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But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:41 am
by Theseus†
((I believe Day by Day has no more characters in it and has just yet to be locked, so here's to hoping I was right Image ))

((Lenny and Elizabeth continued from There's only so much...))

The rain. Still falling. It was a little past mid-day, or at least that's what Lenny thought. The rain was throwing him off. Maybe he should have stayed at the hospital. Maybe going out in the rain again was a mistake. It didn't matter now. After their quick sprint from the hospital, Lenny wasn't sure where he was going. So like he's always did, he just walked. This time his walking around led him to the airfield.

There were downed planes all around him, and Lenny knew that this island had been long deserted from the condition the airfield was in. Lenny slowed his pace, and made sure he was walking in front of Elizabeth incase anyone showed up. He walked towards one of the downed airfcraft and saw a body. A girl. Lenny looked at her, and recognized her as Adwin Green. She had been shot. Lenny felt chills. Not chills of fear, or even the cold from the rain.

It was chills of anticipation. He was beginning to miss the feeling he got when he killed Anna. That feeling of power, that euphoria that was unmatched. Lenny longed for that feeling again. He wanted to ram his hatchet into someone. He wanted to watch as blood left the kids body.

He fought off the feeling.


He couldn't think that way.

He had to take care of his sister. He had to protect Elizabeth.

Anna was a one time release. He had to hold things in now. He couldn't risk losing his sister. As much as he hated it, he had to keep that feeling tamed within him, for it's what she wanted.

Elizabeth looked at the body. Adwin. She knew of her. Even spoke to her a couple times in school. Yet here she was, dead. She felt like this was all too sureal. She thought back to the marsh. Her pleading for Lenny to stop as he continued to torture Anna.

Elizabeth thought she had it in her. She thought she could kill. Yet she couidn't. Could she? All she knew was that she could never be like her brother. She could never do what he did.

The rain was eery. Elizabeth was scared. Especially with the body in front of her. Reaching out she took her brothers hand and heard Lenny speak.

"It'll be ok Liz. I won't let anyone touch you. Ever."

Re: But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:41 am
by Namira
((Theo, Adwin was a girl :P))

((Keiji continued from: Searching For a Fire to Light the Way))

The rain had seriously messed with Keiji's navigation, not that it took a great deal to accomplish that. BRinging up the rear had been, perhaps, something of a bad idea, because once Keiji had fallen behind, there was no way he was going to catch up again. He was and always had been very easy to distract, and as soon as Trinity had advanced out of eyeshot Keiji had no chance.

"Huh... can't see Lex or the other girl anywhere. Maybe they're hiding,"

The basketballer looked first one way, then the other, up the airfield. He face lit up when he spotted two figures, through the veil of the rain, some distance away. Keiji immediately called out to them.

"Hey!" he shouted, jumping up and down on the spot. "Just a sec, I'll be right there!" Keiji immediately dashed towards them, Not once did the thought cross his mind that the pair could be hostile.

Re: But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:41 am
by Theseus†
((ha oops. Thanks Clueless. The proper edits have been made))

Lenny didn't hear the shout from Keiji, the rain making it hard to hear. Though he did see Keiji jumping up and down, and then sprinting towards Lenny and Elizabeth. In the rain, Lenny couldn't tell who it was, except that it was a boy. Though, some unknown boy darting at him and his sister didn't seem too good.

Lenny immediately let his pack roll of his shoulder and he took out his hatchet which was hidden under his shirt tucked into his jeans in the back. The boy was closing the distance fast and Lenny said to his sister, "Drop your pack, get ready. This boy looks like trouble."

In fact, Lenny was actually worried. He was used to stumbling upon people where he had the advantage, where he knew who they were and what they were doing. He hated the thought of not having control. Of being in danger. That's why he left the hospital. It felt all wrong, and he wouldn't let his sister be put in danger.

Though right now, there was this boy running at them, and for all Lenny knew he was going to attack. Standing firm, he brought back his right arm which contained the hatchet. He was prepared to strike if necessary.

If necessary?

come on Lenny. Here it is. A chance. Don't you want to feel that feeling again? That feeling of taking someone's life?

"Lenny..." Elizabeth had called his name. Lenny looked at her and said, "Remember how together we beat Anna? Liz, I need you. Come on, you know I won't let anyone touch you. I promised you back at the hospital remember? I won't do what I did at the marsh again. I'm sorry. Though this could be bad. He could be trouble."

Elizabeth nodded, and let her pack also drop to the ground. She glanced at Adwin's body.

God, I never want to be like her. I don't want to be laying out here dead, for others to look out. Just let me go home.

Of course, Elizabeth knew the only way to go home was to kill.

Lenny took a step in front of his sister to protect her just in case. He let his right arm fall behind him. He hoped to at least achieve a little element of surprise.

Re: But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:41 am
by Namira
((Computer might crash, need to move things along, etc.))

As Keiji drew closer, disappontment hit him - these two... they weren't familiar. Well, not in the sense of being friends at least. He knew Lenny, and recgonised the girl as his sister who seemed to always be at his side, but Keiji couldn't really say he knew much more than that about them.

Sensing that perhaps, not all was well, Keiji slowed up a little, walking more cautiously, but still not making any move for his weapon. Wh ywould Lenny try hurt him anyway?

Re: But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:42 am
by Theseus†
The boy started to slow as he approached them. Though common sense would have told Lenny that Keiji was just being cautious. Though, at this moment, Lenny wasn't using common sense. He was thinking about the moment he slammed his hatchet into Anna's skull. He was thinking of feeling that ultimate rush again. No, it was better than a rush.

It was...indescribable. So, seeing the kid slow down, Lenny took it to mean he was about to attack. So Lenny, being irrational as he was, revealed the hatchet he had held behind him, and charged at Keiji. As he charged he screamed, though his scream was lost in the roar of the rain.

At that moment, Lenny felt like he was the storm himself. That the thunder was his roar. That the rain was the blood yet to be spilled. Lenny continued to charge Keiji, and when he was in striking distance he swung his hatchet in a downward thrust at the boy.

At the same time, Elizabeth felt herself caught up in the adrenaline. Her brother's paranoia caught on, as she genuinely saw Keiji as a threat to her and her brothers survival. So she rushed with her brother, and though she hated the boy who tortured Anna at the marsh, she loved the boy who would do anything to protect her.

And at this moment, Lenny was protecting her.

Re: But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:42 am
by Namira
Keiji was entirely unprepared for Lenny's sudden attack, but even as the other ran towards him, his mind changed gear with an almost audible clunk.

He seized the hilt of his sabre and struck a stance that was familiar to him from many long hours of practice.

And move, parry, strike, return...

Keiji brought out the sword to block the blow and...

The blade shattered.

"Oh poopy"

Re: But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:42 am
by Theseus†
Lenny felt a sudden regret of attacking so suddenly when at once, the boy methodically pulled out his saber. He did it skillfully, and Lenny figured it was from his martial arts or something. At least, hadn't he heard that Keiji was into that kind of stuff? He was a pretty good athlete around school, so it should have been no surprise that he would put up more of a fight than Anna had. She had been easy. She had been a fluke really. This though.

This was a test.

Lenny smiled though when he hatchet hit the saber, and the blade shattered. Lenny looked at the boy and said, "Keiji right?"

He held his right arm towards his side, preparing to strike with his hatchet. He started to circle the boy, looking for an opening.

"What a shame that this has to happen. I mean, I barely got to know you in school. I'm going to level with you Keiji. I don't even know your last name."

Lenny watched as his sister started to make her way around Keiji.

Elizabeth was scared for her brother when Keiji had pulled out his saber, though relief sank in when luck had caused the saber to break. This was now or never. Doubts were floating in her mind still. Was she ready to help her brother commit a murder? She had helped him kill Anna. Though she tried to stop him from torturing her. As long as Lenny didn't turn into the boy he was back at the marsh, she was ok...wasn't she?

It didn't matter now though. She had gotten behind Keiji, and she thrust forward, hoping to grab him from behind to hold him still.

While Elizabeth attempted to grab Keiji from behind, Lenny took this as his opportunity.

He jumped forward and swung his hatchet again at the boy.

Re: But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:42 am
by Namira
Keiji was pretty much entirely acting on instinct. His mind still hadn't caught up with what was happening, and his body was moving almost of its own accord. As such. when Elizabeth grabbed him from behind, Keiji immediately spun around, his right hand - still holding the jagged broken end of the sabre, attached to a hilt, went flailing towards her face.

Keiji didn't get to see whether he had been hit or not though, as his attention was swiped from the blow by a sharp pain in his shoulder. He cried out in pain, turning his head slightly to see a hatchet buried a good few centimetres in his left shoulder.

Shit! SHIT! Injury! Medic! Somebody get me a potion! Who's on healing duty!? Critical hit people! Critical hit! With, like, the extra loud sound and red numbers and stuff!

Re: But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:42 am
by Namira
((Hookay, time to finish this, as you know GMing approved by Theo...))

Keiji was unfortunate enough to have his trailing arm – complete with sword, strike Elizabeth across the face. In all fairness, it was only really a glancing blow, but Keiji was, admittedly, heavily muscled. Not to mention wielding the broken off hilt of a sabre. The jagged end of the blade still attached to the hilt drew a red line across Elizabeth's cheek, blood welling up almost immediately. The cut, coupled with the impact from the back of Keiji's hand, was enough to knock Elizabeth straight off her feet, falling to the ground with an unpleasant bump.


Lenny's heart almost stopped when he saw Lizzy fall. He had used her distraction as an opportunity to attack again, but he hadn't been fast enough. Keiji had chanced to swing around, and had ended up striking her across the face. Lenny saw blood as his sister fell, and although he felt concern for her, he was primarily consumed with rage. He had promised to protect Elizabeth – and now she had been hurt. Lenny couldn't exactly go back in time to prevent the injury from occurring, but, on the other hand, he could extract vengeance...


Keiji let out a cry of pain as Lenny brutally tore his hatchet from the sizeable wound he had already inflicted in his shoulder. Even through a haze of panic, Keiji knew that this was as serious as it got. Instinctively he dived forward, rolling on his unhurt shoulder, hearing a swish as Lenny swiped at the space where he had been just moments before.

Yeah... my evade skill trumps your accuracy stat...

The basketballer turned immediately – and deliberately, falling on his rear end in order to avoid another lunge from Lenny. The boy was crazed, slashing and swinging his weapon like a madman, his face contorted with rage. Keiji quickly executed a backward roll, grunting as pressure was put on his wound, blood soaking through his already drenched jersey. The rain added a whole new dimension to the fight, restricting visibility and making the concrete underfoot somewhat slippery.

Man, it's like the beginning of that game, except I don't have a gunblade, I got a broken sabre. Least Lenny can't fireball me, with like, kaPOW and stuff! Man, that would hurt.

Keiji scrambled to his feet, ducking yet another attack from Lenny. Instead of again retreating, he chose to close the gap, going low and driving a shoulder into Lenny's chest, knocking him from his feet, before jumping back.


"Lenny... why? Killing is like, wrong and stuff... you don't need to..."

Lenny picked himself back up off the ground, glowering at Keiji. He cast an anxious glance to one side, and relief flooded through him when he saw Elizabeth slowly getting up. Lenny returned to Keiji, anger on his features. That moron would pay.

"You okay sis?"

"I-I'm fine Lenny, just a little shook up,"

"Good," Lenny looked to Keiji again, pointing the hatchet at him. "Why play? For her, Keiji. Elizabeth is everything to me, and now, you've hurt her. Are you ready to face the consequences of that?" Keiji opened his mouth, looking as though he was about to speak, but Lenny was already moving, swinging straight for Keiji's neck with the hatchet.

Keiji took a step back, moving easily into a Iaido stance, before striking – a diagonal slash, the broken sabre blade still having enough sharpness to cut through Lenny's shirt and slice a bloody furrow across his chest. Not deep, but a bad enough wound to send Lenny reeling, gritting his teeth with the pain.

He moved so fast!... How? ... Of course, he's a trained fighter. If the sword hadn't broken... I would be in trouble.

Elizabeth, concerned, moved to Lenny's side, but he waved her away.

"It's all right Liz. I'm not hurt. Let... let me handle this,"


Keiji gazed at the blood dripping off the jagged end of the broken weapon, self-disgust at the forefront of his mind.

I attacked him.

That was wrong.

H-he's doing this for his sister.

That's ... good right?

Man... my shoulder hurts.

Going numb.

Oh ... shit, that's nasty.

K-kinda ... f-faint...

T-think I'll ... t-take a l-little ... nap.

Keiji dropped to one knee, almost the entirety of his left side covered with crimson blood. The wound to his shoulder had been deep – far worse an injury than he had initially thought. The severity had, ironically, served to dampen the pain. Keiji hadn't realised quite how bad it was until he had chanced to glance at it.

D-damn... I don't t-think there'll be l-like, a p-phoenix down and s-stuff here...

He was going to die. Whether by bleeding to death or by Lenny's hand right here and now. The latter option looked unlikely, as Lenny was keeping his distance, still regarding Keiji suspiciously, as if he suspected Keiji's sudden weakness to be a ploy of some sort.

... I wanna die on my own t-terms...

Keiji reversed his grip on the sabre hilt and locked eyes with Lenny.

"W-will... you..." Keiji's voice faded out into a croak. He swallowed, licked his lips, and tried again. "Will you b-be my s-second?" Lenny frowned , obviously not knowing what he was talking about, but why would he? Seppuku wasn't something discussed at much length in the US, as far as Keiji knew. Ah well... he would get the point.

Keiji sat, took a deep breath, then stabbed himself in the stomach, dragging the broken blade from side to side. It was difficult to accomplish with the destroyed weapon, and Keiji gasped with pain. Of course, he knew it would hurt, but this... as the blood loss took its toll and Keiji's vision started to swim, he saw Lenny walking towards him, and knew, with relief in his heart, that he had been understood.

G-guess this is like... g-game over and stuff...

B61 – Keiji Tanaka – ELIMINATED


Lenny planted one foot on Keiji's chest and tugged, the hatchet removing itself from the corpse's ribcage with a horrible crunch. Despite being absolutely covered in blood, with deep wounds to the chest and shoulder, as well as a torn open belly, Keiji still looked surprisingly peaceful. Lenny looked to his sister and tried a smile, but his heart wasn't in it.

"C'mon Liz... let's leave," Elizabeth, silent, nodded, allowing Lenny to guide her away from the dead body and back into the rain. As they walked away, Lenny paused in his tracks, as he could have sworn that, on the wind, an insubstantial voice had whispered...

Thank you.

Lenny, looked around, shivered, then continued walking, just a little quicker than before.

Re: But I'm a creep

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:42 am
by Theseus†
((Lenny and Elizabeth continued at Incase god doesn't show))