Being the New Kid Sucks

Here is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.
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Being the New Kid Sucks


Post by Aura »

Jake Mordetsky was just finishing his first day of junior year. It would have been his first day of sophomore year, but he had taken a test over the summer to determine whether he was smart enough to jump directly from freshman to junior, and he passed with flying colors. He had a little extra work compared to the other students, but in the big picture it was worth it to have one less year of school, as well as a one year head start on college.

Pretty much nobody noticed him at Aurora High during his freshman year, mostly due to his tendency to stay away from crowds and not talk very much. The first day of junior year wasn't much different, since he had been staying out of everyone's way just as much as he had done during freshman year. He fully expected to go the rest of high school without being noticed by anyone.

As Jake was making his way down the hall, he tripped over something, sending him crashing to the ground. He felt quite a bit of pain as his heavy backpack landed directly on top of him. With a groan, he lifted himself into a sitting position and saw the oblect he had tripped over, which happened to be someone's foot. Jake looked up and saw that the foot belonged to a much larger, much more intimidating student. He shakily tried to apologize to the larger student.

"Uh... s-sorry..."
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