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I got soul but I'm not a soldier

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:19 am
by Theseus†
Corbin Arlen, Male Student Number 34, sat on a pew, his hands clasped in prayer. In front of his feet was his black duffel bag, with all the supplies in it. And next to him on the pew, was an M16 assault rifle. He had woken up near the church, and while his mind was racing, instinct told him to go to it. Now that he was in it, he questioned how smart it was to be in it. Not smart at all probably. While he sat there, hands clasped, he prayed to a god he wasn't loyal to before.

"Lord, god, whatever you go by now. I know I don't go to church every Sunday. I know I don't do a lot of things that a good Christian should. I'm sorry for that, and while this may seem like a dying boys last plea to get in your good graces or something, that's only have right. I have no idea what I'm in right now. I've seen the videos. I've watched this event on TV like everyone else. Now I'm in it. I refuse to be apart of it. God, if you're up there, please, I need your help, strength, I mean, whatever you want to send me would be nice, I want to live to be honest. I don't want to die here. I want to go home. I want to have a family. This can't be it."

Corbin looked at his assault rifle. It had taken him five minutes to figure out how to work it. How to load the ammo, how to change the clip. At least he knew how to pull the trigger. Video games taught him that. Corbin had made a lot of home movies in his day. Movies were his passion, he wanted to go to film school. This was like a movie. He had noticed cameras on his way to the church.

"God, I have friends on this island. Let me find them. Let us beat this together. I don't know what else to say. I should be going really. Well..."

Corbin paused, his hands still clasped, his head bowed.


Corbin stood up and shouldered his black duffel back, and picked up his assault rifle. He slowly turned around, taking in the church. Maybe he should stay. People would come, no one would actually play this game would though?

Yeah, they would. He saw it before on TV. Corbin had to leave, he had to find people, find something, any shred of hope that would help him. Corbin slowly walked down the aisle, heading towards the door. He had no idea where was going, but he was going, and that was all that mattered. When he reached the door he turned around and took in the church one more time.

"Amen again."

He turned around and opened the door and exited into the world he needed god most.

((Continued in Those Who Stray...))