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In Mind's Eye

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:12 am
by Chase†
((Continued from Good-for-Nothing!))

Pencil met paper and spun around in a dance of circles and lines. Braden wasn't sure what was going to come out at this time, as he began to idly sketch a basic outline of a girl. She was sitting on something, a rock of some kind, and the background was of the rolling waves. The bridge near the boardwalk was faintly sketched towards the side. He slammed the sketchbook onto the beach blanket, obviously blocked from his muse, and stared towards the setting horizon.

He was supposed to be at varsity practice, probably a split team scrimmage or corner shot practice. Perhaps he'd get midfield, didn't matter which part. A sigh escaped his lips. It wouldn't matter, he thought wistfully, if he wasn't reminded of it every day. Braden wanted to forget and focus on his art. As time went on, however, he started to run out of ideas to sketch. And every time he would attend his figure drawing class, he imagined the reason of the pose, and he could only remember soccer moves. Things he wasn't able to do any longer. It was degrading.

The incident earlier today hadn't helped either, his leg still stung.

He stared at the sketchbook once more and pulled out the page, crumpling it in both his hands. Then he chucked it into the waves.

"Today is turning out to suck."

Re: In Mind's Eye

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:13 am
by laZardo†
((Continued from It's Ladies Night and the Feeling's Right...))

Footprints in the sand are often said to mark a trail across the journey of life. If one analyzed those footprints - but more importantly, the person making them - one would find that the red-haired girl making her own path across the beach wasn't feeling too good about herself. This girl - whose red hair was down to around her neck, wore a casually-tight t-shirt and what appeared to be beach shorts, treading the sand in beach-walker sandals.

Reneé Valenti just wanted to get away, if only for an afternoon.

She'd been having it relatively easy in her new school since she moved from Jersey. Her rising Hollywood status put more than her foot in the revolving door of popularity, and she'd managed to maintain a fair degree of her tomboy-esque-yet-still-very-feminine beauty in the year past to keep her in the "beautiful pack." She was also building up a new network of connections to keep her star rising, and if she really needed to be, she still had some domineering tactics up her sleeve, though mostly for self-defense.

The one thing she could not shake off from her new life was the price she had to pay for it, and it was a price whose pied piper kept playing his tune for every time she went to school. She'd come to the beach to get away from that sordid tune...or at least to quiet it away from her ears. It was a price she hoped she'd never have to pay.

Re: In Mind's Eye

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:13 am
by Chase†
Braden leaned on his elbows and kept his eyes towards the rolling waves, a pensive mood washing over his senses and poisoning thoughts. He sighed heavily, his body feeling heavier than he wanted it to. For some reason, Evelyn came to his mind.

When he watched the practices occasionally, he'd see her front and center, working overtime, running non-stop. And when he saw her in school, it was around football. And he remembered, not too long ago, he was the same. Only with soccer, and instead of being very well known for being one of the top players, he was pretty left in the background.

I guess it's not so bad. The team didn't lose someone they needed desperately... not like I was going to be a star, or that it'd get me into college. Still, why's it bothering me this much?

There was another reason why he was thinking about Evelyn, and he realized it earlier at the weight room. He liked her, not a lot, but he could tell that he was beginning to feel differently about her. Quickly after his musing about his failed soccer career, he started in on himself about how bad an idea even thinking about feeling something more for the football fanatic. They didn't have enough in common, hell, he didn't even know her name until after Junior year.

He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. When his eyes opened, he was drawn to a prescence he couldn't miss. On the beach, in her fiery red-haired glory, was one of his classmates. She was pretty, to be sure, but that only made Braden try to become smaller, less noticeable to her as she made her way closer. But he had trouble keeping his eyes off of her, if not just because the way the sunlight hit her made a perfect lighting.

Slowly, he reached for his sketchbook and pencil, as if one sudden movement would have sent her running in the opposite direction. He believed her to be paying more attention to the waves anyway, which were coming in closer now.

Braden flipped to a new blank page and sketched out her face quickly, then her posture. He hoped she wouldn't move, the sun made her eyes glisten and it particularly hard to capture with just pencil.

Re: In Mind's Eye

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:13 am
by laZardo†
Reneé - known as Rio to her friends - stopped walking as one wave washed up just enough to touch the tips of her shoes. She didn't bother to sit on the sand just yet, instead shifting her weight slightly toward one leg so she could stand a bit more comfortably, with one hip poking out. She stared out at the reddening horizon as the sun's glow dimmed to the golden disc manageable to the human eye. It was definitely a pose more suited to photography than sketches, but the last thing Rio wanted to see right now was a camera lens pointed at her.

Of course, Rio did move eventually. She turned her head to notice one of the kids from the school's soccer team apparently sketching her, and flinched a bit, almost tripping. She didn't expect anyone else on this part of the beach, let alone somebody noticing her. Braden Marsh wasn't exactly the most prominent of Southridge's sportsmen ever since his leg got injured, though she did find it somewhat cute how he was always drawing. Cute in a childish, innocent way which set him apart from the other jocks in school.

It was hard for her to find the words to say to react to the situation, and not simply because she didn't have a script to work with. "Oh...sorry. Did I mess it up?" It sounded a bit snarky, to be sure, but that had been Rio's characteristic tone for a while. A celebrity still had to be somewhat concerned about their appearance.

((Continued in Sweet for Some and Painful for Others))

Re: In Mind's Eye

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:13 am
by Theseus†
Corbin Arlen walked the stretch of the beach, carring his tripod in his right hand and a backback carrying his camera and some other equipment slung across his back. He slowly walked in the sand, enjoying the warm sun. He was wearing faded jean shorts, and a black t-shirt that advertised one of his favorite bands 'showbread'. As he walked he noticed 2 people up ahead, a red headed girl and a boy. He recognized them both, for they both went to his school.

The girl..her name was....Renee? And the boy, he was Braden. Corbin didn't really talk to either of them that much, but he didn't have any problems with them. While he continued to walk slowly down the beach he stopped not far away from the duo, taking his backack off and gently putting it on the ground. Quickly he set up his tripod and he unzipped his bookbag and took out a black HD camcorder and attatched it to the tripod. He aimed the camera towards the sea and looked through the cameras viewfinder trying to find a perfect shot. He was trying to get some good stock footage for an upcoming film of his, and from experience he found it easier to have too much footage you'll never use then not enough footage.

Pressing record, he slowly panned the camera from left to right using the tripod to keep it steady. When he was done he stopped recording and started to take the camera off the tripod. He glanced at the duo again and smiled and said, "Nice day huh?"

Corbin really had no reason to talk to them, but that was just who he is. He enjoyed talking to people, even complete strangers, and for all he knew, they might one day make good actors in one of his films.