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A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:59 pm
by Ares
((John continued from High Voltage))

John could feel his body growing tired as he continued to walk. He hadn't had any sleep since he woke up. His body was fighting for him to just stop and lay down.

"Just a couple! I can't. I have to find someone with a good weapon and get it. I can't win...just 10 minutes...recharge your batteries!"

His steps became sporadic as he began to sway side to side. Everything was becoming blurry around him.

Okay...just 10 minutes.

John dropped to his knees and placed his head onto his pack.

"Mmmmm." He groaned with relaxing pleasure. However his state of bliss lasted about 10 seconds. A coppery smell filled nose. John's eyes snapped open with a new found alertness.

"Holy fuck!" He yelled. There was a head staring at him about 3 feet to his right, the only problem was the head was not attached to its body.

John shuffled backwards out of fear, "Ow, dammit!" he groaned as something sharp stuck him in the hand. He turned to see what had caused this pain to his hand, and, if possible, his jaw dropped even further. There was a morning star implanted into a girl's nether region.

John quickly stood up and noticed one more horrible massacred corpse about 5 feet behind him. His head began to spin as he tried to process the scene.

"What the hell happened here?"

One of the corpses was barely recognizable as a boy named Mortimer who Riz had exchanged previous hellos with at school, the other two John didn't know the names of.

In the back of his head he could the voice of his mother saying that he should at least move the bodies, but his inner voice was telling him otherwise.

Once again it seemed as though it was a battle between a voice in John's body, and one inside his head. Yes he had full intentions of killing people while he was here, but these people had been massacred. There is still room for respect when you kill someone. In the end, his mother's voice in his head won out.

Riz first moved the corpse of Mortimer over to the llagoon before rolling the body into the water. Next he moved to the headless corpse.

" am I going to do this?"

Riz moved the body over to a nearby tree and propped it up before he grabbed the head. He plopped the head back onto the stump of what was left of the boy's neck with a sickening squelch. Placing one hand on top of the boys head, while wrapping his other arm under the body's arms John drug the corpse to the water's edge before easing it into the water, where the head once again quickly separated from its original host.

Next up was to move the girl's body.

"Um, well. I know I never took you to a movie or anything, so don't think much of this." Riz mumbled to himself as he reached low and pulled the morning star from the girl's vagina, which unfortunately for him was lodged into her skin with quite a large amount force, requiring John to plant his foot on a nearby rock and give a tremendous pull.

Should I feel this wrong? Riz thought as he examined the morning star before setting it aside. He then moved the girl to the water's edge and rolled her into the water.

"Well, Godspeed I guess," He said as he washed his hands of the blood and tried to get some of the blood off his clothes, "Dammit, now people will think I'm a psycho or something."

Turning around, John noticed there was a camera pointed right at the area where he had just put the corpses in the water.

"Yep, people are going to think you're a loon for sure John-o."

Riz walked back up to the area where the corpses had been spread out earlier, and picked up the morning star. He decided to take a nearby trail out of the area. John stopped for second. For some reason, he thought he could hear laughter. He shook his head and continued forward.

((John Rizzolo continued at Dawn))