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Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Super Llama†
{{continued from Stranger than Fiction}}

Noah checked his map as he continued through the jungle. Judging from what he had heard on the announcements, there should only be nine areas left: The hospital, the cottage, the showers, the mess hall, the airfield, the caves, the cliffs, the northern coast, and of course the jungle surrounding it all. Crossing out all of the dangerzones with a pencil, he looked up to find a break in the brush, with what looked like a hospital past it.

Stepping towards the building cautiously, he entered it, checking each room for inhabitants before finally allowing himself to rest. He set his belongings down on the reception desk, hopping up onto it and digging a tin of crackers out of his pack. After he ate his fill, he put the tin away, and then got to the next order of business.

Taking the map back out again, he folded it up and turned it around to the back, before taking the pencil and writing:


There was a lot of work to be done in these last days. A lot of grudges to be settled. He'd probably be alright with other people settling them for him, but he couldn't count on that. It was best if he worked towards doing this himself.

He started his list.

1. Lex Machina

The first one was obvious. He had been chasing that fat cow all over the island for a few days now. She was the reason he'd started down this path.

2. J.R. Rizzolo

He had initially thought that it was Lex that had killed Dawn, but apparently when Riz had fired at them at the graveyard he'd fatally wounded her. One more reason to take him out.

3. Harry Tsai

If it wasn't for Harry showing up and shooting at them back at the showers, Sheppard, Kyrie, Vera and him wouldn't have gotten separated. They wouldn't have gotten killed. Not yet, anyway.

4. Adam Reeves

That asshole was just asking for it. That smug look on his face, probably the same look he had when he killed that girl back at the tree. And that Amanda girl, too.

5. Lenny Priestly

Noah hadn't even met Lenny on the island yet, but figured he might as well put him on the list too. Judging from what he had heard of him on the announcements, he must've given into the game. He wrote this name smaller than the other four, though, giving him the benefit of the doubt, though very little of it.

The next name, though, he wrote bigger than all the others, circling it multiple times.


The ultimate target. It was doubtful he'd survive to the end, but if he did, he'd make sure that heartless monster paid ten times over for everything that he'd done. He'd do what the previous two winners couldn't.

Satisfied with what he'd put down, he put the folded map into his pocket, packing everything up (the harpoon sticking out of the pack.) He decided to rest for a while before continuing the hunt, holding the shotgun and pointing it vaguely in the front door's direction, in case a player decided to come in and say hi.

Re: Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Crash†
(Alexis Machina continued from Everdreamers)

After reloading her SMG and re-checking her supplies, Lex had continued through the now dry and muggy jungle rather seamlessly. Her escape from the coast had been met with no resistance as of yet, and silently she added another name to the list of pricks she'd finally extracted revenge about. "Badass Johnny" sure had been full of himself back at, however, was a different story. The sight of his defeated and colourless face was permanently stained into her mind, and it wasn't an image she planned on erasing. She didn't care what anyone thought of her actions anymore...the very idea of Johnathan Lancer's lifeless corpse filled her with an insurmountable sense of accomplishment.

A few hours of travelling aimlessly through the jungle eventually led to her pulling out her map, searching for a sense of direction. Other than "kill anything that moves" she didn't have any particular goal in the game, but as the days wore on the slash wound Nick had inflicted during her first scuffle gradually became more and more irritating. When it got to the point that her heavy daypack was starting to become a burden she'd decided to make her way to the hospital, distantly hoping that she could find something there that would make her travels easier. The last thing she needed was a hinderance.

About halfway to her destination the announcements roared to life around her, and she paused only momentarily to take in the new information Danya relayed to them. Her fifth kill was punctuated neatly by the head terrorist, and while it wasn't new information Lex couldn't help but revel in the acknowledgement. If nobody had taken her seriously before then they sure as hell would now. After confirming that the hospital remained safe she continued her lazy trod onwards.

A couple hours later dawn broke, and with it she found herself leaving the musty, serene jungle and favouring the tarnished hospital building. Her eyes carefully scanned the horizon, and while she spotted and smelled numerous corpses nearby she found nothing particularly offsetting about the area. Her hands tightened their grip around her lifeline, and as she held the SMG up in front of her she proceeded to take a quick glimpse inside the hospital building.

Immediately spotting a glimpse of a ravaged Noah Jacobs holding the shotgun forced her to duck out of the doorway, and Lex wasted no time in retreating around the side of the building to get out of his sight. Her pulse was rushing, and as waves of thoughts crashed around inside her head the most prominent "don't get shot" warning eventually wore out. She backed up against the wall, her gun and body pointed in the direction of the corner Noah would most likely emerge around.

"You're still not dead!?" She taunted in mocking amazement, her breath coming in quick draws.

Re: Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Super Llama†
Noah had been sitting there, watching the front door for a while. Long enough that for a moment he had started to space out, his mind wandering elsewhere. He snapped back afterwards, but he was lucky he had fast enough. Otherwise, he would've missed the figure of Lex Machina emerging from the jungle and looking towards the entrance of the building before quickly moving out of sight.

Noah smiled a rather unsettling smile, standing up from the reception desk and moving quickly towards the front entrance. Chasing Lex across the island hadn't done him a damn bit of good. However, with the slowly shrinking playing space (and with his natural luck at running into players,) all he had to do was wait long enough and a player would come right to him. And wouldn't you know it, the first one to show up is the one he was looking for the most.


"You're still not dead!?"

"Of course not. How can I die when I still have so much to do?" Stepping out the front door, he looked towards the side of the building. Lex's voice came from there. He'd been waiting for this for a long time, almost shaking with anticipation and rage. Vera, Johnny. Neither of them deserved to die. Not the day they had. Not to this damn game. His grip tightened on the shotgun.

This was it.

Stepping out of the building, he rushed to the side of the building Lex was on, turning the corner and-


Noah stopped himself just outside the door. In his anger, he had almost let himself do something incredibly stupid. Lex must've been planning an attack as soon as he turned the corner. He took a deep breath. It wouldn't do for him to go and get himself killed after being given this opportunity. Glancing to the other side of the building, Noah got an idea, moving quickly around the building in the other direction. The still-slightly wet grass did well to muffle his footsteps, and he did his best to make as little noise as possible. Making his way around the rear of the building, he turned the corner and fired at Lex.


Re: Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Crash†
"Of course not. How can I die when I still have so much to do?"

Great. A shotgun-toting lunatic now had her name on his hit-list.

Her breath caught in her throat, and aside from being unable to come up with a crafty response - a feeling she really wasn't familiar with - she froze in nervous anticipation as the next few seconds passed silently. Her finger brushed the trigger of the Kel-Tech nervously, and after about ten seconds she darted her head behind her in paranoia, half-expecting to catch half a glimpse of Noah as he pumped her guts full of lead. Fortunately for her, nobody was there yet.

'Yet' was a relative term, however. After another fifteen or so seconds with no response her legs finally stole the will to move, which happened to come none too soon. Just as she broke away from the wall of the building Noah whipped around the opposite corner, his fierce shotgun blast tearing away part of the solid structure and punctuated by an accompanying battle cry. Lex wasn't sure whether it was part of the cement or a trace amount of the shotgun blast, but as she ran as fast her legs could take her around the corner she felt a strong burning sensation rip across her side.


She didn't stop until she'd darted back into the building, and as she ducked out of sight against one of the adjacent walls she felt her side with her left hand. It was slightly bloody, but as far as she could tell she hadn't been shot. There would be time to count her blessings later, though; for now she had to concentrate on keeping herself alive.

Lex shuffled back out into the clear spaces of the first floor, her gun directed towards the door. There was no time for a battle of wits during a battle of survival, she knew that. She could humiliate Noah by tearing him a new asshole. Silently she stepped backwards, and as she reached the examination room she let a flurry of ten bullets fly towards the entryway before ducking back into the room and taking cover.

Re: Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Super Llama†
Noah pumped the shotgun, striding purposefully along the side wall of the building as Lex ducked for cover. "The next one's for Johnny." He said as he rounded the corner, shotgun at the ready. He only turned just in time to see Lex disappear into the building, however.

Great. That'll make it so much easier now. He started towards the front door, almost going right in when suddenly a hail of bullets shot out from the examination room, one of them tearing through the wall and hitting him right in the shoulder, shooting out the other side.


A jolt of pain shot down his arm and across his chest, leaving a burning aftereffect, and the wound didn't take long to start bleeding profusely. Luckily, it hadn't been the arm holding the shotgun, or else he might have dropped it.

Fuck it. She's trapped inside, there's nowhere to run.

He grit his teeth through the pain. The pain didn't matter. All that mattered is that he brought Lex twice as much as he suffered. Oh, how he'd been waiting to do just that. He popped through the doorway, firing another shot towards the examination room.

Re: Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Crash†
With Noah's scream came both satisfaction and fear for Lex. It was an indication that her bullets had hit their mark...but at the same time, Noah clearly wasn't dead. In fact, on top of which he would now probably be royally pissed off, which only served to make her situation all the more regrettable. Even more regrettable was the fact that she had effectively backed herself into a corner, and within seconds the young man would probably be pumping her guts full of lead with a shotgun.

Her mind was racing as she quickly glanced over the Kel-Tech and her surroundings, paralyzed in fear and unsure of exactly what to do. Noah was the first person who'd ever fought back.

Don't let him get any closer!

It was easier said than done, but with her logic set in place she quickly slung her pack down onto the ground and unzipped it, carelessly passing her hand through it. The cold steel of the revolver greeted her fingertips first, but in her panic she completely passed it by and instead snatched up the next thing that got caught up in her primordial grip.

Fortunately for her, it proved to be the very solution she'd been seeking.

The Kel-Tech clammered to the ground underneath her, two or three stray bullets misfiring on impact and embedding themselves into the wall in front of her. She jumped frantically, the unexpected burst of hot lead initially scaring the shit out of her, but after taking a second to regain her composure she looked back down towards her saving grace.

"FUCK YOU!" she shouted in a mix of empowering rage and fear, pulling the pin on the concussion grenade and lobbing it out of the room towards the entrance where Noah would most likely be. Lex wasted no time in snatching up her SMG and pack again, fortunately getting out of the way just in time to avoid being hit by the shotgun shells that came ripping through the curtain.

She ducked for cover in the corner, eagerly awaiting the impending explosion.

Re: Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Super Llama†
Noah watched as Lex ducked for cover from the shotgun blast. "There's nowhere to run now." He said as he strode across the room. "Vera, Johnny, they didn't deserve to die at the hands of a psycho like you. There's nothing I can do to bring them back, but I can at least make sure their killer gets what's coming to her." He looked towards his pack on the reception desk, the harpoon still sticking out of it.

Nah, save that for when she can't fight back anymore.

Just then, Noah felt something bump against his foot.


He looked down to see a round, metallic object right in front of him. It almost looked like a-


It was like getting hit by a speeding truck. Noah was thrown from his position right into a nearby wall, almost hard enough to leave a dent. Intense pain wracked his body as bones shattered and organs ruptured. Around him, various items around the explosion were tossed aside. A nearby table was smashed against the wall, shattering to pieces. The two rows of chairs in the middle of the room splintered, the metal fixtures keeping them bolted to the ground bending and almost giving way.

In the aftermath, Noah slumped down to the ground, amazingly still alive, though very seriously fucked up. Any sounds to be heard failed to reach him, as his eardrums had ruptured in the explosion. Any attempts at moving, or even breathing, only brought agonizing pain. Suddenly, he began to cough violently, specks of blood falling to the ground as he did so.

Only one word came to mind.


Re: Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Crash†
Lex felt herself drop the SMG as the explosion went off, not having time to respond to Noah's petty grievances. Her hands reflexively covered her ears as the shockwave ripped through the hospital. If they'd come with an instruction manual she might have known that concussion grenades were extra effective in enclosed spaces and thought of the idea sooner, but the only thought that ran through her mind was an all-encompassing hope that the shrapnel from the explosion didn't rip her to shreds along with Noah.

As the SMG misfired again and emptied its remaining bullets into a nearby textile, Lex slowly uncovered her ears and opened her eyes to reveal the devastated mess of a hospital interior that she'd let in her wake. The smoke and dank mist that hung over the room combined with the smell of burning ash brought her a sick sense of satisfaction, her lips curving into the faintest smirk as she admired her handiwork. Fear gave way to anticipation, and after unzipping her pack and retrieving the revolver she'd previously missed she made her way around the now shredded exam curtain.

Her smirk transformed into a genuine smile.

The battered, bruised and broken body of Noah Jacobs lie slumped up against the wall, his breath coming in shallow gasps as he pitifully clutched onto his final fibers of life. Blood suddenly erupted from his mouth in painful sputters, and all at once his spiteful misgivings came flooding back into Lex's mind. Oh, how he'd pay for them now.

"Where do you get off?" She spat harshly, punctuating the notion by grabbing a fistful of the remainder of his shirt with her free hand, staring daggers into his eyes. "You fuckwits are the reason I lost my only friend..." she droned through gritted teeth, her total control over her emotions slowly slipping. "And NOW look what you've gone and done! She's DEAD!"

The thought of their fight brought such pain back into her seemingly frozen heart that her eyes began to water, and as the fact that Kyrie Joseph was dead and gone sunk in Lex's hand released Noah's shirt and moved to his neck, fixating its grip around him as she slammed his head into the wall behind him.

"I told, I told you that putting a big group together would only get you all killed, and look where we are!" she wailed out, completely unaware of the fact that Noah probably couldn't hear a word she was saying. Ironically, this was the most emotion Lex had ever experienced in her life, and she was preaching to a deaf choir. "I was right..." she muttered hollowly, the sudden realization of what that meant almost knocking the wind out of her. She had been right, and that meant Kyrie was dead. That hurt most of all.

"People like you..." she seethed, her remorse giving way to rage, "...are the reason I didn't have any fucking friends in the FIRST PLACE!" She screamed, relinquishing her grip on his neck.


Her hand reeled back and rocketed forward into Noah's face, connecting with his nose.


She grabbed a fistful of his hair, wrenching his neck back at an awkward angle.

"PRICK!" She erupted, driving her foot into Noah's gut.

Her emotions expelled, Lex took a moment to revel in the glory of having conquered what had so far been her biggest obstacle on the island. Her eyes still wet with tears, she kicked Noah's shotgun away from him with her right foot, raising the revolver and bracing it with both hands, the gun pointed directly towards his face.

"I'll show you..." she whimpered less forcefully than she would've liked.


Her finger depressed the trigger of the revolver.

Re: Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Super Llama†
Noah stared out at the doorway to the examination room as Lex stepped out, taking a look at her handiwork, smiling maliciously at her opponent's defeat as she pulled out a revolver.

Fuck...I can't believe it's gonna end like this...

The smile quickly vanished as Lex decided to vent her anger on his dying body, wailing on him, the pain barely registering as it was being overwhelmed by the intense pain he was already feeling. She screamed at him, though he couldn't make out a damn thing she said.

What surprised him, though, was when Lex began to cry as the abuse continued. What the fuck did a monster like her have to cry about?

Suddenly, realization hit him. All this time, he'd been thinking of Lex like she was some horrible monster; he'd been thinking only about the horrible things she'd done on the island. And amongst all that, all his thoughts of revenge, he'd forgotten one key detail.

Lex wasn't a monster. She was an ordinary teenager, just like they all were. She had friends, people she cared about. And just like the both of them, they were on the island as well; dying, killing. Every morning, she had to listen as more and more of the people she'd spent four years around died. Just like he did. Just like they all did. In that moment, he almost began to feel pity for her.


She had chosen to become part of the problem. To be the one that did the killing, further spreading the pain, grief, and fear encompassing the island. She'd given up her humanity in exchange for a sliver of a chance of survival. She didn't deserve sympathy.

Just like he didn't deserve sympathy.

He had been heading down the same path. Lex, Harry, Riz, Reeves, Lenny. Who would be next after that? He'd get his revenge, but with each kill, he'd lose a bit of himself, until there was nothing left. In a way, he was glad he was stopped before he made such a big mistake.

Vera...he remembered, she had such a peaceful smile on her face when he found her. Johnny had been content to just accept his impending death. He guessed he could understand. Fighting tooth and nail in a futile attempt to escape the inevitable would likely only make it worse. But he could never see himself just laying down and dying.

He'd much rather go out swinging.

As Lex kicked the shotgun out of his hand, Noah reached into his pocket with other hand. The arm was mostly intact, but it still felt like dozens of white-hot knives were piercing deep into it.

C'mon, work for me.

His hands wrapped around the pocket's contents: one of the kunai. The one he was going to give to Vera for protection.

I've come all this way. Might as well give her what I'd been planning to.

His grip tightened on the handle of the blade, slowly pulling it out of her pocket. Luckily, it didn't seem like Lex noticed yet.

One last hurrah.

As Lex pointed the gun at his forehead, he flashed her a smile.

White whale

"Go to Hell."

Holy grail

Suddenly, he let out a loud, primal scream, launching himself forward to the best of his ability. The pain so intense it numbed his senses, but he powered through it, using the last of his strength to stab at Lex with the knife.


The bullet flew from Lex's gun to the back of Noah's head, pulverizing everything in between. He fell back against the wall, a massive gaping hole in his forehead. As he slumped back down to the ground, his eyes remained fixed on Lex the whole time. He would never get to see if his last-ditch attack connected, but at the very least he got what he wanted.

One last hurrah.

B89: Noah Jacobs - DECEASED

Re: Demon Days

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:01 am
by Crash†
Noah's body jetted forward with the kunai clenched in his hand, but before it could inflict any damage the magnum round slammed into his skull, piercing his flesh and bone and throwing him back into the wall. His face froze in a mixture of paralyzed pain and fear as the life drained out of his body and his eyes rolled back in his head. Slowly, Lex lowered the revolver as she took a moment to calm herself down.

Wiping the salty tears away with her left hand, she turned and hastily made her way back to her pack. She displaced the revolver back inside, its hefty weight not catching her fancy too much. It had gotten the job done for sure, but it wouldn't be very practical. Nevertheless, it was good to have in the clutch. She also made a point to reload the Kel-Tech with its final clip and stuff it back inside her pack.

The weight of the bag was heavier, but nothing the mobile fortress Alexis couldn't handle. She made her way with the pack over towards Noah, wasting no time in replacing his remaining food, water and shells into her pack before hoisting it over her back. She snatched the shotgun up after putting away the last of its ammunition, her fingers grasping the glistening gun which basked itself in the glint of the morning sun.

Her supplies restocked and her emotions expelled, Lex slowly and somewhat more cautiously this time made her way outside the hospital, passing Noah without so much as a sidelong glance. Her stoic demeanour, matted hair and abundant supplies made her feel like Demi Moore as G.I Jane in that moment. There was no way she was cutting her hair off though. No way in hell.

There was nothing more to say, but so much left to do.

(Alexis Machina continued in The Answer)