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Setting Goals

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:05 am
by umop-ap!sdn†
(OOC: This happens sophomore year, so the year is 2009)

Joey Polpetta: Start

A soft hand brushed the back of Joey's face. He stirred. He blinked himself awake to see a beautiful girl in front of him. He struggled to remember her name. Lauren... Laurie... LAURA!. He grinned up at her and got ready to greet her, but something in his mouth prevented him from doing so. He tried to spit out whatever it was, but realized it was a ball strapped into his mouth.

He felt his eyes widen as he became aware of the seductive expression spread across her face. Her hand brushed across his beefy chest, and he realized he was shirtless and uncovered. He went to sit up to see where he was, but found his wrists and ankles were strapped down.

Laura had lust in her shocking blue eyes, and a pink tongue touched her front teeth as she grinned at him.

Her hand on circled and slid down his torso, past his stirring crotch, and down his thick leg.

How she figured out he was into this kinda stuff was beyond him, but he'd never felt more turned on in his life.

"Don't worry big guy. I'm gonna take care of ya... keep you feeling... satisfied."

This was fucking nuts! People didn't just kidnap people and do this! Aside from whistling at her and checking out her tits, he had never actually interacted with her.

Aw fucking fuck. I'm dreaming.

He slowly became aware of the blankets around his legs and the pillow on his face. He fought with his conscious to go back to sleep, but it was too late. He punched his bed and slid the other hand down his shorts. Grunting in frustration.

Laura's fucking hot. I outta set up a lil get together. What's her last name? Nyke-something? Nyquil? No that was cold medicine. Gets you fucked up and then knocks you out. Like a gentle alcohol.

His hand fumbled as his mind drifted. I could use a little of both I guess. I heard she's not hard to woo anyway.

That's right. She's a little slut.
A devious smile spread over Joey's doughy face, his closed eyes shut tighter. I could care less if she's got a reputation. I just hope she can live up to it.

Joey laid in bed for another hour. He'd talk to her tomorrow. It was Sunday, and he wasn't desperate enough to Facebook her or ask a million people for her number. He'd probably just stare at her tits until she started the conversation. He'd cover up the creepiness with a compliment, mention he's on his way to the weight room, flex. Bam. She'd be as good as his.

Joey wasn't much if a planner, and he didn't have much initiative. But sex was different. He loved the build up to it, and the reward for his efforts was always worth it. He didn't have to study or do homework for sex. Just trial and error until somebody who could look past the short stature and gut to see an italian bull with huge guns came along.

Joey got even hotter picturing a group of Laura's friends checking him out. He flexed his muscles to himself. Aw fuck yeah. She's as good as mine.