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Mark Kent

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:00 am
by Sean†
Name: Mark Kent
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Aurora High School
Hobbies and Interests: Wrestling, bodybuilding, guitar, light reading, cars

Appearance: Mark Kent is a rather burly young man, at 5'9" tall and 180lbs. He is very muscular, with almost no body fat. He has thin, light blue eyes, a small, short nose, and a small mouth with narrow lips. His head is oval-shaped, with a square jaw accentuated by a small soulpatch. His hair is rather short and often kept slicked back with pomade, although he does let it run wild on occasion. His typical outfit consists of a pair of basketball shorts, a band or graphic T-shirt, and a pair of basketball shoes.

Biography: Mark Kent was born on February 3, 1994, to loving parents in the Seattle area. His early childhood was pampered, as his father, George Kent, was an engineer for Boeing who made an extremely high salary; Mark and his family lived in a very large mansion in Medina, a suburb outside of Seattle itself, and never faced even small financial problems. Throughout his childhood, Mark was able to get almost anything he asked for, within reason; in spite of this, he rarely asked for much, with his largest request prior to adolescence being an original Xbox, four controllers, and a few games for it. However, despite being rather spoiled, he was definitely raised to understand good morals; both of his parents were liberal Christians and strong believers in the possibility of world peace (as well as frequent benefactors of local charities), and his upbringing reflected this.

While his father was more of an intellectual type, Mark never acquired a taste for those pursuits; while he was of moderate intelligence and did well in honors classes (with the occasional AP class in high school), his mind was more focused towards athleticism. This, combined with watching an early WWF SmackDown program on television as a young child, caused Mark to gravitate towards the sport of wrestling; while he quickly found out that real wrestling was far less glamorous and stylish than professional wrestling, it did not lessen his enthusiasm for either, and he went on to distinguish himself in both, winning or at least placing in numerous regional and state-level competitions. This also gave him something of a distaste for weapons; while he had nothing against fighting, being a participant in a combat sport and all, he saw weapons as dirty and more unsportsmanlike than bare hands and feet.

As a result of his lifestyle, Mark eventually took up bodybuilding; while he wasn't as serious about it compared to some of his other pursuits, he did manage to stay very fit, as his appearance attests to. The strength training regimen he kept undoubtedly contributed to his success in wrestling.

Mark's one real concession to his intellectual family is his love of reading, starting from an early age. While he isn't a fan of difficult reads, as he sees it as a leisure activity and not something that should take work, he does greatly enjoy works that would ordinarily be considered "airport fiction" or potboilers, ranging from the hardboiled detective stories of Raymond Chandler to the slow, tense mysteries of Stieg Larsson and everywhere in between. Seeing Mark with his nose buried in a paperback book often comes as a surprise to people who don't know him very well, as his focus on athletic activities does not paint him as a terribly intelligent person.

During his early adolescence, Mark began to appreciate music more and more as time went on. As a result of this, he developed a desire to learn to play guitar; he told his parents this, and they bought him an Ibanez ART100, an amplifier, and a year of guitar lessons. While he struggled at times, he eventually became quite a skilled guitarist, and earned some spending money throughout high school playing session guitar for local bands. Surprisingly given this, however, rock music wasn't his favorite style; he was actually far more of a fan of electronic acts such as Kavinsky, Daft Punk, Massive Attack, and Ratatat.

At the age of sixteen, Mark acquired his driver's license and his first car. He was allowed to get more or less anything he wanted, no matter what the cost; his father already drove a 2008 Ferrari 612 Scagletti and his mother drove him to and from school and other activities in a 2009 Porsche Cayenne S, so there was definitely precedent in his family for expensive automobiles. While his choice was rather pricey, it was not nearly as extravagant as his parents expected; he chose a used, somewhat beaten-up 1989 Nissan Skyline R32 sedan and opted to add luxury creature comforts himself, including a high-end stereo system, plush leather seats, and a new paint job.

By the time he reached the end of his senior year in high school, he had already gotten several scholarship offers from high-ranking colleges and committed to the University of Texas at Austin.

Socially, Mark was very well-liked. While he didn't go out of his way to attract attention to himself, he made quite a few friends and was generally considered to be a good, likable person by the people who knew him. He even reached out to the outcasts some by stepping in whenever he'd see someone being bullied and scaring off the aggressor; his strong sense of justice forbade him from simply standing aside and allowing it to happen.

Advantages: Mark is more intelligent than he seems, and is also very muscular and strong. He is also a skilled wrestler, which isn't technically a self-defense martial art but can be applied to it. His strong sense of justice means that he's likely to make "moral" choices on the island and acquire allies.
Disadvantages: Mark hates guns and is not fond of melee weapons, and as a result, is at an immediate disadvantage against more heavily-armed people. In addition, his strong sense of justice may pull him into situations that he can't easily get out of and prevent him from leaving a losing battle.