B081 - Roeghmills, Ivan[/DECEASED]

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B081 - Roeghmills, Ivan[/DECEASED]


Post by Megami† »


Name: Ivan Roeghmills
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th (Senior)
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Singing, Origami, Drawing

Appearance: Ivan has brown hair with blond highlight streaks. His hair falls to just above eyebrow level. Ivan has grey eyes, and a very thin face. Ivan's face is fairly pale, but he otherwise sports a very light farmer's tan. With a build on the thinner side than average and a height of just about 6 feet exactly, Ivan is quite normal in appearance. Ivan usually sticks to wearing simple T-Shirts and jackets, along with a pair of jeans and sneakers. He wears a lot of green, and a fair amount of brown. Ivan always carries a notepad and pencil in his pocket, wherever he goes, to sketch on and fold up.

Biography: Ivan is a fourth-generation American, but comes from an Irish-English family. His immediate family consists of his father, a physician, and his twin sister, May, who also attends Southridge. His mom's been dead since he was only 2 years old. He doesn't remember her, and definitely doesn't angst over her death.

Ivan lived in Iowa until he was 14, at which point his dad took up a job opportunity in California. He fell into a group of friends, some close, some not so close. Sometimes it seemed to him that they were the "everybody else" group. The people who either didn't like the people in the jock cliques, the nerd groups, and so on, or just really didn't feel compelled to hang out with those groups. Nothing life-changing happened to him in school. It was a fairly normal school experience for him.

Ivan was what a lot of people call a pushover. He's never really been bullied, and avoids conflict, and is generally just your mild-mannered teenager. Besides that, Ivan's very artsy. He likes paper. Specifically, folding, cutting, drawing upon, and burning, paper. It mostly comes from his initial interest in origami, and his later practice in sketching. His latest study is in the field of caricatures, and all the silly things he can do with them.

Advantages: Ivan is good at staying on people's good sides, through good manners and common sense.
Disadvantages: Ivan lacks hunting expertise, and has pretty low endurance for escaping and chasing and whatnot.

Designated Number: Male Student no. 81
Designated Weapon: Stargate Atlantis: Season 3 DVD Set (Unopened)
Conclusion: Oh, look at that. It's another one of those artsy-fartsy kids who doesn't have a care in the world. Doesn't fit in, and doesn't care. A wall-flower. Pfft. It's this type that I can't stand, along with the punks. Hope he likes science-fiction, because not even the lost city of Atlantis is going to help him win THIS game...*cackle*

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