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A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:02 am
by Little Boy†
Continued from The New Constitution

Mike tapped his fingers nervously on the desk, running his free hand through his messy blonde hair. He cast another glance back toward the door of the math room, easing back in the chair and exhaling dramatically. He felt butterflies in the pit of his stomach. Mike closed his eyes, trying to keep his composure. The math room was completely empty- Mike felt like the last act left in the green room, a poem scrawled on battered notebook paper.

It was ridiculous. He'd performed in front of crowds of people. He'd bared his heart to complete strangers with no problems, and yet here he was, nervous jitters,

Frankly, Mike liked it. It felt human to be afraid, and it felt normal to be scared. It was an odd reversal, Mike mused to himself. Yukiko was always the quiet one, and at least in Mike's mind, a little bit hesitant to put herself out on a limb. Now, Mike was tongue-tied at just the thought of talking to Yukiko.

"Ah jeez."

He'd been thinking of how to pop the question all day, ever since he decided that Yukiko was the girl he wanted to ask. He'd always assumed that he'd pull out a ridiculous stunt- attract attention with his invitation. But now that the moment was upon him, Mike wanted something more low-key. No one really needed to know that he liked Yukiko, it wasn't their business. And Mike didn't want to potentially embarrass her.

Or, let's be honest, myself.

He'd met Yukiko because to be frank, he sucked at math. He hated the subject, loathed it, looked for every opportunity to dip it and do something else. Yukiko had been his tutor for a good long while, and over the time it had developed into a strong friendship. It was fitting to ask her here, where they'd first met.

Or at least, really cheesy.

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:02 am
by CondorTalon
((Yukiko Sakurai continued from Basic Rules.))

Yukiko made her way to the math room. It was Monday, which meant it was time for more tutoring. Ever since she and Mike had agreed on this system it became much easier to understand the math that they were going over. Of course, it's not like she had trouble understanding the principles anyway, but working with Mike seems to have unleashed some sort of hidden understanding ability.

Plus, it was always nice to just help out a friend. Well, it was actually the other way around, that they'd become friends because of the tutoring, but that wasn't really the important part, was it?

As she stood at the door to the math room, she noticed Mike sitting at an empty desk. She smiled to him before making her way inside and seating herself at the desk next to his.

"Hi Mike. Sorry if I kept you waiting."

She pulled out her textbooks, and laid them out on the desk.

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:02 am
by Little Boy†
"Oh, don't worry about it!" Mike said, flashing an easy smile at his friend. At least he could still manage that much, despite his fear. Mike stood up from his seat, ready to pull out Yukiko's chair-

But by the time the delayed motion of chivalry had entered his brain, Yukiko had already plopped down next to him. Now Mike was standing next to his desk, alone. And looking and feeling rather silly.

Mike scratched the back of his head, his heart starting to beat faster. It was now or never. In a few seconds, Yukiko would try to start their tutoring session. Another opportunity to ask wouldn't arise for a good hour, and Mike knew that if he waited that long, Yukiko would pick up on the fact that he was acting a little more timid than his usual self.

Okay. No big deal. Just y'know, a ritual that every male has to go through at your age. Or nearly every male. Barring different cultural customs and all that jazz and-

Wait, Yukiko is Japanese. What if there was a special Japanese way to do this? Would her parents even approve of a white kid asking their daughter to prom? Hmm. I never really asked her about her parents. Well now I just feel stupid. Maybe I should wait...

No, no, it's now or never. Can't chicken out now. Just take a deep breath and get it out in the open.

"Actually Yukiko, before we start that," Mike began. He stuck his hands in his pockets- and promptly removed them, letting them hang loose at his sides.

When you're on stage, body language is important. If you look like you don't want to be there, people are half tuned out to your words already. This is just like a reading, only with Yukiko as the only audience member.

Hmm. I should have written a poem.

"I was wondering if I could ask you a question, if that'd be alright!" Mike said it easily, not stumbling over the words or getting tongue-tied. With the first line out he fell into his usual mannerisms on the stage, his fear still present, but controlled. So far so good.

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:02 am
by CondorTalon
It was kind of weird, then, that Mike suddenly stood up. Was he trying to go somewhere? Did he forget something?

"Actually Yukiko, before we start that... I was wondering if I could ask you a question, if that'd be alright!"

"Hmm? ...uh yeah," Yukiko replied, somewhat confused.

She wondered what Mike had wanted to talk about, that he left it until now to ask... Yukiko scoured her brain for the possibilities.

It doesn't have to do with the lesson, otherwise he wouldn't have interrupted it... of course, it has to do with me... but what--

Then she had an idea. Could it possibly...

Yukiko didn't want to jump to conclusions, of course.


Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:02 am
by Little Boy†
There it was. There was always a moment in a conversation, the split second where the other person's face telegraphs that yes, they understand, everyone is once more on the same page. Mike saw it, and he knew there was no turning back. Yukiko had that thought in her mind. How much she suspected, he didn't know. But she would think about it later and the answer would be crystal clear. Mike was going to ask her to Prom. Even if he tried to back out now, Yukiko would figure it out.

Ah shit, ah shit- calm down-

It was a rush. Butterflies in the pit of his stomach rising up, a nearly uncontrollable urge to move, to act, to animate himself. A single shiver ran down his back and then, everything was back in his hands, back under control. He wasn't going to chicken out. He wasn't a coward.

Plain and simple. No poems, no gimmicks, just a question. No big deal.

It was a lie, but it helped.

Yukiko, would you go to Prom with me?
Yukiko, would you do me the honor of-?
No too formal-
Yukiko, I was wondering if you'd accompany me to Prom?
Lovely Yukiko- No, stupid sounding-
Yukiko, would you be my Prom date?

"Yukiko, I was wondering if you'd like to go to Prom with me?" Mike said, as casually as he could muster. Cold air entered his lungs. There it was! He'd done it! Mike smiled, half of it directed at Yukiko, the other half at his own accomplishment.  

Seems so silly now, doesn't it?

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:02 am
by CondorTalon
There it was. There was the question.


Indeed, Yukiko was speechless after Mike had dropped the question. Of course, she'd suspected that Mike would ask something like that. But actually hearing the words leave his mouth took her by surprise. Sure, Yukiko did want to go to Prom, and did hope that she did have someone to go with. But she hadn't actually expected this... and from Mike...

Well... that's not a bad thing, right? I mean, Mike is a nice guy... and he is kinda cute...

She could feel her cheeks getting hotter. Oh god, was she blushing? She was blushing wasn't she?

"Um... well..."

No wait, that makes it sound like you're going to reject him, right? Say something else... come on...

She took a moment to collect her thoughts, and to get the words out properly.

"Sure," she replied, smiling. "I'd l-li... love to. I'd love to, Mike."

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:02 am
by Little Boy†
Yes! It was a yes!

Mike could have fist-pumped in joy. Luckily he withheld the urge, sticking his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth. He was positively beaming at Yukiko, his enthusiasm evident. She'd worried him at first- there had been that moment of hesitation where his stomach had dropped and he could feel his smile becoming fake. But only for a moment.

That didn't matter anymore. It didn't matter if Yukiko had hesitated on her response. He didn't want to delve into her thoughts, think about any of the complex or simple reasons for why it had happened just so. In the end, Yukiko had said yes. She'd had a chance to reject him, and she passed on it.

Nothing else mattered. None of the variables mattered! Fuck the variables! The answer was a yes! Yukiko would be his prom date!

"That's great." Mike said, smiling. "That's really great. Fantastic, even."

Mike raised a hand, scratching at the back of his head. He still had the nervous jitters. But alright. It was a yes.

...What now?

That was the thing about high school cliches. The guy asked the girl to prom, and then there was a jump cut to later. Dress shopping, or whatever. Life wasn't that simple. He'd have to blunder through this part as well.

What, are we supposed to just do Math now, pretend like nothing happened?

No, no that would be awkward. Mike stood for a moment, sweating and thinking, wondering what to do. He thought back to his own family. When his older brother had asked out his girlfriend, how had it happened?

Markus got all red faced and ditched right after. Heh. Dad wouldn't stop laughing when he heard how it went...


Well, that was an option. A hasty retreat sounded cowardly in theory, but the more Mike thought about it, the more sense it made. A regular guy might call him a pussy, but stupidity often went hand in hand with vulgarity. Mike liked to think of himself as a more composed, tactical individual. And a composed, tactical individual would recognize the fact that the conversation was now awkward, and politely make their exit.

Like a poet, leaving the stage after their performance.

Mike eased up, the tension gone. He'd been in this situation before, or at least close to it. It followed a simple pattern. Last remarks, and then "Thank you and goodnight".

"I'm really looking forward to it." Mike said easily. "I know it'll be a blast, and I know you'll end up looking fantastic."

It wasn't a lie. Yukiko was gorgeous, with her long black hair and smooth skin. And making the comment was worth it, if only so he could get another chance to make her blush again.

"But ah, sadly I need to go. My dad needs me to pull a shift tonight at his store. I won't be able to stay for tutoring."

Okay well, that was a lie. He'd probably end up doing odd jobs around the shop, true, but his Father hadn't requested it. Still, it was a plausible excuse and it hurt no one.

There was a second of hesitation before he spoke again.

"Maybe you'd like to hang out sometime before then? Catch a movie perhaps?" That would seal the deal. Yukiko would surely pick up on the fact that this wasn't just about prom. Somehow, with the first yes already in the bag, a little of the pressure was off. But Mike waited just as anxiously for Yukiko's next words, trying his hardest to keep his hands from shaking in anticipation.

No big deal, no big deal... Yes or no, don't worry about it, you did all you could! Just relax and keep smiling...  

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:02 am
by CondorTalon
"That's great. That's really great. Fantastic, even."

Yukiko was beaming as she saw Mike's reaction. She could tell he was looking forward to this one a lot.

And then there was a short awkward silence as they both looked at each other wordlessly. Right, well...

"I'm really looking forward to it. I know it'll be a blast, and I know you'll end up looking fantastic."

Huh...? It took a moment for Yukiko to realize the meaning and the implications of that last sentence. And then the heat to her face had returned as quickly as it left. She covered up her face to hide her embarassment.


"Maybe you'd like to hang out sometime before then? Catch a movie perhaps?"

Oh gosh... did he just say... wait, does that mean... oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh...

By this point Yukiko realized what had just transpired. He's asking me out! On a date! Yukiko was completely red at this point, feeling as though the entire room had disappeared except for her and Mike.

Mike... is asking me out... Oh gosh, Yukiko calm down calm down... this is nothing right?

But Yukiko knew that this was far from nothing. And maybe she began to understand. She liked Mike... didn't she? He was unfailingly polite, and kind to a fault. He was also real smart (except for maths), and Yukiko did appreciate guys like that.

A date...

Yeah, that could work.

At this point, Yukiko had calmed down quite a bit.

"Yeah... sure! I'd love to." she said.

And then, with no warning, she stood up and hugged Mike.

And this is payback for making my face so red...

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:02 am
by Little Boy†
Oh holy shi-

Yukiko pressed against him, gripping him in a tight hug. For a moment, Mike didn't know what to do. But his fear melted away as the words sunk in, adding fuel to his pounding heart.

She'd love to go out with him. Mike had succeeded. And everything was perfect. Carefully Mike brought his hands around Yukiko, embracing her. He held on to her for a moment, not tight, but enough for her to know he was there. And then he broke away, looking at her red face, wondering how exactly he looked.

This day. This day is perfect. Ohman, I am going to end up writing a poem about this aren't I? I've never written a love poem. Oh man, this is going to be silly and fun.

"How about...tomorrow night? Dinner and a show? The cinema down on Beacon Ave and Dawson?" Mike said. "I'd be up for watching anything. My treat."

Again, it was the truth. It could be The Care Bears 3D for all he cared. Mike was a gentleman anarchist, with an emphasis on the gentleman. If his lady wanted to watch dancing bears sing songs about friendship, he'd sit back and suck it up.

Oh man, Tobias is going to punch me when I tell him this. One less for him to troll me about...

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:03 am
by CondorTalon
She felt Mike's arms surround her as he returned the hug. She just stood enjoying the moment. Before she knew it, it was over. She let go of Mike, looking at his face and giggling at his reaction.

"How about...tomorrow night? Dinner and a show? The cinema down on Beacon Ave and Dawson? I'd be up for watching anything. My treat."

Yukiko nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, tomorrow's fine." And indeed it was. Yukiko wasn't busy tomorrow anyway.

This is still hard to believe...

Yukiko stood, seconds passing, as she debated whether or not to say anymore. She tossed the idea around of hugging him again. In the end, though, she decided against it. She didn't want to take things too fast.

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:03 am
by Little Boy†
Tomorrow worked! Mike continued smiling, pleased at Yukiko's enthusiasm. It was so damn cute. But there was no time to dwell on it now- it was time to make a hasty exit.

"Okay, well." Mike began, picking in his bag from beside the desk. "I need to get going. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

Casually he flashed Yukiko a peace sign before turning and heading toward the door, a barely noticeable spring to his step.

((Mike continues elsewhere))

Re: A Casual Question

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:03 am
by CondorTalon
"Okay, well. I need to get going. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"


She stood there, waving at Mike as he left the room. She sat back down, smiling at the events that had just occurred.


Wait... what?

Mike had left, and Yukiko just now realized that this meant there was no tutoring to be done.

"But ah, sadly I need to go. My dad needs me to pull a shift tonight at his store. I won't be able to stay for tutoring."


Oh yeah, he had said that, hadn't he...

"Wait, Mike!" she yelled, running out to the hall, but Mike was already long gone. Yukiko sighed.

Well, okay. For making my day, I'll let this go. Just once, okay?

She grinned, pulling out her phone.

Hey Miriam, you'll never guess what.

((Yukiko Sakurai continued in C is for Cookie.))