G063 - Rose, Hannah[/DECEASED]

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G063 - Rose, Hannah[/DECEASED]


Post by Megami† »


Name: Hannah Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge
Hobbies and Interests: Video games (RPGs mainly), and reading. She doesn't have any particular preferences on what she reads, she just picks up whatever interests her at the moment.

Appearance: Hannah is about average height for a girl her age, and rather skinny looking. Her hair is black, a bit on the curly side and reaching down to her shoulders and obscuring most of her forehead. She wears a pair of glasses with small rectangular frames, and her eyes are a chestnut brown. She wears a couple of scars on her face, mainly her left cheek, from when she was attacked by a stray dog when she was young. On top of her head she wears a plain black wool beret, one she insists on wearing every day for good luck.

Besides the beret, she went on the trip wearing a black hooded jacket and a dark red long-sleeved shirt with a picture of a white ankh just below the collar, along with a pair of faded black jeans and brown shoes.

Biography: Until the third SOTF ACT, Hannah had lived a relatively normal, angst-free life, other than being attacked by a stray dog on the way home from school one day when she was young, leaving her with a few scars and a deathly fear of dogs. Her family isn't really anything interesting to speak of; her father is a used car salesman and her mother is a stay-at-home mom.

One of her key traits emerged around the time of the dog attack, as Hannah used to be a habitual liar, frequently getting in trouble because of it. Her parents then proceeded to beat it into her head (not literally of course) how wrong it was to lie and how she should always tell the truth. While she eventually took this lesson to heart, she took it too far, becoming brutally honest and having a complete lack of tact. Being quick to point out the flaws in others, as well as the little things about people that annoy her (not that she really had anything against these people, she just couldn't help but voice her opinions,) she had no problem making her share of enemies at school, and other students were reluctant to approach her. She had no problem with it, though, as she preferred to be alone most of the time.

One day, Hannah went into a test she was sure she was going to fail wearing a black beret her parents had bought thinking it would look cute on her, and not only miraculously aced the test, actually started to do better in the class the test was for. She has since started wearing the beret everyday, thinking of it as a good luck charm (even going so far as to jokingly refer to it as her "magic hat.") Though she tries hard on occasion, Hannah has pretty much given up on finding any real plans for the future at the moment, figuring that she'll just live in the moment and eventually she'll get an idea of what she wants to do with her life. As her best subjects are Health and Science, she thinks that she'll eventually pick something related to one of those.

Advantages: Hannah is fairly quick. She won't be winning any marathons any time soon, but she can certainly hold her own against some of her more swift-of-foot classmates. She has a impressive knowledge of first aid, having studied it intensely for a short period of time to try and help her decide on a career. Also, though whether the credibility of her "magic hat" is questionable, it could give her enough confidence to take risks where risks need to be taken (though she has enough common sense not to do anything too outlandish.) Also, people who know Hannah and her brutal honesty might be more willing to trust her (if they're willing to put up with her, that is.)

Disadvantages: As stated before, Hannah's complete lack of tact has gained her a number of enemies. It's unlikely that she'd be able to befriend anyone who didn't already know her (and is willing to put up with her.) Hannah isn't very strong, and so might have difficulty handling the heavier kinds of weapons. Hannah is also fairly nearsighted, and though she wears glasses to correct that, if they are lost or broken she would have considerable trouble handling guns or making out things in the distance.

Designated Number: Female Student no. 63


Designated Weapon: Rusty Spoon
Conclusions: *There is no conclusion for this biography, but instead, multiple stick figures drawn across the bottom of the page with their collars exploding and the words "Haha!" written above them.*

This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Megami. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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