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Madison's Diary

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:56 am
by Ciel†
An excerpt from Madison Conner's Diary:

"Today's the third week I've been attending Southridge High School. It's a nice school, not as much as good of a school as Sacramento High School, but it's as close as I'll probably get. The kids here... They act like I don't even exist. I can't blame them for thinking that way, though. How can you be friendly to a person who you barely know? A couple of the students here actually did come up and actually tried to start a conversation, but when they talked to me I was a nervous train wreck waiting to happen. I was stuttering, sweating intensively. Going up and introducing myself to other people... it's just so strange to me. I hope I didn't scare all of them away.

"This is a horrible situation to be in right now. I'm the new kid at school, so I have absolutely no friends to start out with, like I did all the other school years with Samantha. It's even worse at this point, because this is my senior year, so not only do I have no idea who any of these people are, but I won't be getting to know them for long neither. Plus, Sam introduced me to all of my past friends, so I've never really made any allies of my own. Oh well. I'll just have to make do with what I've been given, I suppose. I can't do anything to change this. Maybe the kids here aren't as bad as I thought they'd be.

"I'm going to try my best to open up to everyone, but I really don't feel like becoming best friends with someone else, at least for right now. I'm still... upset... Sammy... We've known each other for all of our lives. You knew you could have told me anything that was bothering you. You knew that taking THIS way out of your problems would have hurt everyone you ever knew. Did you even care what anyone thought of what you did? Did it even matter? God damn it... Why? Why this? Why now? Ugh... I... can't cry now... I'm in school.

"I guess Highland Beach is a nice town overall. It痴 nothing at all like Sacramento, but not many towns were like Sacramento. Everything seems so...well-kept. The streets are so clean and all the buildings look like they were just made not too long ago. The best part is that my mom bought a house that's near the beach. I was surprised that the beach gets very calm at nighttime (I suppose there aren't parties everyday on the beach like on TV), so last night, I climbed out of the window in my room, and then I just sat there on the hill leading to the beach. To be honest, I've never been to the beach, nor have I ever seen the ocean with my own two eyes. The ocean, it looks so lovely. Just amazing. I just wanted to fall asleep right there, on the sand, but I was worried that my mom would yell at me, so I decided against it.

"Now that I think about it, my mom's been acting very strangely as of late. She's been sighing a lot more, and she yells at me for almost everything I do wrong. I doubt it's nothing serious, but still... It's so strange.

"I'm going to get lunch, because I missed out on breakfast. Besides... maybe someone I could get along with might be there..."


Madison closed her diary and slipped it back into her gray book bag. She zipped it closed and threw it behind her back as she rose to her feet. Madison slowly walked back towards the school building, the bright sun reflecting off of her brown hair. Her head was working like crazy, so much so that she didn't notice someone rushing violently behind her. Before she knew it, Madison had fallen face first on the ground. She tried to pick herself up, a violent frown crossing her face.

"Hey!" She cried to the figure. "W-what the hell?!! Watch where you池e going!"

The figure turned around, looking down at her. Madison looked directly up at the boy, seeing that he had glasses but his hair was covering his eyes. "Oh." He told her, not even offering to help her up. "You were walking too slowly. Try to pay attention where you decide to stroll."

Madison bit her lip, slowly standing back on her feet. "Too slow? That's no excuse to go bumping into people and knocking them down to the ground!"

The boy's eyes squinted, his sly smile slowly disappearing. "No excuse? WELL EXCUSE ME, princess. I don't really give a shit if you don't think I should have pushed you over! Hell, I wasn't even trying to push you over. I bumped into you, and you went flying! You can't pin the blame on me that you don't have any sense of balance and you fell flat on your face!"

Madison fidgeted slightly, the male's sudden change in his tone of voice scarring her for a minute. "B-But it's just common knowledge. You could have just gone around me. It's not that hard, when you think ab-"

"You know what?" The boy brushed his hair out of his eyes, shaking his head back and forth slowly. "I don't fucking care. I would normally be glad to stand her and hear you bitch, but I have places to be, and people to meet. See ya."

He rushed away without saying another word, leaving Madison there completely surprised. The thought of yelling at the boy some more crossed her mind, but she merely crossed her arms, sighing under her breath. What the hell was that asshole's problem? Madison sighed softly, picking her book bag off of the ground and throwing it back over her back. I shouldn't worry about it. With an attitude like that, he'll probably be expelled in the next week. Besides, I doubt I'll be seeing much of him around these parts again.

Madison put her hand on her chest again, breathing in and out. I... just had another one of those feelings again. Oh god... I'm not sure, but... I think what just happened triggered this. Wow.... I feel... so strange.

Madison had been getting a lot of those feelings as of late. Whenever she got them, she would begin to act differently. She became more emotional, and had the tendency to do things she wouldn't normally do. Ever since Samantha died, Madison has been getting these feelings more and more each passing day. Was it trying to warn her of something? That's what she always thought of first. Of what, Madison wasn't too sure.

The female just shrugged, and began to slowly walk back inside the school house. It's probably nothing. These feelings will probably go away soon enough. There can't be anything these feelings are trying to warn me of. It's just too unbelievable...

Oh, how very wrong she was then. Big events were about to take place at Southridge High School. Things that neither she nor any of the other students could have ever imagined. Those impulses, though, weren't trying to warn her of that. They were trying to tell her something else. Something that would completely change Madison, for either bad or for good.

((Madison Conner continued in One Bagged Lunch ))