Deborah "Debbie" Vickers

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Deborah "Debbie" Vickers


Post by AtomicVandal† »

Name: Deborah ''Debbie'' Vickers
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
School: Aurora High School
Hobbies and Interests: Finances, Academics, Smart Shopping, Volunteer Work, Computers, Fitness

Appearance: Debbie is a girl that could be considered rather pretty by the current standards of beauty. Standing at 5'6'' and weighing 140 pounds, she has a slim build. She maintains her weight with a combination of sensible eating and moderate exercise and she's somewhat toned as a result. She has a slight hourglass figure with slightly accentuated chest, marked hips and shapely legs. She has rather pale skin with freckles on her cheeks. She doesn't tan and she must use sunscreen to avoid being sunburnt. She has a slightly oval facial shape, with a short stubby nose and piercing blue eyes. Her lips are rather unremarkable. She has shoulder length curly brown hair, which she tries to straighten with varying degrees of success.  Debbie does make use of make-up to hide her freckles. She has no acne due to her use of anti-acne cream. She doesn't use eyeliner, but she uses lipstick in order to draw the attention away from her cheeks and piercing stare.

Debbie's dress style is sharp and classic, thus making her appear older than she is. She doesn't follow current trends and doesn't experiment much, focusing instead on clothes that are formal and subdued yet elegant. Monochromatic combinations of skirt and jacket combined with a bright coloured blouse and heeled shoes are common for her. She is also fond of wearing pantyhose and showing off her legs. She wears sparse jewellery, usually in the form of simple silver or gold stud earrings and a simple pendant around the neck. She is fond of tinted shades and the effect they have in dampening her stare.  When the situation requires her to wear other clothing she prioritizes functionality over looks.

Biography: Debbie was born as the daughter of Thaddeus Vickers, a member of the directors' board of a nationwide bank in Washington D.C. and his secretary and wife, Mary Ann Vickers. Debbie, much like her three years younger brother Thaddeus Junior, were born wealthy and never had to worry about sustenance or lack of resources. However, both of her parents and their respective jobs meant that the young Debbie rarely saw her parents at home, instead being brought up by several nannies while her parents weren't at home. Debbie would become quite attached to the nannies, which prompted them to turn a blind eye when she misbehaved.

In order to avoid her becoming spoiled her parents also were rather strict in Debbie's upbringing, putting additional pressure on the child to behave. The absence of her parents and the high standards made Debbie somewhat insecure and worsened a stuttering condition she had developed. During her mother's maternity leave because of Thaddeus Junior, additional help was sought and the condition diagnosed correctly. Debbie would stutter, to the point of being unable to talk, when stressed and in unfamiliar conditions. The reassuring presence of her mother and the speech therapy she took improved her speech ability, by emphasizing the importance of staying calm and exercising articulation. This had the side effect of making Debbie's speech overly formal for a girl her age, as she spoke with little to no emotion.

Debbie felt no lack of love. The few moments she had with both her father and mother at home were among the happiest of her life. Not even the birth of her younger brother managed to change this fact. If anything it gave Debbie some much needed human contact as she quickly grew into the role of big sister towards Junior. This pleased her parents and they opened up to her a bit more, explaining things about their jobs and how money worked. Debbie listened carefully to her father's stories about finances and dealing with rich people, as well as his remarks about the importance to not lose one's own head when dealing with large amounts of money. Debbie did not understand many of these things, being five years old, but she liked the time spent with her parents. Even so, Debbie's mind registered some of these lessons and would settle the basis of her affinity towards financial matters later in her life.

School wise, Debbie's performance was initially poor. She was teased in kindergarten and the first grades of elementary because of her freckles and she continued to have disruptive stuttering relapses when stressed. The continuation of speech therapy managed to reduce her stutter and her grades improved to the point of being among the top students in her class by the time she ended elementary school. The introduction of formalisms in lessons made Debbie less reliant on spontaneous speech and more on elaborated sentences, something she had become quite proficient with thanks to her speech therapy. While teasing didn't stop, her grades and newfound confidence made possible for her to speak normally. Her parents decided to reward her performance, and allowed her to buy an expensive gift for reaching middle school with good grades. Debbie chose a computer inspired by her parents teaching her to use money wisely. When asked about her choice, she reasoned that some of her private school classmates had talked about the internet and the ability to connect people around. She would also reason that a computer was an efficient way of managing tasks. Both agreed and allowed her to have a computer, and a filtered internet connection.

Debbie not only found her gift useful, she became rather addicted to it. She was enthralled by how it worked. Initially, she just used it to check her mail, navigate and read books, but her fascination grew beyond that. She began tampering with the operative system, in order to understand the reason beyond its efficiency. Eventually, she felt bold enough to try and make programming codes by herself. She would also try videogames, but she would focus more on creating mods that playing the game proper. Her dependence on the computer reached a level in which she would shut herself in her room for hours, trying to make a new workaround on some codes, attempting to bypass the internet filter just for fun or finding new functionalities in the operating system. She became sluggish and her attention during early middle school dropped slightly. When the first reports of Debbie's seventh grade evidenced a considerable drop in her scores, her parents took it to her. She was told about the importance of keeping the body fit by her father in the terms he was used to: a healthy body was a future asset. Debbie took that lesson to heart and began to practice some sports at age 13, even if she disliked being outdoors due to her skin.

Debbie's middle school troubles did not end there, however. Her father had to move to San Francisco due to his work, and he took the whole family with him. Debbie did not like being separated from her school friends, although computer chats helped her to cope with the loss of touch. Her brother did not have such a relief, however. He would become overly reliant on Debbie to keep him company, which raised her stress level as her elder sister position required patience and restraint. Starting a new period with no acquaintances only worsened the strain and soon she would suffer a stuttering breakdown in the middle of a lesson, which made her for some time the buffoon of the class. Her relapse would last for a while, as other classmates would intentionally tease her to make her stutter. Her parents were busier than ever, which only added to her frustration. The hormonal changes as she became 14 and hit puberty caused her mood to become even more unstable. She dropped her responsible attitude and sought an antagonist stance, in order to draw attention from her parents towards her. She also ignored her baby brother and began to dress in exaggeratedly gothic style. Puberty also brought new urges, and she dated boys readily as soon as she noticed her looks were making her a desirable target during her last middle school year. The experience was far from positive, Debbie finding boys somewhat dense and rude. She explored other options in order to draw her parents' attention, and she also hit on girls. She would comment that fact openly during the brief time she had with them, and would boast that girls were indeed nicer than boys. Her parents chose not to act, but to distance themselves from Debbie, not realizing that the root of her issue was a desperate need to seek their attention. They assumed it was just a teenager trying to set her boundaries towards adults. They sought refuge in their work and there were thoughts of moving to another city yet again, a situation Debbie did not like to experience again in the slightest. Losing contact with acquaintances had been bad enough once.

The situation reached its peak in early high school, when Debbie eventually broke her right arm in an attempt to go extreme with her fitness and try a parkour stunt without prior knowledge on the sport which could have easily crippled her for life. Both of her parents arrived at the hospital worried for her daughter. Debbie was not scolded, however. They instead asked for her forgiveness, for piling too much on her and for having neglected her feelings. They had been wary of the fact for quite some time, but they had interpreted it wrongly as Debbie needing more leeway. However, when she tried to risk her life in a physical activity, something she never liked to begin with, both understood that it was just her daughter crying for attention. Her frustration and rage were shattered. She just couldn't hate her parents, as clumsy as they were sometimes. Debbie promised that she would quit her antics, on the condition they would spend more time with her and her brother. Her parents finally conceded. Debbie didn't even mind moving to another city, as long as her parents met the conditions. Debbie would never attempt parkour ever again.

They eventually moved to Seattle, where her father was appointed as the director of the bank's Seattle branch and her mother started an event organization business so that she could work from home and be closer to her children. Debbie would eventually give her mother a helping hand in the business, mostly with accounts and computer typing. Debbie would also create some administrative programs as well as a website for her mother. She would eventually learn that good manners and elegance could pave the way to persuading people, and she would learn to dress sharply, casting away her rebel outlook.

Debbie was transferred to Aurora High from a private school at the age of 16, after finishing her junior year. The school had a good reputation, one of the reasons for her parents' choice. Debbie didn't mind going to a public school. If anything, it would widen her views of the world. Prioritizing her academic results over having friends, she would put her mind to work in order to get a school record as flawless as possible, and also do some volunteer work helping the organization of charity events for curriculum purposes. She would also help other clubs with administration. She would not give up on making acquaintances though, even if her well-mannered habits and usual lack of emotion in speech clash with the usual teenager demeanour.

Debbie is seen as an outsider and a contradiction by many. She is rather smart and she has a hard working, no nonsense demeanour. She knows how to dress sharply, although she doesn't fall to the trends, instead choosing the best quality/price ratio. She is rich enough to afford having a sports car, but she has picked a modest Ford Focus. She keeps herself fit by running and exercise, but has no interest in joining clubs. She helps charity despite being wealthy. She treats everyone politely without distinctions, although she has little warmth in her voice. She has earned the moniker of "lipstick cyborg" in some circles for her consistency in scoring A grades, her overly formal and cool attitude, her knowledge of computers and occasional stutter outburst when stressed, which can be likened to a computer getting stuck on a loop. Debbie is often seen orbiting around diverse kinds of people, such as other rich kids and computer geeks. Debbie often enjoys making use of her computer and financial skills, and she loves to talk about these subjects. She also likes raising funds and getting good bargains of any kind. Debbie is particularly attracted to smart people.

Advantages: Debbie has a sharp mind and a cool head. Her no nonsense attitude and analytical ability can make tough choices easier for her. Her polite attitude and looks can also aid in her diplomacy. Her knowledge of computers and programming can also come in handy, if she finds one.
Disadvantages: Debbie is no athlete despite being fit. Her habit of enduring and piling up her stress can make her break down at the worst possible moment. She can also have a stuttering relapse due to stress, to the point of being unable to talk. Her outsider status means also that some people can be reluctant to work with her.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler AtomicVandal. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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