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We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:20 pm
by Primrosette
Where are they?

((Brendan Harte continued from The Wicked Die Alone))

Brendan honestly had no idea where his friends and allies would be right at that moment. He needed to keep moving with Maxim to make sure that they could at least find someone that they knew. It would be better than not finding them at all or bumping into someone who was potentially dangerous or a threat to him and his friends.

He and Maxim had headed to the chapel the day before while looking for others that they were hoping to find; but they had no luck there. They waited there to see if Fiyori would turn up at some point but she never did come to that place. He and Maxim then made their way towards the storehouse and then they spent the night there. Brendan didn't sleep that well at all. Then Brendan made a plan of them looking near the shoreline just in case and now they were there together. He couldn't see anyone else there. But he had thought that it might have been worth a shot.

"....Looks like this might have been a bad idea after all."

He sighed softly as he kicked at a rock on the ground and he stared out ahead of him. Not really looking at anything. He blinked a few times, wondering what he should do next. He didn't want to look like a disappointment to Maxim.

"I wished that I could just swim away from this. But I know that I can't abandoned anyone else, Maxim. I-"

He then heard something that he was going to dread again. The announcement was starting up again and he forced himself to listen to what was coming up.

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:20 pm
by Brackie
((Maxim Kehlenbrink continued from The Wicked Die Alone))

They had not found Lili. They had not found Ben. They had not found Fiyori. And they had not found Alba.

The previous day had just been like any other, except he had Brendan with him. They hid, they waited, they moved on. The company had kept his spirits up, all things considered. After days of solitude and being trapped with nothing but his thoughts, it was good to be able to vocalize his worries to someone who would listen again. He did, of course, but he didn't vocalize the one main worry - that being the ask of what the point of it all was.

Brendan thought very short-term. Maxim thought quite a bit further than that. Not to the inevitability of the endgame, but to a point that was essentially there. What was going to happen if they did find Lili, and Ben, and Fiyori and Alba, but they were the only ones left? Did Brendan have a plan for that? Were they going to use that time to escape somehow, even though the very idea was implausible to the point of non-existence? Was he going to turn on them, what with his impressive personal arsenal compared to Maxim's measly hammer and bow? Maxim didn't think him for that kind of person, but then again he hadn't even asked why two people were dead because of him and what exactly that meant. Now that was foolish of him.

Another morning rose upon them, and suddenly the announcements joined them again. The names were read off, and once again nobody they knew was above the dead. This being the first time he'd paid proper attention to them, however, three names did come to mind.

Kaitlyn Greene was killed by Alba Reyes. This was to be the exact same Alba Reyes the two of them, previously three of them, were looking for.

Isabel Ramirez was dead. Even to someone who had been paying infrequent attention to the announcements like Maxim, that name registered for the sheer volume of repetition. It was a team of no less than three people who took her down.

And one of those people was Fiyori Senay. She had been one of the killers of Isabel.

Once it was confirmed that they would not have to flee their location, and the speakers gave their final sendoff, Maxim turned to Brendan.

"Well...I'm not sure what you think of that, but least they are not on the other side of things?"

It wasn't much of a comfort and Maxim knew it, but he said it anyway. Their names still weighed heavy on Maxim's mind. Was that the inevitability that everyone faced?

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:21 pm
by Primrosette
Brendan wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel about the victims and killers as they were read off in the announcement. He felt a sense of sadness as Nadia had ended her life and that he wouldn't be able to see her again. What would she had thought if he had found her before she died? What would he had said to her? Nothing. There was nothing he could have said to her. She was gone. It was that simple.

Isabel had killed another person named Lucilly and it only made him feel more bitter than hatred for her. He thought that no one was going to stop her at all until he heard the next thing that shook him to his core. Alba had killed a girl. Kaitlyn Greene. The girl who had murdered Candice's friend, Mia. It sounded like Kaitlyn might have played a game with Alba and Alba came out on top. He wouldn't get his head around the idea of Alba killing someone. He couldn't judge her. He had no right to as he had killed two people himself. He had to make sure to find Alba and talk to her about it. He had to be there for her, comfort her, support her. Be the better person he wanted to be for her.

The next thing for him to hear shocked him a lot more. After Isabel had killed more; she had been ganged up on and taken out by Fiyori, Dorothy and a girl named Scout. Fiyori and Dorothy, Fiyori and Dorothy, Fiyori and Dorothy.... Their names were spinning around and around in his head. How could Dorothy...? He never thought that she could have done something like that. He knew that he should be proud of Fiyori for taking out that psycho but he was afraid for her and Dorothy. Scared that anyone would go after them. Also about Scout.... She had taken out two players.... Alvaro and Isabel. He wondered if she could come after him. If so he had to be more careful if he wanted to survive for as long as he could.

Maxim was saying something to him and all he could do was still look ahead of him. He couldn't face Maxim. He was wondering how Maxim would feel about Fiyori and Alba now. Maxim hadn't killed anyone and Brendan felt a bit envious about Maxim's somewhat innocence away from being a killer. He couldn't tell him about it. It would make him seem like a jerk if he did.

"Fiyori, Alba, Dorothy.... I can't judge them for their actions. I think I am glad that no one has to deal with Isabel anymore. About Alba...." He paused as he thought about her and he was trying so hard not to get emotional about her. "....I have to find her.... Maxim, honestly, tell me what you think will happen to everyone. I am more and more convinced that no one will be able to come and rescue us from this."

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:21 pm
by Brackie
The question happened so suddenly that Maxim had no time to think of a response. Or more accurately, Maxim had no time to think of a convincing lie.

He could have just told Brendan what he really thought. That at some point, one or both of them was going to be dead. But even Maxim could tell there was an unhealthy amount of fear in Brendan's voice, and as much as Maxim wanted to live at this point he didn't want to be responsible for Brendan's emotional upheaval. He didn't know at this point who it was for - Brendan, or himself?

The other option was a lie, but Maxim wasn't a good liar, unless he fully believed what he was saying. And he wasn't planning six moves ahead for this exact moment, not that it was something he did in his regular day-to-day life, far from it, so someone who wasn't good at all with people like Maxim was would never have been able to make something convincing, especially at such short notice.


Maxim stuttered out the beginning of a sentence that didn't actually exist. He shouldn't have said anything, but what else was he going to do? Stand around thinking about what to say for even longer, in which he might just have told the truth anyway?

He was panicking. But before he could stutter out something else to make Brendan suspicious, he tried a redirection. It was a redirection to a conversation for which Maxim already feasibly knew the outcome, but what else could he do?

"I think...I think I want to know what you meant yesterday. When you said two people were dead because of you."

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:21 pm
by Melusine
((Dot continued her dream journey here.))

Sleeping on the island was an issue. It was a necessary need but it was so hard to get the required amount every night due to the setting. She would kill for a bed and a place where it is safe. Just somewhere where she could close her eyes and not jump at every noise coming from the darkness.

Yesterday was the hardest. Sleeping alone, curled up in a corner with her taser and knife in her hands was not good. She woke up several time when she felt the tip of her blade penetrating her thigh. She wondered if her vaccine against tetanus was still active.

Seven days on the island and the lack-of sleep was getting to her brain. It felt a hazy fog in her vision, forcing her to close her eyes to regain composure. She jabbed herself on her arm to stay awake.

Her eyes wouldn't open so she sent her fist flying once again on her left hand. She kept muttering to herself to wake up, to stay awake, to get moving, to stop crouching.

She pressed her blade against her left hand and threaten herself.

"Get going or I'll cut this finger off."

Her body didn't move.


Dot pressed a little harder, pushing the teeth of her blade against her skin.


Her body was frozen.


Her body was thawing. Like a bug awakening in Spring, it started to scramble and to shake to remove the frost out of its body.


She walked around. Not going anywhere. She had no aim until she would hear the announcement. There was no point into finding a place to rest only for it to become a forbidden zone by the cruel terrorists.

She heard voice and she immediately crouched. One of the person speaking was unknown, the other was someone familiar.


She slammed her hands against her mouth. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:21 pm
by Primrosette
Brendan didn't think that Maxim would change the subject to about something else. He had wanted Maxim's opinion but maybe Maxim didn't really want to talk about it. Still, he wanted to know about Jeremiah and Bernadette. Brendan knew that he would have to tell him more about what happened with them. He still couldn't face Maxim so he continued to look at the view in front of him.

He let out a small sigh and he rubbed a hand over his chin. He really wished that he could evade talking about Bernadette and Jeremiah. But he had no choice. "You really want to know about what happened with the both of them?" He asked quietly and then he gave a nod of his head. "O-Okay. Well, what happened with Jeremiah was that he and Michael were-"

He froze. What was that sound just now? Someone called out his name and the voice had sounded very familiar.

That was Dorothy. That was HER voice!

Brendan looked around, trying to see if he could see her anywhere. He had wanted to see her as well. He wanted to ask about Isabel and she being a part of killing her. He also wanted to know if she was okay. He had to be there for her now. He couldn't leave her again.


Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:22 pm
by Muninn†
((Candice Banks continued from Welcome to the Madhouse))

Candice had been traversing the island without any particular destination in mind when she had heard a girl's voice call out.  It had sounded as though it were coming from somewhere near the shore.

Cautiously, she moved in the direction the voice had come from, looking for the girl who had been making noise.  She found two guys instead.  Rather, she thought that they were probably guys.  Due to the direction she had made her approach from, Candice was looking into the morning sun, making it difficult to tell who it was standing there.  They both looked to be rather tall, though.

Was I mistaken where the voice was from? Or is there somebody else with them that I can't see?

Making sure to keep a bit of distance between her and the other two, Candice moved to see if she could get a better look at them from further to the south.

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:22 pm
by ItzToxie
((Jonathan Gulley continued from Let it Happen ))

Jonathan hobbled along just outside the shore, creeping along in the tree lines.

As he moved closer to the shore, he saw silhouettes in the distance. He moved closer and realized he recognized them.

He recognized HIM.

He didn't step any closer, not yet.

He could shoot Brendan from here, maybe. If he had a rifle it would probably be easier. He wasn't too sure if he could do it with the revolver or not.

He contemplated just walking down there and doing it point blank, and letting whatever happens next happen.

He contemplated just opening fire on them right then and there, not caring who he hit or missed.

He contemplated shooting at Brendan, then leaving. If it didn't work that time, he could try again later.

He contemplated just blowing his own brains out onto Brendan just so he knew how he really felt.

Jonathan Gulley stared out at the group from the trees. That's all he did.

He stood, and he stared.

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:22 pm
by Melusine
Dot carefully stepped in the direction of Brendan, doing her best to hide Iz's head behind her. One hand behind her and the other with a taser ready to shoot.

She bit her lips. She didn't want to think about but will Brendan try to kill her?

He killed Bernadette, he killed a mutual friend from art club, does this mean he will try to kill her too? Ty was probably angry at Brendan. A part of her thought about it and she wondered how he reacted when he heard about her death. Maybe he was like Dot when she heard Lucilly's name and started to weep or maybe he will be like Dot when he finds Brendan and tears him apart limbs by limbs.

She thought about herself too. She killed someone who killed her friend. She stabbed Iz because she killed Asha, does that mean that Dot will have to stab Brendan because he killed Bernadette? A part of her was resentful, a part that wanted to put down Brendan, to stop him from killing a friend.

If she killed him, wouldn't that mean she would need to kill herself for Brendan to receive justice.

Mental olympics were never her forte and she didn't like thinking about her friend like that. If she had to kill him, she would. She would stab him or tase him and get his weapons and search for Jae.

Oh, about him. She wondered where he was. Probably still at the cabin with the androgynous person or maybe he left them to find Dot. What really caused a problem however was the relationship that Brendan and Jae had.

She remembered when he saw Brendan for the first time on the island, how Jae was threatening him with a crossbow. They couldn't cooperate or get along. Dot had to choose one and stick to them. Brendan would probably be more forgiving than Jae but she wasn't sure about that. Perhaps it was a fight gone wrong and Brendan knew that there would be no consequence if he killed Bernie.

She was sure of something: Brendan couldn't be trust. Well, kinda. She could trust him but she would need to keep ah eye on him. If he were to do anything fishy, a quick tase me shot and then she'd run.

Yep, that's what she's going to do. Still hiding Iz's skull behind her, she confirmed her presence.

"Yup, thats me. I'm a bit... bloody so don't freak out, okay? I'm going to walk toward your voice, don't be scared."

She realized the tone she was using was bad. As if she was talking to a dog that attacked a kid or something and she had to come near it and try to deal with the problem.

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:22 pm
by Primrosette
Brendan knew that he should have been happy to see Dorothy. But he wasn't. Because something just felt a bit.... off. Like the tone of her voice. And why should he be scared of her? A close friend of his. He could hear the alarm bells going on his head. And then that little voice spoke up in his head. He wished that it didn't because it was something he didn't want to think at all.

You can't trust her, Brendan.

He gulped quietly and he shook his head a little. No, no, no. He couldn't listen to his thoughts. But he was and it made him hate himself for it. How could he distrust someone like Dorothy? Because of the way she had spoken to him? Like he was an animal? Maybe that was the reason as much as he didn't want to believe it. But he did believe it. And now he wanted to keep his distance away from her. He also didn't want her to go after Maxim as well. What if she did attack them? Kill them? Take their supplies and leave them to die?

Now he was really being paranoid. And he felt a pang of fear settling inside him.

He didn't respond to Dorothy. She might get confused by that but he didn't have time to worry about that. His grip tightened on his weapon but he didn't raise it. He didn't want to come off as threatening to her.

He then took a few steps back. Away from Maxim so Dorothy would focus on him instead of Maxim. He didn't want her to hurt Maxim. He had to stand up and protect someone that mattered a lot to him.

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:23 pm
by Muninn†
From her new position, Candice had a much better view of the two boys down by the shoreline.  She didn't recognize one of them, but the identity of the other was something she was sure about.

Brendan.  It was definitely Brendan.

Several days after being separated from everybody, she had finally managed to find someone she knew.  Or maybe encountered would be a more accurate term, as saying that she found someone made it seem as though it were due to some action that she had taken that the two of them were now in the same place together.  Honestly, anything more generous than stumbled upon or tripped over was giving her way too much credit.

Anyways, regardless of the circumstances, it was time to get herself out there and...


...and what, exactly?

Yesterday, the answer to that question was a firm "Join up, and the two of us will help each other out."  Candice didn't have the slightest idea what to do about being on this island, and she had long since given up the pretense that she would ever figure it out.  But she was sure that it was far safer to have no clue what to do as part of a group than to do it wandering around by oneself.

Being alone was something that got you killed.

You needed somebody you could trust to have your back.  Even if he wasn't the top candidate, Brendan had been somebody she wouldn't mind to have in that position.

It wasn't as though she was unaware of what he had done on this island.

There wasn't any special knowledge she had about his circumstances that justified his actions.

She didn't have any sort of long friendship with him that would enable her to confidently say that he wouldn't kill somebody without a good reason.

"I met with him briefly and he seemed like a trustworthy guy" was the kind of thing that Candice had said to herself when his name was read out on the announcement.  "I don't think he'll do anything wrong, and if he does I'll handle that as it happens."  That was the sort of thing she had said, but now...

Now that she was actually faced with the prospect of placing her trust in him, rather than just talking to herself about it, she couldn't bring herself to step forward and greet him.

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:23 pm
by ItzToxie
Jon watched the group below.

What would he do?

What else could he do?

He... after everything he did. Why'd it have to be so hard. It wasn't hard to shoot Al like that, to just drop him. Why was he having troubles now?

Do it! Pull the trigger, shoot him already!

Jon stared at the reflective metal of the revolver. He stared at the form in the distance, the one he chose.

Pull the trigger. Do it now!

End it. End him.

What in the fuck was he doing.

Jon lowered the gun and turned around, trudging back behind the trees. He sat down, he had to take off the mask, it was choking him. He needed fresh air.

His hands grasped at the nylon wrapping around his head, peeling it off. He felt sick, he leaned to the side and wretched.

Nothing but spit and stomach pains came out.

This was fucked up, he was fucked up! He couldn't do this... He should just go down there, just... talk to him.

He hadn't talked to anyone in a whole day, and he was already losing it.

God, what would Michael think? Barry?

Yeah, he should... he had to just... Talk.

Just talk.

He grabbed the mask and the gun.

That's what he'd do then, he'd go down there, and he'd talk.

He turned back around and walked past the tree he was hiding behind.

Then he saw her.

The girl who tried to jump him, the one who was playing the bait game with Al. The one with the severed head.

She was with Brendan.

The realization hit him like the floor when Alex caught him. It didn't matter what he tried to rationalize, it didn't matter that he tried to help. No matter which way he looked at it, Brendan was with people who tried to hurt him. Brendan helped the people who killed so many others.

Brendan was one of them now, and the only way to really win this was to be like him. If Jon really wanted a chance to change things...

Jon would have to be one of them.

Jon put the mask back on.

He raised the revolver.

He fired.

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:23 pm
by Primrosette
((Posting ahead so that Toxie and I can exit to another thread))

Brendan had still been walking backwards when he heard the gunshot. A gunshot?! He felt himself almost fall down from the shock and sudden fear from hearing it. Was someone firing at them? Being shot was one of his biggest fears, but he couldn't start to cower like a frightened child. He realized that whoever shot at them was aiming to kill. Even someone like Maxim who was an innocent person in this unlike him and Dorothy who were known killers.

He turned his head frantically to see who was endangering the three of them. He couldn't let that person get away with it. He had to do something. He had to be willingly to fight back. He couldn't make a mistake like he did with Jae. He had to try and be prepared to risk everything.

He then noticed someone. A figure in the distance next the trees. That must be the shooter! He had to confront whoever that person is. He had to do it now.

He took a deep breath, he glanced back at Dorothy and Maxim with a small smile and then he started to run towards the figure. His shoulder was hurting a little. But that didn't matter. This was what mattered.... Protecting Maxim and Dorothy.

"Hey!! You!!!"

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:23 pm
by ItzToxie
(( Also posting ahead due to thread raisins))

It had to be this.


After everything he's done, Brendan's found some way to sabotage it, ruin it.


There wasn't a chance to escape, not anymore.


Not like it mattered, anyone who deserved to escape was dead anyways, everyone else was already killers right?


Can't blame them, it's how they lived to get this far. Might as well start now. Maybe he could still change something if he won?

He lined up his sights, Brendan was getting closer. He dodged around the last bullets, or Jon simply wasn't that good of a shot.

He couldn't miss this one.



Brendan moved his way up towards the tree lines, Jon turned around almost immediately.

Shit he forgot to reload after shooting Al, fucking damnit!

Jon juked left and right through trees. As he was sprinting, he reached into his bag and pulled out some more ammo for the revolv--


Ears ringing, Jon smashed into the ground. Bullets clattered to the ground.

You fucking idiot you ran into a tree!

Jon regained his grip on the revolver and looked around for the bullets. Maybe he had time to reload, he could put em in and end this shit right here and now.

He scrambled, picking up each bullet he could.

He only got to four before Brendan appeared in view.

He heard Brendan yell at him before he decided to get up and sprint off again.

He couldn't reload here, Brendan wouldn't give him the chance, and he couldn't use the machete here, otherwise another Alex situation would happen, or Brendan's group would show up to help.

They weren't with him yet...

As Jon sprinted off, he took quick looks behind him to see if Brendan was still there.

He was.

He was also alone.

Maybe Jon might get him after all.

(( Jonathan Gulley continued elsewhere.))

Re: We Are Monsters

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:24 pm
by Primrosette
Brendan noticed that he was getting shot at and the person shooting either had terrible aim or they were missing him on purpose. He didn't care in that moment. He want to get that person and take them down. He couldn't hesitate anymore.

Wait.... That hoodie.... No way. It couldn't be.

It is him.

Brendan felt something inside him starting to come out. Bottled up anger. And possibly hatred towards Jonathan. He had to catch up to him and then....

He wasn't sure what he would do.

((Brendan Harte continued elsewhere))