting the bottles and beakers ready, Luna felt as if she was at a loss. It would probebly be best for her just to do whatever she was asked, and try not to mess anything up. She would simply just record the info as it came.

Re: Basic Rules

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by randomness
An awkward lull persisted over the course of the experiment. Yukiko and Luna were both quiet, doing little more than just working on the experiment.

Several times, Stephanie felt like striking up conversation, but could never find the right place to. The bell rang and Yukiko had quickly packed up and left.  

"Well, see you around, Luna," Stephanie said before picking up her bag.

((Stephanie Wright continued elsewhere))