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B14 - Starr, Jacob[/DECEASED]

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:22 pm
by Kaishi*

Name: Starr, Jacob
Gender: Male
Age: Turned 16 on the day of the trip
Grade: 10th grade.
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Barry Coleson High (what state is BC high in anyway?)
Appearance: Very plain face, slick black hair, blue eyes, tall for his age, about 6'1. Muscular, but not to the point where he can't move because of his muscles. He's also rather light, only weighing 187 pounds. His eyes are naturally tilted (mostly due to his eyebrows) to the point where he appears to always be glaring at someone or something.
Biography: Jacob was born to a middle-class family, and into a comfortable life without the corruptions of the rich. His father was a police officer that applied for the Federal Beaurau of Investigation, but was injured during training and could not continue. From an early age, his father trained him in some martial arts styles, boxing, grappling (refusing to use the term "wrestling"), and delved slightly into firearms. When in school, his cold, detached manner at first attracted bullies who assumed he was mentally deficient. They were badly mistaken, and withdrew as soon as Jacob threatened them. Of course, having a strong sense of justice rendered him into somewhat of a loose cannon as well. This feeling about him heightened when he once saw a weaker student being bullied by two stronger ones. His reaction was violent to say the least, both bullies where hospitalized. He somewhat escaped punishment by the fact that he reacted in self defense (he only asked them to stop, the two students attacked first in terms of physical attack). The ones that do not fear him from witnessing his attack on those two either hate him, respect him, or leave him alone entirely. On the plane, he had fallen asleep shortly after takeoff. Safe to say he was in for a rude awakening...
Other: Smarter than many would assume, he is far from all brawn and no brains. He rarely speaks, and only does so when he feels it is of the utmost importance, or he's irritated into speaking. Even though he is confident in his skill (maybe because of it), he usually dismisses combat, and those who try to start fights with him. He feels that those who would kill without reason are, to quote him, "Idiotic beings who have no point existing on this world." and believes that, as wastes of humanity, they should be exterminated.
Number: Boy #14

Designated Weapon: Combat Knife
Conclusions: The strong and silent type, for sure. B14 seems as if he wouldn't have too much problem killing a fellow student. The fact that he's so quiet, will probably scare a lot of the competition away from even getting close to him, meaning he probably won't even get a chance to use his knife to really slay the competition.