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Heartbeat, Hearbreak

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:42 am
by Espi
Theodore was pacing outside of the Gilman residence, wringing his hands. Okay, decide already! he thought to himself. Ask her or not, just do something, for gods sake!

As a nervous habit, Theo began to think about his situation like it was a story summary.

The time; 5:00 PM, the day before senior prom. The sun was still high in the sky, but it was off-center, and the colors began to fill with gold. It was pretty, but Theo didn't notice.

The place; still the Gilman's house. Specifically, the home of Alice Gilman (his best friend) and her family.

Conflict; Theodore Fletcher wants to ask his female friend to the prom as friends, but isn't sure if it is a good idea or not! What will he decide?!

"God, stop thinking." Theo muttered to himself. "This isn't a story; stop talking like it is, and go up to the door, and invite Alice to the prom." Cracking his knuckles, Theo inhaled deeply so as not to hyperventilate.

It seemed silly that Theo was so worried; and he knew it. The problem was, he was so paranoid he'd screw it up it ruined his already-lacking confidence.

On one hand, this would be the last chance to go to a prom. He rarely attended them, but he wanted to go tonight just for the sake of a last hurrah of high school.

On the other hand, Theo might not just have a bad night; there friendship might be ruined! Logically, he doubted that would happen. But emotionally, he was afraid of losing someone he loved.

As a friend, of course.

Theo shook his head, and his hair got into his face. Tossing it back, Theo stretched and inhaled, like yoga but not really yoga at all. He jut had to get it over with, and accept the consequences of his actions.

Striding to the door, hands casually inserted into his pockets, Theo rang the bell.

"Oh, god, please let this go okay."

Re: Heartbeat, Hearbreak

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:42 am
by dmboogie
((Alice Gilman: Prom start))

Damage cap: hit. Boredom: still not dealt with.

Alice sighed, leaning back in her chair, sitting in front of the desktop computer in her room. The human mind was truly a fascinating thing. Access to every game of every console ever made via the magical wonders of the internet, and it still managed to not be satisfied. It was just one of those nights where nothing seemed interesting and time slowed to a crawl. Alice had been trying to pass the time by breaking Final Fantasy VI wide open, not that it was a very difficult task.

She absently petted Tesla, who was sleeping in her lap. Cats were lucky creatures. All they really needed was food, attention, and a warm place to sleep. Voila, complete satisfaction! Of course, cats also came with almost complete ignorance of the world around them. A heavy price to pay, indeed.


Huh, someone was at the door. Well, it was probably nothing that concerned her. Alice turned her attention back to the game for another minute before being distracted again by the sound of someone running up the stairs, followed shortly by two light knocks on her door. Before Alice had any time to respond, the door was cracked open, her sister peering at her. "Hey, sis, Theo's asking for you."

I didn't think anything was going on tonight. Wonder what he wants?

Alice swiveled around in her chair then nodded, holding a finger up. "Thanks, Mary. Be there is a second." She quickly suspended her computer, then stood up, transferring Tesla (who sleepily meowed in protest) to her bed. Alice gently patted him on the head before walking downstairs to meet Theo.


"Uh, hey, Theo. Sup?" Alice asked after reaching the door, leaning on the frame. Always nice to see a friend, though she was still curious about what he wanted.

Re: Heartbeat, Hearbreak

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:42 am
by Espi
"Uh, hey Alice!" Theo said with an unnerved smile. He shoved his hands deeper into his pockets. "Yeah, it's nice to see you."

He had to psych himself up now; he had to just get it out into the air and say what he needed to say. Enough with the gibberish and whatnot! Just be honest!

"Alice, can we go to prom together?"

Ooookay, maybe not that honest. Theo had to suppress a laugh at the way he said it like that. Seriously, who talked like that except in a movie or something? He smiled awkwardly.

"Uh, as friends, I mean, unless you want to go as boyfriend and girlfriend, but let's just assume friends now I guess?" Theo said quickly, trying to explain himself before she got the wrong idea.

Tossing his hair back, Theo continued. "I mean, I've been thinking, and I was just wondering if that was okay with you, like if you didn't have plans?" He sounded so awkward it was funny. Except to him, 'cause he was sure he was probably scaring her off.

"So, uh, will you come or not?" Aaaand now he was setting an ultimatum. He needed to shut up. He glanced into Alice's house, double-checking to make sure her family wasn't watching.

Re: Heartbeat, Hearbreak

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:42 am
by dmboogie
Alice blinked, shocked. "Um. That, uh..." She mumbled quietly, trying to process the rush of new information. She had almost completely forgotton about Prom. She hadn't intended to go, after all. Why waste your evening listening to crappy music and awkwardly dancing when you could be doing, well, anything else?

It didn't help that, unsurprisingly, no one until now had shown any interest in asking her out. There was not really anyone that Alice wanted to go with, anyway. All in all, she had been more than happy to plan to spend the night at home. But, Theo?

Theo was a good friend, and he evidently really wanted Alice to go to prom with him. For some reason. It'd make him happy if she accepted, and hell, Prom might even be somewhat enjoyable, if she was with Theo.

"Er, sure! I'll go! Uh, as a friend. Platonically." While Theo was a pretty cool dude, Alice was not really interested in him (or anyone, really) romantically. Alice was faintly aware of Mary sitting on the couch in the living room behind them, trying and failing to pretend that she wasn't eavesdropping.  

Re: Heartbeat, Hearbreak

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:43 am
by Espi
Oh, thank god. Theo thought it, but didn't say it.

Theo wanted to cheer in happiness. He wanted to jump up and down in excitement. He was so freaking happy! At that moment, he paid no attention to Alice's sister, and only barely to Alice.

Not at going to prom, per say. That was nice, but...not what he wanted. Going with Alice was great too, but she wasn't so spectacular that it made him this excited. A good friend, yes, but not a great prom date.

What made Theo happy was that he wasn't being rejected! He was in, not being refused, and he was so excited that he just wanted to scream, "THANK YOU FOR CARING ENOUGH TO GO TO PROM WITH ME" with a whole ton of exclamation marks. He'd been so afraid of the dreaded "no" that it was like a rock embedded into his chest.

"Oh. Great," Theo beamed, with a toothy grin and a sigh of relief. He tried to relax and not look too tense or excited. "So, uh, what time should I pick you up?" That seemed an appropriate question at the time; logical and casual.

Re: Heartbeat, Hearbreak

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:43 am
by dmboogie
Huh, Theo's really excited about this. Wonder why?

Alice smiled. It was sort of flattering, really. While it was doubtful that she was the sole cause of his excitement, it was still nice to know that her presence made Theo happy. "Whatever works for you. Any time'd be okay with me, really." As she thought of plans for the next day, Alice was struck by a sudden realization.

Oh, hell. Do I even own a dress?

As Alice had never really been interested in fashion, most, if not all, of her clothing was casual, everyday stuff. She'd never been required to actually dress up for something. Sure, there was always the option of just going in her normal clothes, but Alice felt that she should at least make an effort to take this seriously, considering how much it seemed to mean to Theo.

Flattered as she had been, Alice was now distinctly annoyed at Theo's lack of consideration. Less than one day was not enough time to prepare for a social undertaking of this scale, dammit.

Trying to avoid letting the annoyance show on her face, Alice instead turned to her sister, who was still attempting to act casual, head buried in a book. "Sis, you've been staring at that page ever since I started talking to Theo. Maybe you'll be able to concentrate better somewhere else? Like, say, upstairs?" Starting guiltily, Mary slammed her book shut, retreating to the safety of her room.

"Siblings, man." Alice sighed, returning her attention to Theo. "Can't live with them, can't fire them out of a cannon without having to answer awkward questions from the authorities."

Re: Heartbeat, Hearbreak

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:43 am
by Espi
Theo laughed, nervously. Alice didn't seem to mind it coming in so late, so that was a good sign. Though, she definitely dodged his question, which was not a good sign.

Still, jokes were good.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Nancy is nice and all, but sometimes she really gets on my nerves when she whines about stuff," Theo watched Alice's expression as he continued.

"So uh, is 6 o' clock tomorrow night good for you? I uh, don't think we should go in like a limo or whatever, but I could probably drive us, if you don't mind."

That's right, try and look confident and not like you're about to stress out.

Re: Heartbeat, Hearbreak

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:43 am
by dmboogie
Alice nodded. "Six is fine, and I'm okay with you driving. Limo would be excessively formal, anyway." Theo seemed a bit nervous, despite his attempts to appear confidence. Alice smiled in an attempt to put him a little more at ease  "I'm looking forward to it." While she may not have planned on going originally, Prom was a key high-school event, and there was nothing wrong with making a few nice memories in the short time before she graduated.

"Heh, my mom was pretty disappointed when I told her that I wasn't planning on going to prom. Guess I should go tell her the good news. Got a bit of planning to do, after all."

No thanks to you for leaving this till the last minute...

Alice was still a bit disgruntled over the suddenness of the invitation, but tried to ignore it for the moment. Things would work out. Probably. "So, uh, if there's nothing else I'll see you tomorrow at six, Theo."

Re: Heartbeat, Hearbreak

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:43 am
by Espi

Theo wanted to get really, really excited (maybe jump up and down or...something) but now was not the time! He needed to wrap up in a way that suggested some kind of reasonable-ness.

"Okay, see you then." He offered a smile. It was awkward, maybe, but Theo was genuinely looking forward to this. As he walked away from the house, he turned back to wave at Alice.

He hoped it would be fun.

[[Theodore Fletcher's story continues elsewhere]]