G076 - Ackland, Morgan[/DECEASED]

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G076 - Ackland, Morgan[/DECEASED]


Post by Crash† »


Name: Morgan Ackland
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Key Club, National Honors Society, chorus, track & field, academics

Appearance: While not stunning by any means, Morgan isn't exactly hard to look at. Standing at 5'6, she has a runner's build, with long elegant but muscular legs and a fairly good figure. Her hair is black, which stands in stark contrast to her very pale skin, and hangs just below her shoulders on the rare occasions where she wears it down. Her eyes are a light blue and very slightly almond in shape. She has a small, sharp nose with a splash of freckles across its bridge and her high, jaunty cheekbones, along with fairly thin lips and below them a sharp and sculpted chin.

While she doesn't go out of her way to dress conservatively, her wardrobe is more restrained than the average high school girl's. With the exception of the occasional baby tee, Morgan wears mostly blouses and polos. Jeans on her are a rare sight, as she prefers tan slacks or caprices. Most of her shoes are of brands like New Balance, nothing very flashy. All in all, she dressed as you'd expect your average casual office worker would.

Biography: The first five years of Morgan's life were as happy as any child's could be. She lived with her mother, Rachel, and father in a small town in Connecticut. Her father ran the local newspaper and her mother was a stay-at-home mom, who by Morgan's fifth birthday was expecting twin girls. Shortly after the births of Olivia and Gretta, however, their father disappeared without warning. Police investigators found letters and an assortment of other evidence hinting that he had taken on a false identity and run off with his mistress. Distraught, Rachel sold their house and was taken in by her sister and brother-in-law in California while she tried to sort out her affairs. After about a year she found a decent secretarial job in Southern California and used the remaining funds from her dissolved marriage to rent a small apartment. It wasn't nearly big enough to hold her three daughters and herself, and she was determined to give them a better life than this. She began taking night classes with the goal of becoming a paralegal.

It was around this time that Rachel began noticing drastic changes in her eldest daughter. While she had been leaving Gretta and Olivia at daycares, hiring babysitters, leaving them with the neighbors and finding ways to make sure her children were cared for during her almost constant absence, Morgan had apparently taken to being a motherly figure to her daughters. All of a sudden she became somewhat of a little adult, promoting Rachel to joke about how she "must have come out of the womb at forty". Despite this, it more disturbed her than anything. She felt Morgan had been robbed of her childhood.

After two years of diligent work, Rachel finally earned her degree. Within the year she received a fairly decent job at a law firm and two years after was finally able to move her family to a nice house in the suburbs. She finally had the opportunity to be a proper mother to her children. That year Morgan began the fifth grade. She was a model student, excelling at everything she attempted. While Rachel was immensely proud of her, she was receiving troubling news from her teachers. Morgan apparently had trouble getting along with her classmates, and was described as "high-strung" and "edgy", among other things. One had even feared that Morgan may suffer from OCD. Rachel was worried for her daughter, but was relieved to see her personality undergo another change, this time for the better, as she entered high school.

Morgan continued her phenomenal performance in academics and sports into her freshman year, but much of her tenseness was gone. While many of her classmates still regarded her as "prissy", she did manage to make many friends, especially through track and volunteering with Key Club. Midway through her junior year she met James Ellet, who had just moved from Washington, when he joined her indoor track team. The two became fast friends, and eventually developed a relationship. As the year wore on, Morgan learned more of James's problems with drinking and smoking and suddenly he was more someone to care for and mold than he was a boyfriend. Dismayed, James dumped her that summer, though they did stay close friends and he did try to take her advice and quit both.

By her senior year, Morgan had decided to pursue a career in nursing. She scheduled as many science- and math-related AP classes as her counselor would allow, increasing her perfectionist tendencies tenfold and trying the patience of many of her friends. Fortunately (or rather unfortunately, given the situation), her hard work was supposed to have paid off. She was accepted to Charles Drew University and expected to be able to pay most of her way through on scholarships.

Advantages: Fairly logically-minded, determined
Disadvantages: Not the most well liked person, prone to caving in or snapping under so much stress

Designated Number: Female Student no. 76


Designated Weapon: Lint Roller
Conclusions: I've got a good feeling about G76. Something tells me that she has the motivation to push herself to win, assuming she gets a better weapon. That, or she'll snap and take it out on everyone else. Bring in the ratings, G76!

This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Crash. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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