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Carson Rasmussen

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:23 am
by SOTF_Help
Name: Carson Rasmussen
Position: Vice Principal
Gender: M
Age: 38

Appearance: Very militaristic in appearance and bearing, Mr. Rasmussen is just a hair under 6 foot at 5'11" tall.  Exceptionally fit and trim, he weighs in at 168 pounds.  His Native ancestry is responsible for his dusky skin tone and dark brown eyes.  He wears his light brown hair in a high and tight military-style buzz cut that only makes his angular features appear even sharper.

An incident in Somalia left him with a scar that begins in his left eyebrow and runs almost to the corner of his eye.  He has a tattoo of the Marine Corp insignia on his right bicep.  Standard outfit for Mr. Rasmussen is jeans, a polo shirt with the school's logo embroidered on it, spotless white running shoes, and mirrored aviator sunglasses.

Biography/Personality:  A former Marine and Aurora High alumnus, Mr. Rasmussen maintains a "forever faithful" attitude towards both institutions. He is often one of the first people to arrive on campus and one of the last to leave.  The youngest administrator, Mr. Rasmussen often behaves as if he has something to prove to students and staff alike.  As a result, he often takes a hard line stance against infractions and violations of school policies.  

Of the three administrators, Mr. Rasmussen covers disciplinary activities like detention and Saturday school the most frequently.  During the school day, he can often be found surveying the campus while wearing his sunglasses and drinking a coffee from his thermal Marine Corps mug. Exceedingly proud of his Duwamish ancestry, Mr. Rasmussen is very active in Duwamish cultural events around the city.