G054 - Kateridge, Anna[/DECEASED]

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G054 - Kateridge, Anna[/DECEASED]


Post by riserugu† »


Name: Anna Kateridge
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Yearbook, Student Council (Treasurer)

Appearance: Anna always has a laid back, lazy look across her face, with her small ears and petite nose. Her blue eyes always appear sleepy and usually are only open halfway. Her sense of style actually reflects a prim and proper sense of mind but this is wiped away by her very bad posture. 5'2", 146 lbs, and her body looks fairly weak. Her smile, surprisingly, looks even lazier than anything else about her. Her brown hair only reaches down to her ears. On the day of the trip, Anna was wearing a black skirt that reached down to her knees and a long white shirt.

Biography: Anna has gone through the motions all her life, like a buoy on a ocean. Usually she just lets things happen and rarely exerts anymore energy for anything else. With this in mind, her life story is nothing special. Born and raised on the Stonegate Island, Anna has had an easy life compared to the other kids in the same school as her. Predictable for her, there is nearly no direction in her life. Nothing to steer her, nothing to look forward too. A lost soul in the depths of society, one that is least fit for life.

Her parents never really cared what she thought about life, about Anna's motivation or lack thereof. They provided everything for her, everything she ever wanted she got. 'Rich' is an understatement when trying to describe how rich the Kateridge family is. The richest of the rich doesn't even cut it. In that respect however, Anna isn't particularly spoiled, just not really motivated. The thing about Anna is that she has no direction, nor has she ever worked a day in her life. That's the case with most rich kids, but with Anna she has never really centered herself with other rich children and just stuck with the popular crowd.

Having many friends but never going out of her way to be a socialite, she's very nonconformist not so much in a rebellious sort of fashion, but that she think there's no point in pretending to be something that she's not. She isn't very normal, but that hasn't stopped her from getting around school. Most likely people would remember her as 'so-and-so's' girlfriend, since it is very true that she's had a long list of boyfriends. With her 'go-with-the-flow' way of going about life, she would get bored of partner's very quickly.

Surprisingly, Anna is actually very dedicated to her position on the Student Council. While her grades in school were average, she is very excellent in algebra and mathematics, so becoming Treasurer was a piece of cake. While her work intake is less than some people, it's a huge surprise that she even bothered at all.

No purpose in life? No. Nothing to lose? No. The perfect player/target for a game of dog-eat-dog.

Advantages: Having never really cared much about life, Anna's probably the only person going into the game not worrying for her life. Really, she has no weight on her shoulders coming into the game. Or at least she'll appear that way, all things considered it could all be an act.

Disadvantages: Hurting people is just not in Anna's nature. Even if she wanted to kill, she would be too hesitant (or lazy) to go through with it. Pain is not something Anna is used to, and even the smallest scrape on her knee could send her into hysterics.

Designated Number: Girl no. 54
Designated Weapon: Camo Clothing

Conclusion: Hmm...this one's an interesting case. We rarely get people who literally don't care if they live or die, but this one doesn't look like the type to kill her peers either. That, coupled with the pathetically low pain tolerance, lack of physical ability, and the fact that I doubt she'll be willing to put in the effort to use her clothing to blend into the surrounding jungle, and I get the feeling she'll just lay down and die. Pity, too. These types always have potential.

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