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Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:47 pm
by Riki
"Oy oy oy, yo' very own Fiyori Senay here, and ya listenin' to Death Island Jams - D I Jaaaaaayyyy. Here ya get the hottest tracks and the freshest beats. Delivered by none other than your darlin' host of hosts - Fi the Beast and Master of Music."

Fiyori giggled, holding her hand over the mic, even though that was entirely unnecessary.

"Ah Jenny, I tell you I always wanted to do this."

Jenny didn't answer. She was even worse conversation than Keith, but granted, Jennifer had the excuse of being dead.

"Actually no, not really."

God, she actually hated listening to the radio. Ya'd think you'd get some music, but all she ever received back in Arizona was either the voice of some fucked-up idiot thinking he was the hottest DJ, or some right-wing nutjob talking about McAllister taking everyone's guns away.

Still, it was fun. More fun than, say, eating some bullshit excuse of food. Or killing people. Okay, not as fun as killing Isabel but that was actually a very different kind of fun. Anyway, it was better than what she was doing either way, namely wandering around and feeling fucking cold.

And then all of a sudden, the door opened.

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:47 pm
by Laurels
((Alba Reyes continued from This Is The End Of His Story))

Here she was at the Radio Tower again. Alba wasn't sure why she wandered over here after leaving the asylum. Maybe it was because it was a familiar part of her time here, but at this point, she was just glad to be out of the asylum. She had no clue who would be here, if anyone was. At the very least, she knew that dumb Jenny CD was still here in that CD player. Maybe some Jennifer Lopez would cheer her up.

Alba sighed. Brendan had only been dead a few hours by now, and she wasn't sure if anything could make her feel better. Her best friend was dead, and the game was coming close to the end. Everyone was probably on alert and more willing to kill. The thoughts were painful for Alba to consider, but with less than thirty people left, it was more than likely. Alba had spent most of her time walking crying and sniffling.

She clutched the rifle as she approached the tower. She could believe that Bryony or Jon could be here since they knew about the tower. Hell, maybe it was Candice, who she hadn't seen in days. Alba stepped up to the tower, then slowly pushed the door open.

Her eyes widened.


Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:47 pm
by Riki
"It's-a-me, the one and only Fiyori. Here with my darlin' co-host Jenny who..."

...continued to say nothing, as Jennifer continued to be dead. Any other scenario would have been cause for serious concern.

Anyway, Fiyori jumped from the chair, the bag next to her falling on it's side as Fiyori bolted towards Alba.

"Now friends, we got ourselves some special guest here. A round of applause for femme phenomenal, Alba Reyes."

Fiyori clapped a bit, with due enthusiasm of course. When she stopped, she noted what she thought was confinement in Alba's face. Or maybe it was murderous rage, because suddenly Alba lunged forward and ripped Fiyori's hands off. And then suddenly she was here and there and left and right and everywhere and she reached for Fiyori and she tore her down bloody bit by bit.

...oh, was Fiyori going mad? No, impossible. That must've been her imagination.

"Seriously though, glad to see ya."

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:47 pm
by Espi
((Blair Moore continued from Gran Torino))

Spotting Alba near the radio tower as she exited the depot was only the second-most absurd event for Blair, the most absurd being the encounter with Bart and Scout when she'd left the office.

Well, sort of. Their corpses, at least.

Blair had slept pretty soundly, having barred the door. She might have heard a couple of bangs and some thuds while she was sleeping last night, but it was hard to be sure, false memories and all. Either way, Bart had a few bullet holes in him, though Scout's COD was more uncertain. She had blood and shit on her mouth, and as best as Blair could guess she might've fallen down the stairs. But being less than enthusiastic about performing an impromptu autopsy, she decided to forget about it.

The disturbing but important part was that she wasn't sure how to feel about their deaths. Scout had been looking for someone, and now she would never find her. Bart had seemed like a sweet if strange and unkempt boy. If they'd been killed at home? Total tragedy. Here? It was just two people she didn't really know well laying dead on a floor, just like what must have been seventy other abductees by now. If anything the fact that they'd died without her being involved but still giving her access to their supplies was a boon.

Admittedly, Blair wasn't always the most empathetic person. She wasn't so unaware of her own actions to miss when she was nasty on occasion. At least, in retrospect, especially now. So going through the stuff carried by the duo didn't bother her too much anymore, but how hard would it have been in the first place? Blair didn't know. It seemed obvious that this island had made everyone on it more callous, more resilient, more cruel. To what degree, she couldn't guess. Perhaps it was best that way.

Blair now felt a little more secure in her food and water situation, though not by much. She'd taken Scout's MAC 10 which, with some test shots, seemed to be a handheld machine gun type of deal. Rene's gun went into her back pocket while she carried the MAC 10 in her hands. She also forced Sawlaska snugly into her bag, loaded with the sawblade. Noah had meant a lot more to her than she'd expected, after all. If she and Rene hadn't met with him, who knew where she'd be now. Dead, or worse.

Of course, on the way out of the depot she didn't make it very far in her aimless transit before spotting a familiar silhouette. Alba Reyes was alone, which struck Blair as odd. She honestly had no idea what Alba thought of her, but she didn't really care. Well, a part of her did, but another part was sensible enough to guess that a gunfight was not a good activity to engage in. Not if she wanted to live, of course, and by this point, what else was there?

She could see Alba standing in the doorway, and Blair approached slowly. Stealth was probably not a realistic option here, but it was worth a shot. Evesdropping might reveal something useful. And if Alba was talking to someone worth taking out, like Caedyn or Kimiko or Alessio (or any other big killers, but Blair's memory was shot at this point), it might be a good chance to hit-and-run. It was perhaps a little hypocritical to say that murderous crazies didn't deserve to make it home when that was still Blair's tentative plan, but whatever. She wasn't crazy, at least. Probably.

Anyway, back to trying to pick up any sound from what was going on in the tower. At least it was better than walking, her legs and chest and feet all ached to an extent and stamina was not one of her advantages.

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:48 pm
by Laurels
Alba stood in place as Fiyori continued to ramble. Alba wasn't sure who Fiyori was talking to right now, or why she was a "femme phenomenal," whatever that meant. Fiyori was at least glad to see her.

"Yeah, it's good to see you too," Alba said, giving a weak smile.

"I'm just glad I found someone..."

Her throat tightened and she pursed her lips. Her eyes were starting to water. Being around Fiyori reminded her of the other day when they were shooting at a can of cat food. A day that started scary and a bit romantic, but then became a little more jovial.

"...sorry," she said, choking up.

She put her free hand to her mouth. Alba couldn't bring herself to say much else, even though she was sure Fiyori wanted to talk right now.

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:48 pm
by Riki
Oh jeez, that wasn't the reaction Fiyori had expected. Frankly, it wasn't a reaction Fiyori even wanted. Was her impression of a radio host that bad. Alternatively, that spot on? Of course it wasn't, and Fiyori knew that, but entertaining the thought lifted the mood a bit. At least for Fiyori.

Regardless, and without hesitation, Fiyori grabbed both of Alba's shoulders, her eyes trying to meet Alba's.

"Oh no no no. Don't say that, I am sorry."

Fiyori considered telling Alba... well, a lot if not everything. Mostly how after they got separated, Fiyori set out and left Brendan to find Alba. And really, how much she failed at that because she got distracted by Isabel and-

Was there somebody else nearby? Fiyori's ears perked up, and for a moment her attention shifted from Alba. No, just her imagination again.


"Do... uh, do you have an idea of where Brendan is, though?"

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:48 pm
by Espi
Hrm, Blair was having trouble making anything out. A part of her was telling her to walk away, find something else to spend her time on.

Still, she was curious. For some reason, Blair was legitimately interested in seeing what Alba had to say. It wasn't even that she wanted to make amends; apologizing was an option, but given Blair had killed someone in front of Alba, she doubted it was a good option.

Tentatively moving closer to the door, Blair thought she caught a glimpse of someone, but she couldn't tell for sure. As she did so, she took a deep breath-only to immediately begin coughing as the perpetual mucus in her lungs agitated her breathing.

She covered her mouth and stifled the sound as best she could, but even then she knew it was probably loud enough to hear. She started backing away from the tower.

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:48 pm
by Laurels
Brendan's dead," Alba bluntly told Fiyori.

She sniffled a bit, wiping tears from her eyes.

"He died this morning. We were minding our business and Jae just ran up and shot him with an arrow. Jon went after him, so I have no idea where they are now."

Alba let out a choking sound. As she did, she heard some coughing near her. She turned and saw another familiar face nearby. Her mouth fell slightly open.


She lost one friend, and now two were delivered to her. Was this supposed to be a sign?

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:49 pm
by Riki
"I see."

Those were the only words she could spare. The ever-present hint of a smile now vanished.

So that was it then, huh? Brendan was dead. Dead and gone, and Fiyori would never ever see him again. Never touch him again. That was actually weird. Very weird. A strange feeling, like a tickling sensation going under skin. Highly unpleasant. It wasn't like that with Danny. She didn't know why. That was making her angry, just angry and pissed at Isabel but now she cannot feel the same for... Jae.

She felt sad. But though she had no drive to find him, Fiyori knew she'd kill Jae if she ever found him. Kill him, gouge his goddamn eye balls out and shit on them.

But for the moment, just sadness. Empty sadness, the kind of sadness she always felt at everything. She'd rather be furious and grieving but it was all too subdued to her.

Regardless, something else has caught their attention for the moment. Blair Moore appeared.

"I guess that's convenient."

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:49 pm
by Espi
Welp, Blair sure heard her name that time. Wiping her mouth and clearing her throat, she looked inwards at the building. She could make out Fiyori's distinctively tall, dark and intimidating appearance, but she wasn't sure if she'd heard the girl's name pop up at any point-

Wait, hadn't she killed someone yesterday? Wasn't it one of the people there when she'd shot Georgia Lee? Coleen or something? Damn it, usually she had a good memory for this, but with all the stuff from that day and the day after it'd blurred together.

Fumbling with the SMG, Blair tried to gauge the risk of approaching and/or conversing these two. On one hand, Alba had pretty much solidified as someone harmless. Well, not harmless; she was armed, and she'd killed Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn was crazy at the time from the sound of it, and Alba didn't strike her as the type to go out and murder people. She'd had opportunity to attack before, and at this stage killing people didn't make you much less or more of a target than doing nothing.

Speaking of killing, Fiyori was more of an enigma, someone Blair didn't know much about from before and whose presence had gone unnoticed for most of their time. All three had blood on their hands, but Fiyori's victim was an unknown. Self-defense, or an attack? It was important to know, but only to inform her further decision. If she was like Alba and killed someone to save her own life, then there shouldn't be too much issue. Then again, if Alba had been chatting for a while unharmed, it was probably a safer bet.

"You got me. I'm just hangin' around." Blair assumed a more flippant tone, but there was still an edge to her voice. And she had a nice gun, albeit one pointed at the ground and with the safety flipped on.

But they didn't have to know that part.

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:49 pm
by Laurels
Alba wiped her eyes as Blair made herself known.

"Hi Blair," she said. "Sorry, it's been an awful day so far."

Alba let out a long exhale.

"Sorry, can we talk inside?" she asked Fiyori."I don't want to be outside right now."

She turned back to Blair.

"Want to come inside?"

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:49 pm
by Riki
Fiyori's eyes lingered on the new-comer a while longer. What did she knew of Blair? Well, not a lot to be honest. Were the same grade back in school, but as far as Fiyori knew they didn't really 'hang around'.

What was there to be said about Blair Moore, though? She had killed, twice in fact. Her first 'victim' was Rene Wolfe, but she did not know of the circumstances. The second one, the more important one, was Georgia Lee Day. Fiyori didn't know the exact circumstances either, but what she knew made feel quite good. Actually, knowing that Blair had killed GLD, and was as careful in approaching Fiyori and Alba as she was, made Fiyori think that Blair was a smart cookie.

At least, that would've been the first impression.

"Sure, let's go inside," she said to Alba, and to Blair she continued, "come, I've got some stuff to say to you too."

With that, she turned around and moved in.

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:50 pm
by Espi
You know that thing in old movies that people parody nowadays? Where things get eerily silent in what shouldn't be a quiet situation? Where badness was just around the corner and the calm before the storm was upon them and then right after the fucking hurricane rips your roof off?

Yeah. That was Blair right now.

Walking into an enclosed building with Alba? Not a problem. Girl was cool. But Fiyori was still an unknown, and something about her tone made Blair uncomfortable. She was still enigmatic and mysterious, and not in a good way. The eerie calm of the pair made her feel weird about it.

"Uh, I'll stay over here. Sorry, you know how it is." Blair shrugged sheepishly, moving slightly closer to the building but pointedly not entering the tower.

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:50 pm
by Laurels
Alba stepped aside to let Fiyori walk inside. She turned back to face Blair, who was still standing out in the open. Blair said she was good out there. Alba raised an eyebrow.

"No, I don't know how it is. Sorry. Blair, but I don't think you're safe out in the open," Alba said.

Alba stood in the doorway, keeping one hand on the door jamb and the other on the rifle.

"Please, we're not safe right now, and we can at least get inside and block the door so we can talk. I don't want to see you suddenly get hurt."

Alba stepped aside and gestured inside. She didn't know why Blair was so opposed to coming inside, but she hoped the girl would budge.

"Please, Blair. Come inside before someone shoots you with an arrow too."

Re: Origin of Symmetry

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:50 pm
by Riki
So that was again how it was. That leery feeling people expressed because of Fiyori. Blair was pretty transparent with it, though she probably tried to hide it. The sole reason she didn't want to enter was that she feared to be overwhelmed. Well, it's not that Fiyori could mind her for that. Sure, she felt a moment of petty irritation but Fiyori was a killer after all.

And Blair, all things considered, had to think for herself first.

"Yes, I know how it is."

Fiyori stepped out of the room again, glancing only towards Alba as she mentioned an 'arrow'. Otherwise, she looked straight into Blair's eyes.

"You think I may be dangerous, and you are correct. However...

"In Olivia's case, I felt like I shoot here, so I did. In your case, I feel more like praising you, so I will."

With that, she turned around and stepped into the radio tower once again.