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Relative Safety.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:59 am
by AtomicWaffle†
As with anything in her life, Licinia awoke silently, sprawled against the floor at the very top of the Pagoda. She heard the rain, pounding against the roof. Licinia slowly got up off the floor, and peered out of the window. This was it. Licinia had been kidnapped, taken into Survival Of The Fittest.
At the other side of the room, was a medium-sized bag. Licinia slowly walked over to it. Beside the bag, hidden in the shadows, was a iron ball, with a chain leading  a few feet away and ending in a circular leg cuff.

Wonderful. I could write several pages about  how horrible this is.
Ugh..I need a life. Wait a second, not much hope of that here.

Licinia sighed and slid down against the wall. She had seen Survival Of The Fittest version one. She never knew why, exactly. Partly out of enjoyment, or partly out of curiosity, either way, she watched it almost religiously, taking down notes on everything she saw. She knew...

It is hopeless.. Slowly, she slid off to sleep.

Isn' it?


Licinia awoke to the sound of a small bug bouncing around in her ear. She brushed it away, annoyed. Licinia went back to sleep


Again, she awoke to the sound of a bug buzzing in her ear. This time, she slapped it against the wall, pasting it to her hand.
Realizing that sleeping probably wasn't the best idea, Licinia headed down another level of the Pagdoa. Looking outside of the window, she could see utter chaos.

Re: Relative Safety.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:59 am
by AtomicWaffle†
((OOC: I'm double posting to end this shell of a thread and to move the character somewhere else.))

Horrible...Just horrible. All of us, thrown into the hell that is SOTF. Is that..?

She saw, outside of the window, the messily decapitated body of a girl, soaked by the rain and covered in mud. Small, simple creatures made a feast of the remains. At least they're having a good time.

Licinia walked away from the window. It didn't really seem right, to just stand alone, away from all of the carnage that was taking place outside of the pagdoa. She brushed her hair out of her eyes. It was time to move out. As rainy and horrible as it was outside, she had to be there. Now, she couldn't curl up into the shadows and avoid everything. Now, she couldn't just brush off what was transpiring in the lives of others. Now, she had to join into the fates of the rest of the students.

Licinia picked up her bag, and her painfully heavy weapon, and left.

((Continued in La De Da))