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Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:03 am
by Crash†
(Alexis Machina continued from Blood, Sweat and Tears)

She'd finally done it. Over the course of the last day, Lex had murdered two of her classmates.

Until now, she wasn't quite sure how she felt about the entire ordeal. When she ran into Nick, she'd been so angry. Kyrie's far-too-trusting nature was bound to get her killed, and she'd been sporadically thinking back to memories she had of the two of them at Southridge and simultaneously hoping she'd never hear her name on the announcements. That combined with Keiji's death had shifted her mood from irritated to royally pissed off, and even though Nick's somewhat apathetic reaction may not have intentionally been confrontational, it was enough to push her over the edge.

After the fiasco with Nick her mind felt numb, but the trauma of seeing the corpses outside the storehouse had shocked Lex back into reality. Needless to say the entire five or ten minutes she spent there were terrible, and eventually they led to her scoring her second kill. James had essentially picked a terrible moment to startle her, but that really wasn't his fault.

As the cottage came into her line of sight, the reality of her plight started to bear down on her, and even more than she had a few hours ago she felt the need to get out of the rain and sit down. Kicking aside Raven's corpse out of the cottage doorway without taking the time to check who it was, she entered the cottage, then closed and locked the door behind her. She proceeded to fasten herself into the hut in every way possible, shutting and locking every door and window until she found herself closed into the bedroom on the bed.

"There's no going back, now."

Despite her resolve, Lex found herself strangely wanting to cry. Something about her scared herself, and she desperately wanted to jump at any attempt to re-seize her humanity. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't bring herself to become emotional out of sheer force of will. Since the beginning of the game she'd told herself that she'd do anything to win the game, and she couldn't figure out why she was so hesitant. Maybe it was the sight of the corpses, or the thought of what her family would think of her...

"I'm not doing this for them. I'm doing this for me."

Exhaling deeply, Lex ejected the empty magazine from the kel-tech and began to reload the gun absent-mindedly, staring at her feet the entire time.

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:03 am
by Neuphim†
(Vera Lang continued from Rinse Repeat)

The thought kept on repeating in her head as she ran: you abandoned Noah. With each step it became more and more prominent.

No, I didn't! I had no choice! I couldn't stay behind, I'd die. I need to survive. The pain in her shoulder was repressed for the longest time, and she wasn't sure how she did that. Yet at that moment, it all came crashing at her at once. She almost came crashing down herself. That's when she saw, of all people, Alexis Machina.

"Alexis...!" she began, just before she saw the kel-tech in Alexis' hand. Never had Vera felt so awkard. She was always an exoverted individual, yet she wasn't sure what to do in this situation. She couldn't very well hightail it out of there NOW. She must of gotten Alexis' attention. It didn't seem to matter, Alexis still went inside the cottage, closing the door behind her. What should I do now? Alexis wouldn't want to talk to me... and I don't doubt that she'd be angry with me. She clutched at her shoulder, standing there in her confusion. Yet, her body moved forward, until she reached the door to the cottage. She knocked on it. "Alexis, it's me. Vera. What's up?"

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:04 am
by Crash†
After she'd taken a minute to read the manual and check to make sure she'd loaded the SMG properly (it was her second time reading it through now, she was fairly sure of how everything else worked), Lex lifted her head up at the sound of a knock on the door. It was utterly annoying that she'd finally found peace and quiet for the first time in days only to be interrupted no more than a few minutes afterward, but the irony of the situation came in whose voice rang out from outside.

"Alexis, it's me. Vera. What's up?"

Lex found her lips pursing before she even realized she was reacting, and in an instant she recognized the voice as Vera Lang, namely the initial source of her irritation. If she'd never tagged along with her and Kyrie, they'd both have been a lot safer. Not to mention they probably never would've formed a huge group of moving targets at the showers, and Kyrie would probably still be with her...

Lex felt her grip tighten on the Kel-Tech. She should make the bitch pay. After all, hadn't she just resolved to toughen up? Killing Vera would satisfy her immensely, and it would serve as a perfect way to seal the deal. She had to play the game. There was no turning back.

"Just a sec!"

As she approached the door, Lex found herself slowly wavering in her judgement. With every step she took the urge to revert back into her old torturing self from Southridge grew larger, and as she worked on removing the lock she finally decided to lull Vera into a false sense of security before shattering her completely. After all, that had always been much more satisfying.

".....Hey," she said nonchalantly, turning around and walking back towards the back of the cottage. Acting overly friendly (especially after the show she'd put on at the showers) would've been pretty suspicious, so Lex opted to play it cool. Vera was just like Kyrie, after all; too stupid to know better than to trust her. Finally she sat on the bed, Kel-Tech in her lap, waiting for Vera to join her in the bedroom.

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:04 am
by Neuphim†
"Just a sec!"

Vera's body tensed as Alexis opened the door. Expectations were on the negative side, especially when the latter left. For a brief fleeting, she assumed that she would come face to face with the gun to her face. Yet that wasn't the case; the door opened. And that was it. Alexis just uttered a word and went into to sit down on the bed. And that was it.

"Alexis..." her quivering lips uttered. Vera's legs gave way when she was in front of her supposed hater and she fell on her knees. Her hands covered her tear-readied face.

"I'm sorry," Vera said, a whisker above a whisper. She was trying and failing to hold back her sobs. "So sorry, so sorry, so sorry. If it weren't for me, you'd still be with Kryie. If it weren't for me, we'd all be a whole lot better. I am so fucking arrogant. I don't deserve your forgiveness. Not now..." Her voice was gone from her throat, too overrun by tears to be comprehensive.

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:04 am
by Crash†
"She's reading my mind. Wow."

Lex sat in stunned bewilderment on the bed as Vera fell apart in front of her, unsure exactly of how to react. Internally she was nothing short of irritated, with Vera's emotional crisis frying her very last nerve, but if there was any chance of her pulling this off she couldn't show it. For what seemed like an eternity she listened to Vera drone out some fragmented form of an apology, but Lex didn't really buy it. Part of not trusting anybody incorporated not buying into cheap tricks, and the possibility that this was all an act kept tugging at the back of Lex's mind.

"It's not your fault...I was just ticked," She offered mundanely, her exhaustion penetrating every syllable that escaped her mouth. In a sense, it was true. Despite the fact that Lex resented Vera she really hadn't done anything wrong. Still, her presence had been enough to drive her up the wall before, and sure enough it still irritated her immensely. For a moment Lex wondered why Vera said she was arrogant, and why she was apologizing to her...but it clicked in soon afterwards.

Somebody was missing.

"Where's Kyrie?" Lex piped up slightly more forcefully, lifting her gaze up to meet Vera's sunken face. "You better not have let anything happen to her."

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:04 am
by Neuphim†
Vera was reassured by Lex's intial response. She was glad that there was someone here that can help her out but that was washed away with Alexis' question.

"I-I don't know." She admitted unenthusiastically, looking down in tremendous shame. "I went into the air vent at the showers to escape this person that attacked us. I don't know why none of them followed behind..." Of course you don't know, you abandoned them. "Noah tried to distract him... but I think Kyrie and John were able to escape. But I don't know." Vera got into a fetal position as she recalled her cowardice. Her mood worsened and she felt even worse than before. "I'm so sorry, Alexis. I'm was a fuckin' coward. And I just don't know."

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:04 am
by Crash†
Lex felt her frustration with Vera boiling over, and it took every ounce of restraint she possessed to prevent her from throttling her right then and there. On any other day she would've prided herself on being right - namely, that sticking around the showers and forming a group had been suicide - but the notion that Kyrie might be dead consumed her. She didn't care about many people in the world, and that only amplified her concern for the southern belle.

"Well, that's just fucking great..." she spat harshly, slowly losing control of her emotional rigidity. She wasn't worried about Vera feeling threatened, really; the guilt she was feeling seemed to be overwhelming her at the moment. Eventually, Lex could use that to her advantage, but that thought didn't even occur to her. She wondered if there was any way she could check if Kyrie was okay, even though that would make her look like a pansy. At the moment she didn't care. She'd find her, and even if it made her look like a puppy crawling back with a tail between its legs, she'd make sure she was okay.

"And you have no idea where they went?" She interrogated, returning her gaze to Vera with such ferocity that she almost stared right through her.

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:04 am
by Neuphim†
Vera shook her head frantically. "I'm sorry," was all that Vera could muster to say. She wasn't entirely shocked that Alexis would be upset with her. I might have left her friend to scatter. Of course she'd be pissed. Still, she was frightened as to what would happen. Vera knew that if she was in Alexis position, she'd shoot her dead for her incompetence. She hoped that wasn't the case. She knew that wasn't case, but she still hoped nontheless.

Then it hit her. "We need to find them. Kyrie, John, No-" his name was stuck inside her throat. No only because her cowardice is still fresh in head but also of the revelation appeared. This is what happened last time. I assumed that I'm some top shit and tried to get control. Dammit, I should be more passive. I should lett Alexis decide. She sure knows hell of alot more than I do. With barely a pause, Vera corrected herself. "I mean, what do you think we should do, Alexis?"

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:05 am
by Solitair†
((Dane Zygmunt continued from Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater))

Ow. Ow. Ow. Christ. When are the announcements coming on? Ow!

Unsurprisingly, it's quite hard to walk with a wounded leg, especially while taking care to avoid any suspicious-looking traps in the jungle. Any more traps, to be precise. Dane couldn't help but seethe. How many other guys walked into one of those stupid things? One. Everyone else had some sort of mystical danger sense that kept them far away and saved them for death at another kid's hands. But not Dane!

Walking through the jungle was a chore. He almost didn't do it. He could have just sat there and waited for someone to find him before he starved to death. But then he remembered that Dennis might still be out there somewhere, and if there was even the slightest chance that he could be out there...

Yeah right. Dennis wasn't exactly stable to begin with. Who knew what kind of situation he'd find himself in after his outrage high wore off? Dane had pretty much given up any hope of finding Dennis again after he changed his bandage; now he was moving out of a determination not to die in some godforsaken jungle. The fact that he was one of the few contestants blessed with a gun gave him a much-needed boost of confidence.

And so it was with great relief that Dane finally left the jungle, raising his head and smiling wearily at the starry sky. Finally, no more deathtraps! No more dirt! No more wild animals!

No more cover.

Dane quickly snapped back to reality and began to look for something to hide in. The night would hide him for now, but as soon as the sun came up he was fair game to anyone else with a firearm. He ran away from the jungle until he saw a dark, square-like shape. It had a roof, and two muffled female voices could be heard.

Doing his best Solid Snake impression, Dane snuck up to the side of the building and tried to get a better handle on who the girls were and what they talked about.

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:05 am
by Crash†
"We need to find them..."

Lex really didn't hear the rest of Vera's train of thought, given that her mind was pre-occupied with trying to comprehend just how utterly stupid and naive the other girl was. We? Did she seriously still trust Lex after what she'd pulled at the showers? What had ever given her the impression that the two of them had even been friends in the first place? Lex wasn't sure about that, but she was sure about one thing; the rose-tinted glasses that Vera saw the world through would make her five times easier to take out.

"I mean, what do you think we should do, Alexis?"

"Uhh..." Lex started, snapping out of her thoughts by the time Vera had finished her final sentence. She wasn't exactly sure what TO do, especially given that she had no idea where to even start looking for Kyrie. She thought about heading towards the caves, but after remembering the grotesque image of Lilah's corpse she opted not to retrace her steps back there. After the showers, where were her and Kyrie planning on going anyway...?

"I think...we..." She seethed with stinging emphasis, "...should check the hospital. We'll probably hear the announcements on the way there, and if she got hurt at the showers she'll probably head there first."

Lex had always been proud of her innate ability to lie with relative ease, but never had she been more thankful for that gift than she was right now. Lulling Vera into a false sense of security was like a, more like a craving that she had to satisfy. It was a good way to pass the time, and an even better way to take her mind off Kyrie.

Picking her daypack up off the floor and swinging it onto her back, Lex left the room, stopping only momentarily at the cottage door.

"Well, are you coming?"

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:05 am
by Neuphim†
"Uhh... I think...we... ...should check the hospital. We'll probably hear the announcements on the way there, and if she got hurt at the showers she'll probably head there first."

At that moment, Vera felt truly jubilant and happy. Vera was with someone who she was almost certain wouldn't forgive her. Yet that wasn't the case. Now, things are looking up. Now things are for the better. She got up, displacing all her intial strife, and nearly rushed to the her newfound captain. "I'm comin-"

That's when a thought hit full speed into Vera's head. Vera was too preoccupied with thinking about saving her own skin and the shock of being shot at, that she forgot all about it. Vera stopped in tracks.

"Wait! I remember now! We decided to meet up at the Sea Cliffs. They are probably there!"

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:05 am
by Solitair†
Dane listened to the two girls talking, and what he heard hardly surprised him. Another girl got separated from her group and was trying to reconnect with them. He felt himself rising from the window in order to talk to the girls, but stopped himself before he could come into view.

The fuck am I doing? he asked. What do I even have in common with those girls? He took a quick peek into the window, then drew back and shook his head. He'd never seen them in his life; he owed them nothing, felt nothing for them, and would only be helping them out of a drudging sense of duty. It was cruel of him to say it, but such was the game.

No, Dane didn't need to be here. Somewhere else. Anywhere else. He walked away from the cabin at a brisk pace and submerged himself in the jungle once again...

((Dane Zygmunt concluded in Death and All His Friends))

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:06 am
by Crash†
"Wait! I remember now! We decided to meet up at the Sea Cliffs. They are probably there!"


As Vera made her incredibly important revelation, Lex couldn't help but give a smug grin that she hoped Vera couldn't read. She'd now proven about as useful as she could be - after all, she didn't have a weapon or anything and was really just a burden...a burden that Lex could now rid herself of.

As her grip tightened on the SMG, however, a boy walking away from the cottage and into the foliage caught her completely off guard. She raised her SMG and pointed it towards him, but by the time she'd remembered how to remove the safety he was out of her line of sight.

Sighing furiously, she stared out into the foliage without answering Vera. She'd just lost another chance to remove one of the competition, and that didn't sit well with her. That was one more person who could blow her head off when she wasn't looking. One thing was certain, however; she wouldn', she couldn't trust anyone else on the island if she wanted to keep herself alive.

As she realized what she had to do, Lex found herself tensing up and hesitating. Why was she finding it so hard to do Vera in? The bitch annoyed her to no end, and ultimately was responsible for why she wasn't with Kyrie anymore...and why Kyrie might not even be alive. It didn't make any sense to her. She'd had no problem killing Nick back at the tree, and even though James' death had been an accident she didn't exactly feel guilty about why now?

"Because she probably doesn't deserve it."

Shaking the thought out of her head, Lex focused on survival. She knew that if she thought about why she was hesitating, especially knowing that it was true, she wouldn't have the tenacity to go through with it. Ultimately, though, she had to win, and if she couldn't kill Vera now it would be like losing to the game already. She couldn't lose. Nobody as weak and frail as Vera Lang was going to get off this island while Alexis Machina was still around.

Nobody would.

"...Didn't I tell you to be careful of who you trust?" She warned darkly, her tone coming off slightly less forceful than she would've liked as she turned around and pointed the Kel-Tech through the cabin door, emptying about ten bullets towards Vera.

Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:06 am
by Neuphim†
Vera was urgently waiting upon a response from Alexis when the boy passed through. He looked like some kid named Dane something-or-another, though that was all she knew about the boy. Turning, Vera was about to say an obligatory comment. Only to come face to face with a gun pointed at her. Fatigue was finally setting in, making the situation and Alexis' words even more incoherent to the athlete.

Then Alexis fired. Whatever pain Vera felt before was minuscule compared to the barrage just then inflicted. By time she slumped headfirst to the ground, all feeling was lost save for her left hand. It still held her weapon; a bottle of Advil.

Some weapon, she though we much disdain. If only I had a gun or something I'd kill her-

Then it hit Vera. She couldn't help but to laugh, worsening the pain.

My god. Is that just some sick joke or something? What a evil twist of fate, huh?

Well, I've never been a sore loser. And...I guess life is a competition. Cruel as fuck that it is. Might as well send my...regards to the winner.

Vera struggled her head upwards (or at least away from the dirt), pain coursing through her veins. Though her glasses misted her killer, she still got a jist of her appearance. She still looked the same as she did at school. The same one that she helped mock, instead of defending. Despite everything, Vera hoped Alexis would survive this. Half consciously, Vera smiled.

"Here." Saying this simple four-letter word slashed through her insides. Vera gave a weak toss, the bottle moving barely a meter away. She slumped back down to the mud with a splash. There she waited, with a sense of fatalism.

There, now... all I want to do is sleep. Yeah...sleep. A single breath later, Vera did just that.


Re: Point of No Return

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:06 am
by Crash†
Lex watched Vera fall, exhaling heavily as she did so and loosening her grip on the Kel-Tech.

In the moment of silence that followed, she felt rather torn. She stared at the cold, lifeless corpse on the ground, wondering why she felt so numb and empty at the sight of her. She couldn't trace an ounce of pity for the girl, or even a shred of respect. Her conscious mind told her that was a bad thing, but something else tugged even harder at the back of her mind. She felt relieved...

No, what she felt wasn't relief. It was satisfaction.

That is, of course, until the corpse below her twitched.

"Shit!" Lex gasped aloud, pointing the SMG downward towards Vera's struggling body. She moved to squeeze the trigger, but upon realizing that Vera could barely move, she opted to take a few steps back and let her die in...well, relative peace. Something about her movements was curious though, and as Lex traced her vision across Vera's body she realized that she was carrying something.


The advil bottle rolled clumsily out of Vera's left hand and stopped a few inches away from Lex's feet. Curious, Lex bent over and picked up the bottle, looking it over before turning back towards Vera's body. She wasn't moving anymore.

What the hell...?

"Are you stupid or something?" Lex mocked viciously, the words practically seething out of her mouth. "I just shot you!" Try as she might, she couldn't comprehend Vera's final actions. Even in death, having been betrayed, she still considered Lex her friend?

"You're supposed to be mad at me..." She droned almost inaudibly, the realization that Vera didn't deserve to die sinking in all the more with each passing second. "You're supposed to be scared of me..." She almost echoed, hands trembling with rage as she stared through Vera's dull, yet oddly serene corpse. The contrast between the two of them was striking. Lex had told Vera back at the showers that one day trusting somebody would get her killed...only she never expected to wind up being the killer.

"DON'T FUCKING HELP ME!" She roared, driving her foot into Vera's face and delivering a kick that gave a sickening crack as it connected. Whether or not she'd been dead before didn't occur to Lex, because she was certainly dead now.

Trembling with rage, guilt, and fear, Lex forcefully switched the safety back on the Kel-Tech. After staring at Vera's corpse for what could've possibly been a few minutes and finally deciding that she'd delivered her point, she turned and fled into the jungle, shaking.

(Alexis Machina continued in Recognition)