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Blake Davis

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:39 am
by Super Weegee
Name: Blake Davis
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
School: George Hunter High School
Hobbies and Interests: JROTC program, baseball, marksmanship, current affairs, volunteering, reading, watching TV

Appearance: Blake is 6'0 and weighs 175 pounds. He has a mesomorph body shape, blonde hair, fair skin, green eyes, a delicate nose, and an oval face. His hair is high and tight, which is a variant of the crew cut style. He usually wears short-sleeved shirts and either shorts, if the weather is nice, or jeans, if the weather is either cold or raining. If it is expected to rain or snow all throughout the day, he will typically bring a midnight fleece lined jacket. At the time of the kidnapping, he was wearing a short-sleeved red shirt, a brand new pair of jeans, and black tennis shoes.

Biography: On August 5th, 2000, Blake was born in Tennessee, Chattanooga to Fred and Maria Davis, both of whom are police officers. Fred and Maria would both typically work an eight hour shift, with Fred working from 11 PM to 7 AM and Maria working from 7 AM to 3 PM.

As he was being raised ever since infancy, Blake would often watch TV as long as he was allowed to. While Fred and Maria noted that this wasn't particularly too healthy and tried to steer Blake away from it, they eventually caved in after he turned 3 years old and it soon became one of his most favorite pastimes. However, they made sure that Blake wasn't watching anything too inappropriate for his age.

At the age of 4, Fred and Maria decided to start Blake's education early, and taught him about various subjects such as how to read. While he did struggle for the whole year, he did eventually manage to get ahead of his soon-to-be classmates shortly before entering elementary school a year later. As a result of this, his grades were higher than average, with his worst grade being a B. Socially, it wasn't too hard for him to find friends and soon became at least familiarized with most of his peers.

When Blake was 6, he came home from school one day and noticed that his father fell asleep on the couch while he was watching TV. Blake looked at the TV and saw that Fred was watching COPS, which is a show that follows the activities of various police officers. He soon became invested in the show, watching it for nearly half an hour. This was soon interrupted by Maria, who came home to see Blake watching the aforementioned show, ordered Blake to his room, and scolded Fred for letting their son watch it. According to her, many of the calls that the officers on the show respond to, such as prostitution, robberies, and drug deals, are not appropriate for someone like Blake's age. She also claims that Blake might pick up some of the profanity that the show frequently shows uncensored. This didn't affect either Blake or Fred, as Fred would fall asleep almost every day while watching the same show, and Blake would watch it from a distance. After getting caught twice, Blake eventually figured out how to watch it in private without his parents knowing, and COPS eventually became his favorite show. However, he was eventually caught once more and Fred realized that Blake had been watching it for quite a while. Rather than punish his son, Fred decided to use this as an opportunity to teach Blake about the dangers of drugs and the consequences of committing crimes, and managed to convince Maria to allow Blake to watch COPS and loosen some of the rules regarding what he watches in general.

Fred's advice stuck with him well into middle school. It was during this time that Blake developed his love for reading, as he would use his spare time to read fictional books from the school's library. If one were to ask about his favorite books, he would claim that it is a tie between the Maze Runner and Harry Potter series. At some point during the 7th grade, his parents forced him to volunteer at various events. While he hated it at first, he eventually developed a love for doing so and even surprised Fred and Maria when he started to volunteer on his own.

Nearing the end of 8th grade, Blake learned about the JROTC program that George Hunter High School had and decided to join when he entered the 9th grade. He was merely indifferent at first due to only joining to impress his parents and teachers. When he started to gain awards for doing various deeds, however, he soon became obsessed with gaining every ribbon he can. As a result, he constantly maintains an A on all of his academic courses, plays baseball as a varsity sport, and is on a number of teams and clubs. As a result of showing outstanding dependability, enthusiasm, courage, and initiative, he was rewarded the Senior Army Instructor Leadership Ribbon at the end of the year by his senior army instructor, which encouraged him to act as a leader in group situations to show his parents and teachers that he earned the reward, rather than just for the sake of having it. One of the other ribbons that he earned was the Marksmanship Team ribbon, which sparked his interest in guns. After some convincing, Blake was allowed to shoot at the shooting range, but was never allowed to keep his own gun in his room, due to Fred and Maria locking it away in a secure location and only bringing it out when they were able to supervise Blake with it.

At the beginning of 10th grade, Blake began to be more involved in current affairs than he was before. Beforehand, as a result of his volunteering and community service, he would typically read the local papers and see what kind of impact that he and other people have made, no matter how small. After reading them, however, he would forget about it over the course of a few days since the contributions were fairly minor in his mind. He was encouraged to stay on top of the news that was occurring all throughout the world by one of his friends at school, who then gave him advice on what papers, websites, and online publications he should trust and avoid. Blake wasn't too concerned about it at first, but after following a few stories and seeing how they develop over a period of time, he soon became just as involved in it as he was in the JROTC program. Due to his friend's suggestions for what sources he should trust, such as CNN, The New York Times, the Associated Press, and Reuters, Blake leaned liberal on the political scale, but he keeps that information private to preserve his relationships with his peers.

Due to everybody else's high expectations of him and build-up of stress, he was finding it harder and harder to maintain his reputation. While he was able to act as everybody else expected him to be, he was also tempted to go against his father's lessons about committing crimes. Blake felt that he was entitled to do at least one or two bad things since he felt that he earned the right to do so over the years. One day, while he was walking home, he saw somebody in the distance in front of him leave something on a wall. The man then seemingly forgot to put the object back into his pocket as he walked into a building. When Blake got closer, he saw that it was the man's wallet, and it had $200 in cash. After quickly making sure that nobody was looking, he took the money out of the wallet, put it into his own pocket, and managed to get out of sight just as the man exited the building again to retrieve said wallet. When he got home and the initial panic wore off, Blake realized the extent of what he just did and wanted to return the money out of guilt. He stopped himself from confessing to his parents due to not wanting to be punished heavily, but he did wait for the consequences that he thought was going to fall upon him at some point.

Blake was shocked that those consequences never came after a few days have passed. After a month passed, he came to the conclusion that it was most likely never going to come and he got away with stealing a large amount of money. He would only say to a couple of people he completely trusted that it was probably the most satisfying feeling of his life once he did realize it, more so than his good deeds. At this point, he would commit petty crimes and misdemeanors as a way to get that same feeling of euphoria, like vandalism, theft, graffiti, shoplifting, and more. In his mind, he simply thought of it as relieving stress from maintaining his reputation. After realizing that he was close to getting caught both during the crime and afterwards, with the man being a mere second away from seeing him and that he left fingerprints on the wallet itself, Blake took more measures to minimize that risk. He would wear gloves to not leave his fingerprints behind, wore a hoodie with a bandanna in the event that he gets caught, and made sure to never wear the same combination of clothing that he committed the crime in for a long period of time. He would occasionally take a bigger risk of committing a crime that has or is likely to have cameras witnessing it in order to get a bigger rush out of it. He never took drugs or drank alcohol, however, in order to stay healthy. Blake only entrusts a couple of people with the knowledge of his secret life, who are those closest to him.

After Blake became more experienced with this, this began to affect his public life. At the beginning of his junior year, he began to abuse his high reputation as a way of getting people he didn't like into trouble. After he finds a sufficient amount of evidence, typically by secretly taking pictures or recording them with his phone and removing all of the camera information with an image-editing program, he would anonymously report other people to the teachers or police for petty reasons or in order to get back at them, but he also made sure that he doesn't do it too frequently to avoid attracting too much suspicion. If he particularly hates someone, he would even go as far as to frame them using a couple of methods, such as slipping some stolen property into their backpack and then reporting them. Despite his attempts to make himself anonymous, quite a few students, especially the ones that he reported or framed before, managed to figure out that he was the one doing so. Contrary to what Blake thinks, this has actually significantly harmed his reputation among his peers due to this, causing some of them to dislike or hate him as a result. However, to him, he believes that his reputation among his classmates is still relatively good, but least important, and is aiming to keep his high reputation with his teachers and parents.

When it comes to his classes, he finds Math, Science, and English to be the most enjoyable, and excels in physical education. After he graduates, he plans to join the military, but currently hasn’t decided on what branch in particular. If his military plans don't work, either due to injury or being psychologically unable of performing his assigned duties, he plans on following in his parents' footsteps and becoming a police officer, provided that he can recover from his injury and is mentally able to do his duties as an officer. Being an effective leader, he prefers to solve things diplomatically, but he will ultimately make a decision if push comes to shove.

Advantages: Due to his JROTC classes, he is an effective leader and is physically fit. Blake also has good stamina and arm strength as a result of playing baseball. He has previous experience with guns in the shooting range, and will be a better shot than the majority of his classmates.
Disadvantages: Blake has gained enemies due to his past actions. Since he cares immensely for his reputation at home, he will tend to make decisions based around that when he is surrounded by his classmates instead of the more logical solution. His compulsion to commit crimes to get a rush will increase the chances of him doing something that comes back to bite him, alienating allies and making more enemies.

Re: Blake Davis

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 7:40 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Hey Super Weegee, I'm MK Kilmarnock and I'll be your host for this critique. Blake's currently denied pending some major changes and it's a long list, so let's just get right down to business.

Appearance: 6'0" and 150 pound strikes me more as an ectomorph build than a mesomorph one. Up the weight a lil' bit. Also I have no idea what 'His hair is high and tight' means. Under what circumstances would Blake wear shorts versus jeans? Does he make distinctions for rain versus cold? What sort of footwear does he wear (this extends to his on-island wardrobe)? If the weather's bad enough to wear jeans versus shorts, is he still in a short-sleeved shirt?


" As he was being raised in Chattanooga ever since infancy, Blake would often watch TV as long as he was allowed to." > Now, I get what you're going for here, and it's important that you tell us Blake was raised since infancy in Chattanooga (even if he wasn't necessarily born there, the profile isn't clear on that). It's also important that you tell us he was inundated with television, but these are two thoughts separate from one another and should be written as such.

"While Fred and Maria noted that this wasn't particularly too healthy and tried to steer Blake away from it, they eventually caved in and it soon became one of his most favorite pastimes." > Define 'eventually'.

"At the age of 4, Fred and Maria decided to start Blake's education early, and teach him about various subjects such as how to read." > and taught him about various...

If both Fred and Maria are cops, how are they home to take care of Blake? Tell me about the shifts they work. I'm especially interested by Fred being able to fall asleep while watching TV before Blake comes back from school, which tells me he must work a night shift. What did Maria find inappropriate about Cops, especially being an officer herself? Even if the answer seems fairly obvious or self-explanatory to you, fleshing out the reasons would go a long way.

"This worked immensely and it stuck with him well into middle school, where his grades were improving" > Did... COPS affect his grades, somehow? That's how this reads. And he's already an excellent student given his head start so there's not vast room for improvement.

"If one were to ask about his favorite books, he would claim that it is a tie between The Hunger Games series, the Maze Runner series, and the Harry Potter series." > The Hunger Games series does not exist in the SotF universe, nor does Battle Royale. Such things would be considered in very poor taste.

After some convincing, Blake was allowed to shoot at the shooting range, but was never allowed to keep a gun of his own at home, due to Fred and Maria being far more experienced with them. > Why does parental experience exclude a child from being allowed to own a gun? If anything, that would make it easier and more acceptable, as Blake's parents already have the means to keep the gun safely locked up at home and are better able to supervise and instruct their son on gun safety.

"At the beginning of 10th grade, Blake began to be involved in current affairs due to his desire to keep up to date with what is happening in the world." > This is a random sentence regarding an unrelated hobby stuck at the end of school clubs and his interest in guns. Of all the hobbies that are crammed together in this one paragraph, this is one I definitely want to see expanded on and deserving of its own paragraph. Why does he have a desire to keep up to date with the happenings of the world and current affairs? Why does he care? What does he do to keep up to date? Read online publications? Local and larger papers? News television programs? Which ones does he peruse?

Don't start a paragraph with the word 'however'.

"He would only say to a couple of people he completely trust" > trusted

"After realizing that he was close to getting caught both during the crime and afterwards" > How did he come to realize this?

"He would wear gloves to not leave his fingerprints behind, make sure that no people and cameras were around when he committed his crimes, and never lingered at the crime scene for longer than he should." > The gloves are valid but those last two aren't 'extra measures to not get caught'. They are things that, if not done in the first place, would get you busted almost immediately.

Blake only entrusts a couple of people with the knowledge of his secret life, which are those that is closest to him. > who are those closest to him.

After Blake became more experienced with this, he began to abuse his high reputation as a ways of getting people he doesn't like into trouble. He would usually report other people to the teachers or police for petty reasons or in order to get back at them, but he also made sure that he doesn't do it frequently to avoid attracting too much suspicion. If he particularly hates someone, he would even go as far as to frame them using a couple of methods, such as slipping some stolen property into their backpack and then reporting them. > Ooooookay. So, first, doing this to people and having no proof it was actually them will sink his reputation pretty quick. Nobody at school is going to care about his volunteering and getting good grades does not preclude you from being a criminal, and we're hitting some pretty crazy levels of degeneracy here. Aside from the people he's outright framing, how is he catching these people he's reporting to teachers? By the by, if this is all to release stress, it's definitely not working because things like shoplifting are not outlets for stress relief; they're how people satisfy compulsions and it gives them a rush, a feeling of euphoria. Lastly there are some grammatical errors to pick at here ('as a WAY of getting people he DIDN'T like into trouble') but it's the least of my concerns, especially since you may have to re-write this entire section.

If that doesn’t work out, then he decided to follow in his parents footsteps and become a police officer. > Okay, so we're talking future tense here. You're probably better off writing this out like "If his military plans don't work, he plans on following in his parents' footsteps and becoming a police officer." Also, why might his military plans not work out? He's able-bodied and excels at ROTC with a clean record (SOMEHOW). There should be nothing in his way of achieving this goal. ... Other than a terrorist kidnapping, but it's not like anybody plans for that.

"Blake considers himself to be bisexual when one were to ask about his sexuality. Being an effective leader, he prefers to solve things diplomatically, but he will ultimately make a decision if push comes to shove." These sentences have nothing to do with one another and are completely divorced of all context, and I believe you can integrate them into the profile better. How did he come to discover and explore his sexuality? ENTIRELY SEPARATE FROM THIS, what sort of leadership qualities does he have and when does he exhibit them?

Hobbies, interests: 'gun shooting' should be rephrased as marksmanship, volunteering and community service should really be integrated into one entry, 'athletics' is a bit broad when I believe only one sport was mentioned across the whole profile (baseball), and his criminal activities should probably be listed as a hobby if we are to keep those as part of Blake's character (hoping we don't, though).

Advantages and Disadvantages:
Blake has higher than average intelligence and is an effective leader. > Refer to my notes on needing to show how he's an effective leader. Book smarts also don't always translate to life skills, so what about Blake's higher than average intelligence is going to serve him as an advantage?

"Blake has gained enemies due to his past actions. Since he cares immensely for his reputation at home, " > Actually this is good, let's discuss this for a second. Blake would certainly have enemies due to his past actions, and in doing so, he has also likely TORPEDOED his 'reputation' that he cares so much about. Solid disadvantage but I'm really wondering what reputation he has left to protect.

Since he cares immensely for his reputation at home, he will tend to make decisions based around that instead of the more logical solution unless he is in danger of dying. > Kinda meaningless when he's in danger of dying by default just being on the island.

He is unable to relieve stress by committing crimes without everybody back at home knowing due to the cameras, which can cause him to become irrational when he has high amounts of stress and lose allies or make more enemies as a result. > See previous notes about how committing crimes doesn't actually relieve stress at all.

So yeah, look over those and work on Blake, and we'll take another shot.

Re: Blake Davis

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:44 am
by Super Weegee
Thanks for critiquing this!

The majority of the issues (some of which I should have never made in the first place) should have been addressed and edited.

Re: Blake Davis

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:19 am
by MK Kilmarnock
You seem to have addressed just about everything. Thanks for that, I know it was a lot of criticism to handle at once.

I'm going to approve Blake, though there may be some fine-tooth combing come proper game apps.