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Kay Griis*

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:11 am
by armeggedonCounselor†
Name: Kay Griis
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: Aurora High School
Hobbies and Interests: Martial arts, fitness, airsoft, law enforcement.

Appearance: Kay stands at about 5'7", and weighs about 140 pounds. She is slender and fit in build, with a B cup size. She wears her medium length brown hair in a ponytail, revealing her ears which are both pierced, and usually adorned with a simple stud. Other than those earrings, she wears no other jewelry. Her eyes are blue and generally cheerful, her mouth large and full of perfectly straight, white teeth, courtesy of several hundreds of dollars worth of orthodontics. Her face is round and cheerful. Her voice has a Southwestern drawl, which she plays up slightly in an effort to differentiate herself from her peers. Her skin is tanned due to many hours spent outside.

Kay typically wears light colors, but prefers blues. Her default outfit is a baggy t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. When the weather is unbearably warm, she changes up the sweatpants for a pair of black running shorts, which are always long enough to cover her knees. When the weather trends toward the other extreme, she changes out the t-shirt for a sweatshirt, and a windbreaker if the weather is wet and cold. Regardless of the weather, she always wears a pair of black running shoes.

Kay's personality is best summarized as cheerful. She is amiable, unaggressive, and very willing to compromise on most things. While this would normally add up to a doormat, Kay has a strong moral sense, and will not do anything that would compromise her own beliefs. One thing that she never does is flirt. She is uncomfortable with any sort of sexual language, and will often change the subject as rapidly as possible, or simply walk away. She is also naturally distrustful, and keeps secrets with practiced ease.

Biography: Kay was born in a Denver, CO hospital in early April, the youngest of three kids. Her parents were fairly wealthy, able to give their children anything they wanted. Kay grew up as a fairly normal child. All of that changed late in her twelfth year of life. She had been invited, by a friend, to a party thrown by an 11th grader (the friend's brother). Being a twelve-year-old, she obviously failed to tell her parents that it was a party with a bunch of high school students, and that there would likely be drugs or alcohol. While at the party, Kay was molested by a couple of 17-year-old boys. Afterward, her personality changed drastically. She became withdrawn and defensive, and began lashing out at her siblings and parents. For three months, she kept quiet about what had happened. It wasn't until she was given a three day suspension for getting into a heated argument with a member of her school's administration that she reluctantly told her parents, who promptly reacted appropriately and reported it to the police. Kay was able to positively ID the two boys, but, due to court processes and a lack of other evidence, the boys were never brought to trial. This drove Kay's interest in Criminal Law and her determination that people who do those kinds of things should be brought to Justice.

Kay soon returned to a more normal and less self-destructive personality trend with the help of counseling. When Kay was 14, the family made the decision to move to Seattle, which everyone agreed would be for the best. At her psychiatrist's suggestion, Kay took up Judo. Her current rank is yonkyu, a green belt. Initially, she had some problems with Judo, due to the physical contact and grappling. She quickly grew accustomed, because all of the grappling was initiated at her discretion, not anyone else's. She used to compete in Judo tournaments more often, but has not gone to a tournament in over a year. Kay has also taken up airsoft in recent years. She goes down to a field in Tacoma every other weekend. She finds it rather enjoyable, and finds the military aspect rather interesting. She usually just competes in small matches. While she has invested several hundreds of dollar into the sport, she has not yet purchased any high class, expensive guns. She also doesn't have a team she typically plays on, serving instead as a filler player, to help fill out mismatched teams. As a result of her molestation, Kay never felt really comfortable getting close to anyone. She has tried dating, but overreacts to any unexpected or sexual contact. She tends to freeze up when hugged closely. After several failed relationships, she decided to simply distance herself from all relationships.

Starting from the age of 15, Kay has kept herself fit. She runs to and from school every day, a distance of two miles. She goes to the gym and trains with weights twice a week for two hours each time. Every morning, before she showers, she does 100 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, and ten pull-ups. Every night, before she gets into bed, she does another round of the same. Out of personal preference, she avoids exercises that would cause a huge amount of muscular growth, focusing less on high weight and more on high repetition. Her goal is to exceed the Marine Corps. standard for physical fitness, which she already does.
In school, Kay excels in Social Studies and PE classes. She maintains a 3.5 average, and is set to go to a local college to study law enforcement. Her dream is to be accepted to the FBI academy. Socially, Kay is a bit distant from almost everyone. She is friendly to everyone, but avoids getting too close to anyone. Still, she has a few close friends.

Advantages: Kay is fit, experienced in a martial art, and has at least a rudimentary knowledge of the use of guns. Her cheerful personality makes it unlikely for her to have many enemies.
Disadvantages: Kay is naturally distrustful, and unlikely to have many allies. She also tends to overreact to unexpected physical contact, which could lead to her upsetting someone.