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The Question of the Century

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:07 am
by Aster
((Veronica McDonald continued from Dodge Brawl))

"Ugh, WHY do you have to babysit me? I'm, like, 14!"

"Correction: 13."

"Yeah whatever."

"Look, just shut up. I didn't want to do this, so be quiet!"

"If you don't want to do it, why don't you leave me?"

"...under what circumstances?"

"I'll head down to the waterfront, and I can call you to pick me up later. Deal?"


"Gee, you can be a great sister sometimes."

"Wow, thanks..."

"I said sometimes."

"Shut up, Connor."

As Veronica watched Connor go off to the Waterfront, she began to wonder what she'd do. Visit the library? Hike out at Mount Rainer National Park? Go to the Castle? So many things to do, but so little time. It was 4:00 anyway.

After about half an hour later, Veronica found herself in front of the Around the Clock Diner. She had eaten breakfast here once, but that was when she was a freshman. Veronica hadn't been here in a while, but it was worth a try to get a meal.

The half-Korean girl sat down in a booth and ordered a meal from the oddly rude waiter, like the ones in the movies. Wasn't there a trope for that? While munching on a burger (and finding a rude waiter trope), Veronica began to think about Prom. It was only a short time away, and she had already voted for Royalty. Sighing, Veronica reminisced about the disaster that was her Sophomore year Prom. She shuddered, not wanting to remember the whole ordeal.

Stupid Joseph...

Speaking of dates, Veronica hadn't asked out Ruth yet. She hadn't seen him after he threw up in the gym, but she was planning to ask him out. Veronica flipped open her phone and type in a text:

At AtCD. Coming? –V ;)

Satisfied, Veronica stowed away the phone, enjoyed her burger, and thought about her prom dress.

Re: The Question of the Century

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:07 am
by Un-Persona†
(Rutherford Roger Jr. continued from Dodge Brawl)

The seconds felt like they kept get longer and longer as R.J. was climbing the ladder on Mortal Kombat for what felt like the 4th time. R.J. had been feeling especially lousy since he threw up during gym, especially in front of Veronica.

"Ugh, She probably thinks I'm all gross much for asking her to prom."

With a hefty sigh, R.J. checked his phone to see who texted him.

At AtCD, coming? - V Image..."Alright then"

Ruth always thought it was weird that she signed her textes with a "V" at the end even though his phone already said "Veronica" before he even read them, but this time he didn't care.

R.J. hurried to his motorcycle and texted a quick "Coming-RR" before riding off into the dull gray skies.

Splashing through the rain puddles, R.J. eventually made it to the restaurant and gave a timid wave to the girl eating a burger.

Re: The Question of the Century

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:07 am
by Aster
Pfft, maybe a blue dress. But what shade of blue? Shmeh, I'll go with light blue. I have NO fashion se-


A waving motion caught Veronica's attention, and saw a figure standing in the doorway. Veronica smiled, one of those warmer smiles that she gives her relatives, and motioned for Ruth to sit down.

As he began to walk over, Veronica thought about their relationship thus far. They weren't officially dating, just awkwardly hanging out with some tension in the air. Veronica wasn't into the dating scene, but she was familiar enough with Ruth to give him a smile like that. Was she ready to be 'more than friends'?

Veronica once read a romance novel out of curiosity, and laughed at how corny it was. But she did remember how nervous the guy was when he first asked out that girl. At the time, Veronica didn't know why he was so freaking nervous, and why he would. It was just TALKING to someone. How could you be nervous about that?

Now she knew why.

He was afraid of rejection, and that the girl might think he's weird, and they'll never speak again. A relationship ruined with just one question would make anybody nervous. That was how nervous Veronica was now.

God, Ruth was just so, so FEMININE looking. Maybe that's why she was with Ruth. The boy was, ah, what's the Yes, that's a perfect way to describe him. He just seems so cuddly and huggable. Veronica liked Ruth, but she wasn't sure if Ruth would like her back. He probably knows about her usual hot-headed-ness when around other people, and she wondered how he'd react to one of the most hot-headed people in school asking him to Prom.

Ah well, she thought. I'll cross that bridge once I get there.

"Hello!" Veronica said as they sat down. "How are you doing?"

Re: The Question of the Century

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:07 am
by Un-Persona†
"Hello, how are you doing?"

"Oh, uh, I'm fine."

R.J. could feel himself blush as he sat down inside the booth, the opposite side that Veronica was sitting in.

R.J. was putting a decent effort to beat his own shyness, however as he started to twirl his curly hair like a telephone cord, his eyes immediately stared down his converse shoes.

R.J. forced himself to look at Veronica's light-blue eyes, and had enough courage to mutter out " Is, um, everything good with you too?"

At this point, a rather abrasive waiter, who R.J. could tell was having a harder time then he was, came and asked "What'll you'll have?"

R.J. didn't really have much time to think, and he didn't want to make the waiter wait around, so he just ordered what he saw what Veronica was eating.

"Just a cheese-burger and some root-beer, please."

"Can do Ma'am"

Before R.J. could correct the waiter, on a mistake that happened so many times it wasn't even funny, he was off to deliver his order.

R.J. glanced back at Veronica, who was still looking at him, which made him blush beat red, gently layed his forehead upon the table.

"Well, that went better than expected."

R.J. had finally found someone he liked, hopefully someone who liked him back, someone who he is getting to enjoy more of his time with, someone he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of, but, for reasons he didn't understand, stupid shit just kept happening to him near this person.

Re: The Question of the Century

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:07 am
by Aster
Veronica chucked at the fact that this waiter just called him 'ma'am'. I guess you could mistake Ruth for a girl, but this was ridiculous. She was about to correct the waiter, but he had strode away, and had already asked some other chick for her money. Some girl everybody called Koala. Oh well.

Glancing over, Veronica blushed furiously as Ruth blushed. Gah, he was so FRIGGIN ADORABLE!!!

As a weaboo would say, kawaii.

Now Veronica was thinking of other thinks she liked about Ruth. Well, he was kind enough, and kind of funny. He always has that sad look about him, and she just wanted to hug him. Speaking of which, she wanted to now.

Maybe not.

It was time to ask that question that you ask somebody you like in high school. You ask them to go with you to a special dance hosted by the school, and they may accept or reject it. Then, you go, and have a great time at the dance, and develop an unbreakable bond with them. This was the question of the century.

Asking a person to Prom.

She gave a half-hearted smile and finally spoke.

"So, will you go to Prom with me?"

Re: The Question of the Century

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:07 am
by Un-Persona†
"So, will you go to Prom with me?"


What luck, eh?

R.J. couldn't have been happier then he was at this moment.

With an incredibly forced out, but still soft-spoken "Yes!" R.J. grabbed Veronica's hands and kissed her forehead.

He was so excited that he started to feel incredibly warm and having a hard time breathing.

In fact it was really hard to breath..."Ah, Crap."

He shoved his head into his sleeve and started to hack and cough, his fingers slipping out of Veronica's.

His vision was blurred by what seemed to be dog fur and he had to leave ASAP.

"So*Cough*rry, I'll call *Cough* you later."

"Son of a *HACK* bitch."

(Rutherford Roger Jr. continued in School food ain't so bad when it's free)

Re: The Question of the Century

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:08 am
by Aster

Veronica didn't expect Ruth to be this excited. The boy seemed to be, er, hyperventilating. Veronica wasn't sure whether to help him or not. He seemed fine on his own.

Then, the unexpected happened.


Veronica smiled. Great answer. Maybe this Prom won't be as bad as last year's, when that asshole Joseph Lockland took her to Prom. She was still reminiscing about how Joseph had did...THAT to her when Ruth kissed her.


God, she was 'eep'ing, but she guessed that it was fine. They haven't kissed yet, and she guessed that they were officially 'boyfriend-girlfriend', and they could kiss now. It might've been on the forehead, and somewhat short, but this was Veronica's first kiss.


Before she could kiss back, Ruth had left. Sighing, Veronica thought that Ruth had had some medical problem, but her phone rang. Opening it, she hissed "What?!"

"Look outside."

Turning her head, she saw Connor scowling, holding a borrowed umbrella above his head. Sheepishly getting up, she left the diner.

"What the hell happened? I saw a dude run outside."

'None of your business, Connor."

((Veronica McDonald continued in Quarter Turn Punch))