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Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:38 pm
by LeslieFranc
((Cecil Salazar-Loveless Prom START))

The sudden ringing of the bell signaling that school is over made Cecil jump from under his skin, and for a moment he wondered if he was in such a deep trance that he almost felt dazed from being snapped out of concentration. He looked around the room as he watched his classmates hurriedly try to get out of the classroom while the teacher merely informs them that they’ll be continuing the discussion in the next meeting.

So no homework for this subject.

There was an internal silence at that, all the while Cecil himself picked up his books and also headed out for the door. There was that very brief sense of relief that at least he has one less thing to worry about.

It didn’t take long before the questions of so what’s next? started racing the second he stepped out of the room and into the hallways. He tensed again, the grip in the strap of his messenger bag tightened for a bit and then loosened, his hands then reaching for his phone and a pair earphones from the bag.

He knew what was next, and he will get to it immediately as always, but now he’s just gonna be heading towards his locker and that’s it for now. Maybe listen to some music. Nothing to think about. Think about nothing.

The strums of an acoustic guitar followed by some surprising synths and voices singing in a language he wants to fully understand someday filled the fragile silence in his head and muffled the nondescript noise from outside. The dulcet falsettos and “Dinosaur!“s making up the hook kept him in a more upbeat and amused mood, a small smile threatening to be visible in his currently neutral expression while his head barely bobs to the beat of the song.

Who’d have thought? AKMU going full-on pop is a lot more interesting. he mused. And just as then, they took a hiatus. Still disappointing.

Useless and pointless thoughts like that. Not that it’s better, but it’s something like it.

He opens his locker and automatically gazed back at his reflection in the mirror he attached to his locker. He furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of his slightly messed up hair. His hand immediately flew up to properly put a strand back to its place, maybe adjust his collar, when his eyes happened to glance at the background of his vanity.

At first he thought it’s just someone about to pass by in a close distance, but realizes that the figure really was headed towards his direction. Blinking a few times to process that information, he went back to checking himself in the mirror for a few moments again.

Everything’s in place. Purple top looks good. Hair’s fine. Went minimal with the earrings and rings today. The necklace could stay. He looked down at himself. Ripped jeans are cool. Shoes weren’t wrong. Not like I can change anything either way though. He looks good enough.

He looked back up to himself and smiled.

Cecil turns around.

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:53 pm
by Primrosette
What am I thinking? Why of all people am I approaching Cecil? Because I really want to ask him. Ask him what, me? To ask him to go to the prom with me.

((Drew Woods Prom START))

Drew had not actually really planned to do this in the first place. He had actually wanted to go with his friend, Declyn, as well, just friends. But it seemed like Declyn couldn't do that as he seemed to have some plans with someone else. Drew had not let it get to him as he could understand why people would like to go to the prom with his best friend. He got it. He could never be jealous about it as he still needed to open up to other people about himself.

The best place to start is the guy that you are about to ask out, right, Drew? Yes!

Drew glanced down at himself and he knew that he had the same clothes that he mostly would wear to school. Of course, he had a lot of spares at home, he did wash his clothes too. He was not a crazy animal who didn't take good care of himself. Short-sleeved light green t-shirt. Check! Dark green jacket over it. Check! Brown jeans. Check! Green sneakers. Check! Why did Cecil have to look so much cooler than him? Drew didn't know Cecil that well but he had peeked a few glances at him in the classroom a few times a day. But he had never really had the courage to really hang out with the guy. But now he was going to stop hiding and actually push himself to have a real conversation with Cecil without it just being 'His' and 'Byes'.

Drew felt himself stopping about five steps from Cecil and the other boy had turned to look right at him. AT HIM!!

Oh god, he's really looking at me! Well, duh, me. Who else is he gonna be looking at?

Drew raised a hand to wave at Cecil and he forced a friendly smile onto his face. "Hey, Cecil!" He said in a cheery voice that he really hoped didn't sound like a nervous wreck and he then lowered his hand back to his side, trying to keep eye contact with Cecil without wanting to avert his eyes to the lockers or the floor. "I was just wondering if you would like to talk. If you have the time to do so."

I hope I don't sound like a cringey fool....

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:13 am
by LeslieFranc
The boy’s name is Drew, if he remembers correctly. Cecil also remembers that the two of them have talked, but nothing that went past what would be considered polite. He seemed like a nice guy, but considering that neither of them went out of their way to approach the other to get to know each other more in the past, Cecil didn’t have it in himself to spare another thought about Drew besides that.

So now that Drew is approaching him without any prompt, Cecil felt some confusion.

Huh. Has he always been this cheerful? he wondered.

Pulling out his earbuds once he realized Drew was uttering out a greeting, he mirrored Drew’s smile with a more composed one of his own.


Cecil sensed some uneasiness coming from Drew, and he’s not sure if it’s the confusion from why Drew sought him out in the first place or the fact that he knows a forced smile when he sees one, but it made him uneasy as well.

If I would like to talk? If I have the time to do so?

He blinked for a moment, trying to figure out what’s happening.

Are we in the same club or something? Did I leave something in the classroom? Did I do something wrong?

He immediately attempted to shut down those questions with I don’t think so, no, it’s not my problem either way respectively.

But nonetheless, he decided it should be worth hearing about.

“Oh, sure,” he nodded before quickly grabbing a few things from his locker before closing it shut. Turning back at Drew and meeting his eyes head-on, he slightly pulled at the strap of his bag hanging on his shoulder.

It’s not like I’m in a rush, he reminded himself. He surely must have a reason for walking up to him.

“So what’s up?” he asked, genuinely curious.

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 5:41 pm
by Primrosette
Okay, okay. Now that wasn't as bad as you thought it would go. Right, Drew? Besides, what is the worst thing that Cecil could have done to you? Say 'no' and then walk away from you, making you feel like a dummy? Just talk to him, you idiot! Like a normal human-being.

Drew wasn't sure how he could even start what he wanted to ask of Cecil. It was pretty obvious that he knew what he wanted to ask of the other guy. He just needed to force himself to stop hiding from Cecil and be as honest as he could. Even if Cecil would never want to talk to him again since they hardly knew each other.

Drew, stop! You're making yourself paranoid for no reason. Everything is going to be fine.

"Alright, well.... I was just wondering...."

He was feeling hesitant again and he wished that he wasn't like that. Why couldn't he be a lot more outgoing like Declyn? It didn't really matter. He had to do what he wanted to do. And that was to ask Cecil the big question.

"Do you have any plans for prom?" He asked a bit louder that he intended and he was trying not to want to look away from Cecil. Was this how people really reacted around someone who they might kind of have a crush on?

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:40 am
by LeslieFranc
Cecil tilted his head in question when he noticed that Drew seemed to be hesitating. He could tell that much, but what could possibly make the guy so nervous to talk about?

Nonetheless, he tried to smile encouragingly and waited for him to say what he needed to say. It seemed a little easier than usual to muster the last bit of patience he has, but he guesses it might have something to do with the way the guy is acting like he’s also mustering the last bit of courage he has to speak to him.

Seriously, what’s the deal? It’s not like we even talk much—

Drew’s suddenly loud question almost made him jump, snapping him out of his thoughts, and into paying attention back to Drew’s face, which is gazing right into him with some sort of earnest intensity, taking him aback.

Processing what exactly is it he heard, Cecil had two immediate thoughts.

First is Okay, he went straight to the point. I think. I like it.

Second is Why would he be interested in that?

But it’s a simple question, really.

“Well, I’m going, of course,” he replied. He paused for a moment in contemplation, before adding “Not with anyone though.”

It went out before he could stop the words, or the melancholic— more like pathetic— tone he didn’t mean to make it sound like. But that’s just how it is, right? He can’t exactly control the emotions he’s starting to feel, just how he shows it, and really, he’s terrible at controlling them either.

God that was pitiful. In front of someone you barely know too. I’m not that desperate. It doesn’t really matter. But it might be kinda nice to have plans with someone in mind. Shit, what am I doing?

Clearing his throat— and his thoughts— before attempting to brighten up his smile, he tried to focus on the present conversation.

“But it’s fine. Why do you ask?”

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:23 pm
by Primrosette
Okay, Cecil was going to the prom....

Not with anyone.

Drew almost felt like he was about to do a marathon around the whole school in happiness at hearing that Cecil was not going with anyone and he realized that he could have a chance at being Cecil's prom date. Okay, he was getting ahead of himself and he knew that he would not look normal if he did something like that. Cecil didn't really even know him and he didn't want to scare Cecil off or anything like that.

Ask him, you doughnut! What are you waiting for? Him to ask you???

"Oh, I see. It's good to know that you will be going." Drew was now trying to sound more calm and he was still not looking away like a frightened baby rabbit. "I just wanted to ask.... Would you like to be my date for the prom, Cecil?"

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:46 pm
by LeslieFranc
"Well then. That's...that's a surprise." More like a shock, which would perfectly describe Cecil's face at the moment.

It took Cecil a moment to process the exact destination the conversation actually headed to, and once he did, he felt conflicted whether he should call himself an utter idiot for not realizing it sooner or an even bigger idiot when his mind went further than what was necessarily stated in face value. And that's just what he managed to digest properly. The fact that someone actually asked to go to prom with him? That, Cecil is still trying to analyze and break down.

Which isn't all that easy when the excitement of knowing someone is interested in you is coursing through his body from his chest, and then the following uncertainties on what this all means.

Is it just as friends? But we're not really friends, are we? Or is it something more than that? I don't know. I don't know.

He had just started to willingly open up to other people again, especially those his age, and he's now starting to realize just how much he had missed. For someone who grew up feeling lonely (although it'll be a while before he fully admits it) majority of the time, the feeling's very overwhelming. This is different from Camila's sudden and rather forceful entry to his quiet life or Declyn's sincerity and kindness that crept up to him before he realized it. A yes or no would clearly answer what would happen next between the two of them, and unlike before, he cares for the possibility of something more than indifference or unfamiliarity. There's some dubiousness whether he likes this development or not, but he couldn't deny one thing: the proposal did make him happy, and right now, that's what he does want to focus about.

It didn't take long before his wide-eyed expression changed with his face splitting to a real smile, a genuine grin and he looked at Drew with mirth.

This had really made Cecil consider and actually look at Drew in a different light. Really looked at him and thought Well, he's kinda cute, and that earnest and harmless vibe I'm getting from him is charming and holy shit, am I actually doing this? This isn't just about looks, is it? Hell, I don't even know him— hold the fuck up, Cecil. No need to get so emotional over this. He asked you to prom, so what? Get a hold of yourself.

Trying to rein in himself and barely succeeding with pressing his lips together and forcing the ends of his mouth to relax to a more neutral state, hiding his excitement and projecting a state of being collected, he then spoke.

"But if you don't mind me asking, why me?" he tried to ask as demurely as possible.

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:48 pm
by Primrosette
Drew had been waiting for a simple yes or no from Cecil. But that was not what he got from the other guy and he was feeling panic rising as Cecil had asked him a question instead. He had not considered the possibility of someone actually asking him about why he had wanted to ask them to prom. It should be simple to say why. Shouldn't it? He actually kind of liked that Cecil had asked as it was a lot different from the many boring yes or no videos he had seen online.

Because I always been looking at you like a creepy admirer? Okay, maybe that would be just a little too bluntly honest, Drew. Don't scare him off for goodness' sake!


Drew cleared his throat and he felt somewhat embarrassing at trying to answer Cecil's question. Why was he making it difficult for himself? He probably was starting to look like a complete bumbling idiot to Cecil and he didn't want to blow his chance with him. He wished that Declyn was here for mortal support as he was sure that Declyn would know what to do. Just say something, Drew!

"I asked you because.... because...." Drew was trying to stop his hands from shaking by clenching them into fists at his sides and he let out a slow, heavy sigh. "....I really like you and I want to get to know you better as a person. So I thought that it would be a good idea if I asked you to the prom and I felt scared about doing this as I am not very open about myself and I was nervous about what you would do. You probably think I'm making a fool of myself right now and maybe I should go before you.... um... um...."

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 2:02 pm
by LeslieFranc
"....I really like you and I want to get to know you better as a person.—
Cecil didn't need to hear the rest.

Concluding that he can't get that very clear answer wrong, that prideful energy coming from having someone liking him came surging back on full force. Drew's simple words didn't made him inwardly curl up in denial and doubts stemming from inadequacy or simply dismiss it altogether, which are the usual things to happen whenever someone points something out about him to comment on. The only thing that stopped him from grinning like an idiot again is the dry and sharp voice of his grandmother that habitually tells him to stop looking so presumptuous, brat, it's an eyesore.

So there he was, pleasantly happy at this experience, attempting to hide said happiness by wearing a supposedly-neutral smile very tightly, all the while trying to organize his thoughts in order to give the proper response.

He asked me to prom. Yes or no? He said he likes me. What's the answer to that?

His mind briefly came up with a blank at the latter, and it's pretty clear that realizing just how out of his depth he is in this situation should be added to the list of his current conditions and his present status. Okay, back to the prom thing. First things first.

Cecil thinks he's kinda cute. The way he's trying so hard to be honest about himself despite low-key(?) freaking out about it is cuter.

Nonetheless, it's at least been a relief that he finally completely knows the source of Drew's earlier (and still ongoing) nervousness. Now, that uneasiness is making him react in the opposite manner. Cecil felt himself relax and grow amused as he catches Drew losing steam as he talks. He stays silent for a moment, enjoying seeing someone flounder for a bit before finally giving his answer.

"Before I...what?" he finally lets himself grin, but there was some tentative hesitance when his hand reached out to touch Drew on the shoulder. "Say yes? If so, please don't." Cecil does honestly think Drew might run away from the looks of things. "I'll go with you." A pause. "To prom, I mean."

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:45 pm
by Primrosette
Drew's mind went blank for a few moments there. He just couldn't believe that Cecil would actually go with him to prom. He had asked him in the most lamest way ever. Drew didn't have the skills of making a prom proposal romantic or fun and he sure did not know how the other person was feeling about him. He had been fearing all day that Cecil would have point-blank refused to go with him.

But he is going with you, you bumbling idiot.

Drew didn't even know how he was supposed to react. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He felt like he wanted to do both. But he had to stay calm and-

Cecil is touching me.... Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh-- Shut up, Drew. You sound like you're fanboying or something like that!

"R-Really? You really want to go with me? I.... I really thought that you wouldn't want to. But I'm so relieved that you do. Ha, ha...." Drew was almost ready to run off to celebrate but he remained where he was and he could feel his heart starting to go back to a normal heartbeat. "Gosh, I can't believe it. You are really saying yes? My mind is just going all fuzzy right now. Heh."

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 4:44 am
by LeslieFranc
Wow, he really likes me, doesn’t he?

Cecil smiles softly, thoroughly enjoying watching Drew get so overwhelmed with emotions until finally reaching its highest peak before slowly deflating to a rather absentminded state. He could relate to that feeling well at least.

Of course, there are some things he’s not sure about when he said yes. Will it mean anything more after prom? What happens between us afterwards? Would he still like me? Would I like him? Do I like him? Am I even equipped to deal with that? But do I want him to go away now? Should I even think about it this deeply?

Cecil just hopes he can figure out some answers to those concerns before he gets into a situation he might regret, and he won’t dare have any more regrets than he could help with. Especially now that he’s just feeling happy about going to prom with someone.

“Yeah. Well, I don’t see why not, and I think you’re pretty cute,” he bluntly replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

“I mean, I am curious on what exactly you saw in me,” he said with a curious glance, and also an air of self-deprecation. “We don’t really talk much, do we?”

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 4:21 pm
by Primrosette
CUTE?! I never thought that he would call me that. Cute.... Oh, wow. Oh, he's right. We don't really talked. Well, I should do something to change that between us. Especially if I want to know what Cecil is like.

Drew was pretty sure that he was grinning like a complete fool and he was shuffling around in his jeans' pockets with his hands, getting out his precious phone. "I.... I think I have the solution for that. I can give you my phone number and then we can text each other whenever we don't have time to see one another." He suggested with a more proud smile on his face and his insides were still in a state of nervousness. "Or.... or you could call me or I could call you? Whatever you would like to do."

I hope that I aren't making things more awkward. I want him to be able to like me more for how I am, not just my looks. Still, he thinks I'm cute. Cute! Oh gosh, Drew, calm yourself. You are too excited about this.

Drew felt himself let out a light-hearted chuckle as he got his phone number ready and he continued to go through a nerve-wrecking conversation with his crush - who was now his date! He really hoped that Cecil would have a good time with him at Prom.

((Drew Woods continued elsewhere))

Re: apomakrysmenophobia

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:38 pm
by LeslieFranc
Once again, Cecil's mind was decidedly blank when he and Drew started exchanging numbers, but the way he feels is pretty clear, like he'd blurt out "This is awesome." to himself while grinning like an idiot once Drew leaves.

But he had to clear his head either way. I said yes to going to prom with him, and what happens an option I still have to consider. It's the latter situation that's going to take him awhile to figure out, but...

Prom will help with that, he realized. I'm an idiot.

Now he's gonna need a plan. He's gotta make sure what he's gonna wear won't clash next to what Drew's clothes will be, figure out some details like where Cecil's gonna pick him up, and of course, he wants the two of them to have a good time. And get to know each other, he reminded himself. Plenty of time before prom, which means he better start early to make sure things would go perfectly.

It's been awhile since he felt this pure and wholesome kind of excitement in making sure things would be perfect.

((Cecil Salazar-Loveless continued to Mercy Me))