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To Every Season

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:25 pm
by Zabriel†
Julia found herself in what was probably the least pleasant place to be on the island. A marsh. The smell alone was bad enough, but the worst part was that this place was a mosquito breeding ground. She found herself wishing that she had thought to bring some bug spray. As she thought about that, she remembered that she had an extra bag. It was time to see what was in it. Her eyes went straight to the scimitar. She removed it from the bag and brandished it. She wasn't positive, but she was pretty sure that she had gotten one of the better weapons. She glanced over the other things in her bag, taking note of the bread and water, as well as the map that had been provided. She opened it up and searched for her location. She noticed that there were several caves marked on the map. Since the sun was out, she wanted to be in. A network of caves seemed like a great place to get out of the sun. She noticed that a compass had also been provided, and she used that to get her bearings. She ignored the booklet for the time being. She was certain that there wasn't much that she could learn from it. She would review it when she got a moment that she wasn't being attacked by mosquitoes, but until she got somewhere else, she was ready to be on the move.

Julia checked the location of the nearest entrance one last time before stowing the map and compass, and sealing the bag. Nodding to herself, she began her trek towards the caves.

((Continued in Three Panel Soul))