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March Mid-Month Rolls

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:51 am
by Megamiā€ 
Mm... so, it's rolls time again. First of all, here are the people rolled to die, in no particular order:

Nigel Gillespie
Nadine Willowbrook
Meredith "Mary" McKay Ken Lawson
Ricardo "Ric" Chee
Corbin Arlen Katherine Blanco

So, that being said, I'll explain (once again) how this works, for those of you who are new and haven't been rolled yet. I'm actually posting this a little bit early, the timer won't start until midnight CST (which is approximately 40 minutes from now). From 12 AM Sunday morning, you'll have 72 hours to begin your character's death. That means that by 12 AM Wednesday morning, somebody better be dyin'. Image If you're going to use a swap card, roll null, or if someone's going to use a hero card, PLEASE post as soon as possible, because the time limit is the same whether you swap one character for another in ten minutes or two days. You have three days to start the death and it must be completed in five. That doesn't mean you get five days after you start it to complete it. That means that it has to be complete by 12 AM Friday morning. So... get to movin'!