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The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:47 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
The bed coils squeaked as he fell back onto the mattress, the light of the bedroom's overhead light barely filtered through the eye holes of the mask he wore. He breathed heavily, the sound muffled by the mask, as he basked within the afterglow. Sweat from the exertion of so much physical activity flowed from every pore of his body, especially from his face which donned the plastic mask that he was beginning to notice has become unbearably hot now that he wasn't focused on the previous activity.

He reached up gripping the penguin mask by the beak and removed it from his face, a sudden flow of fresh air washing over his sweat covered face as the mask was pulled away.

[Lucas Abernathy - Prom: START]
((Lucas Abernathy continued from The Final Project...))

Lucas grinned ear to ear as he set the mask aside onto the nightstand, taking care not to accidentally put it into the open, now half-empty, container of guacamole. Now free of the mask he laid his hands behind his head and gave a satisfied sigh. Lucas would be lying if he said he didn't look forward to his date nights with Camille, they almost always ended the best way. The sex was also pretty amazing! Dating Camille was goddamn amazing and he considered it a major oversight on his part that he never dated her sooner. Best part, they've been going strong for several months now. Now no one can say he has commitment issues!

It was especially great since now he had a guaranteed date to the prom and he wouldn't need to work his usual charm to get one. Before he kinda figured he was going to be single for prom which would have given him plenty of options to choose from. Robin, Lyra, Ivy if she were available, maybe some other girl he's had an eye on from time to time. Hell, maybe even Roxie since she was always cool. Of course now he was with Camille and he honestly couldn't be happier with his choice of girlfriend and prom date. They'd be the envy of GHHS's prom scene that's for sure.

Speaking of prom, he still needed to get his suit ready. White suit, black shirt, bowtie and wing tipped shoes. An outfit he would look great in but he wasn't going to just settled for that. No, he had plans to improve the outfit. Since the theme of prom was glow in the dark, he recently got a hold of some glow in the dark thread and he was going to weave into the fabric of the suit jacket, creating intricate patterns that will be visible in dark environments. The designs would be on the cuffs and the lapels; it was minimal compared to what he could do to the rest of the suit jacket but stylish.

No doubt prom was going to be great. But not as great as what Camille used that bag of marbles for!

This line of thinking did remind Lucas of something though, he never asked her about her dress! He always forgets to ask stuff like that since he was usually focused on other stuff, but this was just inconsiderate on his part. What if she picked out a really great dress and was expecting him to ask about it! it would crush her little heart.

...Okay, not really. As long as they've been together she always seemed pretty chill all things considered and probably wouldn't be upset at her boyfriend not asking. Still, it bothered him since he tried to be a good boyfriend to his ladies. Key word being tired.

Also, he wanted the bowtie to match her dress! That was really important for them to have if they were going together.

"Say, hon," he said through tired breathing. "Don't think I've asked, but do you have a prom dress ready? I mean, no spoilers on it or anything, just curious."

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:56 pm
by General Goose
((Camille Bellegarde - Prom Start))

Camille was not one to bask in the post-orgasmic afterglow. Sure, she was a fan of pillow talk and post-coital cuddling, but there was always one thing she needed to do after having sex. Probably her Frenchness coming out. And she hated feeling unproductive, hated nursing a craving for longer than was necessary, so she used the last bit of adrenaline and energy in the tank to quickly jump to her feet.

Lucas had barely slumped onto his back before Camille was leaning out of the open window, lighting up a cigarette with a look of studious concentration on her face that was otherwise rarely witnessed. That Lucas seemed to be tolerant of this weakness of Camille's was just another reason to love his company and enjoy their time together. That he was open to all kinds of new and innovative kinks was also great. Truly, it was phenomenal. Perhaps it was how they had first properly conversed - Lucas finding out that Camille was a purveyor of debauched smut, Camille finding out that Lucas had a depraved imagination only a horror film enthusiast had had - that meant there was no further point for judgement.

And they tried out new things a lot. Sometimes a thing that neither of them was actually interested in, just to see if it'd stick. Just to see what worked. They were experimental, really. Was that too grandiose a term? No, Camille didn't think so. She couldn't think of a better way to describe just how meticulously and methodically they would go through every permeation of kink and roleplay, just to discover more about what the other like.

They were very open, too, about discussing what they had enjoyed and what they hadn't. Camille had a few thoughts. "Yes on the marbles, can take or leave the guacamole, no on the mask, get a better choice of celebrity for voyeuristic cardboard cutout." She gestured towards the lifesize Danny DeVito promotional cardboard cutout in the room's corner - it had not helped. "We still need to try the web shooter toy, by the way."

Camille glanced over her shoulder as Lucas asked about prom dresses. "It's sky blue. Farah helped pick it out for me." Her cousin Farah was far better with fashion than she was. Lionel was far better with fashion too, but he had exams that week so hadn't been on hand to give a second opinion. "Still undecided on what to do with the glow in the dark theme. Probably something obscene." She shrugged. "How about you? No spoilers if you want to surprise me, of course." She had found her eyes drifting towards suits that whole week, rather enjoying the idea of Lucas being in one.

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:15 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
"Duly noted." Lucas said as leaned over the side of the bed, fetching his phone from the pocket of his discarded pants. He opened up the notes on his phone to put down Camille's thoughts of today's session. "Yes on marbles, maybe on the guac,no on mask, and as for the cardboard cutout..." He looked up from the phone to look into the dark corner of the room where the 2D image of a smiling Danny DeVito stood, looking in the direction of the bed. "Question mark..." It definitely wasn't his first choice, honestly he wanted Scarlett Johansson in her Black Widow outfit or Margot Robbie in her Harley Quinn outfit, but since he tried getting a cardboard cutout at such short noticed he could only get a hold of Danny DeVito or Steve Buscemi. Regardless of the choice between those two, it really didn't help.

With Camille's thoughts logged away he put his phone aside before he refocused his attention back to his girlfriend.

"I've got a little something plan, white suit with modifications done to it with some glow in the dark thread." he said as he sat up a little, using his elbows to prop himself up on the bed. "I was hoping to know the color of your dress so I can get a bowtie to match. Ya know, coordinate our outfits and all that a little since I'm pretty sure most people do that. I think. I don't know, my specialty is remembering things like Blade Runner trivia, not the norms of high school proms."

To be honest it wasn't something he really thought about to much when planning, just something he overheard and assumed it must be a thing. Maybe he should have gone and ask someone who'd no doubt be more knowledgeable on these things, like Ivy or Myles, but he didn't because the idea of coordinating prom outfits just seemed like a great idea in general regardless if it is something everyone does or not! Lucas tried to think back to when his sisters went to prom since they were the easiest point of reference that weren't movies, but try as he might he couldn't even remember if his sisters coordinated their prom dresses with their prom dates. Granted at the time he was pretty young so it made sense that gap in his recollection would exist.

"In any case, prom should be fun!" He said, beaming brightly at her. "We can chill with our friends, we can dance if we want to and leave our friends behind, or I could bring my camera and we can record all the drama that unfolds. I mean, this is George Hunter High we're talking about. A day without some form of drama happening is like discovering penicillin by accident." He chuckled to himself as he thought of all the possible drama that could unfold. "it is going to be great, I can tell."

"Oh! And before I forget, would you like me to make you something glow in the dark for the prom?" He asked. "I have plenty of that thread, I could use it to stitch something up for you or modify something. Ya know, if you want."

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:17 am
by General Goose
Camille looked back over her shoulder as she heard Lucas lean over to thumb in the feedback into his phone. They were both thorough and methodical people, always taking notes and always honest about what clicked and what didn't, even with pleasure. Especially with pleasure. It wasn't because they were finicky or demanding. They just wanted what was best for the other, to not have any looming question marks over a kink they were too embarrassed to mention or regrets about a request they were too bashful to make. She offered a small smile, but had turned back to the window by the time Lucas had finished his typing.

"I'll keep an eye out for any superheroine ones that crop up," Camille continued, leaning out to exhale. She knew that was Lucas's preference in that department, and it was one she was only too happy to accommodate. As it was, Danny DeVito just made things funny, and not in a way that was complementary to the sexiness.

As the subject returned to outfits, Camille flicked the cigarette butt away and turned back into the room. "Yes, sky blue. I don't know much about colour coordination," she continued, being slightly too broad in her modesty. She had some colour coordinating ability, but more in the purview of art than actually making fashion choices for herself and others. "My own specialty is open world games trivia, so that's...equally distant from the subject at hand."

She smiled again, sitting back down on the bed with crossed legs, when he got all enthusiastic about prom. He was somewhat more striking with his emotions, and she found that contrast was rather complementary. "I shall bring the camera. Do you have any bets on who is going to break up? Or end up in a fight?"

Her smile persisted as she thought of things to write in glow in the dark text. As a child, she had long wanted to write 'you just lost the game' in glow in the dark text, but that was a rather dated reference at this juncture. Camille's smile dropped as she ventured further into thought, trying to think of something that would make an impact that didn't rely on shock value or obnoxious trolling. "Hmm. Quite a conundrum. We could do one of those images that looks like nonsense when we're standing by our own, but when we're standing next to each other it forms a complete image? If I explained that correctly?"

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:24 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
"You're the best, baby." Lucas smiled as Camille said she'd look out for some superheroine cardboard cut outs, all while checking her out as she smoked by the open window. She was a really great girlfriend that she was willing to accommodate his fetish for superheroines. Not that he could be blamed, he felt, since superheroines tend to get put in some kinky outfits. Some of which he'd love to see Camille in now that he thought about it...

As Camille sat once more upon the bed he scooted across the bed to her position, drawn to her by that oh so desirable smile of her's, and wrapped his arms around her midriff from behind as she asked who he thought might break up or fight at prom. "If I were to guess? I'm gonna say Madison is going to throw a fit if Connor is elected Prom King and she wasn't nominated for Prom Queen." He said, placing a kiss upon the side of her neck. "If Ivy is elected Prom Queen, which I don't doubt, then I could see Madison taking her anger out on Connor and breaking it off with him. Probably getting into a fight with Ivy in the process. So if we're betting, put me down for that. Your thoughts?"

He listened as she explained her idea for an image that can be seen if they stood next to each other. He rather liked that idea, more than his original idea. He could certainly think of a few things he could sow into their clothes with the glow in the dark thread. It would be a cute couples thing to do! But what sort of image? Perhaps a hidden message would be better? "Lucas + Camille Forever" would be a cute one, but a little generic for his tastes. It also can't be anything dirty since this was a school dance, so anything like that has to be thrown out despite how funny it might be depending on the message. Many ideas ran through his mind, some he was sure Camille would love, but Camille was also a creative type like himself so he was sure she had her share of ideas.

"Sounds good to me, baby." He said, placing a few more kisses on her neck. "Got anything in mind? I could modify my suit and your dress for this idea. Or I could cook up something smaller for us, but what do you think?"

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:57 pm
by General Goose
Camille smiled, leaning back into Lucas's hug from behind. He was a pretty comfortable cuddle. Could make an embrace soothing, or supportive, or sexy, or whatever he desired. Just one of those great little perks about being with Lucas. Camille had never imagined herself to be a great fan of hugging, never been one to crave a cuddle or a tender embrace, and even now most of the cuddles were initiated by Lucas. She had never been averse to the idea, mind. She wasn't cold, just lazy. Never thought it was worth the effort to seek them out, not for her at least. But with Lucas? Well, it would be worth the effort. Not that she needed to make the effort. He liked to cuddle her, and Camille was very appreciative of that.

Lucas's ideas about where the drama would likely hail from was as good a bet as any. "Yes, I swear the whole institution of Prom King and Prom Queen was set up as a way for teachers to cause some drama while keeping their hands clean." A cynical take, and more shallow and unconditional than her true position, but there was a fundamental truth behind that. The school administrators surely knew this sort of popularity contest, with no justifications of the sort that normally surrounded student government, was a recipe for hierarchy and factionalism. "I do think you've identified the likely key actors and the source but...hmm, I wouldn't say I have any bets I'm confident in. We could maybe make a drama bingo card or something?"

Camille's own votes were unlikely to result in a victory, but if they did, it would be a modestly amusing prank.

"Hmm. Maybe we could make it an advertisement for your latest film? There is no harm in combining functionality with style, after all."

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 8:14 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
As Camille leaned back into him, one hand gently stroked the soft tanned skin of her belly while the other reached up to play with a lock of her hair as he mulled over the ideas in his head. Using their prom clothes as an ad for his latest film? Now there was an idea he could get behind! And a prom drama bingo card? Shit, if he acts fast enough he could start selling those to people! Or maybe it was better for it to just be for them as they watch the drama unfold. Regardless, all the possibilities that could happen could easily fill out nine different bingo cards. Hell, one could make a reality TV show off the goings on in the school. But what's the likelihood of that happening?

It was ideas like this that made him really glad to have Camille as his better half. She also seemed to enjoy his cuddling quite enough, which was even better because he loved to give his girls a good cuddling now and then. She was nothing short of perfect for him. While it might be a bit of a long shot, he did seriously hope that they become the Prom King and Queen. Camille might not be the most into the idea but he definitely would be. He was just so excited to go to prom with his girlfriend!

"Honey, words can't even begin to describe just how down I am for both of those ideas!" He said with excited giddiness. "I could have one of our outfits say 'Coming Soon' and the other say 'Witch Death Cult!' So when we're together it can read 'Witch Death Cult Coming Soon' or 'Coming Soon, Witch Death Cult! I don't think anyone has ever used their prom outfits as an ad before, so we would definitely have the most unique outfits at the dance!'"

"I'm also down for prom drama bingo!" He chuckled, planting a few more kisses to her flesh. "I could make the card unless you'd like to take care of them. But just one question," Lucas grinned, sly and mischievous. "does the winner get anything?"

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:48 am
by General Goose
Normally, Camille considered advertising as a medium - well, an art form, if she was to resist the urge to be snobbish - that was crass and obnoxious almost by mere definition, that was boring and tasteless. Certainly not the sort of thing that one could incorporate into an outfit without being objectified, commodified, stripped of a substantial portion of dignity. That is, unless it was original. Camille was pretty sure using a glow in the dark dress code gimmick as an advertising gimmick was original, and therefore fine. They would be spoiling that particular mode of advertising for all future budding entrepreneurs, but that was hardly a reason not to do it.

Camille nodded, her face returned to its normal relative expressionless, although she was happy at the course of conversation. A subtle kind of happiness, rather than glee or ecstasy, but happiness none the less. Contentment mixed with a hint of anticipation. "I like that," she replied, a smile flashing across her face with each kiss. "I think I should wear the 'coming soon' one. I certainly hope that would be accurate to say on prom night."

She leaned back further, before putting her feet up on the bed as she finally fully reclined, pondering the logistics of the bingo card. "I feel a competition involving some of our...non-dramatic students could be of interest. Perhaps we could crowdsource suggestions. As for the prize, a bottle of wine. I can source that." She looked up at Lucas, mind racing to think of a witty retort to his flirtation. "And if you win, we can create bingo."

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:05 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Lucas chuckled a little when Camille said she'd wear the "coming soon" message, knowing full well what she was getting at. Well, he would certainly hope that she would on prom night and would happily help make sure she does. Lucas for one wasn't just going to let the fun begin and end at the prom. The night is young after all.

"I like the bingo card idea. It would certainly be pretty fun to get others involved to make them." He said, slowly rocking back and forth as he held Camille's reclining form. "I'm definitely down for a bottle of wine and I could think of a few others who would." Like Ivy, he thought. Of course, Ivy didn't strike him as the type to be laid back enough to play a prom bingo. He liked the girl — she was his friend after all — but he just couldn't see it happening, but he was open to being proven wrong. He look down to Camille, smiling a toothy grin. "A sex bingo sounds interesting as well. I guess that makes me more determined to win."

Lucas kissed the top of Camille's head, tightening his grip around her as he delighted in her close proximity.

"So sounds like we've got a plan then."

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:02 pm
by General Goose
Camille smiled, happy that they had, almost by accident, stumbled upon not one but two great ideas for prom. Of course, she was far too biased to actually opine as to whether the ideas were great or not. That would require the distance of time and the test of how their peers responded. At least in theory, however, the ideas held a lot of promise.

They made a good team, her and Lucas.

She sat up, and planted a quick kiss on Lucas's lips, before getting up again to stretch her legs. "It sounds like quite a good plan, I have to say. It'll require some logistical work, but..." And here she pointedly stared at the penguin mask and the guacamole, letting her gaze linger upon them just long enough to emphasise her point. "We've never been scared of logistics."

((Camille Bellegarde continued elsewhere.))

Re: The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 8:01 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Lucas's grip around Camille loosened up to allow her to stand up once more. Lucas smiled playfully at her as she talked about the logistics of the plan, but she was right that they were never scared of any of the logistics of their plans. From personal experience he knew a lot about handling logistics since organizing his film shoots required a lot of logistical work. From making sure people's schedules were lined up, to creating and organizing props and costumes, to maintaining the equipment needed for the production. It was a lot of work, especially for a teenager recruiting his cast and crew from the student body of his school on a volunteer basis.

Lucas slid over to the edge of the bed, allowing his legs to step on the floor. He stood from his position and put on his pants before moving to be by Camille's side.

"I'm sure I could find a few people who might be interested," he said as he. wrapped an arm around her waist, continuing to smile at her. "I'll ask around but you may want to do check with some other folks yourself. Worse case it is just us but that wouldn't be so bad. After all, I get a much better prize if I win." He chuckled a little before moving in to kiss his girlfriend's lips. Fuck it, why not give her a little tongue while he was at it? He held the kiss for a good few seconds before breaking it and pulling way.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick. When I get back though..." It was his turn to pointedly stare at something, specifically by letting his gaze shift down towards the bed. "Well... You know what I'm thinking probably."

He smiled playfully at her, leaning in closely to give her another quick peck to the lips. He turned towards and moved towards it with a confident if oddly shaky strut as his legs strained a little to move in the manner that he wished to. His grin twitched and his eyes squinted a little as pain ran through his legs, but was careful not to let Camille see his pained expression.

"Note to self:" He thought as he opened the door. "Don't be so hesitant to use the safe word when Camille has the penguin mask and the quac."

((Lucas Abernathy will be continued elsewhere...))