Oh Sweet Summer Child, What Do You Know About Fear?

Rachael Langdon One Shot

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Oh Sweet Summer Child, What Do You Know About Fear?


Post by Laurels »

May 31, 2008

Rachael rested her head against the window of her parent's minivan. It had been a long day, and she wanted to relax on the long car ride home. It was too dark to read, so the fourteen year old girl had to sit quietly.

Rachael's sister, Bridget, had just finished her undergraduate studies at the University of Virginia. Bridget had a double major in Philosophy and Foreign Affairs. Now she was preparing to enter UVA's law school in the Fall. However, there were a few things she had to do before that. Namely, move to an apartment in Charlottesville.

Rachael and Bridget's father just received a great offer to manage a shipyard in Seattle, Washington. He decided to take the job, meaning that he, Rachael, and Rachael's mother would be moving to Seattle in the next few days. Both Mr. and Mrs. Langdon were busy with preparations to sell the home.

Bridget and Rachael spent the day in Charlottesville moving most of Bridget's possessions out of her dorm and into her new apartment. Bridget's roommates were in town and helped with the move, so the day was spent moving furniture, arranging boxes, and making sure everything was ready for Bridget's stay in Charlottesville.

The girls were heading back to Newport News. The sky was dark, and both girls were quiet. Finally, Bridget decided to speak.

"So Rachael, looking forward to the move?"

Rachael rubbed her eyes.


"Why not?"

"Why else? New state, new town, new school, dozens of people who don't know me. It took me until eighth grade to have at least three good friends, how can I do that again in four years?"

Bridget tapped the steering wheel.

"You just have to try. It won't be so bad. Try to put yourself out there for the students."

Rachael put her hands in her lap as she tilted her head to the car ceiling.

"I don't know if I can. High school is supposed to be either the best time of your life or the worst. I already feel like it is going to be the worst."

Bridget put her hand on Rachael's shoulder.

"Well, look at it this way: you are in control of your destiny now. You have a lot more autonomy in Seattle and in high school. The school will be much larger, and you should be able to find students with interests similar to you. You don't have to befriend everyone, but you should try to befriend the ones who offer you friendship."

Rachael exhaled. Bridget always seemed so wise. Rachael studied her sister. She was a very pretty woman. One who grew into her body, always could find friends, and could always succeed in school.

"It's just scary," Rachael told her sister.

"Well, wanna know a secret?" Bridget asked Rachael.


"I'm scared too."

"But you're never scared," said Rachael.

"You think that, but I have a lot of fears myself. You, Mom, and Dad are gonna move to the complete other side of the continental U.S. I'm going to be three thousand miles from my family. I'll only be able to see you guys for holidays. Other than that, I'm gonna have to fend for myself. My days will be focused on getting my law degree and almost nothing else."

"So you see, it's natural to be scared. Everyone feels it. But you know, I know I can get over it. Sure, I'll be away from you guys, but I have lots of friends here, and I have a future to work for. In just a few years, I'll be able to get my degree, then I can take my bar exam, and then I can actually be a practicing attorney."

"Rachael, this part of your life will be hard, but the end result will be great. Here's what I want you to do: write whenever you feel inspired. Read anything that interests you. Find people who do the same. If you can do all that, I want to see you smile as you walk across the stage to receive your diploma. Can you do that Rachael?"

Bridget turned to her sister, waiting for a response.

"I think I can."

"Well, you have four years. Just take it slow, keep up in your studies, and you'll be okay. Okay, we're about two hours from home. Why don't you sleep the rest of the way? I can stay up."

"Okay. See you at home Bridget."

Rachael turned over in her seat and closed her eyes. Bridget quickly looked at her sister and grinned.

"Almost home Rach'. Sleep well," said Bridget.
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