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We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:35 pm
by Deamon
((Arizona Butler continued from Heart's Dice))

Stay cool. Breathe.

That was what Arizona was saying to herself as they got closer.

Stay cool. Breathe.

There were a few reasons that Arizona was trying to keep calm.

Reason one, she was going to prom with one of the cuter guys in school. Someone she found attractive and who found her attractive. That created some pressure.

Reason two, while her dress made her feel hot as fuck, she was starting to second-guess her choice. It wasn't just her and Jonah dressed up for a nice dinner anymore. Now it was her and Jonah at an event with the rest of the school and they'd all be judging. The dress itself was a shiny black satin fabric, with a cross halter at the neck and a triangle cut out just below the sternum. It also had a thick band at the waist which it fell into the lower half of the dress. It had a slit starting at the upper thigh to show off the thigh tattoo she had gotten for her birthday. She was nervous about it because all her other clothes said that she didn't care what people thought and while the dress also said that, it was much more attention-grabbing in its message.

So in short, she was nervous about the fucking dress.

Reason three, she was supposed to be a badass bitch. Her dress said she was a badass bitch. Getting out of Jonah's car made her look badass. She needed to live up to that. She just needed a moment to compose herself. It was being made more difficult because she kept being distracted by Jonah. Because how could she not.

Picking her phone up from where it rested on her lap, Arizona took a look at her face and hair. Strangely seeing her own face on the screen made her feel better. She had enlisted help from Luca for makeup and it had paid off. She looked fucking amazing.

She glanced over at her driver again and couldn't stop a small smile breaking free. Then her eyes flicked back to her phone. This time she was on her music and scrolled through her songs before putting Opps on.

The beat helped to calm her.

She was going to be the baddest bitch in the room.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:58 am
by Ruggahissy
((Jonah Heartgrave continued from Heart's Dice))

Jonah had indeed texted to coordinate with Arizona on their colors, and the color she wanted was black. Black was present in his wardrobe mostly in the form of t-shirts that had some horror movie or band he liked, but he usually paired those with jeans or something. Tonight he was in head-to-toe black. He had been fitted for his tuxedo and told the people in the shop about his date's dress color. He was given a very classic tuxedo, but with a black dress shirt and black bow-tie. He had shiny black dress shoes and his pastel blue hair had been parted on one side with his curls tamed somewhat. A very nice watch, borrowed from his father, leant an additional air of sophistication.

The theme of the dance was "Glow in the Dark," and Jonah wanted to be true to that while not being totally expected. A few kids he knew were going with glow bands or something. He looked up a tutorial online on how to make glowing flowers and created a corsage for Arizona and matching boutonnière for the pair. The flowers were carnations that he had gotten to absorb a mixture of tonic water and blue highlighter ink. The carnation on her wrist and his lapel glowed a soft, electric blue against their sleek, all-black outfits.

Arizona put on something with a really strong beat as he turned into the parking lot. He turned off the engine, swiftly got out, straightened out his jacket once the door was closed and then walked quickly around to the other side of the car to open the door for Arizona. He held out a hand and helped her out. His eyes quickly did an up and down bounce over Arizona, lingering on the very high thigh slit. His face turned a slight shade of pink, which he hoped was less detectable in the dimly lit parking area at night.

What have I gotten myself into?

He shivered a little and swallowed hard, but tried to cover up his reaction with a smile and good natured laugh.

"Yuh-you look really nice, even though I like your workout gear too," he said unclenching his fist.

"You ready to dance?" he said, suddenly seeming determined and offering his arm.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:24 pm
by Deamon
Arizona took the brief moment Jonah was out of the car to adjust the top of her dress and take a few deep breaths. She also threw her phone into her clutch. She had never used a clutch before but her dress didn’t have pockets so here she was.

Sufficiently zoned in she stepped out when Jonah opened the door and noticed his gaze. She couldn’t stop a small grin playing across her lips. It felt good to make someone speechless. It didn’t matter that it was only momentary.

He saved it, maybe? It was hard to say.

She could let him off though.

“Thanks. You look good to.”

She brushed her dress down and took his arm in hers.

“Yeah sure.” She said as they started making their way to the entrance.

“We should just kick the door open to let people know we’ve arrived.”

When she got the door she saw it was a pull. Which ruined that.

Instead she just pulled it open and headed inside. She could hear the bass pulsing through the walls. Her nerves returned as they got closer. She continued to breath and remind herself of who she was.

This was easy.

With only a few more steps they were inside and for that one moment everything melted away.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:03 am
by Ruggahissy
Arizona took his arm and complimented him. He tilted his head upward and grinned slyly.

Jonah lurched forward to stop Arizona from kicking the door in when she made her suggestion, but then she noticed it was a pull door.

"Oh yeah, that would have been really cool," he said, relieved that it wasn't possible for her to try.

He put his hand to his chest in an overly feminine manner and batted his lashes at her as she held open the door for him, communicating his exaggerated thanks for her chivalry.

As they entered he felt conscious that people might have been looking at the pair. Jonah had to admit they were a stylish couple. He didn't think people usually noticed him. If they did, he was very bad at noticing their noticing. He saw a few familiar faces sprinkled throughout the crowd. Jonah would go say hi to them in time. They were secondary though; he had to make sure Arizona was having a good time first and foremost. An R&B song with a slinky beat was pouring out of the speakers.

Jonah slid his arm down so that instead of Arizona holding on to the crook of his elbow he had her by the hand. He moved her hand above her head, twirling her and then took a big step forward with his right leg, ending with his other hand supporting the small of her back while she was leaned back at a 45 degree angle relative to the floor. He smiled goofily at her.

It was a little aggressive, but here they were on a date in sexy formal wear so why not.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 6:43 pm
by Deamon
Arizona nearly had a heart attack as Jonah spun and dipped her back towards the floor. She hadn’t been expecting that. An small embarrassed laugh escaped as her face flushed with colour.

It was also at that point Arizona realised something important. She didn’t know how to dance. Not properly anyway. Arizona had never really enjoyed dancing. It made her feel self-conscious. At parties she normally hung out to one side. She’d dance when pressured into it. But it was never something she actively sought to do.

Yet, high on the moment, she had immediately agreed when Jonah had asked. There was a reason for that.

Regardless, he had made his move.

Playing along she dipped her head back that little bit further before pulling herself up.

“You fuck.” She whispered to Jonah with a grin. Keeping hold of his hand she span so her back was against his chest.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 2:46 am
by Ruggahissy
Arizona smiled and he laughed to himself seeing the reaction. He wondered how often she let herself laugh. It was really a nice laugh that she had and he thought he might like to hear it again sometime. He pulled her up with relative ease. Even though he'd had to cut back on weight training recently, he was still pretty strong. Still, he could feel that it was a little harder for him than it probably would have been before. He felt just a twinge of dissatisfaction at that thought, but it passed quickly when Arizona sprang back up and was in his arms now.

She whispered to him and he was initially a little shocked, like he words were a playful slap. Jonah returned a sort of smug smirk in response.

"That's me, yeah. I'm an incurable fuck I guess," he said with a hint of sheepishness. He was clearly not terribly practiced in swearing, but seeming to have fun with giving it a try. She spun so that her back was to him while still holding on to his hand and he responded by having the two of them sway in time to the music. They were here and they were dancing. Jonah felt his posture start to melt a little. His shoulders un-tensed and his arms relax. They were having fun and that was alright. They were moving side-to-side and he allowed her to lead them, handing over control of their movements.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:47 pm
by Deamon
She looked at his smug grin and couldn't help smiling back at him. The fucker.

Arizona felt Jonah relax a little. They just swayed to the beat for a little bit. Whatever song had been put on was some soft R&B shit. But sometimes there were times for that she supposed. Prom was one of those times.

After a moment Arizona realized Jonah had handed the reigns to her. She didn't know what to do with that power. Her brain ran through everything she had seen at parties. Not much of it was relevant to the current song. Arizona didn't want to just sway forever. That would have been shit. He had started off strong. There had to be something she could do.

Luckily for her, the DJ switched to something more upbeat. The lyrics she could make out gave her an idea. Her smile shifted to a more wicked grin. It was hidden from Jonah by their body positions.

She lifted her right leg up and rubbed his leg with hers.

Then she started grinding on him.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:55 am
by Ruggahissy
Incurable fuck? What was that even? Upon further reflection, that was so embarrassing. Jonah found himself somehow having second-hand embarrassment for himself, a feat he didn't know was possible.

She thinks I'm a dork.

But she seemed to be amused by the whole thing, so Jonah silently thanked whatever entities were out there for the good fortune. They danced easily for a bit and he was grateful that they got along and that she was quite accommodating of his awkwardness. He thought Arizona was a lot more understanding than maybe people gave her credit for.

The music changed and they stalled for a moment. Another song faded in and they started moving again. She changed positions and he realized what was happening. A deep pink color ran across the length of his cheeks and nose and he looked panicked for a moment. At least she couldn't see that from her vantage point and he quickly looked around and sort of smiled like a parent whose toddler had just pushed over a big pyramid display of canned green beans at the supermarket.

No one in their vicinity on the dance floor appeared to care.

Well maybe she likes dorks. What do I do?

His fists had clenched involuntarily so he first set about unclenching them. Jonah lightly rested his hands on her hips. His finger tips felt tingly. A heat started in his legs and rose up to his face. Jonah decided honesty would be the best policy.

"Ar-Arizona. You're going to send me into cardiac arrest," he said loudly so as to be heard over the music. He clutched his chest with one hand and smiled, still with his deep blush.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:22 pm
by Deamon
She looked over her should at Jonah and grinned mischievously at his joke.

"Sounds like a challenge."

"But that's what makes it fun," Arizona said as the entered the restaurant. "if there's no challenge why bother right?"

She took a look around as Jonah followed her in. Suddenly she felt very exposed. There were a lot of older people in the restaurant, richer people. After all, she was only coming in with money her parents had given her after Jonah had arrived at her house. They had insisted on getting photos. Her mom had passed the money to her in the kitchen while commenting on how good-looking Jonah was—which while embarrassing, Arizona hadn't disputed. Meanwhile, her dad had been quizzing Jonah on his car. After the photos had been taken her mom had tried to ask if Jonah's parents had Facebook. Arizona had shut that down quickly and told her mom to just send her the photos. After that had been dealt with they were on their way to the restaurant for a pre-prom dinner.

Now they had arrived though Arizona felt unsure. She wasn't as confident in her ability to make a date interesting. Shit, she had never been on a date. Her entire knowledge came from what her friends said and movies/TV. She didn't believe anything a screen told her though.

A waiter approached them and asked her if they had booked a table. Her response to that simple question was to freeze up and look at Jonah.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:40 am
by Ruggahissy
Jonah looked a bit apprehensive, but smiled and laughed.

"I guess there's worse ways to die," he said with a shrug and very lightly touched part of her thigh as if he was testing the heat of a stove top. He moved in time to the beat of the music, trying to be at ease.

Jonah looked thoughtfully at her, considering the statement and nodded.

"Anything worth getting involves some adversity, I think."

It had been a very successful night so far, but it was also still the beginning. His parents came to Arizona's house for photos and then quickly departed. They remarked privately to him that she seemed like a very nice girl and mom in particular noted that she was very pretty which Jonah quickly agreed with to make her stop.

"Table for two for Heartgrave," Jonah said when the host approached them at the restaurant. The host discretely fist bumped Jonah and led them to their table. He knew a lot of the staff at local restaurants in town; he often ran deliveries to restaurants whose staff were tired of eating the house food and generally had a tendency to chat up staff at other restaurants as a sign of restaurant brotherhood.

The were sat at a nice table with white linen and appropriately low mood lighting. While most people were dressed in business casual attire, there were a few other couples in formal wear scattered through out the restaurant that signaled they were on their way to the same event after.

Having ordered, Jonah tilted his head at her and felt suddenly at ease. "I hope the best player on girl's basketball doesn't mind being seen out with a 'just decent' baseball pitcher," he said. "Your parents seem really nice."

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:56 am
by Deamon
She felt his hand touch her thigh. It was like an electric shock going through her body. A wave of excitement washed over her as she bit her lip and smiled. Her hand found his.

"Damn right." She muttered under her breath.

They were taken to their table after Jonah gave his name. The restaurant was nicer than she had thought it would be. The name really undersold it. After ordering Jonah started the conversation off. That was for the best as Arizona had no idea what to say.

An embarrassed smile appeared at his comment. She didn't think he was right. But it was nice to hear either way. Truthfully she had never seen Jonah play. She knew about the time he had won a game and collapsed. Everyone knew about that. But she didn't know anything about his baseball play beyond that.

"I'm don't think I'm the best player," She said as one of her hands stirred the virgin cocktail she had ordered. It was lemon and lime mixed with agave and mint. She was only mixing it so her hand had something to do. "And you're better than 'just decent'. You've made some clutch plays."

She took a sip of her cocktail. It was super fucking sweet. Despite that she liked it.

"Yeah, your parents seemed cool as well." She paused and then grinned a little. "We're both going to be interrogated about everything that happens tonight huh?"

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:03 am
by Ruggahissy
He felt a lightness in his chest when she smiled back at him. He though he was going to melt into a puddle on the floor from that smile. Jonah felt so lucky that she'd decided to go out with him. His hand flattened out against her smoothly and curved around to grab her thigh. The music was drowned out a little and he blinked, trying to release the tension he felt. Jonah wasn't terribly experienced; not with dating nor with dancing nor formal wear, but he'd become caught up in the moment. He thought:

I really like her

and somewhere there was also the thought "I hope this is alright" but it wasn't put into words and existed more as a feeling. He spun her and pulled her in with his hand lifting her leg by the thigh, touching his upper thigh and with a hand supporting her back, kissed her.

"They're really cool. Really," he said, looking at the bubbles of his soda float to the surface and then pop gently, fizzing softly. "I- I was adopted when I was a kid."

The waiter set down some dishes in front of them and Jonah was about to start in on the food, when he remembered his napkin and instead unrolled the silverware from it and spread the napkin on his lap.

"Probably but I hope you give me a good review," he said hopefully, feeling like the bubbles in his drink. "What's something about you that not a lot of people know?"

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:15 pm
by SOTF_Help
"Excuse me!"

Jonah and Arizona's moment was abruptly intruded upon by Mrs. Clarke-Moone, who seemed to appear out of nowhere at their side. "Separate, please," she said, tone making it clear that the "please" was for courtesy only. She waved them apart.

"This is a school event. Keep things school-appropriate." Mrs. Clarke-Moone gave them a severe look before retreating to the spot on the sidelines of the dance from which she had been monitoring, though she kept her pointed gaze aimed in the couple's direction.

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:10 pm
by Deamon
Suddenly Jonah spun her around and lifted her leg up. Then before she could react he was kissing her. The rush of sensation crashed over her like a wave and she embraced it. Then as soon as it had formed the moment was smashed into pieces. Mrs. Clarke-Moone, sixty-year-old fun police ordered them apart. Arizona's mouth, which had been prepared to snap something at the offender instead found itself closing as she glared. With deliberate movements, she raised her hands off Jonah and took a step back. Her eyes staying locked with Mrs. Clarke-Moone's the entire time. Arizona watched the French teacher as she returned to her spot on the side of the dance.

"Bitch." She muttered.
Arizona was beginning to realize there was more to Jonah. There was a lot she didn't know about him. She felt guilty about that. He had clearly been planning on asking her for ages. Meanwhile, she had been planning to go stag or with some of the team.

"Oh...I didn't know that."

Luckily the moment passed as Jonah continued. She grinned a little at his joke as the food was delivered. As Arizona retrieved her cutlery she thought about an answer to Jonah's question.

"Ok, I'll give you two things," She said with a playful grin. "If basketball doesn't work out I'm planning on becoming a medical examiner and my favorite movie is They Live." She paused for a moment and thought.

"Same question for you."

Re: We Gonna Do The Basic Steps

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:16 am
by Ruggahissy
Jonah was so startled by the appearance of Mrs. Clarke-Moone he almost dropped Arizona, but regained his grip quickly. He set the girl back up right quickly and took a side step away from her, blushing furiously.

"I-I-y-yes m'am," he stammered. He blinked a few times quickly and looked back at Arizona with wide eyes to see if he needed to issue a very hasty apology to her as well. She seemed actually pretty upset that they'd been forced apart by the dictates of the delicate sensibilities of the geriatric teacher. He stared at Arizona who muttered under her breath that the woman was a bitch and Jonah broke out into a fit of giggles that seemed to release all of the tension he'd felt. He put a hand up to cover one of his eyes and laughed. Jonah held out the crook of his arm to her.

"I'm sorry for getting us sent to dance jail," he offered.

"That's so cool," he said, leaning in and ignoring his pasta. He poked at the noodles when Arizona returned the question and shrugged.

"I think I'm kind of simple. I don't know if there's much to know," he said thoughtfully. "I have three succulents that I take great care of. I'm a great succulent dad."

Jonah looked down and was idling twirling noodles around his fork, round and round.

"I really really like..."

Round and round

"...They Live. I love horror movies," he said looking back up at her and feeling weak and warm.