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B16 - Andou, Daisuke[/DECEASED]

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:22 pm
by Kaishi*

Name: Andou, Daisuke
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th grade
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Shisei High
Appearance: Daisuke is 5'11", he has long (for a boy) dyed reddish-coppery hair, usually kept in a short pony tail, brown eyes, about average build but with long toned legs that can kick hard, the rest of his appearence is fairly normal. He has some barely noticable cuts on his arms and torso.
Biography: Daisuke comes from a rich background as his father is a successful business man, he resents his parents for them being "model citizens". Daisuke is the type that wants to change the world or die trying. He's not very quick to trust people. Studied martial arts as a child but gave them up at 11. Daisuke also has borederline Sado-masochism (taking pleasure from hurting himself and others) that he is usually able to control, but it can greatly affect his reasoning.
Other: N/A
Number: 16


Designated Weapon: S-4M (Silent) Pistol
Conclusions: The martial arts he learned as a kid might come in handy. If he gets out of control with his Sado-Masochism, then this competition will become far more interesting than it already is. I have a feeling, though, that B16 is the heroic type, and will probably die saving someone. But, who really knows?