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Moving Day

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:19 am
by MurderWeasel
Today was the big day. Emily Nakoa had known for some time that her cousin and aunt were moving in with her nuclear family. She understood that it was important to stand by relatives. If the shoe had been on the other foot, she knew she would have been very grateful for a place to stay, a place with more opportunities. All of these things went a decent way towards mitigating the apprehension she felt, but it was still there, this sense that her life was about to get shaken up in ways she could not anticipate. The evidence was all around. The entire preceding weekend had been spent cleaning the house, something Emily didn't exactly object to but also would not have done of her own accord. Discussion at dinner had been focused almost exclusively on the new arrivals.

Now, Emily was sitting in her room, trying to make the most of what could very well be the last of her time in her living situation as it currently was. By the time Lahela's family was on its feet, it was certain Emily would be done with high school. Depending on how everything else went, she might have moved out by then. She could be in college, full college instead of the community college where she was going to start.

The whole situation was made stranger still by the fact that her cousin was the same age as her. It would have been different with a little kid. Kids didn't understand everything. They didn't insert themselves into the same social circles or judge or reflect upon their families' reputations. Lahela would be going to Aurora High. If things didn't work out, there would be no escape. It could become very, very difficult for Emily to juggle her persona and her home life. She really hoped Lahela was either cool or uninterested in her. The last thing Emily needed was for the last of her high school to be an unpleasant mess.

Emily shifted on her bed, absentmindedly toying with the a pillow. Despite her doubts, she was going to try to be optimistic about this. There was no reason to assume the worst. She'd liked Lahela when she met the girl as a young child. There was no reason to worry.

And yet, she still found it difficult. Her parents had been talking about this for what seemed like forever, seemingly to the exclusion of all other subjects. They were very upbeat about it. In fact, they seemed nearly eager, excited to have something new in their lives and fully ready to spend more time with family. They were regretful of the reasoning behind it, of course, but that did little to dampen their enthusiasm. Emily just wished that she could see it their way.

She was stirred from her musings by her mother calling her name, telling her to come down, and she knew that the time had come. There would be no more hiding from everything. The family she interacted with was about to get a good deal bigger.

With a sigh, she dragged herself upright and made her way to the door of the room, then down the stairs to the ground floor. As she went, she ran her fingers through her hair, making sure it was fairly in order, and smoothed her tank top and skirt. However this was going to turn out, she would at least be sure to make a decent first impression.

Re: Moving Day

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:19 am
by Cake
((Lahela Nakoa - Memories Thread # 1))

"Alright, we're here. Welcome to: Hale Nakoa!"

Lahela grinned at her uncle's choice to use Hawaiian words in describing their home as the SUV pulled into their driveway.

It was nice knowing that her uncle was doing his best to get them comfortable and break the ice, so to speak. And speaking of ice was this really summer time? The temperature and the view of the sky could have fooled her, because ever since the moment she got off the plane she felt cold, like it was the middle of December or something, not the middle of June. This was definitely something she'd have a tough time getting used to.

The place wasn't so bad though. The ride here from the airport was pretty neat, as the site seeing was something that really impressed Lahela. She'd never left the islands before, so other than the time they spent with other family on Oahu and had to drive through Honolulu; Lahela had never experienced a city atmosphere. She was more a town and country girl. But still, it was pretty amazing seeing what her uncle called the "Seattle Space Needle" for the first time.

Her family's enthusiasm certainly helped keep her mind off the sad parts about moving. She had already dealt with the emotional things accompanied by the move, when she bid her goodbyes to all her friends and she really didn't want to dwell on it all that much.

The car finally went to a complete stop and parked into a very large driveway, in what looked like a pretty well off neighborhood. Lahela couldn't help, but mouth the word "wow" after seeing the outside of their property, through the car's windows. This was going to be her new home now. It was quite an upgrade after spending a few years living in a crummy apartment.

Uncle Akela opened the trunk and the doors open for Lahela and her mother and started helping with what few luggage they had. Aunty Lani, in the meantime had immediately gone into the house to call Emily down to greet them.

Emily was her cousin, and she was the one person Lahela was most excited and nervous to see again. Part of it was due to the fact that they were the same age, so there were much more expectations there, from what she knew of her age group. The other part was that Lahela remembered Emily as being pretty cool, those few times she'd visited the Big Island, when she was younger. Lahela really hoped she was still cool and didn't evolve into something less than stellar, or else living here was going to drag.

Lahela stepped out of the car and felt the chilly breeze push up against the back of her neck. She quickly shivered into her sweater, wondering the whole time how on earth her uncle and aunty could wear such light clothing during their 'summer' weather. The sun was barely even out, being almost completely covered with blankets of clouds.

She held her personal bag as her family talked amongst each other and took out the luggage. She waited, staring at the front door of the large house for any signs of Emily.

Re: Moving Day

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:19 am
by MurderWeasel
Emily waited inside for just a few seconds, taking the time to compose herself fully. She pulled her lips into a smile. She'd practiced smiling well after she'd gotten her braces off, cultivating a nice, wide, beaming grin to offset her prior tendency to never let her lips part, so it was easy for her to put the expression on even if she wasn't really feeling the unbridled joy that would typically accompany it.

Her mother was right there, clearly a little impatient, so with no further ado Emily opened the door and stepped outside.

The whole family was in and around the car. She'd seen pictures of her relatives, but hadn't really remembered the adults from her past visits, and Lahela had changed quite a bit. She looked pretty nice, though. Emily raised her hand and waved and called out, "Hey, welcome to Seattle."

It wasn't much of a greeting, and her voice was a little bit tentative. Her mother shot her a look, and she covered her mouth and faked a cough. That seemed to be enough to alleviate any parental suspicions as to the genuine nature of her enthusiasm for her cousin's arrival, but just to be sure Emily headed for the car. Her bare feet felt a bit chilled by the concrete of the path, which added a spring to her step as she tried to minimize contact with the ground.

"You need any help with the luggage?" Emily asked. "How was the flight? I can show you around."

Her voice was sounding normal again, and her smile was feeling less forced, but she still had that feeling of slight skepticism lurking in her mind. She really hoped Lahela wasn't some sort of naïve do-gooder.

Re: Moving Day

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:19 am
by Cake
A pretty young woman walked out from the house following close behind the older Aunty Lani, waving her hand and calling out a welcome to their home-town-city. Granted, it wasn't filled with very much Aloha, but still this was her cousin and she couldn't blame her for being a little nervous. In fact, Lahela was slightly nervous herself; still scoping out how exactly her cousin would be like, these days.

Lahela responded to the greeting with a wave of her own hand, but in her own style. Instead of an open hand she extended just her pinkie finger and thumb to form a shaka sign accompanied with a bright smile to her approaching cousin. Lahela was actually a bit surprised that her cousin was walking onto the concrete with her bare feet.

She always figured that mainland kids never left the house without some form of footwear, but then again Emily was raised by her uncle and aunty. Perhaps she learned a few small behaviors from them. Or maybe she had been stereotyping the whole time. Weird how that worked both ways.

Emily stopped a few feet in front of her and asked if she wanted help with her luggage. The whole time, Lahela noticed that Emily didn't personally greet her there by name or anything. It felt and looked like Emily was acting more like a bellhop at the Waikiki Sheraton, than part of her ʻohana.

Looks like she'd have to be the one to break the ice.

"No, it's okay. I can handle a few bags. I'm a big girl now. I got this!" Lahela stated, with a giggle as she hefted her bags up as if they were weights. "As for the plane ride, it was pretty depressing, for obvious reasons, but eh, I'll get over it."

"Oh, I have something for you," Lahela said, as she dug into her plastic bag for the gift she brought from the islands.

The gift was a flower lei she had made herself. It was one that was slightly limp after being cooped up in her baggage for the entire flight. She pulled it out and approached Emily, placing it over her head and around her neck and followed up with a quick, one handed family style hug.

"Aloha cuz! Long time no see in person huh, Emily? You're one sexy babe," She said with a grin.

Hopefully this was a good 'first-ish' impression and she didn't come on too strong.

Re: Moving Day

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:19 am
by MurderWeasel
Lahela said she didn't need help with her stuff, which was a bit of a relief but also didn't really give Emily that much of a chance to do something nice to welcome her cousin. It sounded like Lahela wasn't too excited about her move, and given the circumstances Emily could completely sympathize. At least things seemed to be off to a pretty good start so far. At least the conversation was flowing smoothly, if a little bit less naturally than Emily was used to.

Then, Lahela said she'd brought something. It was a lei, a slightly wilted one, but pretty nonetheless. Emily felt some of her reservations beginning to dissolve as Lahela draped the lei over her head and gave her a one-armed hug. Emily returned the hug, and felt her smile broaden a bit. The enthusiasm Lahela was showing was comforting in most ways, but it made Emily just the slightest bit nervous that she wouldn't live up to her cousin's expectations, whatever they were. It was complicated in so many ways, having new people coming to live with her and go to school with her. Life was certainly about to get different.

Lahela followed her actions with a compliment, and Emily felt a few more of her initial concerns slip. Things were off to a pretty decent start, at least.

"Thanks," Emily said. "It's great to see you again. You look really great."

It was true, too. Lahela wasn't someone Emily had any reason to worry about being seen with in school. She might even be someone to try to coax onto the cheer squad, though Emily wasn't at all sure her cousin would be interested or able to qualify absent any experience in the area.

While she still wasn't entirely comfortable with her cousin, having really exchanged only a few sentences with her, Emily was anxious to make a good impression on her and a good showing for all of the older family members. As such, she kept her smile nice and wide.

"I really hope you like it here," she said. "There are so many great things in Seattle. I can't wait to show you everything. Anything you're especially excited for?"

Re: Moving Day

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:20 am
by Cake
Emily seemed to receive her introduction fairly well, even showing off a little of her pearly whites. There was much more ground to cover before they were both comfortable with each other, but it was progress. Emily was even opening up and pushing along the conversation on her own asking if there was anything she was interested in seeing and Lahela already had a set answer for that.

"Yeah. How are the boys here?" Lahela said semi-casually with a straight face before breaking into a large grin and playfully taping Emily on the arm with her hand to show that she was only kidding. Kind of.

"Well um, I'm pretty excited to see what your house is like. It already looks great on the outside, so maybe you can show me around inside?" She shrugged and lifted her bags up again. "Oh yeah and where should I put my stuff?"

Re: Moving Day

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:20 am
by MurderWeasel
"The boys are okay," Emily said, smiling back. Was Lahela being serious? It was hard to say, not having much experience with her cousin. Emily didn't know how boy-crazy Lahela was, come to think of it. There was another potential pitfall. What if she was constantly bringing guys home? What if she got a bad reputation at school because of it? The tap on the arm suggested that there was at least a bit of humor intended, so Emily let herself relax and go with it. What could it hurt? Besides, it wasn't like Emily didn't know some guys. She'd dated plenty of people, and she did have friends who'd probably get along great with Lahela.

"Aurora's got a lot of cute ones. I can introduce you to some of the football guys if you want," Emily said. She shot her cousin an exaggeratedly cheesy wink.

"Oh, and you can bring your stuff right inside. I'll show you around. You can leave it at the bottom of the stairs for now and then we'll get it set up later."

Emily's mom might not be entirely thrilled with that, but it would be okay. Emily wanted to make sure Lahela actually knew where everything was before getting too worried about getting her entirely settled in.

Re: Moving Day

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:20 am
by Cake
[[OOC: Well looks like this thread has been a while. All my fault. I'm making short posts so I don't take long anymore and we can finish this up.]]

Lahela set her bags down on a table and looked around. It was a pretty impressive house, better than what she was used to at least. At the same time it had small hints of local flavor probably due to her aunt and uncle who had roots back home.

Emily showed Lahela around, room to room, including the guest room she was supposed to stay at.

"Hey which one's your room cuz?" She asked, curious to see what it would look like in there.

Re: Moving Day

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:20 am
by MurderWeasel
"Right this way," Emily said, smiling. Her room was fairly presentable, and her nervousness was melting away a little as she showed Lahela around. This wasn't normal, but it wasn't terrible either. Maybe she'd be able to get used to having someone else her age around.

She headed up the stairs, keeping her pace a little bit slower than usual. She had a tendency to bolt up the steps, since she was used to them enough that she was unlikely to fall.

This wasn't so different from having a friend over for a sleepover or something. It was just, this time it was going to be a little more permanent.