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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:04 am
by Crash†
(Alexis Machina continued from Point of No Return)

"Oh, and Miss Machina, please head to the Graveyard to collect your prize for winning our best kill of this month! We're all so proud of you."

"Yeah, right."

That may have quite possibly been the first time anyone had ever told Lex they were proud of her in her life, but it didn't feel half as good as she'd expected it to. Partially because Danya was so far gone that she couldn't care enough to validate anything he said, and partially because killing Vera was hardly something to be proud of. Sure, she didn't regret it, but she was playing the game for herself, not for the amusement of some scruffy-faced terrorist with nothing better to do than sick high school kids against each other.

Probably because he's too big of a pussy to do the job himself. What kind of a terrorist is that, anyway?

Clutching her SMG tightly, Lex cautiously made her way into the graveyard. Avoiding the headstones and the occasional corpse, it didn't take her long to spot a conspicuous crate shifted in between two seemingly freshly dug graves. Glancing around suspiciously (even though internally she knew nobody else could be here), she heaved the lid off the crate with some effort and withdrew her prize.

The desert-eagle like handgun glinted strangely in the newly-risen sunlight, and Lex took a moment to eye it over before looking through the rest of the crate. Depositing the gun into the back of her pants to keep it in place, she greedily snatched the ammo and stuff it into her daypack before taking a minute to read through the manual. Having already figured out how to operate the SMG the handgun seemed relatively simpler, and after making sure she grasped the concept she put the manual away in her bag as well.

Satisfied with her new possession, after having reaped all the rewards Danya had to offer, Lex set back out into the jungle, hoping the competition had been further reduced in number in the time it took her to make her way over to the graveyard. The less she had to get her hands dirty, the better.

(Alexis Machina continued in The Threepenny Opera As Performed By Potted Plants)